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To found out the reliability of the questionnaire, the researcher used SPSS 20.00 version.

Besides, to
know which the reliability level of this research, the researcher used the table of reliability level from
Cohen et al. (2007) as below:

Table III.7
The level of Acceptable Reliability
NO Reliability Validity
1 >0.90 Very high
2 0.80-0.90 High
3 0.70-0.79 Reliable
4 0.60-0.69 Marginally/Minimally
5 <0.60 Unacceptably low
(Cohen,Manion,& Morison,2007:506)

From the data above, it could be seen that the value of cronbach‟s alpha was 0.865. It indicated that the
items were reliable, were the value of internal consistency was 0.80 < 0.865, so the reliability of the test
was highly reliable.

The following table is the categories of reliability test used in determining the level of reliability of the

Table III. 9

The Level of Reliability

No Reliability Level of Reliability

1 0.0 – 0.20 Low

2 0.21 – 0.40 Sufficient

3 0.41 – 0.70 High

4 0.71 – 1.0 Very High

In determining the reliability of the test in the research, the researcher used inter-rater reliability
formula. The scores given by rater 1 were correlated to scores given by rater 2. The higher correlation
was, the higher inter-rater reliability.
To determine the correlation between scores given by rater 1 correlated to scores given by rater 2, the
researcher used Pearson Product Moment formula through SPSS 22.00 version.

The following table describes the correlation between scores given by rater 1 and rater 2 by using
Pearson Product Moment formula through SPSS 22.00 version.

From the table above, it could be seen that the coefficient of correlation product moment robtained (ro)
between scores given by rater 1 and rater 2 was 0.812. Before comparing it to rtable (rt), the researcher
obtained the degree of freedom
df = N – nr
df = 35 – 2 = 33

After the degree of freedom (df) = 33 was obtained, the coefficient of robtained product moment was
compared to rtable, either at significance level of 5% or 1%. At significance level of 5%, rtable was 0,334;
while at significance level of 1% rtable was 0.282. Based on rtable, it can be analyzed that (ro) was
higher than (rt) either at level of 5% and 1%. It is clear that 0.282<0.812> 0.334. So that, the researcher
concluded that there was a significant correlation between scores given by rater 1 and rater 2. In the
other words, the speaking test was reliable. Then, the researcher calculated by using Spearman-Brown
prophecy formula in order to know the classification of reliability. The formula could be seen as follow:


rtt= 𝑛𝑟𝐴1𝐵

rtt = Inter-Rater Reliability
n = the number of raters whose combined estimate the final mark for the examines

rAB = the correlation between raters, or the average correlation among all raters if there are more than
While, the calculation of it was as follow:
rtt= 𝑛𝑟𝐴1𝐵

From result of calculation above, the inter-rater reliability in this research was 0.896. Thus, it was
categorized into very high level.
G. The Technique of Analyzing Data

In order to find out whether there is a significant difference on students‟ speaking performance
between extrovert and introvert, the researcher analyzed it by using a statistic software Statistcal
Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 22.00 version and the output of that software is as the results of
independent sample t-test analysis. According to Pallant (2007), an independent sample t-test is used to
compare the mean score, on some continuous variables, for two different group participants. Before
doing independent sample t-test analysis, the researcher needed to analyze the homogeneity and
normality of the test. Because knowing the homogeneity and normality of the test is needed in
parametric analysis. Thus, in order to know whether the data had the same variance or not, the
researcher needed to describe the homogeneity analysis. The SPPS22.00 result of the homogeneity data
can be interpreted as follows:
a. If the probability (sig) > 0.05 Ho is accepted, it means the data is homogenous.

b. If the probability (sig)< 0.05 Ha is accepted, it means the data is not homogenous.
Moreover in term of the normality test, it was analyzed by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Saphiro-Wilk
technique with SPSS 22.00 version. The SPSS result of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Saphiro-Wilk test can be
interpreted as follows:
a. If the probability (sig)> 0.05 Ho is accepted, it means the data is normally distributed.

b. If the probability (sig)< 0.05 Ha is accepted, it means the data is abnormally distributed.
After knowing the data is normally distributed and having the homogenous variance, the researcher
needed to use Independent Sample T-test analysis in order to know whether or not there is a significant
difference on students‟ speaking performance between extroverts and introverts with SPSS 22.00



In this chapter the researcher presented the data which had been collected from the research in the
field of study. The data were the result of students' writing competence score, the result of students'
personality (Extrovert and Introvert), the result of normality and homogeneity, testing of normality,
testing of homogeneity, testing hypothesis using SPSS program, interpretation of the result, and
A. Data Presentation

The research was aimed to find the differences between extrovert and introvert students in writing
competence of second grader at MTs Miftahul Ulum Sumbermanjingwetan Malang. As described in the
preliminary study, the researcher distributed questionnaire to measure the students personality. In this
research, it is categorized to extrovert and introvert. It consisted of 57 questions and was administrated
in 45 minutes. Then, to answer the research problems the researcher divided the sample into
extrovert and introvert students. The next step is to find out the students English writing competence
score, the researcher gained from their writing test score which was rated by 3 raters.

1. Deviding Students into Extrovert and Introvert

After distributing EPI's questionnaire, the researcher devided the students into extrovert and introvert
by knowing the level of stability that calculated from neuroticism score. Beside it, students with
dishonest criteria (lie score more than 5) are not taken as research samples.

The table below described the result of EPI's questionnaire from the students of second grader in
academic year 2019-2020. This Instrument distributed on 28-30 of April 2021 as explained below :

After that, the researcher categorized the students into extrovert and introvert that adapted as the table

The table above showed there were 13 students acquired score 81-100, 38 students acquired score 61-
80, 25 students acquired score 41-60, and 39 students acquired 21-40. The students personality was
categorized by the score that separated them to 4 group, stable extrovert, stabel introvert, unstable
extrovert and unstable introvert.
To make it clearer the researcher made several groups of the data in some level on predicate of the
score then made percentage by using formula:
S = students‟ score
n = the number of students who got score in a level
N = total of the students‟

Based on the table above it can be seen there were 13 students (25%) are Stable Extrovert, 12 students
(23,07%) are stable introvert, 14 students (26,92%) are unstable extrovert, 9 students (17,30%) are
unstable introvert and 4 students have dishonest category.

The following is chart about the frequency of extrovert and introvert personality questionnaire score.
Figure 4.1 The Frequecy of Students Personality Questionnaire

This research only focused on the students who have stable extrovert and introvert, so the students
with unstable and dishonest category are not taken as a sample. To conclude there were 13 students
with stable extrovert personality and 12 students with stable introvert personality.

2. The Result of Students Writing Competence Score of Extrovert group

The folowing table are the students who have been categorized into the stable
extrovert personality and following by their writing competence score which taken from writing test.

Based on the table above it can be seen that the higher score of the extrovert student was 77,66 and the
lower score of the extrovert student was 50,66. From the calculation of the data above showed the
mean of the extrovert students writing score was 63,4308 and the standard deviation was 8,22985.

The result of the final score of extrovert students were categorized in classifying the score, the
researcher used the measurement of students‟ right answer suggested by Harris (1969, p.134) as

Based on the table above it can be seen there were 2 (15,38%) extrovert students acquired writing score
71-80 categorized good, 6 (46,15%) extrovert students acquired writing score 61-70categorized fair and
5 (38,46%) extrovert students acquired writing score 51-60 categorized low.

3. The Result of Students Writing Competence Score of Introvert Group

The folowing table are the students who have been categorized into the stable introvert personality and
following by their writing competence score which taken from writing test.

Based on the table above it can be seen that the higher score of the introvert student was 89,33 and the
lower score of the introvert student was 49,00 From the calculation of the data above showed the mean
of the introvert students writing score was 73,5258 and the standard deviation was 10,81665.

The result of the final score of introvert students were categorized in classifying the score, the
researcher used the measurement of students‟ right answer suggested by Harris (1969, p.134) as
Based on the table above it can be seen there were 3 students (25%) introvert students acquired writing
score 81-100 categorized excellent, 5 (41,66%) introvert students acquired writing score 71-80
categorized good, 3 (25%) introvert students acquired writing score 61-70 categorized fair and only 1
(8,33%) introvert students acquired writing score < 50 categorized very low.

4. Comparison on Writing competence Score Between Extrovert and Introvert Group

The following table explained the differences between extrovert and introvert students in writing score.

Based on the table above it can be seen that extrovert and introvert have different score. The higest
score of extrovert group is 89.70 while the higest score of introvert group is 80.40. The lowest score of
extrovert group is 69.60 and the lowest score of introvert group is 60.20. The mean of extrovert group is
80.2453 while the mean of introvert group is 71.6282. The standard deviation of extrovert group is
3.76233 and the standard devistion of introvert group is 4.84941. From the table and calculation above
it can be conclud that introvert better than extrovert in writing competence.

B. Research Findings

1. Testing Assumptions

a) Testing Normality

The normality was consulted with the table of Kolmogorov-Smirnov with the level significance of
Extrovert= 0,2 < α= 0.05 it could be concluded that the data was normal distribution, and the asymptotic
significance normality of introvert was 0,2 < α= 0.05 it also could be concluded that the data was normal

b) Homogenity Test

Based on the output of SPSS above it is known that the value significance of variance homogenity was
0,611>0.05, it means that the data has homogenity.

2. Testing Hypotheses
To measure the difference between extrovert and introvert students' writing score, the independent
sample t test was applied in this research.

3. Interpretation of The Result

Based on the manual and statistical calculation, the tobserved was 8.925 it

was greater than ttable 5% (1.99) and 1% (2.64) it can be clarified that there is
significant difference between extrovert and introvert students in speaking ability.

So, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was

rejected. To make it clearly the researcher giving interpretation for “tobserved” with

consulting t table.

df/db = –

= (43+39) – 2 = 80

 Consulting score of “db/df” with “t table”

 In significant degrees t-table 5% = 1.99

 In significant degrees t-table 1% = 2.64

The alternative hypothesis of this research is there is significant different between extrovert and
introvert students in their writing competence, and the null hypothesis of this research is there is no
significant different between extrovert and introvert students in their writing competence.

Based on the analysis using independent sample T-test it founds that alternative hypothesis was
accepted. The t-observed of this research was (8.925) > t-table 5% (0.220) > t-table 1% (0.286). It meants
t-table is greater than t-observed. It can be interpreted that Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted
and Null Hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. In conclusion there is significant difference between extrovert
and introvert students in writing competence of Second Grader of MTs Miftahu Ulum Sumbermanjing
wetan Malang.
the researcher found that the writing achievement of introvert students‟

personality better than extrovert students personality. It can be seen from the

means score of extrovert students personality and introvert students‟ personality.

C. Discussion

Based on the data distribution of students personality, it was known that It can be seen that the
majority of personalities in the second grade are Extroverts. where the number of unstable extroverts
has a percentage of 26.92%, while stable extroverts have a percentage of 25%, and the rest are students
with introverted personalities. Then, in the context of writing competence, students with extroverted
personality are classified in the fair level category. On the other hand, introverted students are included
in the category of good level in writing competence. This can be seen from the descriptive table
comparing the scores of extroverted and introverted students.

Meanwhile, Judging from the descriptive statistical table of writing scores between both extroverts and
introverts, the mean score of introverts (73.5258) is greater than the mean score of extroverts
(63.4308). This means that introverts have a better ability in writing. This is in line with the theory
presented by Crew and Crow that Extrovert students are better in speaking while introverted students
are better in writing skills. Beside that, Dewaele et al. Cited in Brown (2000, p.156) said Extrovert may be
a factor in the development of general oral communication competence which requires face to face
interaction, but not listening, reading, and writing. Lestari, Suha and Suhartono (2013, p.11) sates
students whom relatively active in the class, they speak English without hesitation. These active students
are generally regarded to possess extrovert personality. Then, the introvert students tended to enjoy
reading, lectures, and written over oral work. They preferred to work independently and need time for
internal processing. They enjoyed listening to others talk about a topic while privately the information.

In addition, the finding revealed that there was significant difference between introvert and extrovert
students' writing competence. The t-observed of this research was (8.925) > t-table 5% (0.220) > t-table
1% (0.286). It meants t-table is greater than t-observed. It means that Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was
accepted and Null Hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. In other words, there is significant difference between
extrovert and introvert students in writing competence of Second Grader of MTs Miftahu Ulum
Sumbermanjing wetan Malang. Therefore, students who had introvert personality were good at writing.

This study was in line with Yashori

This study also was supported by Nazlia‟s (2015) with the finding that there is significant difference

To sum up, the data showed a finding that introverts had a higher score than extroverts' in writing
competence. It could be because introverts had a higher concentration level than extroverts who were
impulsive at solving problems and easily distracted. In other words the reearcher concluded that
extrovert or introvert students have their own unique learning style or strategy. This unique learning
style or strategy play important role in students success in acquiring second or foreign language.



This research was conducted to find out if there is a significant difference between extrovert and
introvert students on their writing competence at second grader of MTS Miftahul Ulum Sumbermanjing
Wetan Malang. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that:

1. Introvert students' writing competence at second grader of MTS Miftahul Ulum Sumbermanjing
Wetan Malang is categorized as good level. It can be seen from the mean score of Introvert students'
writing competence that is 73,5258. In other hand, the extrovert sudents' Writing competence is lower,
It can be seen from the mean score of extrovert students that is 63, 4308.

2. There is a significant difference between extrovert and introvert students on their writing
competence at second grader of MTS Miftahul Ulum Sumbermanjing Wetan Malang. In this research,
extrovert students score is lower than introvert students. It is because one of the characteristic of
extroverts is outgoing in communication. They tend to position themselves closer to others, and direct
facial posture and eye contact is more likely to be maintained. While introverts had a higher
concentration level than extroverts who were impulsive at solving problems and easily distracted.
B. Suggestion
Considering the difference between extrovert and introvert students on their speaking performance, the
researcher would like to give some suggestion to:

1. The teacher. The researcher suggests to consider the different type of students‟ personality; extrovert
and introvert. Extrovert and introvert students will have different way in receiving the knowledge.
Moreover, the teacher can apply different method, technique and strategy in teaching writing that is
suitable for both of the. So, it is not only focus to introvert students who tend to be superior in writing
but also to extovert students too. Beside it, It is not necessary to know all students personality, knowing,
at least, those who struggle and need help in their study will definitely do.
2. Extrovert Students
The lowest aspect of extrovert students is content. Their paragraph development was a little bit off and
their supporting sentences were often biased from the main sentence. While not being the lowest,
grammar is also worth mentioning since grammar errors were quite common in their writing. While
some were harmless, some others sometimes made the sentence uncomprehensible. The most
common errors were the present and past form of verb, abusing present participle as a full verb without
auxiliary, and adding is/areto the main action verb.A fun and engaging method is needed because
extrovert is a little bit reluctant when it comes to writing activity.
3. Introvert Students
While for introvert students, the lowest aspect is content. Beside it, they often threw ideas after ideas
but sometimes, they had little no nothing to do with the main purpose of the text, which is describing a
person. While not being the lowest, grammar is also worth mentioning since grammar errors were quite
common in their writing. While some were harmless, some others sometimes made the sentence
uncomprehensible. The most common errors were the present and past form of verb. Teaching writing
to introverts are theoretically easier because based on their traits, they are made to express their ideas
through writing instead of speaking.
To sum up, writing for introvert students is easier than to extrovert students. Although both groups
made some errors in grammar, vocabulary, and mechanic, introvert students are generally more
enthusiastic in practice. Therefore, an interesting teaching method or media is needed to supplement
extrovert students’ lack of enthusiasm in learning writing.

4. Further Research

a. This research focused in one of four English skills. Hopefully, other researchers can try to apply it in
different skills, especially the receptive ones; listening and reading.

b. After knowing the results of this study, it is hoped that further researchers can find or test the
effectiveness of a particular method, technique or strategy on the writing ability of extroverted and
introverted students. That way, it can be known which way is suitable for both personality types.

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