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Goodwill Corporation Ltd

The president of Goodwill Corporation ltd, Mr Abhishek Mukherji, wanted to

facilitate upward communication. He believed an open door policy was a good option. He
announced that his own door was open to all employees and encouraged senior managers to
do the same. He felt this would give him a way to get early warning signals that would not be
filtered or redirected through the formal chain f command. Mr Mukherji found that many
employees who used the open-door policy had been with the company for years and were
comfortable talking to the president. Sometimes messages come through about inadequate
policies and procedures. Mr Mukherji would raise this issue and explain any changes at the
next senior managers’ meetings. The most difficult complaints to handle were those from
people who were not getting alone with their bosses.

One employee, Anand, complained bitterly that his manager had over committed on
behalf of the department and put everyone under tremendous pressure. Anand argued that
long hours and low morale were major problems. However, he would not allow Mr Mukherji
to either bring the manager into the discussion or seek out other employees to confirm the
complaint. Although Mr Mukherji suspected Anand might be right, he could not let the
matter lie and said, “Have you considered that leaving the company?” This made Anand
realizes that a meeting with his immediate boss was unavoidable.

Before the three party meeting, Mr mukherji contacted Anand’s manager and
explained what was going on. He insisted that the manager come to the meeting willing to
listen and without hostility towards Anand. During the meeting, Anand’s manager listened
attentively and displayed no ill will. He learned the problems Anand’s perspective and
realized he was over his head in new job. After the meeting, the manager said he was
relieved. He had been promoted into the job from a technical position just a few months
earlier and no management or planning experience. He welcomed Mr Mukherji’s offer to
help him do a better job of planning.

1.) What techniques increased Mr Mukherji’s communications effectiveness?

2.) Do you think that an open-door policy was the right way to improve upward
communication? What other technique would you suggest?
3.) What problem s do you think an open-door policy creates? Do you think many
employees are reluct ant to use it? Give reasons for your answer.
4.) Experience from the case and learning from the module.


Q.1: what techniques increased Mr. Mukherji’s communication effectiveness?

Ans.: Mr. Abhishek Mukherji believed in open door communication policy. He announced that his
own door was open to all employees and encouraged senior managers to do the same. With this
technique many employees who used the open door policy had been with the company for year and
were comfortable talking to the president. Mr. mukherji would raise this issue and explain any
change at the next senior manager’s meeting. This type of techniques increased Mr. mukherji’s
communications effectiveness.


Q.2: Do you think an open-door policy was the right way to improve upward communication?
What other technique would you suggest?

Ans.: Yes, Upward communication means employees to manager’s communication. In upward

communication employees give information to higher level them about work. If employees not give
information properly so that time upward communication doesn’t work properly. In organization
higher level use open door policy for upward communication. In open door communication if any
employee faces any problem in work then he directly go to higher level for complain. If manager
know what is problem of employees? So he easily solve problem. With use of this technique
manager easily know every work going proper or not. In this way open-door policy is the right way to
improve upward communication.


Q.3: What problems do you think an open-door policy creates? Do you think many employees are
reluctant to use it? Give reason for your answer.

Ans.: yes many employees are reluctant to use it. The open-door policy may result in the owner of
the company having to spend a significant portion of his day listening to employees vent their
concerns. This is time taken away from the owner’s important responsibilities and duties. In
addition, the conversation may stray from business matters to no work-related topics, such as
hobbies, sports and current events, which may of be little or no interest to the owner. The company
owner must make it clear that the open-door policy is a problem-solving mechanism designed to
help the company run more efficiently not an excuse to socialize on company time. An open-door
policy can cause employees to become too dependent on the company owner instead of learning
how to take the initiative to solve problems that come up themselves. A business owner’s open-door
policy can have the unintended effect of disrupting the reporting relationships he has put in place. A
lower-level employee may ask to come into his office and ask for him to mediate a conflict he/she is
having with the supervisor to whom he/she directly reports. If the supervisor finds out the employee
has “gone over his head” and talked to the owner, it may result in the employee being disciplined for
violating the chain of command. Also, it puts the owner in the awkward position of trying to decide
whether the employee had a legitimate grievance or whether he/she was in the wrong for involving
him in the issue.


Q.4: Experience from the case and learning from the module.

Ans.: With this case study I learn this policy work successfully when if all workers are come with real
problem. It’s don’t work in small business & also where employees are not educated because they
don’t try to solve problem and they directly come to manager office that’s why manager was disturb
and don’t work properly. In this policy if manager believe on employees so it’s not sure that worker
is right or not.

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