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Interpersonal Relationship Critique

Course Objectives achieved through this assignment:

1. Identify and describe the major concepts, practices, and theories of interpersonal
2. Understand and recognize the critical role communication plays in interpersonal
3. Apply the major concepts, practices, and theories of interpersonal/intercultural
communication to your personal and professional relationships.
4. Critically analyze your role within interpersonal communication and relationships.
5. Through self-reflection understand yourself as a cultural being and enhance self and
other awareness about cultures.
6. To acquire knowledge and skills that increase your interpersonal and intercultural
communication competences

Assignment Goal: To identify, critique, and improve an interpersonal communication skill of

your choice within a specific interpersonal relationship

Assignment Description:
The goal of this paper is to assess and improve upon an area of interpersonal communication
within your own life. You will need to create a specific interpersonal goal, within a specific
relationship. You will then create a method for changing your specific behavior and then put into
practice this new behavior for at least one week. You will document this behavior in a
journal/blog and then turn your findings into a final presentation. This project will be completed
in the following stages:

Interpersonal Quiz/Communication Critique 10pts

Relationship/Behavior Assessment 10pts
Identity Critique: Johari Window 10pts
Conflict Style Critique 10pts
Plan for Behavioral Change 10pts
7 Day Relationship Journal 10pts
Presentation Outline Draft 15pts
Presentation Outline/Binder 50pts
Final Presentation 120pts

1. Due: September 14, 2015- Interpersonal Quiz/Communication Critique

2. Due: September 16, 2015- Relationship/Behavior Assessment

3. Due: September 21, 2015- Identity Critique: Johari Window

4. Due: October 5, 2015- Conflict Style Critique

5. Due: October 14, 2015- Plan for Behavioral Change

6. Due by: November 2, 2015-Practice Behavior for one week (7 consecutive days) and
journal about experience EACH DAY. Based on the relationship you identify, you will
most likely want to conduct your practice

7. Summarize, Analyze, Apply, and Critique journal entries to do the following:

a. Due: November 16, 2015- Identify at least 2 COMMUNICATION CONECEPTS
from class 4 academic courses to use within presentation and complete a
Reference Page in APA. Create an outline for the final paper and meet with me

b. Due: December 9/14, 2015-Create final version of our project to turn in for
grading. You must turn in a final, revised outline as well as a binder of all phases
of the assignment.

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