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Arranged by

Names of group 1. Warni lesta putri ndraha

2. Selamat putra jaya zega

Class/Semester : C/V

Subject : Micro Teaching

Lecturer : Miss. Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, M.Pd




Praise be to the Almighty God for His blessing and grace, so that the
author can complete this paper. The authors thank to the lecture of Micro
Teaching. It is in the interest of the authors that the author of this paper. Hopefully
writer to lecturers, to give advice and criticism to support, improve and develop
the results of the paper.

The authors acknowledge that in this paper there are still many flaws in
both the words and the sentences already. To that end, the author apologizes to the
visiting lecturer, if something have not perfect in made this paper. Finally, I hope
this paper is a great benefit to the author and for reader.

Gunungsitoli, October 24th 2021





TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................3


A. Background of problem........................................................................4
B. Formulation of the problem..................................................................4
C. The purpose of the problem..................................................................4


a. The definition of Classroom Management.............................................5

b. The Purpose of Classroom Management...............................................6
c. The Principle of Classroom Management..............................................7
d. The Strategy for Implementing the Principle........................................8
of Classroom Management
e. The Components of skill in Classroom Management............................9
in Offline Course
f. The Components of skill in Classroom Management............................10
in Online Course


A. Conclusion.............................................................................................14
B. Suggestion.............................................................................................14

REFERENCES............................................................................................... 15



A. The Background of the Problem

Management is the science and art of managing processes utilization
of Human resources and other resources effectively to achieve a specific
purpose. (Hasibuan, 2004: 54). A class is a group of people who do learning
activities together that get learning from the teacher.
Classroom Management in Offline Course is the activities that aims to
manage the process of learning be effectively and effeciencily in face to face
learning. Classroom Management in Online Courses is the activities that aims
to manage the process of learning be effectively using some application during
the pandemic.

B. The Formulation of the Problem

g. The definition of Classroom Management
h. The Purpose of Classroom Management
i. The Principle of Classroom Management
j. The Strategy for Implementing the Principle of Classroom Management
k. The Components of skill in Classroom Management in Offline Course
l. The Components of skill in Classroom Management in Online Course

C. The Purpose of the Problem

a. To know the definition of Classroom Management
b. To know the Purpose of Classroom Management
c. To know the Principle of Classroom Management
d. To know the Strategy for Implementing the Principle of Classroom
e. To know the Components of skill in Classroom Management in Offline
f. To know the Components of skill in Classroom Management in Online



A. The Definition of Classroom Management

Management is the science and art of managing processes utilization
of Human resources and other resources effectively to achieve a specific
purpose. (Hasibuan, 2004: 54). A class is a group of people who do learning
activities together that get learning from the teacher.
Management is an effort on the part of teacher to organize classroom
condition begins with the Curriculum Planning, structuring procedures and
learning resources, setting environment to maximize efficiency, monitor
students progress and anticipate problems that arise in the learning process
both of Online and Offline Learning.
Classroom Management in Offline Course is the activities that aims to
manage the process of learning be effectively and effeciencily in face to face
learning. Classroom Management in Online Courses is the activities that aims
to manage the process of learning be effectively using some application during
the pandemic.
Based on the opinion of the experts above, it can be concluded that
classroom management is a business aware to organize the activities of the
teaching and learning process systematically which leads to the preparation of
facilities and props, study room settings, embody the situation or the condition
of the teaching and learning process is going well and curricular goals can be
achieved. From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that
classroom management is an effort that is carried out by the teachers in
creating or maintaining optimal conditions, in the teaching and learning
process so that learning objectives can be achieved, both of online and offline

B. The purpose of Classroom Management
In general, the purpose of Classroom Management is used to create
conditions in class groups in the form of the good Classroom environment,
which can enable students to do as their ability. Application product class
Management according to the objectives goal to be achieved, as for the
purposes of class among other : to make the learning be maximalized so that
the teaching learning be effectively and efficienlly. And to provide
convenience in monitoring the students activities in learning, Both of Online
and Offline Learning.

C. The Principles of Classroom Management

Kyriacou (2007) suggests that the main task of the teacher in

managing the classroom is to obtain, and maintain the involvement of students
in meaningful learning experiences during the learning process, so that students
achieve learning outcomes as expected. According to Bolla (Joni & Wardani),
in the implementation of classroom management, there are six principles that
must be considered by teachers, both of Online and Offline, namely as follows:

1. Create warmth and enthusiasm

Conducive lessons will be able to make students learn well. So that, the
teachers must be friendly, enthusiastic and warm in creating interactions
with students. Such an attitude presented by the teacher will cause
motivation, a sense of pleasure, and will inspire enthusiasm in students to
2. Create challenges
Creating challenges to make students have a passion for learning optimally
can be done in various ways, such as through questions that require students
to think critically, or through tasks that require students to take creative
actions, or use tools or media, teaching materials. , and learning resources
that require students either individually or in groups to do things that are not

3. Create variety
Variety in learning, such as in the use of media, learning resources, learning
styles, and patterns of teaching and learning interactions, is one of the keys
to successful classroom management. By creating varied learning activities,
it means that the teacher is trying to overcome the boredom of student
learning, and at the same time increasing the involvement of the active role
of students in the learning process. Johnston., Halocha & Chater (2007)
suggest that teachers should be able to create classrooms that can offer many
opportunities for students to interact in various ways.
4. Flexible attitude
The flexible attitude of the teacher in act is very necessary during the
learning process. This is mainly to prevent the possibility of behavioral
deviations from students.
5. Emphasis on positive things
Emphasis on positive things can maintain a pleasant classroom atmosphere,
this can be done by the teacher in several ways including: Provide
reinforcement for positive student behavior, and avoid babbling or reproach
for inappropriate behavior. Provide reinforcement for positive behavior. Be
aware of the possibility of mistakes made, so that it will interfere with the
smoothness and speed of student learning.
6. Cultivation of self-discipline
Giving encouragement to students to carry out self-discipline will be
successful if the teacher himself is able to provide an example or role model
in self-discipline and responsibility. Johnston., Halocha & Chater (2007)
suggest that in order to instill discipline, teachers must develop strategies
that can create cooperation, one of the ways is by using and strengthening
rules consistently and continuously.

D. The Strategy for Implementing the Principle of Classroom Management
Strategy for Classroom Management both of Online and Offline are
the pattern or the steps of the teacher to creating and maintaining class
conditions to remain conductive, so the students can learn optimally, actively,
and load effectively to achieve learning objectives.
The principles above can be implemented by the teacher in the
teaching learning by doing the activities, namely:
1. Exemplary
Exemplary is giving an example an example of someone to other. A
teacher in make an approach to their students can done by setting an
example for students with good attitudes and behavior. With the attitude and
behavior shown by teachers in their students will raise enthusiasm for the
students in learning.
2. Habituation
Habituation is applying something continuously to became a habit
3. Through Story and example
Learning will be more easily understood by the students when the
teacher can explain lessons by providing appropriate example with the
subject matter. So that the teacher is expected to be able bring students to
follow the storyline by trying to make students have a view rational about
4. Applied through the curriculum
In the applying the curriculum to each eye lessons can be applied
management principles classes in learning are as follows:
a. Teachers set a good Example
b. Give assignments to students so that they feel challenged and motivated
to learn
c. Using methods and media varied learning, Doing various experiments
d. Trying to focus on certain tasks related to achievement of learning
e. Provide motivation and enthusiasm for students remain active and
interested in learning

f. Provide opportunities for students to participate in the learning process

E. The Components of skill in Classroom Management in Offline Course

The components skill that must own by the teacher in manage the
classroom were devided into two part, are the skills to creation and
maintenance the optimally teaching learning and the Skills in develop the
learning conditions optimally.
1. The skills to creation and maintenance the learning conditions
a. Responsive attitude
This attitude can do by:
 Looks carefully
 Move to come near to students
 Giving a question
 Give a reaction for the disturbance
b. To devide attention
 Visual = teacher can move her/his view to looked out the activities
of the students for the first activities until the second and the next.
 Verbal = teacher give a comment, explanation, question, and ect, to
the students activities while the teacher will supervise the students
c. Group focuses
 Give a sign
 Accountability
 Clear directions and instructions
 Termination
 Reinforcement
 Smoothness
2. The Skills in develop the learning condition
a. Modified the behavior
b. Group problem solving approach
c. Finding and solving behaviors that troubleshooting

F. The Components of skill in Classroom Management in Online Course
The components of skill in Classroom Management in Online Course,
especially to Google Meet Application. So for the first When teaching online,
we need to make the transition to student ownership much more quickly. We
don’t have the power to send students to the office or take away recess. And if
we’re unable to motivate our students, they may not even show up for class. Or
they’ll tune in just to tune out.
There are five tips will help you avoid some of the most common
sources of frustration when teaching online, and ensure you get the most from
your students.
1. Test the Technology Beforehand
If you’re teaching real-time (synchronous) lessons, you’ll need a
conferencing app. But you’ll also want a learning management system
(LMS) for assigning work and providing feedback. Other ‘nice-to-haves’
are a presentation program, collaborative documents, and a personalized
learning platform.
The most important is your video conferencing app, followed by your
presentation app. Make sure you know how to mute a student. And if
you’re planning to use breakout rooms, try them beforehand with
colleagues. It’s tricky to transition everyone into their breakout rooms and
bring them back at the same time. I learned to be extra careful about
muting myself while changing rooms. Otherwise, students hear a jumble of
everyone talking, or even loud, painful feedback.
2. Involve Students in Establishing Norms
The catch is that you probably don’t know what norms to set. None of
us do, yet. Rather than following someone’s online list of norms, engage
students in the process. This should be the focus of one of your first online
lessons. Here’s a simple 3-part structure for such a lesson:
 Explain to students the importance of setting class norms, and that you
would value their input
 Send students to breakout groups to make their own list of norms

 Return to whole group meeting to compare lists, and create a “final”
list. (Of course, you may need to update it later)
If students have a say in creating the rules, they will be more likely to
follow them. I often find that students come up with many of the rules I’d
have come up with anyway. In fact, they’ll point out some issues you
wouldn’t have expected.
You may want to give them guiding questions for their conversations.
What is appropriate dress for online meetings? When and how should we
ask questions? Will we use hand signals?
In addition to meeting norms, establish norms for collaborative
documents. I’ve found that most Google Drive arguments start when one
student erases something another has written. So we established the rule
that you can only comment on someone else’s writing, unless they’ve
given you permission to edit/erase.
3. Emphasize Engagement
When teaching online, the priorities flip. If we can’t engage our
students, they may stop showing up. And if they stop showing up, we may
never get them back.
Students working online have access to endless sources of
information. They don’t need a teacher to explain something for 45
minutes. Keep whole-group sessions short, no longer than 10 or 20
minutes. Use this time to prepare students for a hands-on activity. More on
how to plan engaging online lessons here.
Let students know that you’re there for them, make a few
announcements, and send them off to complete their activities. Students
learn more through activities and problem-solving than they do by
absorbing information.
This is true even in an in-person classroom. But it’s especially true
during online learning. If we can engage our students in our lessons, online
classroom management almost takes care of itself.

4. Create Connections with Small-Group Sessions
Make sure to schedule some time with small groups of students. They
don’t even need to be lessons per les. Get to know your students.
Encourage them, and listen to their frustrations about learning online.
Maybe even share your own (with a positive spin).
If you have a homeroom, make sure to have a 1-on-1 session with
each student at least once a month. Students will need extra
encouragement during these difficult times. And they will need to set their
own goals to stay motivated. Have them write down their online learning
goals, and have them reflect on their progress throughout the process.
When shifting ownership to students, they also need room to fail. If a
student misses a deadline, our instinct is to step in and take back control.
Instead, try to avoid judgment.
If you’re not comfortable chatting with students privately, include
their parents. You might also consider providing weekly office hours,
where students and parents can drop in to ask questions.
Just don’t turn the online experience into a correspondence course.
Students need human connection now more than ever. The human element
will make your students more motivated. And their motivation will reduce
disruptive behavior during whole group lessons.
5. Start Slowly
Realize that the first week or two are going to be focused on the
process of online learning. Students will need to adjust to the new normal
and learn all the new programs we’re introducing.
I’ve talked to many teachers who say the biggest mistake they made
was assigning too much work. If you start at full speed, it will get messy.
Students will get overwhelmed. And by the time you figure things out,
some will have already checked-out.
First, focus on making sure the online learning experience is fun and
easy. Be supportive. You can always pick up the pace once you and your
students are comfortable learning online.

Eventually, you may find that your students can learn as quickly
online as they can in a live classroom. Many students actually cover more
content when learning from home.

A. Conclusion
Classroom management is a business aware to organize the activities
of the teaching and learning process systematically which leads to the
preparation of facilities and props, study room settings, embody the situation or
the condition of the teaching and learning process is going well and curricular
goals can be achieved. From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded
that classroom management is an effort that is carried out by the teachers in
creating or maintaining optimal conditions, in the teaching and learning
process so that learning objectives can be achieved, both of online and offline
Classroom Management in Offline Course is the activities that aims to
manage the process of learning be effectively and effeciencily in face to face
learning. Classroom Management in Online Courses is the activities that aims
to manage the process of learning be effectively using some application during
the pandemic.

B. Suggestion
We believe that our scientific work was far from the perfect, we need
an apologize to others. And hopes that our material and discussion makes other
understand the managing of classroom in learning context.


Halimah ,Leli 2017. Keterampilan Mengajar. Sebagai Inspirasi Untuk Menjadi

Guru Yang Excellent Di Abad Ke-21. PT Refika Aditama. Bandung
Asril, Z. 2017. Mikro Teaching Disertai Dengan Pedoman Pengalaman
Lapangan. EdisiKedua. PT Raja GrafindoPersada. Depok.
Afriza, 2014. Manajemen Kelas. Kreasi Edukasi : Indonesia (Online Classroom


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