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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2020) 27:22486–22498


Electrical resistivity imaging for detection of hydrogeological active

zones in karst areas to identify the site of mining waste disposal
Mosaad Ali Hussein Ali 1,2 & Shulin Sun 1 & Wei Qian 1 & Bohari Abdou Dodo 1

Received: 17 December 2019 / Accepted: 2 April 2020 / Published online: 21 April 2020
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Hydrogeological active zones found in mine waste (tailings) dumping sites are a major source of concern that threatens the safety
of the environment and groundwater, especially in karstic areas. Therefore, detecting and identifying these regions correctly will
help in selecting the appropriate sites for tailings disposal and avoid consequential environmental problems. In this study,
electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) surveys with high-resolution data were carried out to detect hydrogeological active zones
in an area proposed as a settling pond for mining tailings accumulated from El Mochito mine property, located in the north-
western section of Honduras. Two-dimensional (2-D) inversion results of thirty-four survey lines revealed several zones of low
resistivity. These zones indicate water-/clay-bearing regions that are structurally weak. However, some survey lines, the limestone
beneath the surface is entirely compacted; as such, it is considered to be an ideal site for tailings pond construction. In addition, on
the eastern side of the valley, there is a large chunk limestone layer that is compacted and can be considered for tailings pond
construction. The ERI method provided insight and developed an informative subsurface map to detect the hydrogeological
active zones, thus proving it as a beneficial tool used for selecting disposal sites for mining tailings in karstic areas.

Keywords Karst areas . Mining tailings disposal . Resistivity survey . Inversion

Introduction et al. 2019). Thus, the karstic system is one of the chal-
lenges and obstacles to the selection of waste disposal
Karstic regions are characterized by a certain type of for- sites (Bengtsson et al. 1994; Matias et al. 1994; Gogu
mation formed in carbonate and evaporative rocks, mainly and Dassargues 2000; Foster et al. 2002; Bakalowicz
by dissolution processes, which usually create 2005; Chambers et al. 2006; Gao et al. 2019). Where,
hydrogeological active zones (e.g. voids and fractured mining tailings (waste) disposal sites can have a signifi-
zones) (Han and Liu 2004; Chalikakis et al. 2011; cant impact on environmental and groundwater contami-
Garcia and Grohmann 2019; Milanović et al. 2019). The nation and should be properly planned and monitored es-
structure of karstic systems is highly complex, and the pecially in these karstic regions (Milanovic 2002; Calo
mechanism of the relevant zones can be very heteroge- and Parise 2009). Detecting and identifying these regions
neous (White 2007; Ford and Williams 2013; Cardona correctly will help in selecting the appropriate sites of
et al. 2018; Li et al. 2018; Morales et al. 2018; Rusjan tailings disposal.
Traditional techniques for detecting fractures and
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues karst areas, such as drilling samples, are impeded by
complex geological structures, asymmetric spatial distri-
* Mosaad Ali Hussein Ali bution, and variable sizes of topographic characteristics (Ortoleva 2002; Slob et al. 2010). Moreover, these tech-
niques are a relatively high cost. Electrical resistivity
School of Earth Science and Engineering, Hohai University, imaging (ERI) method is currently a well-established
Nanjing, People’s Republic of China and useful tool for detecting fractures and karstic areas
Department of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering, Faculty of with low resistivity values due to its sensitivity to low-
Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt resistive materials such as water and clay (Dobrin and
Savit 1960; Zhou et al. 2001, 2002; Storz et al. 2000;

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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:22486–22498 22487

Fig. 1 A simplified sequence of mining operations

Zhou et al. 2000; Caputo et al. 2003; Binley and hydrological engineering, minerals exploration, and geo-
Kemna 2005; Oldenborger et al. 2005; Drahor et al. technical engineering studies (Leney 1966; Maillot and
2006; Sudha et al. 2009; Cardarelli et al. 2010; Eissa Sumner 1966; Schwartz and McClymont 1977; Urish
et al. 2019). The ERI is a relatively low-cost, rapid, 1983; Kemna et al. 2000; Ahmed and Sulaiman 2001;
non-invasive, simple, and routinely applied method of Slater and Lesmes 2002; Soupios et al. 2007; Frid et al.
producing spatial models based on the contrast of the 2008; Greve et al. 2011; Kumar et al. 2019). However,
subsurface geoelectrical properties (Cushing et al. 2008; there is a dearth of published studies on ERI applica-
Georgaki et al. 2008). This method has been used in tions in environmental mining assessment, particularly
many applications and has proven to be extremely use- in the selection of a suitable site for mining tailings
ful in several fields, for instance, environmental issues, disposal pond.

Fig. 2 A map showing Honduras border (red colour) and the location of El Mochito property (yellow star) (Éric et al. 2018)

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22488 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:22486–22498

Fig. 3 A simplified stratigraphic

column for the Mochito mine
property (Éric et al. 2018)

The study area is El Mochito mine property, north-western disposal. Once the tailings are pumped into the pond, the
Honduras. This property consists of underground mines of solids settle to the bottom of the pond, then the excess clean
sulphide deposit (lead-zinc-silver) and the concentrator to ob- water is drained into the environment,as stated in the
tain the concentrate (lead and zinc) and tailings (a dense fluid Environmental Impact Assessment and operating permit
bearing uneconomic materials blended with a flotation solu- (Éric et al. 2018). Figure 1 illustrates a simplified scenario of
tion). In the ore process plant, vast quantities of flotation tail- these operations (Ault 2004).
ings are producing, reach the equivalent of 3000 t/d, pumped This study aims to map the subsurface environment for
to tailings storage facilities (TSF) via around 4.5-km tailings detailed resistivity in an area of approximately 1 km
pipeline from the processing plant (Éric et al. 2018). The mine *500 m, in an attempt to detect and map the hydrogeological
has created three TSFs (Éric et al. 2018). Tailings disposed to active zones (karst structures) in the area that is planned to be
the TSF are almost free from chemicals detrimental to the tailings disposal pond (dam and pit) at El Mochito mine prop-
environment and contain only suspended solids. Also, the erty, north-western Honduras. In this study, the Wenner-Alpha
cyanide is used to depressing the Zn in the Pb flotation step array system of the multi-electrode ERI surface was per-
during the flotation process but is damaged in tailings before formed using a high-resolution resistivity data survey to help
determine the location of the pond for dumping mining tail-
Table 1 A general resistivity range of some subsurface materials in the ings in the El Mochito mine property. This paper is divided
property (Keller and Frischknecht 1966; Telford et al. 1990) into four major sections. The location and geological setting of
the study area are described in Section 2. In Section 3, we
Resistivity (Ω-m) Materials
presented a methodology for collecting and analysing resistiv-
1–100 Clay ity datasets for thirty-four survey lines. The results and inter-
10–100 Alluvium pretation of the ERI 2-D inversion lines are given in Section 4.
10–1000 Fresh groundwater The ERI method provided insight and developed an informa-
60–1000 Sand tive subsurface map to detect the hydrogeological active
70–5000 Limestone zones, thus proving it as a beneficial tool used for selecting
disposal sites for mining tailings in karstic areas.

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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:22486–22498 22489

Fig. 4 Location map of the surface lines survey

Site description Valley), western Honduras as shown in Fig. 2, from which

the “Upper Jurassic” to “Quaternary” units determine the
The El Mochito mine property is located at (Lat, Lon = outcropping stratigraphy extent (Finch 1981; Samson
14.869, − 88.078) the southwest of the Sula graben (Sula et al. 2008). The mine property is hosted in an

Fig. 5 The EarthProbe survey

system components

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22490 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:22486–22498

Table 2 Specifications of the EarthProbe system

Survey item Specifications

Survey type DC resistivity

Geophysical system EarthProbe, DCIP system (RESECSS II)
Data type Full-waveform, 256 ms on-time and 256 ms off-time, castle waveform
Survey configuration Surface DCIP: Wenner-Alpha array
Voltage input The system uses 12 V DC, and it has a transformer inside to convert 12 V into 24 V to 800 V
Electrode spacing 2.3 m

Table 3 Criteria for verification of QA/QC data during the survey

Survey item QA/QC survey Acceptable threshold

Waveform The current and voltage waveforms must be a “castle shape”; also, 0.9
the current and voltage time-series correlation must be above a specified threshold
Injection current The injected current has to be within a specified range Above 1 mA
Measured voltage The measured voltage has to be within a specified range 5–10,000 mV
Stacked voltages The standard deviation of processed (stacked) voltage dataset must be below a determined threshold 5%
Self-potential The self-potential system must be below a determined threshold 100 mV

approximately 6000-m-thick sedimentary basin of the shows the simplified stratigraphic description of the mine
“Mesozoic” sediments that cross the country in a nearly property (Gose and Finch 1992). Table 1 shows the nor-
east-west direction (Gose and Finch 1992). These strati- mal and general range of the geoelectrical properties of
fied series are underlain by “Palaeozoic” metamorphic stratifie d m aterials in the p roperty (Keller a nd
rocks and overlain by “Tertiary” volcanic rocks; Fig. 3 Frischknecht 1966; Telford et al. 1990).

Fig. 6 Example of the apparent resistivity survey line pseudo-section for line 12

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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:22486–22498 22491

Fig. 7 The 2-D inversion result of resistivity for lines 1–6

Materials and methods pond in the valley (ravine), this is why we chose the direction
of the survey lines perpendicular to its axis.
To delineate and map karst structures in the area planned to be The resistivity datasets were collected by deploying the
a pond for mining tailings disposal, we carried out the EarthProbe system multi-electrode cables. EarthProbe is a
geoelectrical survey on thirty-four lines on the surface spaced high-resolution DC (direct current) resistivity and induced po-
20 m apart, covering an area approximately 1 km * 500 m, see larization logging and tomography survey system in Fig. 5
Fig. 4. The base electrode separation “a-spacing” was 2.3 m. (Qian 2007). The system can be configured to collect high-
The GPS data of each electrode of the survey lines was mea- resolution surface and borehole DC resistivity and induced
sured by the total station, to take into account a topographic polarization data. For this survey, the resistivity data were
effect on the inversion processes. Due to the location of the collected using the high-resolution a 2-D surface DC

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22492 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:22486–22498

Fig. 8 The 2-D inversion result of resistivity for lines 7–12

surveying technique (Loke et al. 2013). Only voltage and Stainless steel stakes were used for current electrodes
current were measured, resulting in a calculation of apparent (A-B) as well as for the potential electrodes (M-N). In
resistivity. In this study, conventional electrode nomenclature this array, A-M-N-B is equally spaced, and for each read-
is used, whereby “A” denotes the positive current electrode, ing, the “a-spacing” between all electrodes is incremented
“B” the negative current electrode, “M” the positive potential by one. Apparent resistivity (ρa) is calculated from the
electrode, and “N” the negative potential electrode. This ac- primary voltage and transmitted current using geometrical
quisition system allows measurements with a high precision factors (K) based on the Wenner-Alpha array geometry
of 0.25 μV (Qian et al. 2007). A summary of the system and (Telford et al. 1990). Because these data were collected
survey specifications can be found in Table 2. in steep topography, we only used resistances (voltage
To achieve a better lateral resolution, the Wenner- divided by current) for our data. However, data are
Alpha array was applied to get the apparent resistivity displayed in ρa using standard Wenner-Alpha array geo-
pseudo-sections and their resistivity inversion sections. metrical factor derived for a flat air-earth interface.

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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:22486–22498 22493

Fig. 9 The 2-D inversion result of resistivity for lines 13–18

Dipole-dipole data in resistivity has an optimum resolution QA/QC standard criteria have been implemented throughout
for shallow lateral features, but the data quality is always a the survey to evaluate the quality of the measured datasets.
problem unless a substantial amount of time is willing to be Acceptable thresholds have been confirmed by the operator in
spent in the field. Moreover, dipole-dipole also is a better array accordance with industry-accepted practices and site-specific
for this application if good data quality can be achieved. conditions. Table 3 shows the QA/QC criteria applied to this
However, through our experiments in the field, we found that survey.
dipole-dipole data quality is poor, and we have limited field Figure 6 depicts an example of surface pseudo-section gen-
time to collect both dipole-dipole and Wenner data. In consid- erated for this survey. The data are presented from west to east
eration that our first objective is the cavity existence and lo- along the x-axis, with the midpoint calculated based on the
cation, we decided that only Wenner data are collected. Since electrode location. The depth below the surface has been ap-
Wenner array provides good quality, stable data, it can be proximated based on the application of the formula (AB/3)
better fitted in inversions. An example from previous works whereby AB is the distance between the current electrodes
that demonstrated that Wenner array is superior to dipole- (m) (Telford et al. 1990; Heng et al. 2016). This assumption
dipole array in such case can be found in Gélis et al. 2010 is typically used as a rule-of-thumb for the Wenner-Alpha
and Neyamadpour et al. 2010. However, integration with oth- array. The depth below the surface has been corrected to ele-
er methods, like seismic, always increases the resolution and vation and plotted as pseudo-elevation along the y-axis. True
reduces the ambiguity. The dilemma is the increased costs depth of responses, however, will be dependent upon the re-
with marginal returns. Shallow engineering boreholes are of- sistivity of the media and can only be determined with reason-
ten inexpensive in comparison with the seismic method in able accuracy by undertaking a 2-D or 3-D inversion, as
steep topography. Furthermore, this resistivity survey pro- applicable.
vides a baseline for resistivity tailing pond monitoring later For analysing and inversion the data of each line, we used
on. the DCIP2D inversion algorism developed by the UBC
To ensure reliability and maintain the required quality level “University of British Columbia” and based on the proposal
in the measured data, the survey was conducted in accordance of Oldenburg et al. 1993; Oldenburg and Li 1994; and Li and
with quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC). Several Oldenburg 2000. DCIP2D is a geoelectrical inverse modelling

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22494 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:22486–22498

Fig. 10 The 2-D inversion result of resistivity for lines 19–24

software that estimates the resistivity and/or chargeability dis- that the cavities indicated in the data are adequately reflected
tribution in the underground based on a numerical solution in the 2-D inversion results, although their depths and shapes
into an overparameterized and constrained optimization prob- are probably estimated with large errors. In the evaluation of
lem. This problem is intrinsically nonlinear and requires iter- the results, we only trust the existences and lateral locations of
ative solutions, in addition to some forms of the regularization the cavities found. Moreover, there are some cases in the lit-
to stabilize the final solution and provide a model that is real- erature indicating that the acceptable ERI with a high RMS
istic in a geologic sense. The DCIP2D modelling system uses error was 54%, but this is normal due to the high contrast in
the finite-difference approach to the governing differential the measured resistivity values (Martinez et al. 2009).
equations. For more details of the DCIP2D, inversion can be Therefore, the misfit data limits depend largely on the nature
located in Oldenburg et al. 1993. of the measured data.
For data misfit, the RMS error describes the data misfit
between measured apparent resistivity datasets and the for-
ward modelling calculations. Therefore, they are diverse from Results and discussion
each other, however, not completely independent.
Theoretically, the RMS error would be ideal if it was close Depending on the geological evidence and prior research car-
to zero. But practically not like that, where, e.g., Hauck and ried out at the El Mochito mine property, these studies re-
Kneisel 2008 and Kim et al. 2013 illustrated that a proper vealed a heavily jointed (voids) limestone, and karstic cavities
RMS error has to be close to the field dataset error and not were seen in underground tunnels and borehole samples
be zero since quite low RMS is indicative of datasets over- (Finch 1981; Cunningham 1984; Bundschuh and Alvarado
fitting and could be misleading about a real model. Due to the 2012; Éric et al. 2018). The tunnels are around 80 m beneath
steep topography and 3-D nature of the cavities in the study the ground surface, and borehole samples indicate the pres-
area, the 2-D inversion data misfit is high in comparison with ence of very weathered limestone, limestone remaining soil
traditional 2-D resistivity inversions. However, we believe overlying deeply fractured and karstified limestone bedrocks.

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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:22486–22498 22495

Fig. 11 The 2-D inversion result of resistivity for lines 25–30

The residual soils consist of medium dense sands and gravels weathered limestone spots at the surface. The valley has a
with a thickness of up to 10 m underlying a few meters of soft water-bearing fracture zone that penetrates a relatively com-
clayey soil. The residual soils consist of medium dense sands pact limestone layer. The surface weathering becomes heavy
and gravels with a thickness of up to 10 m underlying a few underneath line 2. Besides, the crack at the valley became
meters of soft clayey soil. Many voids were found in borehole enlarged underneath line 2. Line 3 shows similar features as
samples at depth within the rock; these voids were partly filled that of line 2. The limestone base underneath line 4 has a lower
with clay, which may indicate water movement (Cunningham resistivity in comparison with that of lines 1–3. This may
1984; Gutiérrez et al. 2014; Éric et al. 2018). reflect that the limestone is more fractured and wet underneath
Due to the study area in the north of Honduras near to the line 4. Lines 5 and 6 show similar features as that of line 2.
Caribbean Sea coast, exposed directly to the trade winds, it is The inverted sections from lines 7 to 12 are shown in Fig. 8.
very rainy during the year, with a total of 2800/3000 mm per The limestone underneath line 7 seems very compact, except
year In that there is a void as denoted. The limestone underneath line
addition, the terrain of the area is the basin form; as shown 8 seems very compact, except the crack at the valley. Line 9 is
in Fig. 6, this leads to a gathering of rains, muds, and crumbs similar to line 7, but the void appears on the east side. A void
resulting from rains erosion process. Accordingly, the and a fractured zone were identified underneath line 10. There
possibility of the presence of empty cavities in the study is a compact chunk of limestone underneath line 11. At the
area is weak. In general, this site is characterized by highly western end of line 11, the limestone seems to have been
weathered limestone, fractured zones, and voids filled with compromised with fractures and fluid on the surface. Most
water/clay, which are called hydrogeological active zones, of the limestone beneath line 12 is compact. At the surface,
and have low resistivity properties. the limestone is heavily weathered.
Figure 7 shows the inverted sections from lines 1 to 6. Figure 9 shows the inverted sections from lines 13 to 18.
From the inverted section for line 1, we can see many highly The features of lines 13 to 15 are similar to line 11. The

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Fig. 12 The 2-D inversion result of resistivity for lines 31–34

limestone base beneath lines 11–15 at the valley seems to be engineering boreholes are often inexpensive in comparison
the best structure to carry mining tailings. The western side of with the seismic method in steep topography. Furthermore,
the limestone layer started to display fracturing (low resistiv- this resistivity survey provides a baseline for resistivity tailing
ity) below line 16. This pattern lasts from line 16 to 27 as pond monitoring later on.
shown in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11. The eastern side of the limestone In the future, we plan to integrate GPR into our toolkit. We
base can be considered to hold tailings pond. From lines 28 to believe that GPR can map the top of the cavity. For the cavity
the end, the limestone beneath these lines is extremely com- bottom, 3D inversion of borehole resistivity data might be the
promised of fractures and water as shown in Figs. 11 and 12. only choice.

Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to the Honduras Mining

Company for permission to publish.
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