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Cara Delevingne is the most profilic supermodel to emerge from the U.K. since Kate Moss.

She is one of
the leaders in the modeling business. Moreover, she has been the face of advertising campaigns for
brands including Chanel, Burberry and Puma, and others. In my point of view, her leadership is based
on empathy. The reason for it is that empathy is about having the ability to relate and to connect with
people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives. Also, Cara has leadership quality such a
self-awareness. She actually knows what her goals are and she do all to meet them. She grow a bit of
skin and doesn’t have any fear. The she is resilient. It’s vitally important trait for a leader, owning to the
fact that this is the art of keeping going even when things are looking dark. People should remember
that our life is unpredictable and one call or short message can change our trial of thoughts. Finally, I
want to say that the ability to lead requires a great combination of attributes, skills, traits, and
characteristics that will make other people happy to follow a leader.

Staff should be allowed to organise their own work.

A lot of work today involves meeting deadlines, achieving certain objectives and
hitting targets. Nevertheless, productivity in work is less about how many hours
people spend in their offices and more about how well they meet those goals. On
the one hand, there are employees  for whom the commute is painful and home can
be rather pleasant place to work. There are a lot of reasons for it. For example, it
can be people who have little kids or people who live in the suburb locations, as a
result they should spend a lot of their time on the road. On the other hand, there
people who say that they never want to spend another day working from home
simply because they are more productive in the office routine. One concern of this
situation is managing a hybrid team, where some people are at home and others are
at the office. As a resust of giving employees the freedom to organise their
working schedule to fit with their personal life means they are working when they
are best able to engage fully with their work and are therefore more efficient and
productive. What is more, all people are different and everyone use his own way
how to organized self-management. Finally, I can say that the power of choice and
autonomy to drive not only employee happiness, but also motivation and

How to win the respect of subordinates?

In my opinion, great relationships between leader and subordinates is based on
principle, which is called respect. I want to mention some pieces of advice how
people can earn respect. Firstly, they should listen carefully when talked to. It’s
vital to understand and to be understood by others. Secondly, it’s to be creative.
Anyone should not be afraid to share his ideas, as a results arguments of it.
Thirdly, leader shouldn’t be selfish. Owning to the fact that selfishness is the root
of all relationship problems. When people are selfish they think of theirselves first
and foremost, they ignore the needs of others as a consequence became ego centric.
Then, people should be punctual. Nothing makes people lose respect for someone
more then being made to wait. Time is the most valuable commodity for successful
people. Moreover, all of us knew that we have to spend time on what we value. If
we have no time for this or that meeting, it shows where our priorities lie. Finally,
I want to say that showing respect is one the most crucially important life-skill we
can learn.

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