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Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following saying? “Better safe than sorry”.

Use reasons and examples to support your response.

Some people, especially the young, act with reckless attitude regardless of
consequences while others are very cautious and careful in life. In my opinion,
carefulness helps people get rid of mistakes and not be regret later as people usually say
“better safe than sorry”. First of all, the more careful people are, the fewer mistakes they
will make. Since nobody is perfect, mistakes are inevitable. Some faults are trivial while
others can cause serious harm which costs huge amount of money and effort to fix them.
However, if people set up their plans and follow them, things will be less likely to go
wrong. In addition, careful consideration brings people the feeling of peace. When people
act with cautiousness, even if something bad happens, they will not be so sorry and upset
because they have done everything they could. To sum up, I support that playing safe is
very important in life.

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