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Subject: ENGLISH 8 Date: June , 2019

Expert Teacher: Ms. Aizelle R. Salibay
Activity No: 1.1 (1st Quarter)
Topic: Intonation
Learning Target: Identify prosodic features: stress, intonation, and pauses serving as
carriers of meaning that may aid or interfere in the delivery of the
message in stories and informative texts.
Values/Attitudes Perseverance

I- Essential Ideas
Intonation is variation in spoken pitch when used, not for distinguishing words as sememes (a
concept known as tone), but, rather, for a range of other functions such as indicating the

The three main patterns of intonation in English are: falling intonation, rising intonation and fall-
rise intonation.
Falling intonation
Falling intonation describes how the voice falls on the final stressed syllable of a phrase or a group
of words. A falling intonation is very common in wh-questions.
What country do you come ↘from?
Where do you ↘work?  
Which of them do you ↘prefer?

Rising intonation
Rising intonation describes how the voice rises at the end of a sentence. Rising intonation is
common in yes-no questions:
Have you finished ➚already?
May I borrow your ➚dictionary?
Do you have any ➚magazines?
Fall-rise intonation
Fall-rise intonation describes how the voice falls and then rises. We use fall-rise intonation at the
end of statements when we want to say that we are not sure, or when we may have more to add:
Perhaps we could ➘vis➚it the place?
Should we ➘cop➚y the list?
So you'd be willing to confirm that? ...Well ... I ➘sup ➚pose so ...

II- Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
A. Identify the intonation lines as you read the following sentences.
1. Do you like your new teacher?
2. Have you finished already?
3. We've met already, haven't we?
4. You like fish, don't you?
5. You're a new student aren't you?
6. How nice of you!
7. That's just what I need!
8. Cloudy weather is expected at the end of the week.
9. We should work together more often
10. How many books have you bought?
B. Explain:
What is the difference between rising and falling intonation?

B. Processing Questions
1. Why do we have to consider the following elements in the process of
A. Correct Pronunciation

B. Proper Intonation

2. Why does intonation covey both meaning and attitude?

C. Framing Concepts
I wonder???
Directions: Based from the topic, answer the following prompts.

Intonation &

I wonder when…

I wonder how…

I wonder if…

I wonder why…

D. Lifelong Learning

All language differs in their intonation patterns. It is

important to observe proper intonation for us not to be
misunderstood and misinterpreted by other people.

1. As a member of a community, you felt the need to address the issue arising between two parties
because of miscommunication. How will you be able to settles the issue between the two parties?

2. In a community, you meet and converse with different people almost every day. As a student,
you were tasked by your teacher to accompany an exchange student to a One-Day Immersion.
What could be some of the challenges that would encounter in dealing with him? Why do you say

3. We usually encounter misunderstandings especially if we do not communicate with other

people. Sometimes, it leads to considering one another as enemies. According to Romans 12:20 “If
your enemy is hungry, feed him: if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you
will heap burning coals on his head. “What message is conveyed in this passage?
Subject: English 8 Date: June , 2019
Expert Teacher: Ms. Aizelle R. Salibay
Activity No: 1.2 (1st Quarter)
Topic: Types of Context Clues: Definition, Synonyms and Antonyms
Learning Target: Extract meaning of words through context clues.
Identify the type of context clue used in getting the meaning of words.
Values/Attitudes Compassion
I- Essential Ideas
1. Definition- The author provides a direct (explicit) definition of an  unknown word in the 
Is, are Is /are called Is / are known as Is defined as Means, Refers to
EXAMPLES:‐ Martha is a curator, a person who is responsible for looking after a museum’s collect
ion.  - -Entomology is the study of insects. 

2. Synonym or Restatement
-The author uses a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other w
ords in a sentence. 
CLUES”SIGNAL WORDS”: Commas, Semicolon; Dashes - Parenthesis ( ) Sometimes signal words
or, that is, or in other words are used.
EXAMPLES:  Carnivores, that is, meat eaters, are the top of the food chain. 
-My best friend squandered all his money; his drinking and gambling wasted all his earnings. 

3. Antonym or Contrast - The author uses another word or phrase that means the 

opposite of an unfamiliar  word.
CLUES”SIGNAL WORDS”: Words used are: But, however, although, otherwise, unless, instead of,
on the contrary, on the other hand, while, unlike.
EXAMPLES: ‐ Mike’s parrot was loquacious, but Maria’s said very little.  ‐
The gentleman was portly, but his wife was thin. 

II- Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
Directions: By using context clues, identify the meaning of the underlines words in the sentences.
Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number and the type of context
clue used on the space after the sentence.

________1. The arbitrator, the neutral person chosen to settle the dispute, arrived at her decision.
Type: ______
a. a neutral decision
b. a mediator picked to settle a dispute
c. a chosen person
d. a simple person
_________2. Although Tom was anxious about the test, Tina was not worried at all.
Type: ___________
a. forgetful c. calm
b. worried d. not worried
_________3. We could tell by the rotten smell, that something putrid was in our trash can.
Type: _________

a. ample c. rotten
b. alive d. appealing
_________4. Two new girls started school this week. Beth has a gregarious personality. Jenna is
rather quiet.
Type: ________
a. shy c. timid
b. bashful d. outgoing
__________5. Jackie was filled with mortification, or shame, because of her careless remark.
Type: _______
a. proud c. confident
b. shame d. happy
__________6. The book of logic contained many conundrums or mind-exercising puzzles.
a. pictures c. confident
b. stories d. puzzles

B. Processing Questions
1. How do context clues function in sentence?

2. How useful are context clues in oral and written communication?

C. Framing Concepts
Directions: Give two important concepts you learned from the lesson and justify that
learning by giving examples of the concepts. Use the matrix.

Concepts learned Concepts learned


Proof of Learning Proof of Learning

D. Lifelong Learning

Directions: Choose one to reflect on.

1. You learned from the activity that context clues are an aid or help to know the meaning of a
word and understand clearly the context of a sentence. Our Almighty God is also our help in times
of our need stated in Psalm 46:1 (NIV), “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in
trouble.” Being a son/daughter of God, how can you extend help to people who are in trouble or in
need? Cite at least three acts.

2.using context clues to get the meaning of the word teaches us not to depend much on the
dictionary. It teaches us the value of independence. Cite at least three practical examples that
show how independence helps us to become a better person.
Subject: English 9 Date: June , 2019
Expert Teacher: Ms. Aizelle R. Salibay
Activity No: 1.1 (1st Quarter)
Topic: Figure of Speech
Learning Target: Recognize different figures of speech
Values/Attitudes Excellence
: I- Essential Ideas
Figures of speech lend themselves particularly well to literature and poetry. They also pack a
punch in speeches and movie lines. Indeed, these tools abound in nearly every corner of life.

1. Alliteration- is the repetition of the beginning sounds of neighboring words.

Examples include:
 She sells seashells.
 Walter wondered where Winnie was.
2. Hyperbole - uses exaggeration for emphasis or effect.
Examples include:
 I've told you to stop a thousand times.
 That must have cost a billion dollars.
3. Metaphor - makes a comparison between two unlike things or ideas.
Examples include:
 Heart of stone
 Time is money
4. Onomatopoeia - is the term for a word that sounds like what it is describing.
Examples include:
 Whoosh
 Splat
5. Simile - is a comparison between two unlike things using the words "like" or "as."
Examples include:
 As slippery as an eel
 Eats like a pig
6. Personification - is a figureofspeech where human qualities are given to non-living objects.
Examples include:
 The pencil danced across the paper.
 The moon smiled upon the river.

II- Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences.
1. The righteous shall flourish as the palm tree.
2. The camel is the ship of the desert.
3. Here is the smell of blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. 
4. The best part about music class is that you can bang on the drum.
5. She sells seashells by the sea-shore.

B. Processing Questions
1. What are the figures of speech?

2. Is it important to us to study figures of speech? Why?

C. Framing Concepts

What I Know What I want to know What I learned

D. Lifelong Learning

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord

is a strong tower; the righteous run
into it and are safe.

 What idea is conveyed in the Bible passage above? Support your answer by citing scenarios.


Subject: English 9 Date: June , 2019
Expert Teacher: Ms. Aizelle R. Salibay
Activity No: 1.2 (1st Quarter)
Topic: Prefixes and suffixes
Learning Target: Identify and define prefixes and suffixes.
Add prefixes and suffixes to existing words to make new words.
Values/Attitudes Excellence

I- Essential Ideas

A prefix is a group of letters placed before the root of a word. For example, the word “unhappy”
consists of the prefix “un-” [which means “not”] combined with the root (or stem) word “happy”; the
word “unhappy” means “not happy.”

A suffix is a group of letters placed after the root of a word. For example, the word flavorless
consists of the root word “flavor” combined with the suffix “-less” [which means “without”]; the
word “flavorless” means “having no flavor.”

II- Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. The suffix ‘ment’ can be added to a verb to make a noun. Which of these nouns is spelled
A) enrollment B) enrolement C) enrolment
_____2. The suffix ‘ment’ can be added to a verb to make a noun. Which of these nouns is spelled
A) entertainment B) entertainnment C) entertainement
____3. The suffix ‘ment’ can be added to a verb to make a noun. Which of these nouns is spelled
A) fulfillment B) fulment C) fulfilment
____4. Which suffix can be added to the verb rejoice to create a noun?
A) ing B) ful C) ment
____5. Which suffix can be added to the verb laugh to create a noun?
A) ful B) ter C) ment
____6. Which suffix can be added to the verb play to create an adjective?
A) al B) ary C) ful Prefixes and suffixes quiz L1 © BBC 2011
____7. What suffix can be added to the verb care to create an adverb?
A) ly B) ful C) fully
____8. What suffix can be added to the verb arrive to create a noun?
A) al B) ment C) sion
____9. What suffix can be added to the verb please to create an adjective?
A) ful B) ment C) ant
____10. What suffix can be added to the verb adorn to create a noun?
A) ness B) ment C) sion

B. Processing Questions
1. What is the difference between prefixes and suffixes?

2. Why prefix and suffix are important?

C. Framing Concepts
Direction: Fill in the following concept map.
What I know What I want to know What I learned
D. Lifelong Learning
Today you have learned about prefixes and suffixes as the essential blocks of all
words. As a student, how can make you to become more proficient in language arts?


Subject: Mapeh 8
Expert Teacher: Ms. JossanaElvie A. Lade
Activity No: 2.1
Topic: Dating, Courtship and Marriage
Learning Target: Defines basic terms (dating, courtship, marriage)
Analyzes behaviors that promote healthy relationship in marriage and family life
and describes the factors that contribute to a successful marriage.
References: Ferdilyn C. Lacia. The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION Manila Philippines: page 254-257
Values/Attitudes: Open minded

I- Essential Ideas
One of the biggest decisions people make is to choose a life partner and be married. It is part of human sexuality. To be
able to look for a possible partner, they need to associate with other people.
Dating is a way to know more about new acquaintances and extend the friendship that has started. It aims to spend
time and socialize publicity with another person, treating one another as a couple. It is a way for people to be more
aware of who they are and to acquire social skills.
Courtship is the period when the couple has already established their romantic relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend
and decided to bring it on a more serious level.
Courtship and Dating give the couple the opportunity to regularly meet each other and have the chance to really know
each other’s personalities.
Marriage is defined as the most committed male-female relationship. It is also a legal contract held together by bonds
of intimacy and sharing.
Attitudes And Behavior Promote Healthy Relationship In Marriage And Family Life
Speak Up – Couple should talk about things that bother them. An open communication line clears the gap between
Respect – husband and wife should value each other’s ideas and opinions. Mutual respect is a big factor in a
Be Supportive – Husband and wife should encourage each other to further develop themselves and support each
other. As partners, you must always lift each other’s spirit up.
Respect Each Other’s Privacy – never forget that husband and wife are still two different individuals with different
hobbies and interest. Give each other space.
Compromise – Remember that husband and wife are two individuals and they sometimes have different way of
thinking and disagreements may arise. As they say, meet halfway. Compromise on whatever decisions the couple will
make, considering both sides.
Factors That Contribute to a Successful Marriage
1. Shared Religious Beliefs
2. Adequate Income
3. Shared Household chores
4. Faithfulness
5. Children
6. Agreement on Politics
7. Happy Sexual Relationship
8. Good Housing
9. Shared Tastes and Interest
II- Learning Experiences
A. Clarifying Understanding
Direction: put check (√) before each of the following statements that describes your attitudes and
________1. I can explain the importance of courtship and dating in choosing a lifelong partner.
________2. I can analyze behaviors that promote healthy relationship in marriage and family life.
________3. I can describe the factors that contribute to a successful marriage.
________4. I can differentiate between courtship and dating.
________5. I can analyze the importance of marriage.

B. Processing Questions
1. Why is courtship and dating important in choosing a lifelong partner?

2. What attitudes and behavior promote healthy relationship in marriage and family life?

3. What are the factors that contribute to a successful marriage?

C. Framing Concepts
Complete the table below. This self-assessment activity will give you opportunity to reflect and assess
on your own learning.
Things I learned today about courtship and dating

3 2.

Things I found interesting about courtship

2 1.

Question I still have about dating.

D. Lifelong Learning
Let us sing the songs “ KahitMaputinaangBuhokKo” and “Grow Old With You”.


Subject: Mapeh 8
Expert Teacher: Ms. JossanaElvie A. Lade
Activity No: 2.2
Topic: Maternal Health Concerns
Learning Target: Discusses various maternal health concerns (pre-during-post pregnancy),
Discusses pregnancy-related concerns,
Explains the importance of maternal nutrition during pregnancy,
Discusses the importance of newborn screening and the APGAR scoring system for
References: Ferdilyn C. Lacia. The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION Manila Philippines: page 258-259
Values/Attitudes: Open minded

I- Essential Ideas
Here are some Dos in preparing for pregnancy:
1. See your doctor for advice.
2. Have a dental check-up.
3. Ask your doctor if you need vaccination.
4. Discuss with your doctor your family health history.
5. Change your habits. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs which may affect the development of the
anticipated baby.
6. Have a healthy weight. If you are obese, lose weight.
7. Check if your workplace or your work is safe for pregnancy.
Food tips for the mother during pregnancy:
1. Eat food from each of the food groups every day. (Vegetables, fruits, grains/cereals, proteins, milk/dairy
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. Avoid caffeinated drinks like cola and coffee.
4. Eat small amounts of food high in fats, sugar, and salt.
5. Eat food that is freshly prepared.
6. Eat a balanced diet.
7. Take multivitamins.
APGAR means:
A – Appearance
P – Pulse
G – Grimace
A – Activity
R – Respiration
APGAR Scoring:
APGAR Sign 2 1 0
Appearance (skin Normal color all over Normal color ( but Bluish-gray or pale all
color) (hands and feet are hands and feet are over
pink) bluish)
Pulse (heart rate) Normal (above 100 Below 100 beats per Absent (no pulse)
beats per minute) minute
Grimace ( reflect Pulls away, sneezes, Facial movement only Absent (no response to
irritability) coughs or cries with (grimace) with stimulation)
stimulation stimulation
Activity ( muscle tone) Active, spontaneous Arms and legs flexed No movement, “
movement with little movement floppy” tone
Respiration (breathing Normal rate and effort, Slow or irregular Absent (no breathing)
rate and effort) good cry breathing, weak cry

II- Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
Accomplish the concept map below. After you accomplish, compare your answer with your seatmate’s.
Do you have the same answer?

Rapid population

B. Processing Questions
1. Are you in favor of newborn screening? Why or why not?

2. What are the effects of rapid population growth?

3. Why is postnatal care important?

C. Framing Concepts
Write a letter to your classmates or friends that will persuade them to finish a certain goal in life. Make
use of the persuasion chart below to do this activity.
Persuasion Chart
Topic: I want persuade _______________________________ to_____________________________
(name of classmate) (purpose)

Brainstorm reasons here Organize your reasons here.

Least important
Most important

D. Lifelong Learning
Choose one activity in the box which you think is easier for you to perform.
Write an article about keeping a healthy Imagine that you are a parent of a teenage boy who
relationship between a boy and a girl. has begun to date with a girl whom you do not like the
parents. What advice would you give to your child?
Write it on a piece of paper

Compose a song or a jingle that expresses You can do this by pair or a group of 3 to 5. Present a
traits of a healthy relationship. simple drama or skit about healthy dating or courtship.


Subject: Mapeh 8
Expert Teacher: Ms. JossanaElvie A. Lade
Activity No: 2.1
Topic: Progress in Fitness
Learning Target: Undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessments.
Conduct physical activity and physical fitness assessment of family/school peers.
Set goals based on assessment results
Recognize barriers (low level of fitness, lack of skill and time) to exercise.
Prepare a physical activity program.
References: Ferdilyn C. Lacia. The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION Manila Philippines: page 181-185
Values/Attitudes: Perseverance

I- Essential Ideas
Program in Fitness
The journey to fitness is not just a snap of your fingers which you can achieve with just little effort and discipline. Your
fitness expedition will contain preparation through procedures, as you progress in better understanding of your body.
The following are the reasons why one does not progress in fitness even if he/she tries hard to do it:
1. A person does not have goals.
2. No schedule set for training.
3. Improper diet associated with exercise.
4. No monitoring of progress.
The following are the recommendations to progress in fitness and in health and achieve fitness goals:
1. Make exercise be a part of your habit.
2. Set reachable goals.
3. Support exercise routine with healthy lifestyle.
4. Get a workout partner.
5. Make sure that you have time to work out even on your rest day.
II- Learning Experiences
A. Clarifying Understanding
Put a check (√) before each of the following statements that describes your skills, attitudes, and
feelings during and after doing the activities in this lesson.
__________1. I undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessments.
__________2. I can conduct physical activity and physical fitness assessments of family/school peers.
__________3. I have set my goals based on assessment results.
__________4. I can recognize barriers (low level of fitness, lack of skill and time) to exercise.
__________5. I can prepare a physical activity program.

B. Processing Questions
1. How do we progress in our fitness level?

2. How can we progress in fitness and in health?

3. What are the reasons or barriers why people do not have progress in fitness?

C. Framing Concepts
Using your fitness tracker on the first quarter, supply the needed information about the details on how
you progress in your fitness and skill level. You may write all the necessary information on the grid for
you to progress on the fitness level targets and activities based on the set goals and assessment results
on the first quarter and wish for some activities that you need in relation to the development of fitness

My fitness objectives My activities for the Expected target date What are the activities
based on fitness next few days to which there could that you wish in the
tracker achieve the objective have progress lesson that you want to
be included to achieve
the fitness objective?
D. Lifelong Learning
Choose from among the given roles and assume the responsibility of promoting fitness for the family
and the community.
You may advice your family member about the different
You are a health advisor activities and nutrition based on the assessment that you did in
activity four.
You may do a health fitness campaign in school and conduct a
Your group are health and fitness 10-minute seminar for each section in your school. A video or
promoters presentation will be a plus on the score.
You may provide a fitness program for lower years in
You are a fitness professional coordination with the MAPEH teacher. Your group should
conduct these fitness activities.


Subject: Mapeh 8
Expert Teacher: Ms. JossanaElvie A. Lade
Activity No: 2.2
Topic: Volleyball and Baseball
Learning Target: Describe the nature and background of the sport.
Execute the skills involved in the sport.
References: Ferdilyn C. Lacia. The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION Manila Philippines: page 186-192
Values/Attitudes: Courage
I- Essential Ideas
The game volleyball is one of the team sports that can be played either indoors or outdoors. It is played by two
opposing teams of six players each in a court with the dimension of 18m x 9m with the objective of landing the
volleyball into the opponent’s court to gain a point or a score.
The event has set of rules that should be followed for you to progress in the game and to win it. In order to win
the game, a team should reach 25 points with a minimum lead of two points in 3 to 5 sets if in case extra sets are
needed until 5 sets.

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