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Questions for group 5 & 6: The Influence of E-learning Use to Student Cognitive

Performance and Motivation in Digital Simulation Course

1) What factor favor learning through e-learning?

2) What are the disadvantages and advantages of the use of e-learning towards
students' motivation?
3) What is the evidence that e-learning can increase students' motivation?
4) What is the benefit of e-learning for teacher?

1. The Experience Of Learners

The first factor to influence efficacy of technology–based learning is how

equipped learners are to accept the new platform of learning. This is in turn
determined by aspects that define learners. The prime determinant here is how
much experience does a learner have with the medium; is he or she computer
literate? Do they have the basic knowledge to adopt new technology? If yes,
then a new platform will undoubtedly be well accepted by the learner group. But
sometimes just being computer literate is not enough. Learners may have pre-
conceived bias about new technology that dulls their confidence in own their
abilities and can build a barrier for learning efficacy. In this case, learners have to
be duly motivated to adopt new technology for their own benefit. Here are few
tips to  drive learner motivation, derived from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
Prestige, self-esteem, feeling of accomplishment. Monetary incentives,
respect, belongingness, legacy

Change In Behavior Due To eLearning

With the adoption of new technology for learning, eLearning also alters the
behavior of a learner to a certain extent. As a consequence of eLearning, most of
the changes in behavior are mainly on social aspect of learning. While interacting
closely in the virtual space for learning, learners become a part of a social
environment and a learning community within the workplace. New technologies
change the way corporate learner’s access information and this can be
encouraged by highlighting the success of peers or instructors by using
technologies. Learning technologies also encourage learners to have multiple
conversations and this in turn leads to closer collaboration with peers and

Organizational Impact Of eLearning

How well eLearning initiative is accepted among learners directly depends on

how well eLearning strategy is developed by the organisation. The acceptance of
change by employees within an organisation is a key factor for eLearning
efficacy.  An understanding of how eLearning is adopted in organisations is
important and can be achieved through the evaluation of eLearning strategies. It
is evident that changes in the organisational structure where instructors become
facilitators and managers become champions of adopting new technology for
learning, can lead to increased interest in online and hence, cost savings.
Additionally, flexibility, in terms of how technology is introduced and the
management of learner expectations also has an impact on the adoption of
eLearning. Taking this into account, organizations should offer flexibility in
learning through technology and align their training endeavors as per the
evolving expectations of corporate learners.

2. E-learning can increase student motivation. According to Joanna Poon (2013)

that the use of e-learning demonstrated the flexibility to accomplish tasks
wherever and whenever, giving comfort and make responsible and competent.
It also supports research conducted by (Ibrahim et al., 2014) that there is the
influence of the use of e-learning on student motivation, student motivation
tendency to use e learning is higher than conventional learning. schoology make
it less responsible because there is a collection time limit

3. Advantages is motivated to learn, students are more interested because of easy

access, not boring, students are more active learning, students have a target
value, more earnest in doing the task, more independent in learning, more
interested in the subject, as well as to increase knowledge. Disadvantages is
Online student feedback is limited, E-Learning can cause social isolation, E-
Learning require strong self-motivation and time management skills, Cheating
prevention during online assessments complication

4. 1. Individual Pace
Online learning solutions provide much-needed effectiveness for teachers,
allowing them to maximize the potential for individual learning curves and styles
within the classroom. Many online learning solutions account for self-paced
learning and allow students and teachers to work together to meet scheduled

2. Application of Theory
Now more than ever, children, youth, and students are accessing information
and news online, communicating, sharing, and exchanging ideas and concepts
via technology. Online learning enables teachers to tap into this realm of
constant learning by embracing the real-world application of theory through
multimedia, video, chat, and interactivity. Educators can effectively harness the
power of everyday technology to bring educational theories into the classroom.

3. Practicality
In modern times of global economic and political instability, federal and
provincial/state education budgets are often placed on the chopping block.
Online learning is an incredible way to compensate for reduced access to
teaching information and time dedicated to tracking student progress. The
practical benefits to teachers can be measured in terms of time-based efforts
and workload reduction. For example, using an LMS allows teachers to quickly
create tests and quizzes using a preexisting or ever-expanding question bank.
LMS technology also permits the automation of marking those tests and quizzes.
Practical benefits also include the ability to track the submission of digital
assignments, and reuse or reconstruct a course curriculum using new course

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