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Python is a general purpose high level programming lenguage

Guido van Rossam is the founder of Python.

python was launched in Feb 20th 1991.


first program :-

syntax to print hello world

Print("hello World")


hello World

there is no semi colon in python


C, Java are statically typed programming language

python is dynamically typed proramming language





output :-

In python varibale is not assigned type it automatically understand what type it is when we declare
value to it.

To check what type of variable is x follow this




<class 'int'>

Python borrowed many feature from different language

for eg;-

1. Functionall programming from C

2. OOP from c++

3. Scripting langugage feature from perl and shell script

4. Modular Prgramming feature from Modula-3

most of the syntax is borrowed from C and ABC language.


Where do we use Python

1. Desktop Application
2. Web application - Djongo
3. Database application
4. For Networking application
5. Games
6. Data Analysis
7. Machine Learning
8. AI
9. for IOT application


Which company uses Python?

 Google
 Youtube
 Dropbox


Feature of Python:

1. Simple ans easy to learn

2. FreeWare (we can download and use it for free) and Open Source(we can see source code
of Python)
3. High level Programming language ( high level language mean that it is human readable
4. Plaform Independent (it can run on any computer like in windows mac linux)
5. Portablilty (moving on different machine is easy without changing anything)
6. Dynamically Typed (we are not requied to give type of the variable it understand what type
of variable it is when we assign value to it.
7. Object Oriented Progaming language also Procedure Oriented Programing
8. Interpreted (no need to compile.)
9. Extensible (we can use c or java program in Python)
10. Embedded(we can use Python Program
11. Extensive (we can use Python Library)

Flavour of Pthyon :

1. CPython
2. Jython or JPython
3. IronPython
4. Pypy
5. RubyPython
6. AnacondaPython(to handle big data)


what is Identifier?

name of variable or class name or method name

Rules while naming identifiers

1. a to z, A to Z , 0-9, _ only allowed symbols

2. should not starts with digits
3. identifier are case sensitive
4. Reserves words can't be used as identifiers
5. No lenght limit of identifiers but use less

_x  private(starts with single underscore)

__x  Strongly Private(starts with double underscore)
__name__  it is reserved by python

Python has only 33 reserved words


Data Types:-

1. int
2. float
3. complex
4. bool
5. str
6. bytes
7. bytearray
8. range
9. list
10. tuple
11. set
12. frozenset
13. dict
14. None
Note- In Python everything is an object , int string ,,,,everything is an object .even if do not write
in class then also it is an object

a = 10
289389 (address of memeory)

1. Int
int is the intergral value like 10,20,1000

note- in pthon 2 long is available but in Python3 long data type is not available

No. of ways to represent int data type

1.Decimal Form
2.Binary Form
3.Octal Form
4.Hexa Form

a.Decimal form (0 to 9)
a = 7878

b.Binary (0 and 1)base 2

a = 1111 (15 in binary)
Python does not consider it as 15 if you print a it will give you result as 1111. so to make it
a binary no you have to give special form that is

a = 0b1111 or a=0B1111
print(a) # 15

c. Octal (0to7) base 8

same like binary
a = 0o777

d. Hexa decimal (0 to 9 and a to f or A to F here case does not matter)base16

a=0x or 0X in begning of any hexa decimal no is required

Base conversion :-

 bin()
 oct()
 hex()

we can convert any form to any form using this

for ex

bin(15) '0b1111'

bin(0o7777)  '0b111111111'
no which is to
be converted

note - conversion or different form is allowed only in int not in others like float
2.Float data type
Number with have decimal value

type(g) # float

Exponential Form
y=10e2 (10* 10^2== 10*100)
#se can store long no by such
type(y) #float

3. Complex data type:

a  real part
b  imaginary Part
j = square root of -1

note real part can be in any form like in decimal or binary etc
but imaginary part must be in decimal form

a = 10+9j
print(a) ----- to print the value of a
type(a) ------to print the type of a
a.real ---------to get the real part of complex no
a.imaginary --to get the imaginary part of complex no

True and False
True + True = 2
True + False = 1
5. str

s = "manshu" or s= 'manshu' (single or double quote both works)

type(s)  str

s = "manshu
shivam" --> double quote does not work with multi use triple quote

s ='''manshu

s = "manshu shivam is learning "python" " ------------ > error

s = 'manshu shivam is learning "python" ' --------------> perfect(use double or triple quote)

slice operator
s = shivam
if i want third to fifth letter then i need to do sliceing

indexing from front side

0 1 2 3 4 5

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  indexing form backside

from front side

s[3:5] (note last index is not included)

s[3:] (when last digit is not given it takes till last)


s = manshushivam

s[1:6:3] (it means s[begin:end:step)
s = manshu
s*4 (it multiplies string to n no of times)
len(s) (it gives you length of string)

- to int
string should be whole no then only it can convert to int


error (only whole no in decimal form with base 10)

-to float
float(10) --- 10.0
float(10+20j) - error
float("10") -- 10.0
float("10.5")-- 10.5

-to complex
complex(x)  x+0j (if you pass one variable it will make real part)
complex(x,y) x+yj (if you pass two variable it will be real and imaginary part)
complex(True,False) output => 1+0j
complex("1","2") output error
-to bool
bool(0.0) output False
bool(1) output True
bool(10+20j) output True (only false if both part of complex is 0)
bool("durga") output True (false only id empty string "" . )
-to str
str(10+20j) output 10+20j
Immutable Vs Fundamental Data types

Immutable --> which can not be change.

All fundamental data types are immutable
when object is created by user python doesn't directly create a new object it first check if the
object if already made or not if it is available then it point the new varible to the same object
proof :-
v1 = "Dumraon"
v2 = "Dumraon"
v3 = "Dumraon"
v3 = "Dumraon"

id(v1) output 49706244 (address of the object)

id(v2) output 49706244
id(v3) output 49706244
id(v4) output 49706244

since we can see same address this means that every variable is pointing to same object and not
creating new one .
This feature helps for memory utilization and perfomace is faster

x= 10
y =10
x is y (this syntax means that is x and y are pointing to same object or now , is ooperater check

x is y output True
y is x output True


x = 256
y = 256

x is y output False

how it became false ?!

note - remember reuablitiy of same object is possible only for 0 to 256 in int data type


x = 10.0
y = 10.0

x is y output False

why false again?

Remember for float and complex reusabilty is not there. it create a new object everytime.

6. bytes
in range of (0 to256)

b= bytes(x)
type(b) output bytes

bytes data type is immutable its value can not be changed

x[1] = 60 #error coz i said na i can not be changed

7. byte array

b = bytearray(x)
type (b) output bytearray

bytearray also have range of (0 to 256)

only difference between byte and bytearray is byte is immutable but bytesarray is mutable

8. list
list is used to store multiple values in a single variable
thisList = ['apple' , 'banana' , 'cherry']
print(thisList) output ['apple' , 'banana' , 'cherry']

list is -
 Ordered
 Changable(mutable)
 Allow duplicate
 items are indexed
 can contain different data types

 Access Item
thisList[1] = 'blackberry'
print(thisList) output ['apple' , 'blackberry' , 'cherry']

 Slicing

 Check if item is present of not

 change the item
 Insert item
 extent item
 add another list
 Remove specific item
 loop through a list
 list comprehension
 sort list
 copy a list
tuple is used to store multiple values in a single variable
thisTuple = ('apple' , 'banana' , 'cherry')
print(thisTuple) output ('apple' , 'banana' , 'cherry')

Tuple is -
 Ordered
 Unchangable (immutable)
 Allow duplicate
 items are indexed
 can contain different data types

10. range()
range data type represent a sequence of values
immutable -> we can not change the value of range

r = range(10) (note -10 is not included)

type(r) output range
print(r) r(0,10)
for i in r : print(i) output - it will print all value form 1 - 9

r = range(10,30) (this method takes values from 10 to 29)

r = range(10,50,5) (this will print 5 step ahed from previous
one )

range(e) -- begning is 0 ending is e-1

range(s,e) -- begning is s ending is e-1
range(s,e,s) -- begning is s ending is e-1 and then last s is step it increment values by s

11. set
set is used to store multiple values in a single variable

set is -
 Unrdered
 changable (mutable)
 does not Allow duplicate
 items are not indexed
 slicing is not available
 we can add or remove certain values
 can contain different data types
set is used to store multiple values in a single variable

set is -
 Unrdered
 Unchangable (immutable)
 does not Allow duplicate
 items are not indexed
 slicing is not available
 we can add or remove certain values
13. dict:
dictionary are used to store data values in key : value pair
dict is -
 ordered
 changable (mutable)
 does not Allow duplicate
 items are indexed
 we can add or remove certain values
o Arthimetic Operation
o Relation Operators or Comparison Operator
o Logical Operator
o Bitwise Operator
o Assignment Operator
o Special Operator
Arthmetic Operators

+ ,-,*,/,%
**  Exponential
//  Floor division
print(x**y) output 25 #this means x^y == 5^2
y = -2
print(x**y) output 0.04
x =15
y =2
print(x//y) output 7

# the floor division rounds down to the nearest whole no

print (x/y) output 7.5

# the division operator gives floor value not int

+ operator applicable for str type also as String concatation. but remember both operator
should be string . if one is string and other is int then it wil give error

* operator applicable for str type also as multipling string by n times (n should be int not

Relational Operators :-
> , >= , < , <=

10>20 False
'durga'<'ravi True
'roja' < 'ramya' False
True > False True
Equality Operator (== , !=)
10==20 False
10!=20 True
10==True False
10==20==30 False

= and ==

= single equal operator is assignment operator

== double eequal operator is comparision operator

Logical Operator

and if both arguments are True then only True

or if atleast one argument is True then True

Bitwise operator
applicable only for int and boolean

& | ^ ~ << >>

&  if both bits are 1 then only 1 otherwise 0

|  if atleast one bit is 1 then 1 otherwise 0
^  x-or  if both bits are different then 1 otherwise 0 (xor)
~  bitwise complement ooperator
10 and 01
<<  bitwise left shift
>>  bitwise right shift

4&5 output 4 4 = 100 & 5 = 101
add 100

4| 5 output 5 4 = 100 & 5 = 101

add 100
4^5 output 1 4 = 100 & 5 = 101
add 100

Ternary Operator

x (Conditon) ? firstvalue : secondValue

x(10<20) ? 30 :40
print(x) ??error this syntax is for Java
x =30 if 10<20 else 40
print(x) 30
a = int(input("enter First number"))
b=int(input ("Enter Second Number"))
c =int(input ("Ener Third Number'))

max = a if a >b and a>c else b if b>c else c

print("Max value:" , max)

consol window will ask you to enter 3 digit number after you provide it no it will print max

a = int(input("Enter First number")

b = int(input("Enter Second Number")
print("Both number are equal" if a==b else "First Number is greater than second number" if
a>b else "First Number is smaller than second Number")

Identity Operators
a = 10
b = 10
print(a is b) True
print(a is not b) False

r1 is r2 here is operator is identitiy operator and it returns true if it points to the same

r1 is not r2 here is not operator is identitiy operator and it returns false if both points to
same object

is vs ==

is operator is used for object comparision

== operator is used for content comparision

Membership Operators
not in

s = "hello i am learning python"

print("hello" in s) Output True

Operator Precedence

( )  Paranthesis is , is not
**  Exponential operator in, not in
~,-  Unary Operator not
* , / , % , // and
+,- or
>, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
=, +=, -=, *=......
module is a group of function
it is group of module

to import module follow these syntax

import math math module have function of squar root, pi etc
print(mat.sqrt(16)) output 4.0
print(math.pi) output 3.141


import math as m we converted math word with m nowonwards we will

use m in place of math and not math.

form math import sqrt to import only squar root funtion of math module
print(sqrt(9)) 3.0

to take data from keyboard we use input funtion

by default it takes string value if you want int of bool you need to convert it that is you need to do
int x = int(input("enter no '))

write a program to read two number

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