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I. Prayer of a Student Teacher............... 1-2

II. Resume ................................... 3-5

III. Brief Description of the Site

of Practice Teaching ..................... 6-11

IV. Examples of Lesson Plan

a. Living with a Purpose ................. 12-18

b. Finding Common Ground .................


Brgy. General Malvar, Pontevedra, Negros Occidental



Intern, Dona Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School

July 4- October 4, 2016

 Experienced teaching diverse learners like grade 10, grade

9 and grade 11 students.
 Improved and designed a conducive classroom.
 Help cooperating teachers in preparing and accomplishing
their requirements.
 Made Implemented lesson plans.

Training and Conference Attended

Leadership Seminar 2013

 Gave me ideas and tips on how to lead a number of people

with different personalities.

1st Regional Summit on Interactive Strategies 2016

 Gave tips and knowledge on how to interactive with other

people effectively especially the learners.

How to be a Teacher Conference

 Educate me about the teaching professiuon and guided me on

how to deal with different situations in the field.


 Writing
 Leadership
 Speaking conversationally using English Language
 Handling people

Education and Honorific Award

BSEd English, La Carlota City College 2013- Present


 Mrs. Aiza Feb A. Torre


Teacher, Dona Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High



 Mr. Johnny Jaudines


Teacher, Dona Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High



Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School can be

found in Gurrea Street, La Carlota City, Negros Ocidental.

It is beside La Carlota City College. And near South

Elementary School. It is in the highway side. Doña

Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School has many

different facilities where students can use to help them in

their learning. Upon entering the school the am biance of

the sorrounding is so good. On the front part of the school

there is there activity center. Where the morning program,

mass, and some other activities are being held. On the

back part of the school is where you can find their oval

or the school ground. Where school activities are being

held. They have two canteens, on the front part of the

school and in the back part the minindalan. All in all I

can say thhat the school is conducive for learning since

it was known for being one of the active school here in

Region 18.







Lesson Plan in English, Grade 10

I. Objective:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able


1. Show appreciation for the significant human

experiences highlighted and shared during the

discussion or presentation;

2. Compare and contrast information listened to, and

3. Use antonyms to arrive at the meaning of words.

II. Subject Matter: English

Topic: Living with a purpose

Materials: Visual aids

Reference: A Journey through Anglo-American

Literature M1 L5

III. Procedure:

Motivation: The students will listen to the song

“Where are You Going To”. And then, the teacher will

play again the song with the

students singing together.

A. Activity (Group)

Look for words in the poem which are opposite in

meaning to each of the following.

1. Open-__________

2. Harmony-_______

3. Ridiculous- ______

4. Smart- __________

5. Built- ___________

6. Cheerful- ________

7. Moves- __________

8. Insincere- ________

9. Loud- ___________

10. Permanent- _______

a. Group Activity

 Group 1

 According to the poem, what is our “destined end”

or purpose?

 Is the poem morally uplifting and sentimental?

Prove your point.

 How can one be a man according to Longfellow?

 What conditions are suggested the persona/speaker

in order for anyone to become a man? Recite lines

that illustrate each condition.

 Group 2: Think About

 What the speaker says life is not.

 The command “Act, act in the living present.”

 The last four lines of the poem.

 The quotation you choose as closest to your

philosophy in life.

 Why the poem is an inspirational one?

 How the poem celebrates the gift of life?

 Group 3: Which of the line suggest

 People should continue to appreciate life on

earth as very important and real.

 A to act is NOW, to make spiritual, moral, and

intellectual marks in thus world.

 People not to waste the short time that they


 Act as heroes amidst the earth’s strife.

 Work toward personal achievement.

-Report back to the class-

 Group 4 (I believe) Share your answers to the

following questions:

 Do you believe that Longfellow has a strong view

of life?

 How does Longfellow’s view of life compare with

your own view?

 Point out the line in the poem that

-Show Longfellow has a strong and optimistic view

of life,

-You think young people might or might not agree


 Group 5: What are the values expressed in the Psalm

of Life?

b. Group Activity: Task 10 (Like It)

Direction: Discuss with three or four of your

classmates what you like about the following:

a. The poem

b. Its subject

c. The poem mysteriousness

d. The way the words appear on the page

e. The mood of the poem puts you in

f. What it makes you remember

g. What it makes you think about

B. Analysis

1. What is the message of the poem?

2. Can you relate it to your real life?

3. What is the purpose of the poem?

C. Abstraction:

Living With a Purpose

D. Application

1. How do you live your life?

2. Do you think, what is your life’s purpose?

3. In your own opinion, how can you have a purposeful


IV. Evaluation

Direction: Differentiate the message conveyed by the

poem “A Psalm of Life”,

with the poem “Mother to Son”. Write it in 8-10

sentences, in paragraph form.

V. Assignment: In your own opinion, how can you have a

purposeful life? Explain your

answer in paragraph form.

Lesson Plan in English, Grade 10

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be

able to:

1. Give technical and operational definitions;

2. Determine the correct way of writing the

definition, and

3. Apply in reasoning base on what they have read.

II. Subject Matter: English

Topic: Finding Common Ground

Materials: Visual aids, chalkboard

Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World

Literature M1 L2 LP20

III. Procedure:

Motivation: Task 5 (Think Through)

In the box is a pool of words you will comes across

in the text. Read each definition and then choose the

defined word from thepool. Write your answer in

your notebook.

Primordial retrograde

Lamentation throng

Blaspheme coil

scourge Omnipotence
a. Existing from the beginning

b. A series if loop: spiral

c. An agency or force of unlimited power

d. To speak of or address with irreverence

e. To crowd together in great numbers

f. A crying out in grief

g. To beat as if by blows of a whip

h. Being or relating to the rotation of a satellite in

a direction opposite to that of the body orbited

A. Activity: Task 6 ( Read and Imagine)

The students will read an excerpt from “The Divine

Comedy: Inferno” by DanteAlighieri.

B. Analysis: Thinking About the Text

What is Virgil’s advice to Dante as spoken at the Gate

of Hell?

1. Who are the souls tortured in the canto?

2. What is Charon’s reaction to Dante’s attempt to cross

the river of Acheron?

3. How Virgil silence Charon?

C. Abstraction: Task 9 Making Definitions

Guidelines to follow when writing a definition:

1. Just the (dictionary) facts

2. A definition should contain the information about

the word and what the word refers to.

3. Avoid complicated terms

4. Avoid terms that are more complicated or more

technical than the term being defined.

5. Avoid specific terms

6. Use conventional English words in explanations

whenever possible.

7. Stay away from jargon.

8. Avoid circularity

9. Use different terms.

10. Avoid defining a term solely using etymologically

or morphologically related terms.

11. Make it simple

12. Place key terms and short explanations near the

start of the definition.

D. Application: Define Me
Alphabetize the words.

1. With your group, go over the other unfamiliar words

in your main text.

2. Make definitions if this unfamiliar words by

following the guidelines.


IV. Evaluation: Task 8 (Applying What You Read)

Direction: In “Canto III” of “Inferno” by Dante,

Charon tells the souls to “Bury here and forever all

hope of Paradise.”


1. Is hope necessary in resolving conflict? Explain your


V. Assignment: Use your senses

Direction: Form 4 groups – Perform the task

assigned in your group.

1. Eye Group- Make a poster of what hell looks like

based on the text.

2. Ear Group- Record sounds of hell based on the

details from the text or use your voice and other

materials available in producing the sounds.

3. Hand Group- Show an interpretative dance to reflect

the movements of tormented souls.

4. Lip Group- Present a speech choir about doing good

to avoid being in hell. (based on the text).

Teacher’s Guide (English for Academic Professional


Grade 11.S.Y. 2016-2017

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be

able to:

1. Distinguish the format for writing various

reports, and

2. Create various reports.

II. Subject Matter: English (EAPP)

Topic: Writing Various Reports

Materials: Visual aids and chalkboard

Reference: Internet

Values focus: Attentiveness

III. Procedure


1. Have you experienced writing a letter? Memos?

Or a lab report?

2. What is the format you used in writing?

A. Activity (Essay)

The students will describe their seatmate. What

can you say about your seatmate? What kind of

person can you perceived at him/her? What

characteristics you like and you don’t like from


B. Analysis

1. What activity did you do a while ago?

2. How did you share your comments to your

3. Do you think it is in the form of reporting?

C. Abstraction

Report Format

1. Title Section- front cover can include any

information that is necessary, author(s) and

the date prepared, table of contents, and the

definition of terms.

2. Summary- needs to be short as it is a general

overview of the report.

3. Introduction- explains the problem and shows

the readers why the report is being made.

4. Body- then main section of the report.

5. Conclusion- where everything comes together.

6. Recommendations- what needs to be done.

7. Appendices- include information that the

experts in the field will read.

D. Application

Directions: Identify the following report format.

1. Where everything comes together.

2. Front cover can include any information that

is necessary, author(s) and the date

prepared, table of contents, and the

definition of terms.

3. Then main section of the report.

4. Needs to be short as it is a general overview

of the report.

5. What needs to be done.

6. Explains the problem and shows the readers

why the report is being made.

IV. Evaluation:

Directions: Write the report about “The Ozone

Layer Depletion”. Using the format introduced to

you a while ago.

V. Assignment:

What is the summary of your report?

Prepared by:

Mary Jane O. Laus

BSEd English 4-A

Lesson Plan in English Grade- 10

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the conjunction in the sentence;

2. Identify the parenthetical expression in the


3. Identify the adverb/ conjunctive adverb in the


4. Differentiate conjunction,parenthetical expression

and adverb/ conjunctive adverb in the sentence, and

5. Create sentences using conjunction, parenthetical

expressionand adverb/ conjunctive adverb.

II. Subject Matter: English

Topic: Language

Materials: Visual aids, chalkboard

Reference: Celebr5ating Diversity through

World Literature M1 LP4

III. Procedure

Motivation: The students will read a short story

about “The Best Way to Learn”.

The Best Way to Learn

In Roberto’s childhood days, he lived near the sea.

But he never learned to swim, and he was constantly

afraid of being drowned. During picnics he would

stay a safe distance away from the sea. When riding

a rowboat, he would sit very still, wi9th not a

muscle moving for fear that a slight movement would

tip the boat, and throw him at the mercy of sharks.

When on a ship, he would make sue he was near the

life jackets and life boat.

One day Roberto walks with a friend along a narrow

mountain path overlooking a swift, noisy river.

Suddenly, his companion took a false step and the

ground under his feet gave away. He tried to catch

hold of a bunch, but he missed it, and fell headlong

from the steep bank into the ri8ver. Roberto saw his

companion struggling in the water, trying to keep

afloat, but his knapsack dr5agging him down.

Without thinking Roberto flung his knapsack off his

shoulder, jumped into the water, and swam toward his

drowning friend. Then he cut the straps of the

knapsack and together they scrambled ashore

Only when they were safe on the shore did Roberto

remember that he didn’t know how to swim.

A. Activity: Language Watch (Task 6)

Which is which

Direction: Classify the words inside the box, and

tell which of them is conjunction, parenthetical

expressionand adverb/ conjunctive adverb.

Exactly in most cases in like


Still to reiterate


On the contrary on the condition that

Provided that such however

As long as such that to illustrate

apparently most importantly

B. Analysis

1. What are the words you’ve classified a while


2. How arethese words used?

3. What is a conjunction?

4. What is a parenthetical expression?

5. What is an adverb/ conjunctive adverb?

C. Abstraction

1. Conjunction- is a part of speech that connects

words, phrases or clauses.

Example: i tried to hit the nail but I hit my


Kinds of Conjunction

a. Subordinating conjunction- joins two dependent


Example: One day you will wake up and realize

how perfect she was.

b. Coordinating conjunction- joins one independent

clause and one dependent clause.

2. Adverb- is a word that modifies a verb, an

adverb or another adverb.

Example:he drove slowly.

He drove a very fast car.

She moved quite slowly down the aisle.

3. Conjunctive adverb- an adverb that connect two

independent clauses.

4. Parenthetical Expression- is an expression

which is inserted into the flow of thought.

Example: The person taking money at the door

asked for a form of identification.

D. Application: B Giving Emphasis

Direction: Read the following sentences from

“Arachne”, and think about the italicized words/


1. “I have challenged her to a contest, but she,

of course, will not come.”

2. They were terribly afraid as they realized that

they stood in the presence of Athene.

3. “Surely, Athene herself must have thought her.”

4. “Therefore, when she heard them murmur, she

would stop her work nd turn around


5. Arachne was immensely proud of herself.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Identify the underlined words in the

sentence. Tell whether it is used as conjunction,

parenthetical expression, and adverb/conjunctive


1. You must do your homework; otherwise, you might

get a bad grade.

2. Krisha, as far as we know voted for Kyle for


3. Kitty and her friends eat their dinner outside.

4. Listen, my children, and you shall hear ...

5. For how her friends told her, she finallydecided

to join the contest.

6. Benjie studied his lesson last night so that he

can have a good score for their quiz.

7. He can have a good score for their quiz.

8. Yes, you may use my name in your advertisement.

9. You should always eat healthy foods, such as

fruits and vegetables.

10.Merah fell asleep in her class, because she slept

late last night.

V. Assignment: Jot down 8-10 sentences on how you deal

with the trials and obstacles in your life using

conjunction, parenthetical; expression and

adverb/conjunctive adverb.
Lesson Plan in English, Grade- 10

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be

able to:

1. Identify their strength and weaknesses:

2. Differentiate the different kinds of

advertisement, and

3. Create their own information Ad.

II. Subject Matter: English

Topic: Information Ad

Materials: Visual aids, pictures and chalkboard

Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World


III. Process


1. What is your favorite commercial?

2. Why is it that it is your favorite?

A. Activity: Best Magic Ever (Task 13)

Question: How would you overcome the following

personal conflicts?
1. Depression

2. Anger

3. Discrimination

4. Intimidation

5. Health issues

B. Analysis

1. What w2as your answer all about?

2. Do you really apply it on your personal challenges

in life?

3. Are they effective in overcoming your personal


C. Abstraction

Ad Campaign- is a series of advertisement messages

that share a single idea and theme which make up an

integrated marketing communication (IMC).

D. Application: Ad Typecast (Task 14)

Directions: Recall as many TV commercials as you can.

Then analyze the commercials using the following


Processing questions:

1. Which ad is t6he most sexist? Least sexist?

2. What implication does it have on capitalizing on

one’s strength and recognizing one’s weaknesses?

3. How would the analysis of advertisement help you

craft your own in formation ad camping?

IV. Evaluation: Final Task “Thanks for the Ad” (Task


Directions: Make your own information ad (TV,

Radio, or print) that would campaign for

capitalizing on your strength and capitalizing

your weaknesses.

V. Ass8ignment: Past Forward (Task 16)

Lesson Plan in Ebglish, Grade 10

I. Objective:

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able


1. Expand tyheir vocabulary skill;

2. Raise their defenses frrom challenges in life,


3. Apprecioate literary pieces.

II. Subject Matter: English

Topic: Building Uop Defenses

Materials: visual aids, textbooks and


References: Celebrating Diversiity through

World Literature M1 L2 LP6

III. Procedure

Motivation: What am I(Task 1)

Direction: Read each statementclosely, and

identify waht is suggested by each statement.

1. I am a vitamin you need if you have colds.

What am I?- Vitamin C

2. I am what you use when it is raining. What am

I?- umbrella/ hat/ raincoat

3. I am whta you wear when the sun iss at its

peak. What am I?- sunglasses

4. I once protected China from invaders now I am

a wonder for visitpors. What am I?- Great

Wall of China

What “D” is bulit for protction?

IV. Pre-Reading Activity: Refllection (Task 4)

Directions: Share your answer with your partner.

1. What ois the song all about?

2. What type of dicrimanation was underscored in

the song?

3. Does this kind of discriminatio against bwoman

stil exist these days? How or in what way?

4. Pick your favorite liunes from the song and

explain why yopu picked those lines.

Discrimination- nthe practice of unfairly treating

a person ort group of people differentlyfrom other people

or groups of people.

Mystery Word ( Task 8)

Direction: Study the definitions and word forms

then rearreange the letters in bolod to form the correct

word for each item below.

1. To escaoe or to avoid eveda

2. Dangerous erpisulo

3. Poisonous vsmouneo

4. Ashaned aeadhbs

5. Satisfy, gratify peeapsa

6. Brave vorlsaou

V. Reading Proper ( The Gorgon’s Head, pp. 37-42)

VI. Post- Reading Activity

Dissecting the text (Task 9)

1. What is the “dreadful oracale” that v was

d4eliverd to King Acricius?

2. What adventure does Polydectes suggest thaty

Perseus undertake?

3. List thjree perilous enccounters that Perseus

experiecerd during his adeventure?

4. Explain how tghe oracle given to King Acrisius is


5. What is Polydectes’ true motive in sending Perseus

to kill Medusa?

6. Medusa was beheaded by perseus, yet her head con

tinued to have power. Explain how tyhw evil

Gorgon’s head s b benefecial to Perseus.

7. Waht heroic charecteristics doesb Perseus have?

8. What help does he get on his guest?

9. Hoew does Perseus’ giest enable him to prove

himself as hero?

VII. Assignment:

Give the meaning of the following:

1. Evade
2. Perilous

3. Venomous

4. Abashed

5. Appease

6. Valorous








Lesson Plan in English, Grade- 10

VI. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be

able to:

4. Identify their strength and weaknesses:

5. Differentiate the different kinds of

advertisement, and

6. Create their own information Ad.

VII. Subject Matter: English

Topic: Information Ad

Materials: Visual aids, pictures and chalkboard

Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World


VIII. Process


3. What is your favorite commercial?

4. Why is it that it is your favorite?

E. Activity: Best Magic Ever (Task 13)

Question: How would you overcome the following

personal conflicts?

6. Depression

7. Anger

8. Discrimination

9. Intimidation

10. Health issues

F. Analysis

4. What w2as your answer all about?

5. Do you really apply it on your personal challenges

in life?

6. Are they effective in overcoming your personal


G. Abstraction

Ad Campaign- is a series of advertisement messages

that share a single idea and theme which make up an

integrated marketing communication (IMC).

H. Application: Ad Typecast (Task 14)

Directions: Recall as many TV commercials as you can.

Then analyze the commercials using the following


Processing questions:
4. Which ad is t6he most sexist? Least sexist?

5. What implication does it have on capitalizing on

one’s strength and recognizing one’s weaknesses?

6. How would the analysis of advertisement help you

craft your own in formation ad camping?

IX. Evaluation: Final Task “Thanks for the Ad” (Task


Directions: Make your own information ad (TV,

Radio, or print) that would campaign for

capitalizing on your strength and capitalizing

your weaknesses.

X. Assignment: Past Forward (Task 16)




Questions about Vocabulary Instruction

By: Partnership for Reading


Students should know vocabulary words

Students should know vocabulary words. You can encourage

direct learning of vocabulary in two ways. First, read

aloud to your students and encourage students to read

extensively on their own. Don’t teach directly all the

unknown words. Focus on three types of words, important

words, useful words and difficult words. Avoid looking up

words with multiple meanings in the dictionary it and

also idiomatic can cause confusion for students.

They may have heard or seen it, but have only vague idea

of what it means. The need to have established level of

knowledge for most of the words that they read. Learninga

new meaning for a known word representing a known

concept. Learning the meaning of a new word representing

an unknown concept, they must learn both. The student is

learning finer, more subtle distinctions, or

connotations, in the meaning and usage of words.

It is really important that we are vocabulary wise. I

think the ways that are being mentioned in this article

can really help students in their daily needs and

activities. It is also important that the ideas and word

meanings are clear and understandable. And students can

easily identify the word meaning and the word itself.

They should also understand the importance of how the

words are being used.

Choosing a preschool

By: Reading Rockets


Choosing a pres chool for your child can be aq tough

decision. Every child is different, what works for one

may not work for another. A good preshool teacher

displays a passion for working with children. He/ she

forms close relationship with the students and the

families, shares their love and interest about books and

learning, and manages the students and classroom in

caring way.

A good preschool classroom is a busy place. Students in

teract with lots of different kinds of materials.a

prschool calssroom should engage the students, spark

their imaginations and make students curious about

learning. The walls should display student art work and

writing that is creative and interesting. Real life i

the classroom help teachers teach vocabulary and concepts

more easily.


In choosing a preschool for your child you must consider

some guidelines that can help you provide a conducive

preschool for your child. It is good that you know how to

choose a right preschool for your child so that,you can

see and gain the best result of your hardships. A

preschol should have lots of activities in order for the

learners to be more active and will be motivated in

learning. It is also important that even if the learner

is only a child he/she should be to different vocabulary


Teacher- Student Interactions: The Key Toi Quality


By: university of Virginia Center for Advance Study of

Teaching and Learning

The classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) describes

ten dimensions of teaching that are linked to student

achievement and social development. Emotional support,

classroom organization and instructional support.

Teachers make countless real- time decissions and

facilitate dozenws of instructions between themnselves

and their students.

The class decribes ten dimensions of teaching that are

linked to students achievement and social development.

Emotional supportis thge ways teacher help chlidren

develop warm and supportive relationships, and

experiences appropriate levels of autonomy or

independence. This includes: positive climate, negative

climate, teracher sensitivity, and key guard for student

perspectives. Classroom organization are the ways teacher

help develop skills to regulate their own behavior and

maintain interest in learning activities. This includes,

behavior management, productivity and instructional

learnig formats. Instructional support are the ways in

which teachers effectively support students cognitive

development and language growth. This includes, concept

development, quality of feedback and language modeling.

Teacher – students is one way to build a quality

calssroom. In order for the teaher to develop childrens

skills they shuold regulate theirt own behavior. So that

the students will know how to handle their selves for

them to interact with others. Interaction can lead them

maintain their inerest in learning activities. Because

they are already to social interaction and thney already

gain self- confidence through interaction.

Excellent Reading Teachers

By: International Reading Association


Every child deserve excellent reading tyeachers- they

make a profound difference in child’s reading achievement

and motivation to read. Excellent teachers use strong

motivational sdtrategies that encourage independent

learning. They have high expectations for children’s

achievement, and help children who are having difficulty.

Excellent reading teachers know that reading development

begins well before children enter school and continues

throughout a child’s school career.

It is important that the teacher has an excellent

reading ability. Because the teacher is really good in

reading it would be easy for her to motivate her

students. Since she has a high level skills by that, she

could inspire learners. It is also important that the

child was trained in reading before so that it would not

be hard for her to practice her reading ability in the

near future. So while she’s still a preschooler she must

be taught how to read.

The Challenge of Learning to Teach Reading

By: Louisa Moats


Teaching reading is a complex process that draws upon an

extensive knowelegde base and repertoire of strategies.

Teaching reading is a job for expert. Contrary to the

popular theory that learning to read is natural and easy.

Learning to read is a comlplex linguistic achievement.

Teaching reading requires considerable knowlegde and

skill, acquired over several years thruogh focused study

and supervised practice. Without deeper knowledge, the

specific techniques of lersson delivery cannot be


In teaching reading, it is important that you have

considerable knowledge in teaching. You should be patient

enough with your learner. And you should understand that

reading for begginers is really hard, since they arwe

just starting to identfy how to pronounce words. And thay

trying to familiarize every word they encounter. Also in

teaching raeding, ther teacher should have deeper

understanding about what she taught.



Professional Development Plan

My only dream in life id to finish schooling and look for a

better and stable job where I can give back and support my

family. So, after graduation I will have my review. I want

to have my review so that the learning won’t be stagnant.

After the review I will take the board examination. Because

I know this will be the way that I can go on with my

dreams. By God’s Grace if I will be fortunate to pass the

board exam I will start looking for a job that suits the

field I choose. Being a teacher is not really my first

love, but when I got exposed into it I sometimes thought

that I want to be a teacher. Maybe because of what I’ve

gone through in my four years college life. And of course

because of the practice teaching that we’ve been given a

chance to handle students. Or another thing is this is what

my parents want me to be.

After five (5) years I am a licensure teacher. Teaching

junior or maybe senior high school students. I want to

share what I have learned during my school days. I want to

be a successful woman in my own field. For the improvement

and the betterment of my family’s living. I want to help

them in the best way that I can. I want to give back all
the hardships of my parents for me. I want to make them

feel that they arte the reason why I am striving hard.

Ten years (10) after, I have risen up my own business.

Maybe a restaurant or what the people demands. Somehow I

want I dreamed of having my own business. Where I can help

other people. I want to provide a living for them

especially those who are in needs. So, I think I need to

build more branches for my business. So that, the more

branch, the more people I can lay my help. I really want to

help people who are in needs.

For now all I have to do is to work hard for all if this.











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