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n this age of new technologies, smart learning education system is a boon for those who wish to

make the best of resources. Have a look at the benefits you can derive from this system, where
technology works as a tool for bridging the gap between teachers and students.

1. Novel learning techniques

The key difference between traditional teaching techniques and new-age smart learning education is
the use of tools and equal participation of teachers and students. Smart learning education system
attempts at developing quick learning skills where teachers participate with students via learning
tools and techniques. Use of tools like online placards, games, puzzles or other challenging apps will
stimulate the brain cells to actively metabolize the input unleashing a new perspective.

2. Online resources

The biggest advantage of smart learning system is, you are blessed with plethora of resources of
knowledge free of cost. All you need is right guidance and understanding for which teachers are
trained and are always available to help kids in the best possible manner.



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3. Increased participation of teachers and students

Use of smart learning system increases the interaction of teachers and students, as they follow each
other in the process and it becomes easy for teachers as well, to keep a track on students learning
power. Also, the use of smart classes and modern technology eases the learning process for all

4. Fill the gaps

The online smart learning system is considered as an effective tool to build the gap between students
and teachers. Also, it works as a bridge between plethora of knowledge and students. It all depends
on students and teachers, how they maximum utilize the resources for their self growth.

5. Easy maintenance

Smart learning tools are technology driven and require regular software updates for smooth
functioning. They are easy to maintain and can be used for longer period, unlike markers and chalks,
that have to be refilled every other day.

6. Highly effective

According to kids' psychologists, visual learning using smart technology elements like graphs, images,
charts, presentations are considered highly effective in making students grasp the subject quicker.
The students learn effectively and therefore are capable of retaining more information.
7. Simplify teaching

Smart teaching applications simplify the subject in easy-to-understand form which makes it easier for
students to grasp and remember for longer period. From computer monitor to smart board, use of
these gadgets makes it easier for teachers to make students understand the topic in simple way via
visuals and text that are drafted smartly for easy understanding. For instance, to make students learn
addition and subtraction, these gadgets use visuals of fruits and veggies along with voice over that
registers easily in mind of tiny tots.

8. Motivate students

Smart learning uses a lot of visual references and colours, which helps build interest level of students
in the subject. It also works as a guiding force in sharpening the creative imagination power of
students. For instance, if smart learning shows how a seed turns into a plant, it might help student
develop his imagination on how to draw a plant and all its details.

9. Parent-teacher communication

It is important for schools to organize virtual or physical Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) on a regular
basis for frequent analysis of performance of students. This helps parents understand the role they
need to play in development of their kids and at the same time it informs teachers how to handle
each student depending his/her psychology. For instance, if a student is a slow learner, parents can
invest some time at home in sharpening his/her learning and grasping skills on a daily basis.

Article by Pankaj Kumar Singh, Managing Director, Cambridge Montessori Pre-school and day care
Pvt. Ltd.

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