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Snow White

Snow White queen, a handsome

witch prince

a poison apple hunter dwarf


to fall asleep to be angry to cry

to come home
a small house a magic mirror

Task 1. Complete the song:

wake pretty jealous sick happy
apple handsome save

Snow White is __________ , very, very pretty.

She's the prettiest of them all.
The queen is __________ , very, very jealous.
She gives Snow White a red __________ .
Snow white becomes sick, very, very __________ .
She needs a prince to __________ her up.
A __________ prince comes. He comes to __________ her.
She wakes up and they are __________ .
Task 2. Unscramble the words and find the adjective to them:

rirmro rniepc papel hticw uhoes

_____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

A magic __________
An angry __________
A handsome __________
A small __________
A poison __________

Task 3. Say if the sentences are True or False.

1. The King marries a new kind queen. __________

2. The new Queen has a magic mirror. __________
3. She tells the hunter: “Take Snow White into the forest and kill her”. _______
4. The owners of the house are giants. __________
5. The queen makes a poison pear. __________
6. Snow White doesn’t eat a poison apple. __________
7. A handsome prince saves Snow White. __________
Task 4. Who said it?

Queen Snow White mirror Prince Dwarves

1. “Who is the most beautiful?” ______________

2. “Will you marry me?” ______________
3. “Snow White is the most beautiful.” ______________
4. “Take her into the forest and kill her!” ______________
5. “Snow white, wake up.” ______________
6. “Eat this delicious apple snow.” ______________
7. “Yes, my prince.” ______________
8. “Poor princess, live with us.” ______________
Task 5. Answer the questions with Yes, he/she does, No, he/she doesn’t.
Yes, they do, No, they don’t

1. Does the King marry a new queen? ____________

2. Does the new queen like Snow White? ____________
3. Does the hunter kill Snow White? ____________
4. Does Snow White find a small house in the forest? ____________
5. Does the queen make a sweet apple? ____________
6. Do the dwarves cry for Snow White? ____________
7. Do the dwarves save Snow White? ____________
8. Does the prince marry Snow White? ____________

Task 6. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. The squirrels and birds loves / love Snow White.
2. The Queen dies / die so the King marry / marries a new queen.
3. The hunter doesn't kill / kills Snow white.
4. She go / goes into the house and she falls / fall asleep.
5. The owners of the house come / comes home.
6. The dwarves cries / cry for her: “Snow White, wake up.”
7. Then a handsome prince comes / come.
8. The prince pick / picks up Snow White and the apple fall /falls out of her
9. The dwarves shout / shouts: “Hooray!”
10. The prince and Snow White marry / marries and live/ lives happily ever after.
Task 7. Make the sentences negative (П+ do/does + not + Гл. 1ф).
1. The king marries a kind queen.
2. The queen likes Snow White.
3. The hunter kills Snow White in the forest.
4. The dwarves live in a big castle.
5. The queen gives Snow White a poison peach.
6. The prince kills the queen.
7. The prince and Snow White go far away.

The End
Grammar block
Present Simple (простое настоящее время)
• Время Present Simple обозначает действие в настоящем в широком
смысле слова. Оно употребляется для обозначения обычных, регулярно
повторяющихся или постоянных действий, например, когда мы говорим
о чьих-либо привычках, режиме дня, расписании и т. д., т. е. Present
Simple обозначает действия, которые происходят в настоящее время, но
не привязаны именно к моменту речи.

usually (обычно),
seldom (редко),
every day (week, month) (каждый день/неделю/месяц),
always (всегда), often (часто), never (никогда)

«+» В утвердительном предложении используется основа глагола. Если

подлежащее стоит в 3 лице ед. числа (he/she/it), к основе глагола добавляется
окончание -s, -es.

П.+Гл. 1ф (s)

he she it

They like Snow White - Им нравится Блоснежка

He likes Snow White – Ему нравится Блоснежка

Ставим окончание s,
так как имеем
подлежащее He

Правописание окончания – S в 3 лице единственного числа

• К большинству глаголов в 3л.ед.ч. добавляется –s: I eat – He eats
• К глаголам, оканчивающимся на –ss,-sh,-ch,-x,-o добавляется – es: I
wash – She washes. We do – He does.
• У глаголов, оканчивающихся на согласную + y, -y заменяется на – i и
добавляется – es. They carry – She carries.
• К глаголам, заканчивающимся на гласную + y добавляется – s. He plays
«-» В отрицательном предложении между подлежащим и сказуемым ставится
вспомогательный глагол do и частица not — do not/don't. Если подлежащее
стоит в 3 л. ед. числа (he/she/it), тогда does not/doesn't, а смысловой глагол
остается в I форме без to.

П.+do (does) not + Гл.1ф

He she it

They do not like the queen. –Им не нравится королева.

The queen does not like Snow White – Королева не любит Белоснежку.

Окончание s отсутствует у
глагола, т.к. есть does

«?» В вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол do/does ставится

перед подлежащим, а смысловой глагол употребляется в I форме без to.

Do (Does) +П.+ Гл.1ф ?

He she it

Do you like Snow White?- Тебе нравится Белоснежка? Yes, I do - Да

No, I don’t - Нет
Does he like Snow White? – Ему нравится Белоснежка?Yes, he does -Да
No, he doesn’t - Нет

Краткие ответы:

Yes,+ личное местоимение

(на которое можно заменить подлежащее) + do/does
No,+ личное местоимение + do/does+ not

!!!!!Обратите внимание, слова показатели частотности (always, often и т.д.) в

Present Simple обычно ставятся перед сказуемым.
Глагол to have – ИМЕТЬ
I have У меня есть We have У нас есть
You have У тебя есть You have У вас есть
He У него есть They have У них есть
She has У нее есть
It У него есть
Task 1. Complete the song:
Snow White is pretty, very, very pretty.
She's the prettiest of them all.
The queen is jealous, very, very jealous.
She gives Snow White a red apple.
Snow white becomes sick, very, very sick.
She needs a prince to wake her up.
A handsome prince comes. He comes to save her.
She wakes up and they are happy.

Task 2. Unscramble the words and find the adjective to them:

mirror prince apple witch house

A magic mirror
An angry witch
A handsome prince
A small house
A poison apple.

Task 3. Say if the sentences are True or False.

1. The King marries a new kind queen. False

2. The new Queen has a magic mirror. True
3. She tells the hunter: “Take Snow White into the forest and kill her”. True
4. The owners of the house are giants. False
5. The queen makes a poison pear. False
6. Snow White doesn’t eat a poison apple. False
7. A handsome prince saves Snow White. True

Task 4. Who said it?

1. “Who is the most beautiful?” Queen

2. “Will you marry me?” Prince
3. “Snow white is the most beautiful.” Mirror
4. “Take her into the forest and kill her!” Queen
5. “Snow white, wake up.” Dwarves
6. “Eat this delicious apple snow.” Queen
7. “Yes, my prince.” Snow White
8. “Poor princess, live with us.” Dwarves

Task 5. Answer the questions with Yes, he/she does, No, he/she doesn’t.
Yes, they do, No, they don’t

1. Does the King marry a new queen? Yes, he does.

2. Does the new queen like Snow White? No, she doesn’t.
3. Does the hunter kill Snow White? No, he doesn’t.
4. Does Snow White find a small house in the forest? Yes, she does.
5. Does the queen make a sweet apple? No, she doesn’t.
6. Do the dwarves cry for Snow White? Yes, they do.
7. Do the dwarves save Snow White? No, they don’t.
8. Does the prince marry Snow White? Yes, he does.

Task 6. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. The squirrels and birds love Snow White.
2. The Queen dies so the King marries a new queen.
3. The hunter doesn't kill Snow white.
4. She goes into the house and she falls asleep.
5. The owners of the house come home.
6. The dwarves cry for her: “Snow White, wake up!”.
7. Then a handsome prince comes.
8. The prince picks up Snow White and the apple falls out of her mouth.
9. The dwarves shout:” Hooray!”
10. The prince and Snow White marry and live happily ever after.

Task 7. Make the sentences negative (П+ do/does + not + Гл. 1ф).
1. The king doesn’t marry a kind queen.
2. The queen doesn’t like Snow White.
3. The hunter doesn’t kill Snow White in the forest.
4. The dwarves don’t live in a big castle.
5. The queen doesn’t give Snow White a poison peach.
6. The prince doesn’t kill the queen.
7. The prince and Snow White don’t go far away.

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