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Description Will you survive the bite of a vampire? What will you lose? Your sanity?

Your control?
Intended Effect Fantasy experience, inspire obedience.
Type Erotic
Category Fantasy
Feature Amnesia, Obedience

Tonight, I'm going to be your vampire.

Let your imagination be an empty canvas, upon which I will paint a picture, of your demise and

For this, it doesn't matter where you imagine that you are, or what you're doing really. You could
be in your bed trying to sleep, you could be sitting could even be walking over the

It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you know you're being watched... You feel you're being
watched. You feel your every move, your ever gesture, seen. You feel your every breath,

And you don't quite know where it's coming from. You don't quite know who's watching you. All
that you know right now, is that someone, something, is watching you.

And as you're walking, or sitting, laying, that thing...that someone is getting closer. And with
every breath you take, you feel it getting closer.

But no matter where you look, no matter how you try to find the source of this feeling, you don't
know. All you know it's getting closer and closer to where you are.

And part of you is curious, part of you wants to know what it is, where it's coming from. And part
of you is afraid: not wishing to face what it is that is watching, what it is that is approaching.

And every breath is closer, and every moment it comes nearer.

And what it me.

You feel my breath in your neck, and then two sharp pains on the side of your neck. And
suddenly you're paralyzed, not sure if it's with fear or pleasure.

A deep rush of intensity goes through your body, as you feel the penetration of my teeth in your

And you, you are there, transfixed.

You just exist in this moment, feeling how I've approached, how I have suddenly pierced your
skin. How I have suddenly started to drink, your blood.
And every breath you take, you feel a rush going to your head; you feel a rush of lightness going
through your body, with every sip of your lifeblood.

And you can feel yourself getting lightheaded now. You can feel how you're starting to waver in
your attention. How it's getting more difficult to stay upright...

How it's more difficult to keep your eyes open. But that's alright, because I have you. You are in
my grip, and I will not let go.

You feel my arms around you, supporting you, as I still have my teeth in your neck. Sucking,
taking, pulling your life away from you.

And you feel with every heartbeat how it becomes weaker. You feel with every heartbeat how it
becomes, softer, how it becomes you, become emptier.

And there's nothing you can do about it. There's no way to stop it; you cannot escape from the
grasp of a vampire. Once their teeth are in your neck, all you can do is surrender. All you can do
is submit.

And you feel yourself submit. You feel yourself surrender. You feel yourself becoming
completely, empty and obedient. And your blood is almost gone; your blood is almost

And there's nothing you can do about it. There's no way you can stop your heart from beating;
there's no way you can stop me from taking. And there's no way you can prevent me...from
taking your blood.

And you're at the edge: you're at the edge of falling into the endless sleep, from which you could
never awaken. You're right there at the edge.

And you know that I've already won. You know that you're completely at my mercy. You know
that there's not a single drop from your body that I can take, without killing you.

And there you are on the edge of the precipice, there you are on the edge...not knowing which
direction you'll fall: Will you fall into oblivion? Will you fall into salvation?

But your mind is empty: there's no more blood to think; you're in a rush of emptiness. And you
feel a strange taste on your lips, a warm, dark taste in your mouth. And you, you suck, you
surrender, you need to surrender.

And as you, take the blood that I offer you, you slave. You become, mine. I grant
your life so that you may serve me.

I grant your life so that you may surrender. And your mind knows this; your body knows this.
And even though I offer just enough blood for you to live, you are no longer alive.

You exist purely to serve. You exist to serve me.

And as you know, that that is your only choice, your only option, you can't help but taste my
blood. You can help, but let yourself be enveloped in my dark embrace.

You're mine now.

And you know it. You know it in every cell of your body, as my blood spreads through you, you
feel it filling your blood, you feel it filling your cells, your veins. You feel it filling your mind.

And you know...that you've been taken. You know deep inside...that you've been conquered, by

You know deep inside that you no longer have a choice in serving me: it is now stronger than
your blood. It is stronger than your life, stronger than your breath.

You are mine.

And that, is the picture...of your demise and rebirth. And you can listen to this as often as you
like, feeling reborn again and again, into my servitude.

You'll be reborn over and over again as my slave. You will be reborn over and over again,
serving me, surrendering to me.

And you will know who I am. You will know me by my words, by my voice, by my command.

And you will know you are empty and obedient: not having a chance to resist, not having the will
to resist, because the blood is stronger.

The blood rules all.

And that, is your fate, that is now, your fate.

And do you, submit to your fate?

Do you submit to your fate, accepting that you have no choice?

Do you remember who you serve?


And I expect you do well. I expect you to obey.

Now the wonderful thing about this picture, the wonderful thing about this canvas is that it's
going to seem like a dream: after I wake you, you're not quite sure what happened.

But you are quite sure that you felt...a vampire, you are quite sure that you felt...the bite.

But what happened after that, you don't're not that sure anymore: it could have been
a dream, it could've been your imagination, could have been my command.
And that is just the way I like it: to the world, I am a dream, but to you, I am much more.

And perhaps, one day you'll earn the right to call me Sir. Perhaps you'll earn your place.

We'll see...we'll see.

So in a moment I'm going to wake you, and when you'll see.

Listen to my voice, and wake.

And enjoy this dream, open your eyes and enjoy this dream.


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