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You should spend about 

40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
When choosing a job, the salary is the most
important consideration for many. Others,
however, prefer different other aspects of a job
over the salary they earn.
In your opinion what are the most important aspects of a
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words. 

Model Answer 1: [A job should be ethically demanded and passion-

Many people contemplate their salary as the most salient feature of
their job while others believe that their contributions to society
through their professions hold more importance. In my opinion, a job
should have ethical demands and needs to be passion-oriented.
Otherwise, it would be futile to work merely for wages.
Let us first examine why passion is a prominent part of people's
professional life. No doubt, passion acts as the fuel that drives people
to withstand the caustic side of their work. If people chose a job that
is not connected to their passion, they will fall victim to depression
and perform poorly at their jobs. On the other hand, if we torch upon
successful people's stories, we would find that almost all of them have
been in the career that they were passionate about. Suppose Bill
Gates or Steve Jobs, both of them were tech enthusiasts, and
therefore took technology as the means of their career.

Besides, a job needs to be ethically demanding where people need to

find something to do for humanity and society. Doing something for
people not only will provide mental satisfaction but also will
strengthen the purpose of their job life. Take Mother Theresa or
Nelson Mandala for an example. Both of them are highly admired for
their works for humanity and they did their best because they knew
they were doing something for others and to make the world a better

To conclude, salary is somewhat important for people to support their expenses but if they do
not feel attached to their work, they will feel exhausted in their life. They will also be
suppressed by the undue pressure that could have been avoided if they had the passion and
ethical context in their job.

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