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Murabaha to build, buy a house, shop, and others.

Meanwhile, in the principle of wadi'ah yad

dhomanah contract, it is for the use of safekeeping services, or goods and the results are
utilized by the BSI bank. The contract model practice mechanism at BSI in the contract also
received intensive supervision from the DSN-MUI, although the supervision had not been
fully carried out. In addition, the current BSI bank is not only looking for profit, but also aims
to ensure that its products are halal in the eyes of customers. The mudharabah-wadiah
contract transaction product attached to the BSI transaction is carried out with an emphasis on
the Islamic contract model, namely the philosophy of anti-gharar, usury, falsehood and others
which are forbidden in Islam.
The activities of Islamic banks which are directly related to funding-lending activities, in
mudharabah-wadi'ah contracts clearly demand the maximum role of the MUI-DSN fatwa as
stated by the previous author. The role of fatwas is very much needed, in order to increase the
trust of customers in BSI. Islamic banks that provide fund financing to customers must
comply with Islamic principles as a form of halal economic development activities in the
community. BSI voluntarily provides the widest possible opportunity for customers to
develop their business and deposit their assets to be developed through BSI in Kendari. In the
context of liking or disliking BSI, in fact, the role of fatwas is still needed in order to ensure
halal transactions. The role of fatwas as a means to increase public trust, especially for
customers who really aim for business and worship in addition to increasing faith. Islamic
banking institutions in this case BSI still maintain the principle of profit sharing in obtaining
halal profits, and cooperating with the supervision of the DSN-MUI is a tangible
manifestation of social reality.

Research Contribution
Articles about the role of fatwas, in which there are fatwa decisions and recommendations for
Islamic financial products, such as mudharabah, wadi'ah, ijrah and others, of course have an
important role and contribute directly to customers and people's lives. The two MUI-DSN
institutions are institutions that have the authority to supervise other than the fatwas needed in
order to strengthen each financial product in BSI or others. Furthermore, the contribution of
this article, in particular, can be useful for the birth of the sharia finance industry more
broadly, regarding murabahah, sharia insurance, bonds, especially mudharabah and others,
which receive direct supervision from the DSN-MUI, DPS-LKS and OJK and so on will
encourage the level of trust of customers in financial transactions at BSI according to Islamic
principles and sharia economics.

Study limitations
One of the limitations of the study needs to be stated in this paper, because it uses interviews
and data collection methods inside and outside Kendari at different times. Even to add
confirmation data, after the writing process from the results of the interview, it is sometimes
done via WhatsApp, Facebook, cellphone and others. In addition, the author is also not
always at the BSI location due to the COVID-19 pandemic and only communicates
continuously via WhatsApp about the development and role of the MUI-DSN fatwa in the
Kendari BSI contract assembly. In addition, the author also uses the services of post-graduate
students who happen to work at the bank, making it easier for sources of information and data
to directly photograph the events of the contract process. In addition, in the process of writing
articles, there are also obstacles to permits and health tests for the Covid-19 pandemic, so
there is a lack of complete information collection at the time of writing.
If the elements and methods are not fulfilled which were originally planned, the author has
not produced optimal data obtained from the subject of writing. However, several aspects of
the activities carried out at the BSI sharia bank, such as interviews, observations,
photographing events and others, received direct empathy from the subject of writing. As a
consequence, the results of this article only apply to the same bank or BSI institution, and do
not generalize to all Islamic banks in general, there may be further writing on this subject,
while accommodating more relevant methods and types of writing.

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