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1/is good health important to you?

Health is living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. If you have
good health, your mind and thoughts will also be more positive

1.Is good health important? I think good health is important. Because it is central to human happiness and
well-being that contributes significantly to prosperity, weath and even economic progress. Heathy
populations are more productive, save more and live longer.

1. To be honest, having a good health is the most important thing in our life. Basically we can’t do
anything without keeping strong in mentality and physical. Living a healthy lifestyle can prevent chronic
diseases and long- term illness.

1/is good health important?

good health is very important. It can have a positive effect on almost evẻry aspect of our lives

Such as: help you live longer , feel better about yourself, control your stress, helps us to fight off disease

2/What should you do to keep your body healthy?

Consume less salt and sugar. Reduce intake of harmful fats. Avoid harmful use of alcohol. Don't smoke.
Be active. Check your blood pressure regularly.

2/ what should you do to keep your body healthy ?

I think I should exercise regularly, eat healthy, sleep early, drink enough water every day and keep my
mind free of stress.

3/what should/shouldn’t you eat?

I think I should eat a wide variety of foods plenty of colourful vegetables, beans.,fruit. and poultry, fish,
eggs, tofu, nuts,,milk, yoghurt, cheese or their alternatives.

3/ What should/should you eat?

- I think to seem a good health protester, you should not take high-calorie, high-cooked junk food
like fast food that needs a lot of vitamins from your body. Use a lot of fibrous vegetables when you eat
breakfast, you need to eat rice and not be able to eat coffee all day after four o 'clock in order to avoid
insomnia, and you need to maintain the proper quality of your sleep each day to help you become better

3. What should/should you eat? I think you should eat more fruits and vegetables because they are good
for your health, at the same time you shouldn't eat fatty foods and fastfood because It not good for your

3. For good health, diet is an extremely important thing. You should practice reasonable eating habits, eat
at the right time, eat foods with vitamins and fiber such as green vegetables, fruits, and eat foods that
provide protein such as eggs and meat. You should not eat foods of unknown origin, kept for a long time,
and or contain many preservatives
4. what should /shouldn’t you drink? I think you should drink milk and water because they are good for
your health, at the same time you shouldn't drink alcohol and carbonated drinks because It not good for
your health.

4. For good health, you should drink enough 2 liters of water per day, and drink milk and cereals to
ensure nutrition for the body. In addition, you should not drink carbonated drinks, containing
preservatives such as bottled water because it affects your health adversely.

. 4.What should/shoudn't you drink?

To be healthy, we should have drink that contains lots of vitamins and minerals like avocado
smoothie...,instead of drinking coffee ,soda or soft drink .They are very harmful to our health if we drink
them too much .We also need to drink enough water -it prevents our body from dehydration .

5/Should you do exercise ? When ? How long?

I think you should do exercise regularly. I think exercising early in the morning is very good for health.
You can exercise for about 1 hour with exercises such as jogging, cycling.

6) How many hours should you sleep? Should you take a nap? How long?

As an adult, we should sleep 7 or more hours a night for a good health.The quantity of your sleep is just
as important as the quality.

We should also take a nap in about 20-30 minutes if we can. It helps us feel more alert and boost the

6. How many hours should you sleep ? Should you take a nap ? How long ?

- As you know, it is recommended that an enough sleep is about 7 to 9 hours but I just sleep in 6 hours.
For me, this time is just nearly to become a enough sleep because I still work and study effectively. I
always don’t take a nap as I don’t have too much time to do it. If I had, I could have spent 2 hours to

6. - How many should you sleep?(You should sleep for 7 to 8 hours a day, because sleep is very
important for our health. If we don't get enough sleep, we will feel very tired and have no energy the next

- Should you take a nap? And how long? (Sure. Napping helps us restore energy and we will be more
productive than those who don't take a nap. And we should take a nap for about 30 minutes. This is the
best time for me. Napping for too long does not make us feel productive, but makes us feel more
8. Should you work hard? And how many hours should you study? ( Certainly, we should work hard, but
we should also arrange a reasonable time so that our health is always good and not too stressed.And I
think we should study for 6-8 hours a day. That time is enough for us to absorb knowledge in our heads, if
we study more than that time we will not learn effectively.)

8.should you work hard? I think we should study hard because you will be developing a good work ethic.
It will not only help you our in the short term but it will help you out later in life as well.

How many hours shoud you study/ work? We should study/work in about 6 hours and be more
concentrated in the moring. It is the deal daily working/ studying time.

Câu 7: what should you do wheb you are ill? When i'm ill, my body feels tired. At this time, i usually take
my temperature to see if i have a fever or a cold. Then, i will cook a bowl of poridge with lots of meat and
drink many water. And of course, i will stop all works so i can take a rest and sleep.

7.When we are ill,the most important thing we should do is taking a rest . Nutritious meals and fruit juice
are very necessary for our health,as they make us feel better .Try to sleep enough ,because when we
sleep,our body can relax .If you feel worse ,go to the hospital to see the doctor and take medicine.

7/ What should you do when you are ill?

- I think when are ill , dietary and active adjustments you need to be made to eat well, and to use
fruit water to get vitamin C and zinc supplements that need adequate rest so as to relieve the healing stress
that soothe the throat, which can crawl in warm brine, to try to maintain moisture in the room so as to
avoid dry air that triggers a cold that attacks the body

câu8: -shoul you work hard? I think we shoul work hard. Without hard work, it's not possible to be an old
one out and achive something that we have always wanted. Hard work will help you to get better each
day, each moment. However, we shouldn't work too hard.

- How many hours should you study? I think we can study about 6 or 7 hours per day. We should
balance between study time and rest time. If you study for 1 or 2 hours, you should take a break of 5
minitues. That way leaning will be more efective.
9. Should you take holiday ? Where ? Why ?

- As you know, I am a big fan of travelling so I will go anywhere when I have holiday. And if I had a
holiday, I would go to Dalat as I am attracted by the atmosphere, the scenery and the spectacular
waterfalls for exmple The flower Garden of this city, the Prenn waterfall,…It can help me forget all the
difficulties and pressure in my life. Beside that, the food there was so unique and delicious. So I think the
most special thing is definitely when I bought fresh vegetables from Dalat market

9.Should you take holiday? I think we should take holiday.

Where? Everywhere you want such as resorts, beaches, your village,.....

Why? Because it improves our physical and mental heath, boosts the happiness and decreases burnout.
Another, it also helps to improve our relationships

9. Taking vacation is a necessity in everyone's life. Going on a picnic is both a good way to relieve stress
and a way for us to learn useful knowledge in life. In my opinion, going anywhere is fine, as long as we
feel better and comfortable.

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