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Saveetha University


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Nivethithan and Raj, IJPSR, 2015; Vol. 6(7): 2723-2727. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

IJPSR (2015), Vol. 6, Issue 7 (Review Article)

Received on 12 November 2014; received in revised form, 24 January, 2015; accepted, 28 February, 2015; published 01 July, 2015


T. Nivethithan * and James D. Raj

Department of Endodontics, Saveetha dental college, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Keywords: ABSTRACT: Pain is the most predominantly associated symptom

Endodontic pain, Cause, with patients visit to the dental office. The pain may arise due to either
Management, Inter appointment an endodontic cause or a periodontic cause, but the endodontic pain
pain, Post endodontic pain. type variant is the most commonly encountered by the dentists in their
Correspondence to Author: dental offices. Even though the endodontic pain is more common,
Nivethithan T.
there arises a dilemma in diagnosing and planning the treatment for
Undergraduate student (BDS), the patient in day to day practice. This makes the proper diagnosis and
Saveetha dental college, Chennai 77, adequate management of the endodontic pain as an important part of
Tamil Nadu, India.
any dental practice. This article aims to review the importance of
E-mail: diagnosing the cause and adequate treatment for endodontic pain.
INTRODUCTION: The endodontic pain is mainly Etiology of endodontic pain:
caused due to the inflammation of the pulp tissue The endodontic pain arises as a result of the pulp
occurring as a result of dental caries progressing tissue response to any causative agents like dental
deep into the tooth. This pain arises in response to caries or other irritants. The pulp tissue responds to
either reversible or irreversible pulpitis. The any external stimuli like dental caries, trauma or
reversible pulpitis can be characterised by acute even restorative procedures. The pulp tissue
pain unlike the steady chronic pain in case of bacterial interaction plays a vital role in pain
irreversible pulpitis. The acute pain is what brings progression. Dental caries have various microbial
the patient to a dental clinic due to its intolerable and other components which have the
nature and so the precise diagnosis and systematic capacity to interact with pulp tissue and produce
treatment would only relieve pain from the patient. a response. Various studies have shown that
The causes of endodontic pain contains of a broad endodontic pain between two appointments can be
spectrum which needs to analysed properly before due to preoperative pain, absence of periapical
arriving at a diagnosis. The endodontic pain can be lesions or cysts, fractured roots, retreatment cases
characterised as pain before endodontic treatment, and patients prescribed with analgesics. Pain after
pain during endodontic treatment and even pain endodontic treatment can also result from the acute
after endodontic treatment. Analysing these exacerbation of chronic lesion 1, 2 non-vital tooth 3,
parameters also would help a dental practitioner to previously opened canal, extension of either the
plan the treatment systematically. filling material or instrument beyond the apex of
the tooth and any leakage in temporary or
DOI: permanent filling done after endodontic treatment.

Pre Endodontic pain:

Article can be accessed online on: Dental caries: During early stages of caries progression, there
DOI link:
may be some changes seen in the pulp tissue in the
form of inflammation of the pulp tissue 4. The

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2723

Nivethithan and Raj, IJPSR, 2015; Vol. 6(7): 2723-2727. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

bacterial toxins or endotoxins may reach the pulp Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Prevotella species
long before its exposure because of the , this has been proved recently by various
permeability of dentine. The carious progression studies. The microbial load is also well recognized
continues and in turn results in the inflammatory as an important factor for a microorganism to cause
process building up. There is limited repair of pulp disease. If the host is faced with a higher number of
due to very thin capillaries which collapse due to microbial cells than it is used to an acute
increase in intra pulpal pressure. In case of a long exacerbation of the periradicular lesion can occur 9.
standing carious lesion the pulpal response stops The host resistance of an individual may also play a
and there occurs calcification of the pulp tissue as a role in the occurrence of inter appointment pain
defensive mechanism against irritants. Many because individuals who have reduced ability to
studies have proved that endotoxins are present in cope with infections are more prone to develop
carious lesions of symptomatic and asymptomatic clinical symptoms after endodontic procedures in
teeth. The amount of endotoxin was significantly infected root canals.
greater in the superficial compared to the deep
layer of carious dentine. More endotoxins are Non Microbial Cause:
present in caries of painful teeth compared with Mechanical and chemical injury to the peri
those without symptoms 5. radicular tissue would also result in inflammatory
reaction causing pain. The intensity of pain will
Dental trauma: depend on several aspects, including intensity of
Trauma in dentistry is also a very important cause the injury, intensity of tissue damage, and intensity
for pain to occur. Dental trauma is seen as an injury of the inflammatory response. Mechanical irritation
to the dental structures of the oral cavity mostly causing periradicular inflammation includes mainly
caused due to accidents in both adult and overinstrumentation and overextended filling
adolescent patients. Studies conducted have proved materials. Chemical irritation includes apical
that male patients in the adult age group tend to extrusion of irrigants or intracanal medications.
experience more injuries to their permanent The larger the amount of overextended material,
dentition especially the maxillary central incisors the greater is the intensity of damage to the
resulting in severe pain. The most frequent type of periradicular tissues 9.
injury was a simple crown fracture of the maxillary
central incisors in the permanent dentition causing Inflammatory causes:
rupture of the pulp tissues which would need Interappointment pain is almost exclusively due to
endodontic treatment to regain their form and the development of acute inflammation at the
function 6. periradicular tissues. Following injury to the
periradicular tissues, a myriad of chemical
Inter Appointment Endodontic Pain: substances are released or activated, which will
Severe pain and swelling following an endodontic mediate characteristic events of inflammation, such
treatment like root canal treatment which may arise as vasodilatation, increase in vascular permeability,
as a result of mechanical injury or chemical injury and chemotaxis of inflammatory cells. The
or microbial injury to the root canal system 7, 8. The chemical mediators of inflammation include
mechanical and chemical injuries are mostly of vasoactive amines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes,
iatrogenic origin, but the inter appointment pain cytokines, neuropeptides, lysosomal enzymes,
due to microbial injury is the predominant factor. nitric oxide, oxygen-derived free radicals, and
plasma-derived factors (complement, kinin, and
Microbial causes: clotting systems)15.
There are some special circumstances in which
microorganisms can cause interappointment pain as Post Endodontic Pain:
a result of imbalance in host-bacteria relationship Pain after endodontic treatment is one of the most
induced by intracanal procedures 9. Development commonly seen complication of endodontic
of pain can be due to presence of pathogenic treatment. It can be caused due to many pre-
bacteria like Porphyromonas endodontalis, operative factors like acute exacerbation of chronic

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2724

Nivethithan and Raj, IJPSR, 2015; Vol. 6(7): 2723-2727. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

lesion 1, 2, non-vital tooth 3, previously opened combination of procedures which would relieve
canal, extension of either the filling material or pain more effectively.
instrument beyond the apex of the tooth and any
leakage in temporary or permanent filling done Optimal endodontic pain management includes
after endodontic treatment. pharmacological and non-pharmacological
treatment strategies.
Various factors responsible for post endodontic
pain are position of the apical foramen, pulp tissue Pharmacological treatment strategies:
between two canals which cannot be easily Several pharmacological strategies for pain
instrumented without proper care, presence of controlhave emerged over the last 10years 18. Some
accessory fourth canal in case of maxillary first strategies used to relieve endodontic pain are to
molars which may be left out without prescribe the right non-narcoticanalgesics at the
instrumentation, inaccurate determination of right dosages 19-23.
working length can lead to over instrumentation,
extrusion of root canal debris beyond the apex Pre-treatment with NSAIDS for irreversible
during instrumentation, irrigants used like sodium pulpitisshould have the effect of reducing pulpal
hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide may cause peri levels ofthe inflammatory mediator PGE2. This
apical discomfort, obturating technique like lateral would benefitin two ways. Firstly, decreasing
condensation causes immediate post-operative pain pulpal nociceptorsensitization would mitigate an
than single cone obturation technique 16. increase in resistanceto local anaesthetics 24.
Secondly, it may diminish a prostanoid-induced
Management of Endodontic Pain: stimulation of TTX-resistant sodium channel
Management of endodontic pain primarily depends activity; these channels also displayrelative
on the accurate diagnosis of the cause of the pain. resistance to lidocaine 25. Double blind clinical
There are various methods by which an accurate trials have shown that the injectable nonsteroidal
diagnosis can be made, they are clinical anti-inflammatory drug ketorolac tromethamine,
examination, peri apical testing, pulp testing, when injected intraorally or intramuscularly,
radiographic examination and most importantly the produces significant analgesia in patients with
practitioner must be able to differentiate severe odontogenic pain prior to definitive
odontogenic pain from non odontogenic treatment 26, 27.
pain.Among the diagnostic questions that must be
resolved prior to treatment are17: Non Pharmacological treatment strategies:
These strategies include primary dental treatment
 Is the pain of odontogenic or non- procedures to relieve pain like pulpectomy and
odontogenic origin? pulpotomy.
 Is the tooth vital or non-vital?
 Is the pain due primarily to an inflammatory Pulpotomy:
or infectious process? The pulpotomy is a treatment method done to
 Is the pain of pulpal or periradicular origin remove the coronal pulp tissue in the chamber
or both? without penetrating pulpal tissue in the root canal
 Is there a periodontal component systems.It is often performed in cases of acute pain
involvement of pulpal origin when there is insufficient time to
do a complete pulpectomy. The procedure should
Answers to these questions are elicited from a be done under adequate isolation with rubberdam
combination of the medical and dental histories as being the recommended mode to prevent further
well as highly subjective clinical tests including microbiological contamination. After access is
thermal, electrical and percussion. From the results achieved, slow speed round diamond burs is used
of these tests, radiographs and the history, the to remove pulp tissue to the level of the canal
clinician determines which procedure or orifice. Slow speed burs are used to
preventobliteration of the natural funnel at the

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2725

Nivethithan and Raj, IJPSR, 2015; Vol. 6(7): 2723-2727. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

mouth of a canal that makes initial penetration treatment 33. If there is a flow of exudate from the
easier. High speedburs can easily destroy that canal following instrumentation and irrigation, it is
anatomy. Bleeding is typically managed by a cotton best to wait to close the tooth until the flow stops.
pellet placed firmly againstthe coronal orifices. The Infrequently, the flow will continue and, in those
pulpotomy, including sealing of sedative and instances, a cotton pellet or porous material can be
antibacterial dressings in the pulp chamber has used as a barrier until the patient returns, preferably
been advocated in emergency situations for many the next day. The goal is to close the tooth as soon
years 28-30. as possible in order to prevent further bacterial
The success of a pulpotomy in relieving pain,
particularly in the vital case, would seem to be due Management of Inter Appointment Endodontic
to a venting of the chamber with a concomitant Pain:
reduction in local tissue pressure, inflammatory Pain during endodontic treatment arising due to
mediator concentrations and the severing of the inter appointment flare ups can be treated by means
terminal endings of nociceptive sensory neurons. of various methods like 9
Clinicians frequently note the dramatic effect of
 Re-instrumentation
opening a chamber and observing the rapid relief
that often follows. It seems reasonable to assume  Trephination
that these factors constitute the biological basis for  Incision and drainage
its highly predictable effect of reducing pain in  Intracanal medicaments
patients with irreversible pulpitis. Furthermore, by  Occlusal reduction.
avoiding the canal system, the clinician avoids It can also be treated pharmacologically by
performing a partial pulpectomy which might antibiotic and non-narcotic analgesics
traumatize already inflamed tissue. Partial administrations.
pulpectomy may result in profuse haemorrhage due
to the rupture of wide diameter vessels in the Management of Post Endodontic pain:
central part of the pulp. Less haemorrhage often Managing post endodontic pain is of prime
results when the extirpation of the pulp is made to importance because the incidence of patients
the apex of the tooth17. returning to endodontist with discomfort in on the
rise. This pain can be relieved by being more
A clinical study found a higher incidence of careful during the endodontic treatment procedure.
postoperative pain in cases where partial Each step of root canal treatment must be done
pulpectomy was performed 31. Thus in treating with utmost perfection some examples like accurate
patients with pain due to irreversible pulpitis, a working length determination, disoccluding the
pulpotomy procedure is preferable when time does opposing teeth 34, proper cleaning and shaping with
not permit a complete pulpectomy a partial adequate sequencing of instruments, optimum use
pulpectomy should be avoided in these cases. and judicious selection of irrigants 35 and use of
magnifying devices like dental loupes and
Pulpectomy: endodontic microscopes 36, would be more helpful
Pulpectomy is the course of treatment often used in in identifying the most commonly missed accessory
patients who present with symptoms of irreversible canals which when left untreated result in post
pulpitis, or pulp necrosis with or without swelling endodontic pain. Near perfection in these iatrogenic
. Since it is impossible for the clinician to factors would drastically reduce the incidence of
precisely determine the apical extent of pulpal post endodontic pain.
pathosis, a pulpectomy offers the advantage of
complete removal of the pulp. Following the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The pain in
pulpectomy it is best to close dressing must be endodontics has various dimensions and their
given in order to prevent contamination from the causes may be similar or may even vary, but for
oral cavity 32. Teeth left open to the environment effective management of endodontic pain the above
are often involved in exacerbations during discussed causative factors and treatment methods

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Nivethithan and Raj, IJPSR, 2015; Vol. 6(7): 2723-2727. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

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How to cite this article:

Nivethithan T and Raj JD: Endodontic Pain - Cause and Management : A Review. Int J Pharm Sci Res 2015; 6(7): 2723-27.doi:
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