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Deformation and Failure of the Tymfristos Tunnel, Greece

Article  in  Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering · October 2004

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2004)130:10(1004)

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3 authors, including:

V. Kontogianni Stathis Stiros

IGME - Greek Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration University of Patras


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Deformation and Failure of the Tymfristos Tunnel, Greece
V. Kontogianni1; A. Tzortzis2; and S. Stiros3

Abstract: The Tymfristos tunnel, a 1,365 m long road tunnel with an 11 m section diameter, was excavated through the highly tectonized,
low strength Flysch formation of central Greece. About 1 year after the completion of the excavation in 1995, convergence of up to 20%
followed by failure of the support system was recorded. A 501 m long segment, in which the failure occurred, was reexcavated based on
a more detailed study of the ground conditions; however, this second phase was also followed by an up to 6% convergence. The detailed
geodetic study of the three-dimensional kinematics of the support shell in relation time, ring closure delays, and support measures reveals
an unusual time-history of convergence occasionally continuing even after the ring closure and a nonuniform distortion of the lining.
Furthermore, uncontrolled deformation of certain “weak” sections propagated bidirectionally to adjacent, previously stabilized sections
producing a “chain effect,” responsible for destabilization and resumed convergence of long (⬃90 m) segments.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2004)130:10(1004)
CE Database subject headings: Convergence; Deformation analysis; Tunnels; Failures; Greece.

Introduction mations were practically the same (Panet and Guenot 1982; Dal-
giç 2002a; Kontogianni and Stiros 2002). This indicates that the
Two types of failures can be recognized during tunnel excavation: geotechnical techniques adopted, approximate elastoplastic analy-
(1) local instability effects (sudden collapse, tunnel face slope sis and FEM (Hoek 1999; Özsan and Karpuz 2001) successfully
failure) and (2) extreme convergence (squeezing) reducing the describe the actual conditions of good quality rock mass during
initial section of the tunnel and occasionally leading to the sup- tunneling.
port shell failure. This last deformation mode occurs beyond the There are, however, a number of tunnels in which observed
deformation was several times higher than the predicted one and
elastic range, is usually time-dependent, and its rate gradually
exceeded the critical 2% strain boundary (Table 1). As these tun-
decreases until it reaches an equilibrium level or failure (Singh
nels were excavated in weak rocks and there was no evidence of
and Goel 1999; Fig. 1). In fact, such a process is fundamental in
great delays to the lining or stoppages to the face advance, two
the so-called “NATM” (new Austrian tunneling method): a lim-
likely reasons for such failures can be proposed; either the false
ited reduction of the tunnel diameter leads to relief of stresses in application of the geotechnical models and excavation techniques,
the surrounding rock mass and to a less stiff and less expensive or the inability of these models or techniques to assess the weak
support system (Kovari 1993). Sakurai (1983) and Chern et al. rock mass conditions. Since the number of tunnels excavated in
(1998) suggested that strain (tunnel convergence to tunnel diam- unfavorable rock conditions (“bad rocks;” Hoek 2001) has dra-
eter ratio) values of approximately 1 to 2% represent a boundary matically increased in the last years, it is necessary to study such
(critical strain) between successfully designed tunnels and tunnels cases and shed some light on the conditions which led to such
requiring additional support measures and/or changes in the ex- failures.
cavation process. If strain exceeds this boundary, significant in-
stability problems may occur, and if it exceeds the minimum
specified clearances, several sections have to be remined (Fig. 1),
which is a time-consuming and high-cost process.
An analysis of the deformation recorded during the excavation
of a number of tunnels in good quality rocks in Greece, Turkey,
and other countries revealed that predicted and observed defor-

PhD Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Patras Univ., Patras
26500, Greece. E-mail:
Civil Engineer, Dept of Civil Engineering, Patras Univ., Patras
26500, Greece.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Patras Univ., Patras
26500, Greece. E-mail:
Note. Discussion open until March 1, 2005. Separate discussions must
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible
publication on February 20, 2002; approved on December 30, 2003. This
Fig. 1. Idealized curves indicating various cases of time-dependent
paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
deformation of tunnels during their excavation. Modified from Muir
Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 10, October 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090-
0241/2004/10-1004–1013/$18.00. Wood (1993).


Table 1. Tunnels Excavated through “Bad” Rock Masses That Faced Severe Deformations During Construction
Maximum Convergence
Diameter Length convergence versus diameter
Tunnel (m) (m) Geology (m) (%)a Source
Metsovo (Greece) 5.75 1 Flysch formation of 1 ⬃17.5 Unpulblished
very low quality data
Nathpa Jhakri hydroelectric 10 27,000 gneisses, schists, ⬎1 ⬎10 1
project (India) quartzites, igneous
fault zone
Mucha highway (Taiwan) 16 graphitic phyllite 1.2 7.5 1
Yacambu-Quibor (Venezuela) 5.5 25,000 weathered zones of Locally total closure 100 (locally) 1
sandstones, siltstones
Bolu (Turkey) 16 3,200 mudstone and 1.2 7.5 2
Tymfristos (Greece) 11 1,365 argillaceous schist 2 ⬃18 3
Kallidromo (Greece) 10 9,025 zones of limestone and ⬃1a ⬃10 4
clay with sand and silt
Maneri-Uttarkashi power 4,75 8,560 quartzitic and metabasic 0.43 9 5
tunnel (India) rocks
Note: Source: 1: Hoek (2001); 2: Dalgic and Simsek (2002); Brox and Hagedorn (1999), 3: this study; 4: ERGOSE S.A., unpublished data (2002); and
5: Goel et al. (1995).
Cumulative displacement of repeated excavations of the tunnel floor (invert).

In this paper, we analyze the deformation of the Tymfristos Geological and Geotechnical Conditions
tunnel, Greece, one of the first tunnels excavated in Flysch for-
mation. Extreme deformation and failure of the support shell The Tymfristos tunnel was excavated through a Flysch complex,
(convergence up to 20%) made necessary the reexcavation of a widespread in the Pindos Mt. Range, representing the alpine skel-
501 m long tunnel segment, while during the reexcavation an eton of Greece. Flysch is a high laterally heterogeneous formation
additional up to 6% convergence was observed. Due to this ex- and in the broader study area consists of claystone and slicken-
treme deformation this project was much delayed and its cost was sided argillaceous schist, intensely folded and tectonized. Details
approximately 10 times higher than initially estimated (Technical of the rock structure along the tunnel path are shown in Fig. 3 and
Chamber of Greece, Central Greece Section 2000). Our analysis Table 3. No swelling rocks, like those found in tunnels in Flysch
is based on detailed geodetic survey records describing not simply further north in the Metsovo area (Karapantelakis et al. 2001; for
length changes as is the case with most tunnels excavated in the location see Fig. 2), were, however, met in Tymfristos.
past, but absolute three-dimensional (3D) displacements relative Dripping underground water was systematically observed, but
to fixed stations outside the tunnel, and permits to propose an no substantial change to the water flow along the tunnel axis or
explanation for the tunnel failure. with time was reported. Laboratory testing on samples collected
from the site suggests that the uniaxial compressive strength of
the intact rock 共␴ci兲 practically ranges between the values 5 and
50 MPa (unpublished data).
Tymfristos Tunnel

The Tymfristos tunnel is a 1,365 m long road tunnel with an 11 m

section diameter opened through the Tymfristos Mt., close to the First Phase of Excavation
town of Karpenisi (central Greece) and the ancient oracle of Del-
phi, at a maximum overburden height of 153 m (Fig. 2). The The excavation of the Tymfristos tunnel started in 1992 and was
mining of the tunnel started in 1992 and was completed in 1998 completed in 1995. Its design [from chainage (Ch.) 0⫹0 m to Ch.
in two phases (Table 2). 1⫹365 m] was empirical and involved:

Fig. 2. Longitudinal section of the Tymfristos tunnel. Letters A–F indicate segments discussed in the text. Numbers indicate overburden height.
Shaded is the reexcavated part. Inset: Location map, T stands for Tymfristos, K for Kallidromo, and M for Metsovo.


Table 2. Characteristics of the Two Successive Construction Phases of the Tymfristos Tunnel
Phase of Tunnel length Excavation Excavation Maximum
construction Period to be excavated method limitations Support system convergence
First 1992–1995 1,365 m In two or three None 0.40 m shotcrete, ⬎20%
(0⫹0 to 1⫹365) steps (top-heading, 2 T188 wire mesh,
locally bench, IBN 180 steel ribs,
invert) 20 rock bolts

Second 1997–1998 501 m Widening of Specified advance 0.40 m shotcrete, Horizontal⫽2.5%

(0⫹810 to 1⫹311) the converged rate⫽1 m, 2 T131 wire mesh, Vertical⫽6%
sections specified ring lattice girders
closure⫽2 m, 70/30/D30,
but adopted 14 rock bolts
ring closure
at ⬎7 days

1. Sampling of the rock mass of the area through drilled bore- Deformation During the First Phase of Excavation
holes along the tunnel axis at a spacing of a few hundreds of
In 1996, approximately 1 year after the initial excavation (1992–
1995), in the framework of the new geotechnical study the whole
2. Determination of certain rockmass parameters (uniaxial com-
tunnel was surveyed using geodetic techniques. It was divided
pression strength, cohesion, friction angle, modulus of elas-
into sections with a spacing of ⬃20 m along the tunnel axis, and
ticity, and Poisson ratio) on the basis of laboratory tests of
9–14 points in each section, some of them targets for the conver-
selected samples.
gence control during the initial excavation of the tunnel, were
3. Determination of the suitable support system on the basis of
measured. Both the initial survey (during the first phase of the
empirical selection of the support measures, following the
excavation) and postdeformation survey were based on stable ref-
current practice at the time. Such system consisted of 40 cm
erence stations outside the tunnel and survey stations along the
thick shotcrete shell reinforced with two layers of wire mesh
tunnel axis, fixed on the invert. Consequently, absolute displace-
(T188), twin IPN 180 steel ribs placed at 0.80 m spacing,
ments of survey stations along the tunnel axis and of deformed
invert lining to counteract the ring closure effect, and 20 rock
sections of the tunnel were estimated with an accuracy of a few
bolts 6–9 m long in order to improve the rock mass strength.
centimeters (Kontogianni and Stiros 2001).
4. The excavated cross section of 120 m2 was subdivided into
Survey data from two different segments were available for
top-heading, bench, and invert parts [Fig. 4(a)] following the
our study: from segment D (part of the reexcavated tunnel length)
NATM (Kovari 1993) and using mechanical excavation from
and from segment B (see Fig. 2 for locations). Convergence mea-
both portals. No limitations had been set concerning the ad-
sured ⬃1 year after the initial excavation in segment B (overbur-
vance rate or the ring closure distance. The tunneling rate
den 50–90 m) was up to 9% (at Ch. 0⫹577 m) while in segment
and sequence was determined by the lowest-cost approach,
D reached 20% (at Ch. 0⫹920 m; overburden 128–143 m). Se-
excavation through the week and support installation during
lected deformed sections for these two segments, compiled on the
the weekends.
basis of the survey data, are shown in Fig. 6.
5. Monitoring was based on geodetic data as well as geotech-
According to Tsatsanifos et al. (1999) the excavation of the
nical instruments (extensometers, etc.). The details and re-
top-heading section during the first phase of construction was not
sults of this monitoring are not known.
followed by any significant section closure. The main portion of
The excavation proved, at least for a 501 m long section (Ch.
the recorded deformation and the cracking of the support shell,
0⫹810 m to Ch. 1⫹311 m unsuccessful, leading to high defor-
accompanied by characteristic sounds, occurred shortly after the
mation of the tunnel sections, failure of the support shell (Fig. 5),
bench and invert excavation (P. Mantziaras, personal communica-
breaching of the contract, and partial reexcavation of the tunnel
tion, 2001). In some cases, the tunnel floor heaved up to 1.5 m
following a new geotechnical study under a new contract.
and the extremely stiff invert concrete lining failed to withstand

Fig. 3. Typical cross section of the Flysch along the face of the
Tymfristos tunnel (Ch. 0⫹536 m). Rockmass consists of mudstone Fig. 4. Tunnel section areas during the first phase of excavation and
with dense intercalations of argillaceous schist. Triangle and solid the reexcavation. Arrows indicate positions of cracked shotcrete shell
circle indicate dripping and low pressure water flow, respectively. in Fig. 5. Reflectors position also indicated (solid dots).


Table 3. Summary of Selected Geological and Geotechnical Characteristics of Selected Sections. Total Convergence during the First Phase of Excavation
is also Shown
Convergence strength Overburden
Chainage Geological structure (cm) (MPa) (m)
0⫹464 Gray mudstone (S) 32.8 5-25 37
0⫹508 Gray mudstone (M) and sandstone 22.5 25-50 51
0⫹533 Mudstone with intercalations of argillaceous schist (S) 40.4 25 60
0⫹544 Gray argillaceous schist (S,M) 29.5 5-25 68
0⫹550 Gray mudstone (S) 46.2 25 72
0⫹577 Gray mudstone (S) 91.0 25-50 83
0⫹588 Mudstone and argillaceous schist (S,M) 74.4 25-50 84
0⫹599 Gray mudstone with intercalations of argillaceous schist 62.3 5-25 89
0⫹620 Gray argillaceous schist (M) 51.0 5-25 93
0⫹629 Gray mudstone with intercalations of argillaceous schist 64.2 25 94
0⫹835 Gray mudstone (S,M) and sandstone (M) 180.0 50 140
0⫹846 Argillaceous schist and mudstone (folded, fractured) 162.5 3-10 147
0⫹860 Mudstone with intercalations of argil. schist (folded, 117.5 25 147
0⫹875 Mudstone and argillaceous schist (M, H, fractured) 107.5 5-25 147
0⫹935 Mudstone and argillaceous schist (M, H) 152.5 1-25 142
0⫹953 Mudstone and argillaceous schist (M, H) 87.5 25-50 139
0⫹968 Mudstone and argillaceous schist (M) 67.5 5-25 137
1⫹006 Mudstone and argillaceous schist (M) 50.0 11 134
1⫹039 Mudstone and argillaceous schist (M) and sandstone (S) 72.5 19 133
1⫹063 Argillaceous schist and mudstone (M,H) 137.5 5 131
Note: S: slightly weathered; M: moderately weathered; H: highly weathered; and reexcavated segment⫽chainage 0⫹810 to 1⫹311.

the strain and cracked (Fig. 5). Detailed records, however, of the The failed lining was removed and a new support system, includ-
convergence history versus the tunnel face advance or versus time ing the use of lattice girders instead of ribs, was installed; the rest
are not available. of the support system remained almost the same as that of the first
phase (Table 2). In addition, the ring closure distance was set to 2
m and the face advance to 1 m. However, these last specifications
Second Phase of Excavation were not strictly followed because of the delay produced to the
construction schedule.
During the second construction phase (1997 to 1998) under a new
contract, the section was widened to 130 m2, and the top-heading
Deformation during the Second Phase of Excavation
height was increased to 6.5 m high (instead of 6.0 m) in order to
provide the necessary net height even in the case of high defor- Geodetic monitoring of tunnel deformation was more systematic
mation [Fig. 4(b)]. Bench and invert parts were also remined to during the second phase of excavation. Deformation monitoring
the design dimensions. The excavation operation, following the sections were established at narrow (⬃15 m) spacing and three
NATM, started from both sides of the remined tunnel segment. reflectors were established in each section; two at the sides and

Fig. 5. Tymfristos tunnel, 1 year after the first excavation. (a) Maximum convergence reached 20% and the support system was destroyed; (b)
longitudinal cracks at the top-heading footings. Position of shotcrete cracking along the tunnel axis are indicated by arrows in Fig. 4. After
Kavvadas (1999).


Fig. 6. Representative cross sections from Segments B (top) and D
(bottom, reexcavated part) 1 year after the completion of the first
phase of excavation. Convergence is indicated by black.

one at the crown of the primary support of the tunnel [see Fig. Fig. 7. Recorded displacements and distortion of the support shell for
7(a)]. Measurements were made with a total station instrument representative sections of the Tymfristos tunnel (Section S13, a and
relative to fixed stations outside the tunnel, daily for approxi- b) and the Kallidromo tunnel (c and d). Arrows in (a) and (c) indicate
mately 1 2 months, until deformation stopped (i.e., until the tunnel horizontal and vertical components of displacement of geodetic con-
sections were stabilized). During this period, horizontal and ver- trol points; arrows in (b) and (d) indicate qualitatively the sense of
tical convergence of up to 2.5 and 6%, respectively, was observed deformation of the support shell.
(Tsatsanifos et al. 1999). The available survey data set discussed
below permits one to model the 3D kinematics of the primary
support of the tunnel. downwards. However, in some sections the vertical movement of
In order to understand the rock mass behavior in relation to the the control point at the crown is smaller than the vertical move-
excavation technique and the support measures used, the available ment of the sidewalls [i.e., vertical component of displacement
geodetic monitoring data collected during the second excavation for Point 3 was larger than for Point 2 in Fig. 7(a)]. Thus the main
phase were analyzed as far as: (1) the distribution of deformation part of the deformation is localized to the invert and the bench
in the various tunnel sections, (2) the variation of maximum con- (vertical and horizontal convergence) while in the top-heading a
vergence along the tunnel axis, (3) the time history of deforma- horizontal contraction is combined with a vertical movement that
tion, and (4) the relationship between convergence and ring clo- seems to represent a generalized rotational distortion of the sup-
sure are concerned. port shell [Fig. 7(b)].

Distribution of Deformation in Tunnel Sections Variation of Maximum Convergence along the Tunnel
As can be deduced from Figs. 7(a and b), a main characteristic of
the observed deformation is that it does not correspond to a uni- The horizontal and vertical maximum section convergence along
form radial section closure, but the amplitude of radial displace- the tunnel axis is shown in Fig. 8. This figure shows that for the
ment is variable along the tunnel periphery. The vertical displace- major part of the reexcavated segment convergence did not ex-
ment records indicate that the whole top-heading section moved ceed the value of 2% for the vertical and 1% for the horizontal

Fig. 8. Vertical convergence and horizontal convergence of the reexcavated part of the Tymfristos tunnel from position Ch. 0⫹850 m to position
Ch. 1⫹270 m


direction. However, between Ch. 1⫹151 m and Ch. 1⫹236 m,
vertical convergence had its maximum value (6%).

Time History of Deformation

Fig. 8 reveals that the amplitude of the vertical deformation is
higher than the horizontal one, and hence is a more sensitive
indicator of the history of deformation versus time. For this rea-
son we focus on the vertical convergence and especially on the
highly deformed sections (from Ch. 1⫹151 m to Ch. 1⫹236 m).
Points S9 (Ch. 1⫹215 m) and S13 (Ch. 1⫹172 m), which
correspond to the peak deformation (6%), during a period of ⬃30
days showed a nearly linear tendency for increasing deformation
before they stabilized (Fig. 9). On the contrary, their adjacent
Points S15, S14, S12, S10, S8, and S7 showed an alternation of
periods of increasing deformation, stabilization, and resumed de-
formation (Fig. 9). This last pattern of resumed deformation is
different from that of most successfully excavated tunnels (cf.
Fig. 1; Guenot et al. 1985; Kontogianni and Stiros 2002).

Convergence in Relation to Ring Closure Delays

The time-closure histories for both the vertical and horizontal
convergence of two representative sections of the reexcavated
tunnel segment in relation to the ring closure delay (i.e., installa-
tion of the full support system around the tunnel periphery) are
shown in Fig. 10. What is evident from this figure is that for low
convergence rates (2 to 3 mm/days), a delayed (after ⬎20 days)
closure was not followed by additional deformation. On the con-
trary, a relatively early (in ⬍6 days) closure in high convergence Fig. 9. Time history of convergence during the second phase of
rates (10–12 mm/days) was indeed followed by a rapidly accu- excavation for representative sections between Ch. 1⫹272 m (S4)
mulating deformation which reached the value of 6% in the ver- and Ch. 1⫹129 m (S17). Diagrams to the left and right correspond to
tical and 1.5% in the horizontal direction. the two “bulges” assigned to an additional, induced deformation of
Fig. 8. Shading marks temporary or final stabilization periods.


Clearly, the deformation of the Tymfristos tunnel was not due to

swelling of clay minerals under the presence of underground
water or of evaporites, but was produced by the shear failure of
weak rock masses subjected to high stresses (squeezing condi-
tions). Observed deformation corresponds to curve 6 of Fig. 1 for
the first phase of excavation (support system failure) and to curve
4 for the second partial reexcavation phase (high deformation but
no failure). The detailed 3D record of this extreme deformation
gives the opportunity to understand some aspects of the tunnel
failure mechanisms, something not possible in other successfully
excavated tunnels, where deformation was small. More explicitly,
information from the study tunnel refers to the following.

Nonuniform Closure of the Lining

In various approximate models, tunnel deformation is assumed to
be radially uniform (Brown et al. 1983) but the actual deforma-
tion pattern at the Tymfristos tunnel was clearly different: the
available geodetic data from numerous sections indicate an asym-
metric, nonuniform deformation-distortion of the lining; this can
probably be explained as a result of the anisotropy of the rock Fig. 10. Vertical displacement of the crown and horizontal displace-
mass properties (rock schistosity, layers inclination, lateral hetero- ment of the walls for two sections (K2 at Ch. 0⫹849 m and S13 at
geneity of the rocks—especially emphasized in Flysch condi- Ch. 1⫹171 m) versus time, during the second phase of construction.
tions). This deformation pattern is in agreement with conclusions Shaded areas correspond to fully supported sections. A late ring clo-
of Kovari and Amstad (1993) that deformation does not corre- sure seems not to be the main factor for excessive deformation [based
spond to a uniform closure of the excavated area but to a more on data of Tsatsanifos et al. (1999)].


complicated pattern. However, the nonuniform closure may occur
not only in the near-field of major discontinuities or weak zones
[for instance faults, see Fig. 5 in Schubert and Steindorfer (1996)
and Fig. 15 in Kovari and Amstad (1993)] but also in cases of
anisotropies imposed by the rock texture, small scale tectonics
(microfolds), etc.
Another remarkable effect of the Tymfristos tunnel was the
overall subsidence of the upper part of the section, recorded
throughout the reexcavated tunnel segment (see above, Fig. 7). In Fig. 11. Idealized time-history of a “bulge-type” deformation for five
most cases, vertical dislocation was accompanied by failure of the points along a tunnel segment. Sections 1 and 2, excavated first,
footings of the top-heading and cracking of the shotcrete lining follow the typical time-history profile of deformation and asymptoti-
along horizontal lines parallel to the tunnel axis at the bottom of cally reach stabilization values. Extreme deformation at Section 3,
the top-heading section [Fig. 5(b)]. This effect is probably indica- however, affects Section 2, which is destabilized and tends to a
tive of an inability of the primary support to withstand underes- higher stabilization level. Similar are the effects on adjacent Section
timated vertical pressures. 3. High strength of the rockmass and of the support shell at Sections
Interestingly, a somewhat similar deformation has been ob- 1 and 5 limit the propagation of induced deformation from Section 3.
served in the Kallidromo tunnel in Greece and produced a more
unusual pattern of section profile: the sidewalls had greater verti-
cal movement than the crown, implying not only an overall ver-
tical movement of the section but also an extension of the upper tunnel is concerned, a pattern of “bulge-type” deformation for
part of the section [Figs. 7(c and d)]. Complicated deformation areas of high closures (Fig. 8, Sections S13 and S9) is observed.
patterns have been observed in the Maneri–Uttarkashi tunnel in There is evidence that high deformation did not gradually develop
India [see Goel et al. (1995)] as well. at each section, but, on the contrary, it developed at certain sec-
tions and then propagated bilaterally along a distance of several
tens of meters, until “resisting” sections were met (Fig. 13): The
Time-Dependent Convergence and Deformation
difference in the time-history of vertical deformation between
Sections S9 and S13 and their adjacent Sections S15, S14, S12,
The typical pattern of variation of convergence with time can be S10, S8, and S7 indicate that continuation of accumulation of
represented by a curve of deccelerating deformation which ideally deformation in S9 and S13 was the likely mechanism for desta-
reaches asymptotically the final (stabile) value after a short (⬃1 bilization of previously stabilized adjacent sections (Fig. 9).
month) time period (Fig. 1; Sulem et al. 1987). However, certain This process of bidirectional (at both sides along the tunnel
sections of the Tymfristos tunnel have a different pattern of con- axis) deformation propagation from the source of the initial de-
vergence with time: convergence followed the typical pattern and formation to rather remote sections is not unusual in geotechnical
stabilized temporarily. Some time after its stabilization, conver- engineering (e.g., Kuwabara and Poulos 1989) and can probably
gence resumed until deformation was stabilized again at a higher be described as a chain or domino effect (Fig. 13). This effect was
level (Fig. 11). In such cases, even though a balance between probably not linear, but even a slightly higher pressure at certain
geostatic loads and support reaction had occurred, several sec- sections (sources of deformation) was probably responsible for
tions of the tunnel had to be reexcavated since the remaining additional (induced) convergence of larger amplitude and at rela-
tunnel opening was substantially reduced to satisfy the project tively long distances [several times the amplitude of the tunnel
specifications. diameter, Figs. 11 and 14; cf. Kaiser (1993)].
Resumed convergence of certain tunnel sections after their ini- Propagation of section closure along the tunnel axis has been
tial stabilization has been observed in other tunnels as well. For observed at other tunnels as well; for instance the Frejus tunnel in
instance, an alternation of periods of stabilization and destabili- France (Lunardi 2000), the Bolu tunnel in Turkey [Dalgiç 2002b;
zation of the Kallidromo railroad tunnel in Greece and the Bolu Fig. 15(a)], and the Kallidromo and Aghios Elias tunnels in
road tunnel in Turkey (Fig. 12) made it necessary to reexcavate Greece [unpublished data; Fig. 15(c)].
three and six times, respectively (Kallidromo tunnel unpublished Such a deformation pattern is apparently much different from
data; Dalgiç 2002b). the convergence-time history described by Goel et al. (1995) for
Especially as far as the well-documented record of conver- the Maneri-Uttarkashi tunnel in India, where closure developing
gence during the second phase of excavation of the Tymfristos in stages was assigned to a repeated buckling of the steel ribs.

Fig. 12. Resumed deformation after a stabilization period (shaded areas) for selected sections of the Kallidromo tunnel, Greece (top) and the Bolu
tunnel, Turkey (bottom). Based on unpublished data and Dalgiç (2002b).


Failure Scenarios

The question arising is which were the exact causes of deforma-

tion of the Tymfristos tunnel. During the different construction
contracts there was no evidence of stoppages, of dramatic
changes in the rate of excavation, or of a combination of hydro-
geological changes and of swelling rock, i.e., of effects which
could explain a large-scale convergence (cf. Fig. 4 in Lunardi
2000; Karapantelakis 1991). Kavvadas (1999) suggested that the
failure of the first phase of excavation was due to an insufficient
support system installed with considerable delays for economy
reasons, while Tsatsanifos et al. (1999) suggested that extreme
convergence of the Tymfristos tunnel during the second phase of
excavation was due to an insufficient support system installed at
high strains.
However, during the second phase of the partial reexcavation
which was made more carefully than the first excavation, the
early ring closure (within a few days) did not prevent a further
accumulation of the deformation (Fig. 10). This possibly indicates
that the delay in the ring closure cannot be considered as the only
or as the principal cause of failure. A result which can be deduced
from the Bolu tunnel (Turkey) in which many sections had to be
Fig. 13. Cartoon to explain the observed final “bulge-type” deforma- excavated six times. Furthermore, repeated failures cannot be as-
tion assigned to a combination of a primary and an induced (bilater- signed to a defective construction procedure: after the first failure,
ally propagating) deformation. excavation and lining procedure were certainly very careful (Dal-
gic 2002b).
On the other hand, the level of strain accumulated before ring
closure of the Tymfristos tunnel seems to have played an impor-
tant role in the accumulation of excessive strain and yielding of
Ring Closure and Strain Rates the lining at specific sections (see, for instance, Fig. 10; S9, S13)
of the Tymfristos tunnel. This probably explains why in “bad”
In most tunnels convergence ceases when the opening is fully
rocks even a relatively early ring closure led to an uncontrolled
supported and consequently deformation is stabilized to low lev-
increase of stresses and of deformation, and to failure.
els (Fig. 1). This was the case with most sections of the Tymfris-
For these reasons we suggest that the recurrence of large scale
tos tunnel during its reexcavation phase [for instance, Section K2,
convergence in the Tymfristos and other more recently opened
see Fig. 10(a)]. Some sections, however, deviated from this rule,
tunnels, such as the Kallidromo and Bolu, permits one to discard
for instance, Section S13 Fig. 10(b), and the corresponding time-
bad craftsmanship, occasional delays in ring closure, etc. as prin-
dependent convergence continued to increase even after the ring
cipal causes of their failure since such effects could explain
closure, reaching the value of 6% in the vertical direction.
smaller scale deformations. Our study led us to search for the
Such observations indicate that large amounts of total conver-
causes of the extreme deformation and failure not on isolated
gence were not simply the result of delayed ring closure, but on
effects but
the contrary, total convergence depended on the amount of strain
• first, on a possible interaction between several factors, such as
just before ring closure. In “good” conditions (fair/good quality
the rock strength, the excavation procedure, the support capac-
rock mass) even a belated ring closure proved effective (K2 at Ch.
ity, the stain level during ring closure, etc. and
0⫹849 m), but in “bad” conditions (poor rock mass, high stress
• second on causes and processes which have not been clearly
field) an early ring closure may not be effective if strain reaches a
identified and described so far for two reasons: either because
certain threshold (2%; Tsatsanifos et al. 1999).
no detailed geodetic data were available or because only a
relatively low level of deformation was observed, not permit-
ting one to recognize and describe effects such as the induced
and laterally propagating deformation.
Concerning the first point, theoretically, the geological/
geotechncal conditions along the tunnel axis were rather uniform
(Flysch deposits). If, however, this rock mass is examined at a
greater detail and especially on the basis of the experience gained
in more recent tunnels (Karapantelakis 1991; Karapantelakis et al.
2001), it can be concluded that the Flysch rockmass in most parts
of Greece (1) is extremely variable with sections of good quality
rock mass alternating with sections of very loose material and (2)
the overall rockmass quality proves much lower than that indi-
cated by in situ or laboratory geotechnical testing or conventional
Fig. 14. Separation of the “bulge-type” deformation of Sections S17 geological rock mass classification systems (RMR, GSI, etc.;
to S5 of Fig. 9 into components of primary and induced deformation. Marinos and Hoek 2001).
Inferred sources of induced deformation are also shown. This may indicate that although field data do not testify to any


Fig. 15. “Bulge-type” deformation along the tunnel axis for the Bolu tunnel in Turkey (a), the Tymfristos tunnel (b), and the Aghios Elias tunnel
in Greece (c). In (a) and (b) this “bulge-type” deformation is associated with induced deformation.

apparent deterioration of the rock mass quality at the two Sections during both the initial and the reexcavation phases.
S9 and S13 (Table 3), a local increase of stresses or even a slight Based on the experience of the Tymfristos tunnel failure, we
change of the excavation rate or sequence had probably induced may assume that the limitation of the strain levels below the
deformation beyond the critical threshold before the ring closure, critical level (2%) at the time of ring closure and an early [i.e.,
preventing stabilization of the section. when deformation is still within the “green stage” (Peck, 2003,
Concerning the second point, geodetic data indicate that, ex- oral presentation)] identification of a possible deformation propa-
cept for a “primary” deformation, certain segments even after gation process may prevent high convergence or even failure of
their stabilization were affected by “induced” deformation from future tunnels excavated in “bad” rocks.
neighboring, incompetent sections (Fig. 11). This has probably
evolved to a “chain effect,” i.e., to a deformation propagating
bilaterally until sections “resisting” to and free of induced defor- Acknowledgments
mation were met (Figs. 13 and 14). A process which may be
responsible for the “bulge-type” deformation observed in a num- This paper is a contribution to the Research Project PENED 2001
ber of tunnels examined in this paper (Fig. 15), and possibly for (GSRT). The writers are deeply indebted to Dr. C. Tsatsanifos and
the unusual deformation observed next to incompetent sections in ERGOSE S.A. for providing unpublished data, as well as to Dr. P.
other tunnels [Inntaltunnel, Austria, see Fig. 5 in Schubert and Mantziaras for information and discussions. Constructive com-
Steindorfer (1996)] and which may last for a few weeks or a few ments of three anonymous reviewers are acknowledged.
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not have been predicted during the excavation of the Tymfristos
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