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Some people think that the young should follow the traditional value of their society.

Others think
that young people should be free to act as individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, with a strong desire to assert their unique identity, many young adults display extreme
behaviors that may sometimes violate social norms. While some people advocate their conforming to
traditional values of the society, others believed that these individuals should be granted with the
freedom to live their own lives. This piece of writing aims to discuss both viewpoints and later explains
why I strongly hold that young people should behave in accordance with existing goodwill social rules
and traditions, yet some exceptions are allowed.

On the one hand, there are compelling reasons why the liberty for self-expression should be entitled
young people. Firstly, the autonomy to follow their rules may pave the way for future societal
development. This is clearly exemplified by the rise of feminists, who, in the past generations, were
considered out of place. Despite several gender stereotypes unfairly imposed on them, from full-time
homemakers to being intellectually inferior to men, these valiant women are determined to challenge
all those established perceptions by actively occupying top executive positions and achieving numerous
prestigious awards. Without the right for free act, these achievements or in general, gender equality,
which is almost realized in contemporary world, would simply be out of reach. Secondly, the freedom to
conduct oneself freely reduces the young’s likelihood of suffering from mental illnesses. Evidence has
shown that one significant determinant of depression among teenagers in modern days is parents’ or
even on a greater scale, society’s expectations. This finding seems warranted as these young people,
whose self-identity are still being discovered through social activities, are unreasonably forced to follow
the rules of previous generations, conditioning themselves to experiencing strong sense of self-doubt
and self-denial in the process.

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that young people should behave in conformity with long-held
social rules and norms for the sake of social stability and security. Firstly, it is indisputable that long-
standing customs and practices represent a crucial part of any cultures, reflecting its cultural diversity
and identity. These traditions have proven to reinforce underlying values that have laid the foundation
for the continuity human civilizations, including courtesy, integrity and altruism. Without these virtues,
young generations would fail to become contributing members of society that strives for national
prosperity and progression. Secondly, valuable traits such as anti-violence passed on young people hold
the key to lessening crime rates. Though arguments are, without question, an inherent part of social life,
the fact that these disputes often fail to turn into heated physical battles traces its origin somewhat back
to their long nurtured non-violent self. Also, with the morals drawn from childhood stories and lessons
from teachers, the young have little inclination to conduct rebellious acts that may act against both their
and their countries’ benefits. Those who oppose traditional practices might claim that individuals should
be free from all constraints. However, they have failed to consider that most traditions being remained
and promulgated to present days are, all too often, meaningful and important norms embraced by the
whole society which can thus foster individual liberties rather than hinder them.

In conclusion, although the arguments are valid for both sides, it is my firm belief that social values
should continue to be instilled in young adults’ mind in the interest of social internal strength and
welfare. That being said, young people, to some degree, should still be allowed to defy obsolete
conventions as this might give rise to positive community innovations and overall good mental health.

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