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1. Introduction

The English language began a process of expansion for decades, adhering to the
phenomenon known worldwide as globalization. More and more people are learning to
speak this language, and more and more people are depending on it to get a job or to
prosper in it.

The Argentine professors and researchers Biava and Segura (2010) affirm in the same
way that the use of a foreign language, with an emphasis on English, has gone from
being a privilege to being a necessity in the different productive sectors. The
globalization process has been the main reason why English has gained importance
worldwide, to the point of being considered today as the universal language of business.

"It can practically be said that it is the language of the world today. It is, in this era, the
great international language, a lingua franca that has had repercussions in all non-Anglo-
Saxon countries, including Spain, and that affects more or less directly to the various
fields and professions. Their possession can no longer be treated as a luxury, but is an
obvious necessity. " (Jaimechango, 2009).

Although Spanish is the native language of more people than English, the latter is more
learned as a second language than the former. "Recent estimates suggest that some
402 million people speak it as their first language, as it is currently used by more than 1
billion non-native speakers." (Ortiz, 2013).

For this reason, their learning constitutes a priority from the primary levels of education,
reaching the highest point of higher education, where their knowledge and qualities in
the different aspects of listening, expression and interpretation must be high.

Also, by global consensus, English has been chosen as the language of international
communication. Its knowledge is a mandatory requirement to work in international
institutions. "In a consultation with the 189 member countries of the United Nations on
the desired language for communication between embassies, more than 120 chose
English." (Ortiz, 2013).

2. Importance

The recent social and economic transformations evidenced in this last century have
demanded from the 21st century university a rethinking of its functions, demanding new
ways of understanding and managing knowledge. That is, knowledge, experiences, the
thirst to learn, understand and the need to do, force the university to transform and
reinvent itself as the space for reflection, cultivation and processing of knowledge and
experiences par excellence.

Today more than ever, training in a second language, a specific case of English, is
valued as a key ingredient and in growing demand due to the omnipresent globalization
and technological revolution that surrounds us; very expression of the economic and
social system of the contemporary Western world, the processes of modernization and
its link with the mass media, and the incidence of these processes in industrialized
society, which influences educational, social, economic and social development.
politician of our countries.

The professional and personal demands imposed by this globalized world force the
university to pay special attention to the training of bilingual professionals; inasmuch as
currently the use of a second language, such as English, went from being an added
value to becoming a linguistic competence that requires developing the individual to
integrate effectively and efficiently to the new conception of the world, defined by the
UNESCO as globalization –understood as the result of a social and, consequently,
educational transformation–, impacted by the evident opening of markets and
technological development as a result of globalization.

3. Importance in Materials Engineering

English is related to the field of research because this area has a great relationship with
the innovation of materials and development, although the student or graduate has no
interest in publishing magazines or attending talks, or understanding the different study
materials, such as magazines, books, research, etc., where most of the scientific articles
or publications of the world are written in English and most of the engineering graphics
are also marked in English.

English will also be present in your workplace. When carrying out the degree, you will
have to hold conversations with colleagues or superiors in order to exchange information
based on the products or services that the company carries out. Also, engineers today
must communicate with their counterparts to accumulate knowledge in order to improve
their performance in their area.

When working as a process engineer you will have to explain the processes and write
reports, therefore it is important to know how to adequately and easily explain the results
obtained from the process or research carried out. Therefore, if an engineer wants to be
aware of new developments and new trends, he must keep English present in everyday

Other reason is that English is beneficial in the curriculum vitae of any professional who
aspires to good jobs, especially in large companies, which have ties with foreigners, an
example is the large mining companies, such as "Antamina "," Las Bambas ","
Yanacocha ", etc, we can also include foundries such as" Aceros Arequipa "and"
Siderperu ", some maintenance and machinery manufacturing companies such as"
Ferreyros "," Komatsu ", etc, for that reason It is necessary to start having English as a
priority, since this language will open new doors to our professional career, even offering,
as already said before, the possibility of studying or working abroad, where remuneration
and learning are much more higher than in Latin American countries.

The most used search engines are diverse, for example, we have the Science Direct.
A website where you can find recent research on various types of materials worldwide
and the language used is in English.
Image 1: Science Direct search

Image 2: Carbon Research

4. In the professional scope:

The university student who was able to learn English correctly during school years will
have more and better quality employment opportunities, in addition to being able to open
up to the world through this language.
The real possibilities of labor insertion of future professionals are determined not only by
the knowledge, skills, abilities and competences acquired in the university, but also by
the use of different languages, mainly English (Ortiz, 2013)

"If you know this language, many doors will be opened to any professional in the world
of work and opportunities will be improved. Hence, universities are called upon to
achieve excellence in the training of professionals trained in the specific areas of their
profession. profession, with solid knowledge of a foreign language, especially English,
as it is considered the universal language ". (Hernández, 2014).

"English is the language of international communication, commerce and finance. English

is a lingua franca in many corners of the planet and the official language of many
International Organizations such as the European Union, the United Nations or
UNESCO. This is due to for historical and political reasons, due to the importance of the
British Empire in the past, when it spread its language across all continents, and to the
importance of the United States as a current power ". (Sprachcaffe, 2017)

5. Conclusions
 Learning the English language or consolidating your mastery in Materials
Engineering is of vital importance for us university students. His knowledge allows
the consultation of important bibliography such as books, documents and
information on the web, most of which are in this language.
 At the university (UNSA), structures have been established and tools have been
made possible for a better learning of the English language, through learning at the
Language Center and the approval of agreements and scholarships abroad will
enable a better command of the language.
 Knowing this language depends on the professional future of each student as this
represents an essential requirement in many jobs in companies and large
 Likewise, it makes it possible to get to know new cultures and traditions, relate to the
world and therefore enter unknown spaces until that moment. It is the opportunity to
better understand and analyze the surrounding society, perceive its characteristics,
ways of acting and feelings.
6. Bibliographic source
 Departamento Nacional de Planeación (2000). Documento Conpes 3072. Agenda de
conectividad. Disponible en:
 Educaweb (2011). La importancia del inglés en el mundo laboral. Disponible en:
 Hernández, P. (2012). La enseñanza del inglés: Tarea pendiente en la formación
profesional. Observatorio Académico Universitario. México. Disponible en http://red-
 Jaimechango. (2009). Importancia del inglés en la educación. Disponible en
 Uribe, J. D. (2012). Importancia del idioma inglés en las instituciones de educación
superior: el caso de la Corporación Universitaria de Sabaneta. Facultad de Educación.
Uni-pluri/versidad, Vol. 12, No. 2.

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