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Function of omega-3

. Helps controlling blood cholesterol levels

. Reduce the risk of heart diseases
The developing fetus and new- born require high amounts
of omega-3 fatty acids and receive them through placenta
.and breast milk respectively
. Important for growth
. For healthy skin
. For proper function of eyes and nerves
. Used by the body to make other types of fatty acids
Reduce osteoclastic activity and alveolar bone resorption in
.experimental periodontitis
, Treatment of arthritis, diabetes, autoimmune disease
depression, psychiatric disease and even cancer
Needed for normal nervous system, involved in mood
. Essential for the efficient function of every cell in our body
Sharpen attention and enhance learning in those who had
.appropriate omega- 3 levels before the studies began
. Protects us against Alzheimer disease
Reduces risk of brain damage and stroke

Note: The body generally produces only one-third of the cholesterol

our bodies use.

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