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A. Answer these questions as best as you can.

B. Short Essay
The comic strip simply means to me, you can trust someone but before
doing so, we have to make sure that, that certain someone is worthy of our trust.
Trust is to place high belief and conviction in what information or object that
another person presents to you. Trust is gained not bought.
Nevertheless, trusting a good person can still lead to disappointment and
may cause trust problem in your part. Thus, it is always important to verify, even
if you are taking somebody’s word for it.
Everything and everyone in this world is bound to make some mistakes at
some point in time, therefore it is necessary for someone to have some
precautions and make your final thought or decision based on multiple reliable
resources, or at least know that person before deciding on trusting that certain
In conclusion, I think this comic strip is referring to the verification
theory, because based with the example on the discussion, the girl assumed that
the boy likes her since the boy was being nice to her, and later she found out that
that’s just how the boy is to everyone. Similar to the comic strip before trusting
someone we have to verify that, that person is worthy of our trust because if not it
will end up us getting hurt.

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