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A Saga : Skinurfshes in cfre Oa* Ag.r supptenrenr
Factions designed by: Alex Buchel
Written by: Alex Buchel and Andy "Lord S" Sherwell
Layout, cover and graphic design: Fred Machu
Pictures: Wyn Rogers

Figures painted by: Darren Harding, Wyn Rogers, Mystic Spirals, Adey Burt
Matt Bazley, Fred Machu and Artmaster Studios.
Scenery by: Wyn Rogers, Gripping Beast and Crand Manner
Thanks to Mike Hobbs and the lnner Sanctum for their help and play testing sessions.
Join the saga community and find our latests updates at
Varjazi & Basileus is published by Cripping Beast under license from Studio Tomahawk SARL, i1 Nouvelle Cité, 67180 Lingolsheim.
sasa, skirmishes in the Dark Ages, Northern Fury, rhe -i;;[: & Basileus are o by Alex Buchel and Studio romahawk
No part of this pubrication may be reproduciÍ;i:il"_1"1iliilfl#:T:il,;J#:;il*"a, in anv form or anv rneans without

Printed in April 2orl by l'lmprimerie Cantier (59582 MARLY)

o Studio Tomahawk zot3

Faction: The Pagan Rus.................... ....Pages 3 to 6

Faction: The Rus Princes........... . . Pages 7 lo 10

Faction : The By2antines................ Pages tl to 14

Swords For Hire : The Steppe Nomads... ... ..............Page t5

: Che Pogan Rus
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The Rus kingdom emerged in the mid-gth century, carved out by IFA\Cll lt toN lRl,lUt lL lE ss
Norse traders and adventurers who had established settlements
dlong the main river routes and waterwdys into what is now Pagan Rus Warlords, Hearthguards and Warriors are not subject
northern modern Russia. to any special rule.
Pagan Rus Levies are armed with javelins.
The Rus ruled over the natíve Slavs and Fínno-lJgarian subjects,
mixing their mythology, trad¡tíons and culture with theír own. Unless otherwise specified, Pagan Rus may not include Swords
Russidn chrontcles name their first kíng as Rurik who replaced the for Hire units.
Khazars as Lord of Kíev and founded a dynasty that would rule
Russia until the later Middle Ages. ]HI]E]RI.IO]EsS O]F ]I]HI]B V]I]K]ING A\G]E
Your Warlord is an important noble likely to be a Norseman. He
Svíatoslav I of Kiev, Prínce of Rus,
can be a local lord or even a warlike Khagan (a title derived from
the Khazars). Conqueror of the Khazars
Sviatoslav was born ín the mid-gth centuty and was the son of lgor,
As was the tradition in the Norse culture, the Iords and leaders
Prínce of Kiev. As soon ds he succeeded to the throne, he looked
maintained a band of loyal followers and bodyguards. They were
east and south to expand the lands he had inherited from hís
likely to be of pure Scandivanian blood and were either called
Varjazi (Varangians) or Druzhina. They fought on foot, in tight father. lnfluenced by Byzantíne emissaries, his attentíon turned to
the Khazar Khaganate in theVolga valley and the Pontíc steppes.
shieldwall formations. These Varjazi form the Hearthguards at
your disposal.
ln 965 AD Sviatoslav launched a lighteníng cdmpdign and he
overthrew the rulers of Sarkel and Kerch, two of the major cíties
Most troops fighting for the Rus warlords were Slavs or other of the Khazars, before destroying and burníng the Khazar capítal
natives. Armed with spear and shield, these troops usually made of Atil. In one yedr, Sviatoslav had fragmented a nation that ruled
up the militia defending Novgorod, Kiev or any other major trade the steppes for four centuries.
city. They are your Warriors.
After the Khazar, the Prince of Kiev turned to the west wíth the
The bow was not a favoured weapon of the early Rus, and was subjugation of Bulgaria as hís objective. Thís threw the Rus in
restricted to hunting during r ¿ direct confrontation with the Byzdntínes. The campaign
rh in the Balkans was not nearly as successful as the one
this period. From time to time, some scouts
in the steppes, and in 969 Sviatosldv had was forced
armed with javelins would loin a warband
to negot¡dte with the Emperor and retire from Eastern A.
and be despatched in front of the battle line. These
javelinmen form the Levy that your Warlord might muster. Europe. On his way home, Pechenegs, most ltkely in the
pay of the Byzantines who feared this ambitíous Prínce,

ambushed hím. lt ís said that his skull made a drínkíng
chalíce for the Pecheneg Khan.

Almost nothíng lasted from hís conquests, as he never took time §s7\G'A\ A\lE ll lLIT]l lES DIBSCIRIPTIO\
to consolídate them. His sons waged wdr dga¡nst each other,
shatteríng what was the largest kingdom in Europe ín the toth Below you will find a descríption of the varic -: :: : :-: : : ¡ble
century. to the Pagan Rus player on their Bottleboc'c. .' =- -:: ¡eal
Hero of the Viking Age: Unlike other Heroes of the Viking Age, with the fi rst column of abílitíes as they ar e -<.- : - : : : - -- j : -,sed
Sviatoslav the Prince of Kiev only generates two Saga Dice at throughout Saga: the first three are ¡nterc,.: :: :-: ::: the
the start of each of his turn. different classes of models of an Ruswarbanc. , - : : -: ---.: :!i/o
being the usual Activatíon Pool and the Comc-:: : - -
Pagan: Although his mother converted to Christianity, Sviatoslav
remained Pagan, fearing that conversion might soften him and
lose the respect of his Varjazis. His determination to maintain For the Khagan!
his reputation had no equal. During any melee fought within M[ Used duringstep j of ony melee
of Sviatoslav, any unit in his warband that doesn't score at least
This ability will be especially useful with ', : -- :- :: i or
one hit during step 4 takes one extra FATICUE during step 7.
Warlord, or against an enemy with FATIGUE. \,', ^=- :-=.= cice
During any melee fought within M[ of Sviatoslav, any unit in his are spent, you compare the Armour value of '. ---- ::-::: unit
warband that scores at least four hits during step 4 discards all with the Armour value of each enemy unit '^. : ,:: ^ this
FATIGUE at the end of step 7. Melee. If your unit's Armour is superior to th. :-.-:-- cf all
the enemy units, then your unit gains 3 Attaci l:. : f the
relevant dice was spent). With a good cost versu: ===:: . eness
ratio, this ability will see frequent use.

The GreatWínter
Used duringyour Orders Phase

Some play-testers felt that this ability actuallL c-3'acterizes

the Rus and so the ability was central to thei'::c'iics. This
ability simply limits the movement and shooting :ange of all
units on the board to §S. Note that this does nct constitute a
reduction of movement or shooting distance, as but rather
that it is rather a limitation imposed upon these cistances. This
has some importance when interacting rvith other abilities,
such as the Welsh Children of the Land abilitv. This also means
that a unit moving in rough terrain would stiil move at S, as
this movement does not exceed the limitation created by The
Steppe mercenaries: During his campaigns, Sviatoslav made Creat Winter. On the other hand, The Creat Winter would de
great use of Oghuz and Pecheneg mercenaries. Hence, any facto make any ability that would increase the movement of a
warband led by him may include any number of Steppe Nomads troop useless.
Swords for Hire, as long as the number of these units does not
Obviously, warbands that rely on shooting and/or mounted
exceed the number of Varlazis units deployed on the table.
troops will hate this ability!
Conqueror: The Prince of Kiev was always on the move, never
gíving any respite to his enemies. At the start of his turn, the
player controlling Sviatoslav may decide that hís Warlord won't
generate any Saga dice. lf he chooses to do so, at the start of
an opposing player's next turn, he may designate up to two
units in that player's warband. These units will not generate
Saga Dice at the start of this turn.

Standinglike Bears Frozen

Used duríngstep j of any melee Used during on enemy Activation Phase
Standing like Bears is a good and cheap defensive ability that Frozen is a very useful ability against warbands that would
will prevent those using it from causing much damage, but make use of multiple activations per turn. lt is used once an
should dramatically the number of hits they will take. When activation (that must be the second or subsequent activation
using it, you have the choice of either discarding 3 Attack Dice of the target unit) is declared but before it is resolved. lt
to increase your Armour value by one or to discard 8 Attack cancels the activation and the target unit cannot be activated
Dice to increase your Armour by two. Of course you can only again this turn.
discard dice you actually havel
Usually, you will not get to use Frozen, as the simple fact that it
This ability, combined with For the Khaganl or Bitting Iike is ready to use will prevent your opponent planning more than
Wolves can turn the tide of most melees. a single activation for each of his units.

B¡tíng likeWolves Coldwínds

Used duringstep 3) of ony Melee Used duríngstep z of on enemy shootíng
This ability has two distinctive effects. Both are resolved at the This ability will turn shooting against the shooter. lt is used
end of the step 4 of the Melee. during step 2 but its effects will be enforced during step 3. For
First, if all enemy units engaged in this Melee have at least one each die that rolls a 6 (that is, before any modifier is applied)
FATICUE, then your unit adds three extra hits to the hits scored. the shooting unit takes a FATICUE. lf the relevant die is used to
pay for this ability, the 5s rolled also produce this effect. Nasty.
Secondly, if your unit did not suffer any hits during this step, it
adds a number of extra hits equal to its current Armour.

ln both cases, the extra hits may be targeted against any enemy
unit involved in the Melee. And yes, it is possible to focus all
these hits on a single enemy unit, a Warlord for example. Bites
from Russian wolves are deadlv indeed......
r 1


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You resolve each of these Shootings one á(a ti¡'rÉ, in anyordei
Fear of the Dark
you want. During these Shootings you generate 6 Attack Dice,
Used duringyour activation phase
but there is no shooting unit (your Warlord iust indicates the
This one is terrible ability that will dictate the deployment and
a epicentre of this madness, he is not the shooter), so any ability
movements of enemy units. When used, you must designate that requires a shooting unit or that affects it Shooting has no
an enemy unit that is more than IMI away from any unit (friends effect.
or foes). You simply give the target unit enough FATICUES to
Also, as your Warlord is within NV[ of himself, he will be affected
make it immediately exhausted. Soon, you will see the enemy
deploy shoulder to shoulder, like a flock of sheep cornered by
Barren Lands
Used eíther duringyour Orders Phose or during an enemy
Barren Lands is a very focussed ability that targets mounted
troops. Once used, it reduces by one the Armour values of all
mounted troops against shooting and in melee for the whole
turn. Quite simple, but this will probably make the Byzantines,
Normans or Strathclyde Welsh think twice before invading the
lands of the Rus...

Ragnar speaks...
Russía is a terríble country. lt is cold,
colder that our North, poPulated
wíth harsh people ín an ínhospitable
landscape. Thís is exactly what you
wíll feel when facing the Pagan Rus.
Endless Wastes
Your movementwíll be limited, any
Used duringyour Activation Phase
mistake will be paíd for dearly and
Another deadly ability if it is used with the right timing. Once once you finally manage to catch
used, it affects all units on the table, including your own. All them, they've got more than a one trick to use.
units, except Warlords, must immedíately eliminate one model
for each FATICUE it has. Some of their abílitíes combíne really well, and they
are usually a quite a defensíve warband, ready to
Combined with Fear of the Dark, the result on a Hearthguard
exploit any of your weakness. The GreatWínter will be
enemy unit can be devastatingl
used almost every turn, especíally íf theír enemy fields
any mounted uníts, and they will make great efforts
Eastern Anger to splít his an enemy warband, makíng it possible to
U sed during y our Activ ati on Ph ase exploittheir foe's Fear of the Dark.
You will not use Eastern Anger too often, but when The other abilítíes focus on defendíng and counter-
used properly, the results can be devastating. attackíng. There are many combinatíons to explore,
When the dice are spent, you immediately resolve
but Standing líke Bears with For the Khagan! is on
a Shooting against each unit within M[ of your
obvious and very effective one.
Warlord, including your ownl Please note that
despite being used during the Activation I might add thot javelínmen, despite beíng
Phase, this does not constitute an activation brittle, are quite useful in a Pagan Rus
and may not be cancelled by any game effect warband, asthe reduction of shootingrange
that cancels an activation.
has less ímpact on iavelíns than on bows. I
hate writing thdt but overlookíng these pet
slaves would be a mistake.
ffi: Cne Rus kt ces


. ¡t{i-}} ..i.l,;*;.. . . .., .,.,

ln 7BBAD, Prínce Vladímír the Great of Novgorod and Kíev Their equipment and training largely depended on the wealth
converted to Christíanity. Although hís conversion wds to ensure of their city. Larger towns could provide reliable equipment to
his marriage to a Byzantium princess, thís once proud and their mustered troops while poor or insignificant ones would
rampdnt Pagan embraced hís new Christianity. He ruthlessly tore have to improvise with the available material. Tribal levies
down his kíngdom's Pagan idols and sítes of worship and buílt could join the urban militias, and these tribal Voi were known
many churches. Mass conversíon of the Kievan Rus unsurprísingly as Smerds, meaning peasants. Their motivation and loyalty was
followed. not above question, obviously.

Vladimir and his family fought mdny campaigns against The militias fighting with spears and shields form the Warriors
Byzantium, Croats, Pechenegs as well as his fellow Rus as he of your warband, while the ones that are equipped with bows
sought to make Kíev the pre-emínent city of the region. are your Levies.

During this períod, mounted followers of the Prínces replaced

the Varjozís as the nucleus of Rus armtes. Foot militias supported ]FA\C II ]I ON ]RIUI ]L lE sS

the mounted elite, fightíng in shíeldwalls or armed wíth bows. Some Rus units may be fielded mounted. Mounted units are
Mounted archers, drawn from the ranks of the steppe nomads,
subject to the following special rules:
were a f requent stght ¡n these armies, and were used even dgd¡nst
their fellows.
- The Movement of mounted units is increased to lL but
Your Warlord is a Prince of a Russian city or a Voevodo (military reduced to SS when n-roving from, through, or into uneven
commander). He holds great power and maintains his own ground.
bodyguard of Druzhinas.
- Mounted units may never enter a building but they can
The Druzhinas formed the professional soldiers that made up melee any unit occupying a building in the normal
the core of the standing armies of the Rus Princes. Druzhina ilt"lt""r,,
means "fellowship" and its members are Drugs (comrades) - The Armour of mounted units is reduced by one when they
who shared an oath and were death-bound to their lord. With are the target of a Shooting attack.
the flow of Scandinavian immigrants drying up and the mixing
of Norse and Russian blood, Druzhina are mainly of Slavic - Mounted units may never benefit from any kind of cover, in
origin, though foreigners could .join them from time to time. melee or shooting.
These Druzhinas are the Hearthguards of your warband.

Urban Militias were by far the most numerous component of

theRus armies in our period. They had their own commanders.

;§sry?j:i:att',UtllW&ri-' : . !
Apart from the restrictions mentioned above, mounted units Black Hoods: Thé Bhak are subfect't6:t};Le'iufes of the
behave like ordinary units. lf a unit starts the game mounted, Steppe Nomods with the followíng change§ and additíonoi
it must remain mounted for the whole game and may never benefits:
dismount. - They count as Warriors rather than Levies
Rus Warlords and Hearthguards are mounted. They generate one Saga Díe at the start of each turn.
Rus Warriors are not subject to any special rules. 'They have an Armour of 4, reduced to 3 aga¡nsi
shootíng (as usual for mounted uníts).
Rus Levies are armed with bows.
They are considered as Druzhína for the sake
Unless otherwise specified, Rus warbands f ¡*:-
of usíng Rus Saga abilities.
may include only Steppe Nomad Swords - They generate one Attack Die per model in
for Hire units. melee.

'lt' lHt lUt N lD lE lRl.¡s


The Malaía Druzhina,

lron Fist of the Rus
The Druzhína were divided into
two closses: the Crid Qunior) Druzhínas
and the Molaia Druzhinos. The Maloia were
veterans of war, hardened by theír conflíct with the
steppe nomads, the Byzantínes or ríval cítíes. They were the best- §SA\G,A\A\lEltlLltlt'ltlEsslDlEssrClRltlP,lf ltON
equípped troops dt the dísposal of a Pr'ince, and would follow
hím untíl death, through years of success, íll fortune or failure. Below you wíll find a descriptíon of the various abíltties available
to the Pagan Rus player on theír battleboard. We will not deal
Thunders of the Viking Age: You may upgrade a síngle unít of
wíth the first column of abílíties as they dre símílar to those used
your Druzhina Hearthguards to Malaía Druzhína. This unít cannot
throughout Saga: the first three are intended to actívate the
exceed 8 models and this upgrade will cost you one poínt.
different classes of models of an Rus warband, whíle the last two
Veterans: A unít of Malaía Druzhina Senerdtes two Saga Díce at being the usual Activation Pool and the Combat Pool.
the start of each turn, rather than one like any other unit. They
are mounted, and equípped wtth bows. Due to theír superíor
lf this symbol appears in the ability description box,
trdining and experience, neíther their mounted status nor bows
reduce their armour ín any woy. They have an Armour of 5 against
it indicates that it only Druzhina and the Warlord
may use it.
shooting and ín melee, like foot Hearthguards.

lron Fist: The Mdla¡a Druzhina unít benefits from the Warlord
Determínatíon, as descríbed page j7 of the Saga rulebook. It also
Princes of Wínter
cancels the first hít suffered duríng each shootíng or melee, in
Used during an opponent's Orders Phdse
the same way as theWarlord Resilence rule (see Saga page j7).
Itis well known that the main drawback of mounted models
When thelast model of the Malaía Druzhina ís removed as a casualty,
istheir weakness against shooting. Princes of Winter offers a
all other units in their warband ímmedíately take one FATIGUE,
cheap way of protecting your Druzhina, and to a lesser extent
ín addition to any FATICUE caused by the fact that the unit was
your Warlord, against ranged attacks. When this ability is used,
removed from the table (e.g. íf ít was elímínated ín melee).
until the end of your opponent's turn, your unit's Armour
The Chernye Klobuki,The Black Hoods against shooting is increased by two, to a maximum of 6.

The Chernye Klobukí (also spelled Chrrni Klobukí) were semi- This simply means that they will have an Armour of 6, leaving
nomadicTurkísh tribesmen of the Ros ríver basín who fought as them free to outmanoeuvre the enemy without getting too
mercenaríes for the Rus Princes duríng the 11th dnd 12th century. anxious about those nasty shooters.
They were establíshed south of Kiev in the north of the terr¡toríes
of the K¡pchaks. The tríbe was made oríginally of ímmígrants that
had fled theír homelond when rival steppe tribes invaded. Theír
Used duringyour Orders Phase
characterístícfeature wds a black hood from which they deríved
their name. They were much wealthier than other tribes, hence Grey Wolves is a good and effective ability. lt will usually work
better equ¡pped, and were híghly valued as auxiliaries. quite differently if your unit is attacking or if it is attacked.
Simply said, if none of the units engaged in this melee has any
ihuqflers of the Viking Aget lf your warband tncludes o unít of
FATICUE markers, then it will give you 4 extra Attack Dice.
§teÉEe Ngltrads, 1-rou may upgrade this unit to Chernye Klobukí
{or @1'extra qne point.
lf your unii tras' FATICUE, your opponent will have to make The Power of Blood
a difficult decision; either take off your FATICUE to gain its Used eíther during step j of a melee or during step
benefits but giving you 4 extra Attack Dice, or leave you with z of an enemy's shooting,
the FATICUE. In both cases, the Rus are winnersl
The Power of Blood is a unique Saga ability that can change
the way a Melee or Shooting is done. It may only be used
Under the DarkSkies by Hearthguards, fortunately. During the relevant step of
Used during step z of a Shooting the Shooting or the Melee, when this ability is used, you
This ability is meant to disrupt an enemy's plans. Used during
must also discard between one and six Saga Dice from your
your Shooting, it will force the enemy to make a disengagement
Battleboard. These dice may come from any ability but the die
movement if the target unit suffers at least one casualty. discarded for paying for the Power of Blood does not count
This movement is made with the same constraints as a
toward that number.


r'de* -J"

disengagement movement in Melee (see Saga page z7) except For each die discarded in this way, you may designate one
that if it cannot be performed, the shooting unit does not have Hearthguard figure. This figure cannot be killed during this
to disengage instead. Melee or Shooting. "Cannot" is here an absolute: nothing
Useful to push back a vindictive enemy, or to push out of the way
can override that effect. This effect also affects you in that
you may not choose as casualties any models that cannot be
some unit Ieft near their Warlord to act as meat for a his Resilience.
killed as a result of this ability. So, if your unit is made of 6
models and you discarded four dice, the casualties suffered
The Power of Steel must first be selected from the two models that may be
Used during step j) of any Melee killed before moving to the "immortal" ones that will simply
cancel the casualties.
The Power of Steel will punish those players who enjoy piling
up loads of Saga abilities and have in their hands a shedload of Of course, discarding 6 dice for a unit made of 6 models
Attack Dice. Simply said, it reduces the number of Attack Dice means that your unit will not take any casualties during this
the enemy has to the number of Attack Dice your own unit has. melee or shooting. Your opponent may still roll his Attack
it prevents your unit gaining new Attack Dice during this Melee, Dice if he likes the sound of the cubes on the table or if any
rut depriving an enemy his Attack Dice advantage is invaluable. other game effects depend on the number of hits scored.
Also, note that models that cannot be killed cannot be ,á\.
sacrificed to save a Warlord making use of his Resilience li,
special rule. This cost the life of at least one proud Russian r\ii
Warlord during the playtest, so be carefull

Winds of Despaír Bodyguard
Used during step j of a melee Used either during step j of a melee
Winds of Despair require that your unit wins this Melee This ability makes the coupling of Warlord and Druzhina
and forces the enemy to disengage to have any effect. lt is extremely effective. lt is used during the step 3 of a
also useless on units of more than 3 models or against Melee involving your Warlord. Until the end of this
a Warlord. But any other unit of 3 or less models is I Melee, any time your Warlord takes off a nearby
simply eliminated instead of disengaging. tt might not
'|' friendly model to avoid being killed, you roll one
be very useful in the early turns, but can dramatically ,,.,,t..t ..,,,. die. lf you roll less than the Armour (in melee) of
change the tide of the game in the final stages.
the sacrificed figure, it is not eliminated but the
original hit remains cancelled. So used in conjunction
with Druzhina, hits absorbed with Resilience will be cancelled
PartingBlow on roll of 4 or less. Of course, if the model to be sacrificed is
Used duríng your octivatíon phase himself engaged in the melee, the Armour value to consider is
A useful ability restricted to your Druzhina or your Warlord that its current value, that may have been modified by Saga abilities
will surprise an opponent or soften his unit before engaging or FATI6UE.
melee. When used, it leaves you the choice of activating your
unit for a Movement or for a Shooting. lf activated to move,
it will shoot as if equipped with javelins at the end of this
Movement (and that Movement may not be used to engage
melee). lf activated to shoot it will be considered as equipped
with bows for this Shooting.
In both cases this activation will not generate any FATICUE,
making it useful after your unit has manoeuvred around the

Used during your Orders phase
Hardened is a very good ability that will dictate the way your
Saga Dice are used during this turn. When used, it will boost Ragnar speaks...
all Saga Dice spent from the Combat Pool that display either a
horse or a helmet. Both will grant you with an extra Attack and Do not think for a mínute that
an extra Defence Die. So with Hardened triggered, any horse Chrístianity has softened ín any way
discarded for the Combat pool will give you two Attack Dice our Rus. They emerged from their
and a Defence Dice or one Attack Dice and two Defence Dice. conversion tougher than ever, and
Note that if used during an enemy's Shooting, gaining Attack mounted on powerful horses.
Dice is rather uselessl The warband is radically dífferent
And if you use a helmet to pay for this ability, each time you use from their Pagan predecessor,
a horse or helmet Saga Die in the combat pool you will gain two relyíng on mob¡líty and shooting
extra Attack Dice and two extra Defence Dicel to seal domínance on their enem¡es. By studying the
Battleboard you will have noticed that quite a lot
of abilitíes make them hard nuts to crack. Between
The LongDark
Prince of Wínter that olmost make theír elite almost
Used duringyour Orders phase
invulnerable to shootíng, the Power of Blood which
The Long Dark is an ability really different to the ones Saga prevents you from killing them and Bodyguard
players are used to dealing with. lt is used during your that ensures that the Druzhina will suffer loads of
Orders phase, and only if you have not used an Orders ability punishment for theír Warlord, you should be reody
previously. When used, you must immediately discard all Saga
to fight a long struggle against them. As d Rus, you
Dice from your Battleboard, which is a high price to pay. But
should ensure that your opponent pays the high price
during the forthcoming Activation Phase, all your Rus units
úill get any number of activations for free (but won't be for any melee he engages. lJsing the aforementíoned
able to Rest however) and generate two extra Attack Dice abilities should ensure that he wíll suffer the attrition
,in Melee. At the end of the turn, each of your units receives much more than you do. Then, when weakened it will
óne FAT¡CUE that comes in addition to the FATTGUES gained betimeto letThe LongDarkfolland delíver the kíllíng
during the turn. blow. At least, that is the plan. And Rus have plenty
tricks ín their pockets to ensure that everything will
work accord¡ngto the plan.
Cfie bgzancines
t;&:.é t-
" *!,


The Byzantine Empire came ínto beíng when the Roman Empire infantry formations. They were more often than not irregulars,
was split ¡nto two parts by Diocletían ín 285. Followíng thís gredt subjects of the Byzantines. These are the Levies of your warband.
leaders like Constantine and Justínian enabled the Empire to grow
IFA\Clf It (ON lRl.iUt lL lE ss
and become powerful. However, líke all Empíres it also went through
many upheavals and reversals of fortune untíl eventuolly it fell Many Byzantine units may be fielded mounted. Mounted units
in t453. are subiect to the following special rules:

For over looo years the Byzantines fought off many enemíes,
including the Slavs, the Bulgars, the Rus and notably the armies - The Movement of a mounted unit is increased to lL but
of lslam from the Eost. The 4th Crusader army first breached the reduced to §S when moving from, through, or into an
Harbour walls in 1204 but ít was the Turks who finally tore down uneven ground.
the great walls and invaded the great cíty. Mílitarily the Byzantines - Mounted units may never enter a building, but they can
adopted the themdtic system to protect their terrítoríes, divíding engage in melee any units occupying a building in the
the Empire ínto fortified provinces, the themes. Each theme was normal manner.
militarily and administratively índependent and supplemented - The Armour of mounted unit is reduced by one when they
when needed by the central field army, the tagmata, based around are the target of a Shooting attack.
Constantinople, the cultural and economíc centre of the Empire.
- Mounted units may never benefit from any kind of cover, in
The commander of a Theme was a Strategos, assisted in his duty melee or shooting.
by various ranks of ofEcers, from the Comites to the Drungarios. lt
is likely that your Warlord is such an officer with a long service in Apart from the restrictions mentioned above, mounted units
the Byzantine army. behave like ordinary units. lf a unit starts the game mounted,
it must remain mounted for the whole game and may never
The cavalry was the most prestigious arm of the Byzantine army. dismount.
Their deployment and tactics were strictly organised and their
equipment provided by the central authority. lt consisted of a Byzantine Warlords and Hearthguards are mounted.
kontarion (a long spear about ro feet long) or a bow, a sword, a Hearthguards may be equipped with bows, but due to their
shield, and a lamellar body protection. These Kavallaroi are the small shields and light body armour, their Armour in melee is
Hearthguards of your warband. reduced to 4.

The bulk of the Byzantine army was made of professional soldiers, Byzantine Warriors may have bows or spears. Given their lack
fully equipped and well trained. They fought on foot, either with of protection, bow-armed Warriors have an Armour value of j.
spears and large shields - Kontaratoi; or as archers - Toxotai. These Spear-armed Warriors are not subject to any special rules.
are the Warriors of your Byzantine force. Byzantine Levies have javelins.

It was a common practice to have some skirmishers ahead of the Byzantine warbands may never recruit Swords for Hire.

lHt lE lRl.tO lE ss O lF lf IHt lE lBl)YZA\N'lt' lt N lE A\G IE the Basileus takes a FATIGUE at the start of that Activation.
A Varangian unit that ends any Movement Activatíon more
The Warlord below may lead any Byzantine warband. Unlike than ]V[ away from the Basileus takes a FATIGUE at the end of
the usual Warlord, the Basileus costs 1pt, líke the Heroes of the that Activation.
Víkíng Age. If a scenario needs to determine how many victory
poínts the Basíleus is worth, ít is consídered as a Warlord that is Kataphractoi: Kataphractoi were the heaviest cavalry
worth one extra victory point. employed by the Byzantines and rode armoured horses. Any
number of Hearthguards in a warband led by the Basileus
The Basileus may be upgraded to Kataphractoi. Kataphractoi have an
Armour of 6 (reduced to 5 when shot at as other mounted
The Basileus was the Byzdntine Emperor. Thís name replaced
models). Kataphractoi units take one additional FATIGUE for
the Roman tttle of Augustus ín 629, and was used from )ustinian
every movement activation after the first (i.e. they take two
ll onward. The Emperor wears the colour purple that clearly
FATICUES after their second movement and two FATICUES
demonstrates his stdtus as leader of the Eastern Roman Empíre,
after their third movement).
and governs one of the most civilísed Empíre of his time.

Unlike other Heroes of the Vtkíng Age, the Basíleus represents Harald Hardrada,
all Byzantíne Emperors that ruled the Eastern Empíre from the Captain of theVarangian Guard
7th century up to the 11tt' centrJry and is designed to portray all
Harald spent nearly ten years in the service of the Byzant¡ne
Emperors from )ustínian ll up to Basil Bulgaroktonos.
emperors duríng which tíme his legendary leadershíp, loyalty,
Hero of the Byzantine Empire: As the most important character martíal prowess and rugged goodlooks ensured he quíckly
of the East, the Basileus generates three SAGA dice at the start attaíned an envíable reputation. He led the Varangíans on
of each turn, and not two as other Warlords. campoign throughout the Empíre, serving as far afield as
)erusalem and Sicily. He amassed great personal wealth through
The Emperor: The Basileus has an Armour value of 4 and only
battle-plunder and'loyalty bonuses' from successíve Emperor*
generates one Attack die in melee. He is also not subject to
Eventually ímprísoned by Michael V, who was concerned by
the "Warlord's Pride" special rule. lf the Basileus is removed as
Harald's loyalty tothe prevíousEmperor (although other sources,
a casualty, the game ends immediately, and all other friendly
and no doubt Harald himself, would have ít that ít was because
Byzantine figures on the table are considered as having been
he spurned the advances of powerful Empress Zoe...) Harald
killed. The Basileus is always mounted, as you would expect as
escaped and fled back to Scandínavia where he used hís ríches to
the ruler of the East.
lmperial Bodyguard: A warband that is led by the Basileus
Hero of the Viking Age: Unlike other Heroes of the Viking
may only field Hearthguards.

Varangoi: Varangians were Norse or Anglo-Saxon at the start of each of his turn. He may, at the
mercenaries that served in the Emperor's Bodyguard. start of his turn, take one or two FATICUE to
Any number of Hearthguards in a warband led by the generate a number of extra Saga Dice equal to
Basileus may be upgraded to Varangians. Varangian the number of FATIGUES taken this way.
{r.l'' Hearthguards fight on foot and have a base Armour
:'t':r'of 6; they may also be armed with Dane axes (see Pagan: Despite being Captain of the Guard of
Byzantium, Harald was a pagan, and was trained
:r.'ir'r:ule§lgk p?ge 4l). A Varangian unit that starts any
in the Old Norse ways. The Saga Dice generated
il:,:,.Uto*.¡¡ent'Activátion more than M[ away from
by Harald are Runic Dice (also known as Viking Dice, see Saga STRATEG'KON
page 6) and may be used on the Viking Battleboard. Hence,
Used duringStep j of any Melee
a warband led by Harald will use two Battleboards, one
Byzantine and one Viking. Strdtegíkon ís an ab¡líty that ís really useful, but wíll necessítate a
bít of planníng and wíll usually be more f requently used when one
Saga Dice generated by Varangians may be either Runic or
of your units are engaged ín melee. When the díce are díscarded,
Continental Dice (also known as Norman Dice see Saga page
you must designate a f ríendly unít that does not take part in thís
6), as chosen by their controlling player at the start of each melee. The unit thdt uses Strd tegíkon gaíns a number of Attack or
turn. Saga Dice generated by other units in Harald's warband
Defence Dice (or a mix of both) equal to half the number of dice
must be Continental Dice. generated by the models of the desígnated unít that are withín
Varangians: Any Hearthguard unit in Harald's warband must SS of your unit. So, for example, if you have three Hearthguard
fight on foot and may be equipped with Dane-axes (see Saga models within SS of one or mor e of the models of y our unit, you, ll
page 43). Thanks to their shiny equipment paid for with the gain j díce. The best use of thís ability ís wíth a deployment of
Byzantine gold, these Hearthguards have an Armour of 6, in two units one behínd the other, with the f rontal unít gaining dice
melee and against shooting. The number of Hearthguards for the presence of theír comrades behind.
figures in Harald's warband may not exceed the number of
models of other classes. A warband led by Harald may never
include any mounted model.
Used during,your Activatíon Phase

Movíng levy uníts is always a problem in any ormy, but by usíng

one dice the Byzantíne commander can dctívate three levy
uníts at once; these activations have the added benefit of not
IMPORTANT : You may have noticed that no Byzantine abílíty
generdt¡ng fatigue. tJsef ul íf you've moved levy uníts up earlier in
starts with eíther "Díscard thís die" or "Díscard these díce". We
the turn and you now want to move them out of danger loter on,
have removed these sentences to have more space withín the
ability boxes for their descriptíon. Thís does not mean that the or íf you want to concentrdte fire from multiple
units onto on enemy
relevant díce are not díscarded. Consider that each of the abílity
stdrt w¡th the relevant sentence, and that the díe or combínation
of díce MUST be díscarded ín order to use the ability. SUPPORTARCHERS
The rules of the first column of Saga ab¡l¡tíes are descríbed page
Used duríng step j of any Melee
5o of the Saga rulebook.
A surprising ability, Support Archers
allows the Byzantine player to resolve o
MASSEDARCHERY Shooting during a melee. After the díce are
Used during your Activatíon Phose discarded, you must desígnate a bow-
This abílíty will help you mimic some of the actual tactics used
armed friendly un¡t that ís within
NV[ of any unít ínv olv ed ín this melee.
by the Byzantines and theír bowmen. This abílíty actívates two
You immedíately resolve a Shootíng,
un¡ts (thís may be any units, mounted or dísmounted, Levies,
Hearthguards or Warríors) and they are activated for Shootíng.
wíth the designated unit as shooters,
When thís Shootíng ís resolved, during step t, you may ignore and one of the enemy uníts engaged ín
any fríendly unít that would otherwíse block the line of síght this melee as the target. Thís is resolved l'ike a standard shootíng
between the shooters and their target. An abilíty clearly usefut sequence, wíth the notable exceptíon that any of your uníts
engaged in thís melee are ignored when ít comes to determíníng
for units of bow-armed Warriors that would be deployed behínd
a screen of spearmen.
the líne of sight between the shooters and theír target.

Note thdt the unít of "support archers" ís not octívated for a

shootíng, and ony abílity that affects a Shooting Activation is of
no use. This sh ootíng sequence, though included ín the melee, ís a
separate sequence entírely; hence the casualtíes inflícted are not
added to the casualties token duríríg the melee to determíne who
will fall back.

Used duringyour Actívation Phose

The most expensíve abílíty of the Byzantíne Battleboard, Kon,loJ

ís also a deadly one! tt actívates one of your mounted units:
(that ís not equípped w¡th bows) for a Movement. tf with thís
movement, your unít engages an enemy untt, you immedíately
roll one díefor each of your model thatís in base-to-base contact COMMON EFFORTS
with an enemy model. For each díe that scores a 4 or more, you l)sed duríng your Orders Phase o¡r during any eneiy's Orders
will gain one extra hít during the forthcoming melee. These Phase
hits are added to the hits you score duríng step 4 of the melee.
Wíth a good sized unit of eight Hearthguards, you con expect a Thís is a cheap but potentíally very useful abtlity. You may use it
bloodbath for your opponent! duríng your Orders Phase or during any opponent's one. Choose
one of your units, take up to two FATICUES from that unít and
place them on any f riendly unít wíthin
§S. None of these units may
Used duríng step j of the Melee.
Of course, the FATIGUES are not discarded or taken-off, but
Apparently, Withdrawal doesn't look líke a very useful abíl¡ty. But removing two FATICUES from your Hearthguards and put them
o close study will reveal that ít ís actually really powerful when on that four model strongWarríor unit remains ínvaluable.
used properly. When the die ís díscarded, you desígnate a f ríendly
unít of mounted models engaged ín thís melee. Dur¡ng step B
your unit will disengage, even íf the opponent was also forced BASILEUS
to disengage due to the melee outcome. If both the attacker and tJsed duríng your Actívation Phose
the defender have to disengage, the attacker moves first. Also, Thís ís on ability that demonstrates the highly organized mílítary
the movement of thís dísengagement move is)L, rather than the structure of the Byzantines. When these díce are discarded,
usual §S.
you may desígnate any number of uníts, all within )L of your
You can see two dífferent uses for thís abílíty. lf you expect to Warlord. All these units are actívated, and these actívations will
lose the melee, ít means that the increase of movement of the not generate any FATICUE when resolved. lmmedíately after the
dísengagement will bríng your unit far away f rom the enemy tnto uníts have been destgnated, but before theír Actívations are
a safer posítion. If you plan to win that melee, the fact that you resolved, place on your Warlord a number of FATICUES equal to
will disengage at a long distance will bríng your unit far away the number of units thdt benefited f rom this ability. This abílity ís
from any enemy counter-attack in hís own turn. Do not overlook best kept to unleash the decisive blow to the enemy!
this ability; ít is one of the most useful on the whole Byzanttne

lJsed duríng step 3 of the Melee.

Fríendly Shíelds ts another clearly defensíve abilíty. The die ís

discarded during step 3 of the melee, but the abílíty won't have
any effectuntil step 6. When you come to step 6, you may cancel
each casualty sustained by removíng o fríendly non-Levy figure
that is wíthin SS of the unít thdt benefited f rom the ability. De
facto, ít medns that you trade the casualties suffered by your unit
with models taken from a fríendly unit. Very interesting íf you
remove Worriors to avoid losíng your precious Hearthguards!

Used duríngthe enemy's Actívatíon Phase
Ragnar speaks...
Thís abilíty ís used in reactíon to an enemy Movement Activation.
The Byzantines love come on the
As soon as an enemy unit isactívated for a movement within lM[
battlefield dressed in proper uniforms,
of one of your bow-armed units, you díscard the relevant díe. For
wíth each soldíer aware of hís role and
thís movement, the actívated enemy units may not engage ¡n his task ín the organísatíon of the force
melee any of your bow-armed unít íf he could engage d unít not and theír general shouting orders that
equípped wíth bows with thís movement. How does it work? lt ¡s are instantly followed. Quite boríng...
quíte edsy. Before your opponent moves hís fgures, check íf he Well, the Byzantíne player could make
would be able to engage a un¡t that is not equipped with bows d worse use of hís tíme than studying
(respectíng oll the rules for engaging on enemy and moving). the Strategíkon to learn the proper
If ihat is the cose, then any movement that would end wíth an employment of hís troops, as the Battleboard
is allabout unit cooperation. A lone Byzantíne unít ís a helpless
éngagement of any of your bow-ormed units is forbídden for the
(and lost) one. They shine when they support edch other, as
gctívated unit. Note that the restrictíon also may apply to you
most of theír Saga abilitíes demonstrdte. Deployment is the
.ai,,the Byzantíne player. For exomple, if you have a spear armed key here, and ensuring dt all t¡mes the battle líne ís drawn
--".unít and a bow armed one ín the same buílding, and you use this
accordíngto the plan ís vítal if youwantto be successful. They
abilíty¡ you won't be able to desígnate the bow-armed unít as the are quite difficult and trícky to use, but very rewarding íf you
:'' útiít dsting gs defender as this would make the engagement of líke proper combat manoeuvres, the inter-arm approach and
all these things that I never learnt.



. .-,-l:
i.- 11


:Lisiern Europe and the endless Steppes of the Central Asia were (reduced to 3 due to being mounted). They are worth % víctory
:\e l:omeland of a large number of Steppe nomads tribes such as point per model, líke Warrtors.
:\e Avdrs, the Magyars or the Pechenegs.
Horsemen: Steppe Nomads are born ín their saddles. When they
Cn a regular basis, these tribes would sweep across Europe or move ds pdrt of d movement activatíon (and do not engdge
t!.a¡nst the Rus, plundering and p'illaging before retiríng safely melee) their movement benefits from a S distance bonus, for a
,:¡o their homelands. m ov e me nt of )L(or IVt) +sS. Th is bonus is n ev er aff ecte d by ter r aí n

-i:e',, were valued as mercenaries, joining Rus and Byzantines as or any FATIGUE spent.

:uxíliaries, and were famous for theír accuracy as archers, theír If the Nomads decíde during the step z of the melee to reduce
ma ne uv er abílíty and th e¡r cr ue lty. their number of Attack Dice to gatn Defence Dice, they must
díscard ALL their Attack Díce to gaín one Defence Dte per Attack
Swords for Hire:
The Steppe lVomads may be
Díe discarded (and not half the number of Attack Dice díscarded
included ín any Pagan Rus, Rus Prínces or
as it is usually the case).
Byzantine Warband (that are not led by the
Basíleus or Harald Hardrada) for one poínt. Short bow: Steppe Nomods are equípped wíth deadly short
bows. These sh ort bows count as javelíns (see Saga page zj), with
? Nomads: The Steppe Nomads are made
the except¡on thot the Shootíng may be performed either before
of B mounted models that count as
or after the movement. The Nomads mdy not engage ony enemy f\
Levies. As Levíes, they do not generate i) .,
unit if they shot during their Movement activation.
any Saga dice, but may be activated or 4*
Eagle Eye: When shooting, the Steppe Nomads outomatícally '/ai

*§ #.;
benefit f rom a +t modífier to their Attack Dice rolls.
U.' f

Varjazi& Basileus is a full colourminisupplement
for the SACA rules and is the last one to cover
the factions of the Viking Age.
Contained within are all the rules and
background for three new factions, one of
which, the Byzantines, has already been the
subject of a article in a Wargames lllustrated
magazine. The other two are the Rus Pagan
and their successors, the Era of The Princes
Rus. Also included are a new Swords For Hire
unit, the dreaded Steppe Nomads, who can be
in the pay of all three of these factions, and a
new Hero Of The Viking Age forthe Byzantines,
Harald Hardradda, Captain Of The Varangian
We wanted to end this cycle with a bang so it
is presented in a card folder to hold your SACA
Viking Age collection.
This full-colour folder can accommodate o
your Battleboard collection, Rulebook and a

Varjazi & Basileus also contains 3 Battleboards which can not be

sotd separately. Varjazi & Basileus is not a complete rule-set as
you will also need the SAGA Rulebook.
Activate a unit of
Hearthguards or a Warlord.
For each Attack Die that rolls a
natural 6 against your unit, the

If your uniti Armour is higher
than the Armour value of all
enemy units in this melee,
shooling unit lake\ one F{ tl(iUE
tila { rrar discarded. lhe shooling
unit also takes a FATIGUE
gain three Attack Dice (gain
for each 5 rolled).

five Attack Dice instead ifvou
discardeda f). {+
Activation WINTER
Activate a unit of Warriors.
n5 Orders
Until the start ofyour next turn,
the movement of all units is
t+ Iimited to SS. Until the start of

unit. 'Ihis unit takes

U your next turn, the maximur]]

distance at u,hich can shoot is
limited to SS.
as many FATIGUES as needed
to get Exhausted.

, V ]
i I -:
Activation AE
Eacn n()n- \\t,()ro untt .n lne raDte !t ;
Activate a unit of [.evies. Disc¿rd three Att¿ck Dice to increase -§L-
t ? must inrnredialelr kill .rne ,'l ils
¡ourunit.\nnourraluebyonc. l- models for each I-A I ICUE it has. t

á+ Discard eight Attack Dice

to increase vour unit

t;F" Armour value by tu'o.


Roll trvo extra SAGA dice.
engaged in this melee have at leas
one FATIGUE, add three extra hi
j:,:: n3
Resolve a Shooting against each
unit (friendly and enemy) that has
at least one model within M[ of
the number ofhits 1ou scored. Ifat the end your \\'arlord. Generate 6 Attack

uf stcp 4 1 r rur unit has not sutlered rny hits. Dice during each ofthese Shooting

add X extra hits to the number ofhits 1,ou scored, resolutions.
with X being ¡our uniti current Armour


Melee or
- Gain one Attack or one
nb Activation/Reaction
Ure this abiliq'aft(r ¿n ofponcnt
activates a unit for the second or
Orders or Orders lReaction
Until the end of the current turn,
the Armour of all mounted r¡odels
I)efence Die (gain two dice
ifthe discarded
subsequent time in the same turn.
This activation is cancelled and
the targeted unit mav not be activated
is reduced by one, in melee
and against shooting.
diewasa f )
agairl this turn.


itith fl G
Activate a unit of
Hearthguards or a Warlord.


:.:'1l:::lilJj:i;,i11'j,t"' d :.o,
O"" ,."-*ra",d
:::::i::J,['f iL]

lT:ij""''o q# -I-
is elimirralcd inrlead
ilt He¿rthsurrrds ¿nd \\'¿rlord unit. i.
;.. increased by t\a'o against Shooting. LIF
of disengaging.

,* '&
'' GREY woLvES *§

Activation Melee Activation
Activate a unit of \{hrriors Ifno unit engaged in this n.relee
vourun t Activate one of vour units. It may be
activated filr either a movement in

A Xilil illll'i't I:J) which it mal.not engage in Melee

{É, k but mav shoot as if armecl

with javelins, or a shooing as if armed

1# i 'rvith borus. This activation does

not generate a FATIGUE


Activate a unit of Levies.
Ifthe enemr rutlelr at leasl
ca5ualt) uunn8 tnr\ )nuuun8. t, ,rrur,
immediateh rrrrke r disengagerrent
J (} I
3::Í;. start,ryour nexr rurn,
each time 1,or-r cliscard a ,r"11,
from the Conrbat Pool, theimit benefitiñg
from tlie Combat Pool immediately
* "-S A

árü one {nack and one Defence Die

k movement, as if it u'ars disengaging from

the melee with rour unit.
(tr,r,o Attack and two Defence Dice if a
was discarded for this ability).

Orders (-)ii:'t ¡. \r(,¡,,i,i!¡¡, )tt, :,¡.:: il;,. (),r¡,. r';;i;.1
Roll two extra SAGA dice. Any eneml,unit that has more Attack Dice
Discard all your Saga Dice. Until the
in its Attack Pool than 1.our unit has must
end ofthe turn, your Rus units may
reduce the number ofdice in its pool to the
be activated any number of time for free,
nunrber your unit has in its on n pool.
, generate trvo exlra Attack Dice in melee
Your unit may not gain any extra Attack Dice
but may not Rest. At the end of the tur.r,
during this melee.
each ofl.our unit takes one FATIGUE.

t (} f
Die (gain two dice if the d r.f D¡5cdrd betheen one and
otlrour Baltlebo¿rd.
rir SACA Dice I
For each r':]].:rl:U
During this me)ce <ach time
should be eliminated as part ofthe use ofyour
¿ lrierrdly ñgüle*
discárdeddiewasa this designate one Hearthguard figure !\¡arlord'.s Resilience special rule, roll a D6.
$). rva1,,
If l,ou rolled less than the Armour of the
in your unit. The designated Heathguards
are not eligible to be taken olTas c¿rsualties elin.rinated figure, it is not eliminated and
during this shooting or melee resolution, the hit on lour Warlord is cancelled.
and cannot be killed.
Acti\-ate a unit ils
Designate up to two of your units
De\ignate,,nr'rlt )('ur mouuletl fl
of Hearthguards or a !\'arkrrd ¡ 5hoot¡¡g.

.urd ¿rlirirtc therrr lor
^A lil;J§l"J";,:. ll:,:::';:,,,,,,,,
For these shootings, the activated

> units mav ignore fiiendly units that

nould othcrivise block their line
rill diserrqage, crer il-the oppo\irrq
units rvere also fbrced to disengarge.

of sight.
§ti i The niovement ofthis disengagement
is incre¿sed to lL.

Activate a unit
of ü¡arriors.
ils Melee
Designate one ti'iendl,v unit not
engaged in this melee. Gain ¡
number of dice eqlral to half
During step 6 of the melee
you may cancel each cirsualty
sufléred b1, your unit b1'

the Attack Dicc generatecl by removing a lriencill non-Lery

the models of this unit that ¿rre
t) model that is within SS of )'our ,"*
f l+E
rvithin 5S of ,vour unit (Attack or
Defence Dice or a mix of both). tv k
Activation {,¡ Activation/Reaction
Activate a unit
U Acti'vation dA
Use this abilit,v immecliatel,v
when an enerly unit is activated
of Levies. Activate up to three l,erv units.
u,ithin M[ of trnv of vour bolv armed
These activations do not generate
rurits. That enemy unit may not
*E[ engiige in melee anv bou-armed units
ifit cirn engage an1. ofyour non borv
* equipped units rvith its movement.


PGOL A friendly bow armed unit *.ithin M[
Orders or Orders/Reaction
Designate tl.o of r-our non-Ler¡,-
Orders of this melee ma1, immediateh' resolve
units that are u.ithin ¡S of each
a shooting, targetir.te one enemy unit -Iake
Roll two extra other. up to two FA'I IGUES
engaged in lhi\ rnelec t\our unil\
SAGA dice. frrlnr one of these units ancl move
engagc-d in this melee clo not block
them to the other unit.
the line of sight for this shooting).

COMEAT POOL Activation il'¡
Melee, Shooting or
Gain one Attack or one Defbnce
Die (two dice if the discarded
Acti\Jtc one ot vour nl()unied non.boh
armed Herrthgualds unils hrr ¡ .\4uvernenl. I
ll lhi\ mu\en)ent end, in mclee,

inrnredirtcly rrrll une die lbr each nl,rdel of

Actimte an,y r.rLrmber of friendly
units within )L of your \\'arlord.
'fhese activations do not generate
diewasa i*F x)ur unit in contact rvith an enemy model. an1' FATIG UE. Your \{arlord
. lrit immediately takes a number §A
Frrr crclr die rull ,t'4 or more. adJ one
s l#
- to lhe nurnber of hits.cored by vour uttit I l:Á. ¡ of FATIGUES equalto the number
ofunits activated in this way.

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