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Gaffud, Lloyd Adrian R.

BSN – 309 Group 1-B

Name of Drug Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Side Effect Nursing Responsibilities


Generic Name: Patients with Contraindicated in Inhibits ACE, CNS: Dizziness, Nursing Consideration:
impaired renal patients preventing fainting,
Captopril  Monitor patient’s BP
function may hypersensitive to conversion of headache,
and pulse rate
Brand Name: respond to drug or other ACE angiotensin I to malaise, fatigue,
smaller or less inhibitors and in angiotensin II, a fever, insomnia,
frequent doses. In patients who had potent paresthesia (Alert) Elderly patients may
ACE inhibitor patients with angioedema related vasoconstrictor. be more sensitive to drug’s
CV: Tachycardia,
significant renal to previous Less angiotensin hypotensive effects
Antihypertensive hypotension,
impairment, treatment with an II decreases
chest pain,  Assess patient for
Dosage: reduce initial ACE inhibitors peripheral
angina pectoris, signs of angioedema
dosage, and use arterial
25 mg TID Use cautiously in palpitations  Drug causes cough,
smaller resistance,
patients with most frequently of
Route: increments for a decrease GI: Abdominal
impaired renal all ACE inhibitors
slow titration. aldosterone pain, anorexia,
Sublingual function or serious  In patients with
Slowly back- secretion, which constipation,
autoimmune impaired renal
titrate dosage reduces sodium diarrhea, dry
disease, especially function or collagen
after desired SLE, and in those and water mouth, vascular disease,
therapeutic effect who have exposed retention and dysgeusia, monitor WBC and
has been to other drugs that lowers BP. nausea, vomiting differential counts
achieved to affect WBC count before starting
determine the or immune treatment, every 2
minimal effective response. weeks for the first 3
dose. A loop Respiratory: Dry, months of therapy,
diuretic such persistent, and periodically
furosemide, nonproductive thereafter
rather than a cough; dyspnea\
Patient Teaching:
thiazide diuretic,
is preferred in  Instruct patient to
patients with take drug 1 hour
severe renal before meals; food
impairment when in the GI tract may
concomitant reduce absorption
diuretic therapy is  Inform patient that
required. light-headedness,
especially during
HTN - Initially
first few days of
25 mg P.O. b.i.d
therapy, and to rise
or t.i.d. If dosage
slowly to minimize
doesn’t control
BP satisfactorily this effect and to
in 1 or 2 weeks, report occurrence to
increase it to 50 prescriber. If
mg b.i.d or t.i,d. fainting occurs, tell
if that dosage patient to stop drug
doesn’t control and to call
BP satisfactorily prescriber
after another 1 or immediately
2 weeks, expect  Tell patient to use
to add a diuretic, caution in hot
weather and during
exercise. Lack of
fluids, vomiting,
diarrhea, and
perspiration can lead
to light-headedness
and syncope
 Advise patient to
report signs and
symptoms of
infection, such as
fever and sore throat
 Urge patient to
promptly report
swelling of the face,
lips, or mouth or
difficulty breathing
 Advise patient not to
use potassium-
sparring diuretics,
supplements, or
containing salt
substitutes without
first consulting

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