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Monetary Policy:

 In this meeting SBP rise the monetary policy by 150 base points giving reason that the risk
related to the balance of payment and inflation may be affect these because there is a
rise/increase in balance of payment even though there are good signs related to the
development in economy.
 As I have already said economy is growing but now the risk is shifting towards inflation and its
cutting our current account faster way rather than growth so because of this SBP has decided to
rise base points now if they can’t rise it today might be our country does not handle inflation.
 It’s not that only due to risk of inflation SBP rise policy rate but they watch trends conditions and
different sectors and analyze its effects on that.

Key Takeaways of MP:

Financial strategy is a bunch of activities that can be attempted by a country's national bank to
control the general cash supply and accomplish maintainable monetary development.

Money related approach can be extensively named either expansionary or contractionary.

A portion of the accessible devices incorporate modifying loan fees up or down, straightforwardly
loaning money to banks, and changing bank save prerequisites.

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