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MATRIC NUMBER D20211099229

1. To investigate all the variables involved in a mathematical relationship of Ohm’s Law.

2. To state the effect of each variable to the total current flow


1. Ohmmeter
2. Batteries
3. Metal Wire
4. Resistor


Ohm’s law states that: At constant temperature, the potential difference, V across a conductor
is directly proportional to the current, I that flows through it. The constant of proportionality
is known as resistance of the conductor denoted by R. Mathematically written as

𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅
The equation itself sometimes called Ohm’s Law, but only when referring to materials or
devices for which R is a constant independent of V. But R is not a constant for many
substances other than metals, nor for devices such as diodes, vacuum tubes, transistors etc.
Thus Ohm’s Law is not a fundamental law of nature, but rather a description of a certain class
of materials such as metal conductors, whose temperature does not change much. Such
materials are said to be “ohmic”. Materials or devices that do not follow Ohm’s Law are said
to be nonohmic.

Pre Lab Tasks

1. Study and familiarize with the button and its functions of this PHet Simulation.

The equation form of Ohm’s law relates to a simple circuit. If the voltage and resistance knob
are adjusted to particular value, it shows the current change according to Ohm’s law. The
sizes of the symbols in the equation change to match the circuit diagram.
2. Explain the definition of Ohm’s Law.
One way of producing a potential difference along a wire is to connect its end to the opposite
terminals of a battery. It was George Simon Ohm (1787-1854) who established
experimentally that the current in a metal wire is proportional to the potential difference V
applied to its two end.
It is also found that reversing the sign of the voltage does not affect the magnitude of the
current. Value of the current in a wire depends not only on the voltage between it ends, but
also on the resistance the wire offers to the flow of electrons. Electrical resistance R is
defined as the proportionality factor between the voltage V and the current I:
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅
Ohm found experimentally that in metal conductor R is a constant independent of V, known
as Ohm’s Law.


Part A: Effect of voltage changes towards the flow of current with fix resistance

1. The interface of Ohm’s Law simulation circuit is viewed.

2. From the PhET interface, the voltage of the battery was set to its minimum value by dragging
the knob using mouse. The same procedure is repeated to set the value of resistance as in
Figures 1.1. The value of current flow in the circuit was observed and recorded.

3. The voltage of the battery was slowly increased from its minimum value to maximum with
a chosen fix value of resistance of 10 Ω. The value of adjusted voltages and changes of value
of current was recorded in a table.
Figure 1.1

PART B: Effect of resistance towards the flow of current with fix resistance.

1. A fix value of voltage is chosen to 5V and slowly increased the value of total resistance
from its minimum value to maximum as in Figure 1.2.

2. The changes of current flow was observed. The value of adjusted resistance and changes of
the value of current was recorded in the table.

Figure 1.2
Results and Analysis

Part A: Effect of voltage changes towards the flow of current with fix resistance
Resistance: 10Ω

Voltage (V) Current, I (mA)

0.1 10.0
1.0 100.0
2.0 200.0
3.0 300.0
4.0 400.0
5.0 500.0
6.0 600.0
7.0 700.0
8.0 800.0
9.0 900.0

𝑦 −𝑦 600−100 500
𝑚 = 𝑥2 −𝑥1 = = = 500
2 1 6−1 5
PART B: Effect of resistance towards the flow of current with fix voltage.
Voltage: 5V

Resistance (Ω) x10² Current, I (mA)

1.00 50.0
2.00 25.0
3.00 16.7
4.00 12.5
5.00 10.0
6.00 8.30
7.00 7.10
8.00 6.30
9.00 5.60
10.00 5.0

𝑦 −𝑦 400−100 300
𝑚 = 𝑥2 −𝑥1 = = −37.5 = -8
2 1 12.5−50

1. The value of the slope of graph is obtain by choosing two points on the line (point A and
point B). The difference between the voltages at the two points are calculated (the RISE of
the slope). The difference between the current at the two points are also calculated (the RUN
of the slope). The RISE is divided by the RUN. The value obtain is the slope of the line. The
current of a circuit is mathematically shown as an algebraic equation 𝐼 = 𝑅 .

2. The value of the slope of graph is obtain by choosing two points on the line (point A and
point B). The difference between the voltages at the two points are calculated (the RISE of
the slope). The difference between the current at the two points are also calculated (the RUN
of the slope). The RISE is divided by the RUN. The value obtain is the slope of the line. The
resistance of a circuit is mathematically shown as an algebraic equation 𝑅 = .

3. It can be differentiate by determine a fixed variable which are Part A using resistance, R
and Part B using voltage, V both as fixed variables in the experiment.

4. The variables involved in Ohm’s Law are consist of V=IR, and the value of current, I
depends on the other two variables which is if the value of voltage, V increases, current in the
circuit will increase and if the value of resistance, R increases the current will decrease vice

Voltage is directly proportional to the current while resistance is inversely proportional to the
current in a circuit.

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