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 What are the main reasons and solutions for re-offend?

Ans. Every country has its own laws to combat with crime and criminals. However,
nowadays, it is quite apparent that many criminals repeat crime even after being
punished. It has really become a matter of concern because of multiple reasons and
according to me this kind of problem should be addressed immediately.

To start with, undoubtedly, these criminals get influenced by many reasons like social
isolation, unemployment, psychological disabilities and lack of education. Unfortunately,
they are subjected to humiliations very frequently by society people that disturb them
mentally and pull them in constant stage of depression. The imbalanced mental
condition never let them get rid of criminal record. Moreover, their past criminal
background leaves them in the lurch of unemployment. While finding no way to meet
their both ends, they start following same path of destruction. Lack of knowledge and
skills is the other most contributing factor.

It is true that there is no problem without solution. The government should get up from
long slumber and initiate rehabilitation programs for them in which they should be given
vocational training for self-employment. The other sustainable approach is the
psychological nourishment where they can be exposed to regular spiritual and religious
lecture. That will help them to keep them away from criminal activities. Moreover, the
individual should do something on grass root level by remaining sympathic towards
them as Gandhi ji said; Hate the sin, not the sinner.

Indeed, the aforesaid measures are highly required to curb this problem as stitch on time
saves nine.

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