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Prepare to introduce and state the purpose of a presentation of your own by completing the
notes below. Then present your introduction.

Perhaps we should begin.

- : .or OK,:let!s:,get started.
Good morning / afternoon / evening, everyone.

use the {rames below to help you prepare effective openings, using the problem, amazing
facts, or story technique. Whatever technique you choose, prepare your opening carefully.
You should always know exactly how you are going to start.

Use the frames below to present information relevant to your own work or company through
dramatic contrasts. First, introduce eaqh topic, and then make your point. Repeat this
activity until you are happy with the way you sound.
Use the space below to prepare a mini-presentation of your own, using the tripling pattern.
Present three topics relevant to your work, company or interests. First, introduce each topic
and then make your point. Repeat this activity until you are happy with the way you sound.

I{ possible, copy this completed page onto an overhead transparency and present the points
from the screen. Looking up at the screen, instead of down at a piece of paper, will help you
to present more clearly.
Make four simple points about your work, company or interests. Cut out all unnecessary
words. Tiy to include rhetorical questions. These frameworks may help you:

Present each point several times. Pay special attention to pausing and the rise and {all o{ your
In the spaces below write pairs of statements relevant to your own work, company or
interests, using the context expressions given. Don't just write anything. Think o{ points you
might actually want to make in a presentation.

'On the
In the spaces below write pairs of statements relevant to your own work, company or
interests, using the context expressions given. Don't just write anything. Think of points
you might actually want to make in a presentation.

Say the above several times until you are h"ppy with the way you sound.
Appendix 1 - Useful phrases

Useful phrases that you have been introduced to throughout the book are reproduced here in Appendix 1
for easy reference.

Expressing ideas
I I think (it's sort of old fashioned to think of the internet like that).
r I would say that (there are a lot of reasons why the cold war ended).
r In my view, (we need to think about parenting in a different context).
r In my opinion, (the policy might work better in the developed world).
r It seems to me that (most governments in the world aren't interested in stopping climate change)

r It seems (that most governments in the world aren't interested in stopping climate change)
I Perhaps (we need to think about parenting in a different conrext).
r (The policy) might (work better in the developed world).
r I'd say (there are a lot of reasons why the cold war ended).
r In a sense, (both writers are making the same point about modernism).
I Maybe (stable prices are impossible in the economy at rhe moment).
r (I think,) in a war (that looking at human rights as universal isn't always right).
r (I think it's) sort of (old-fashioned to think of the internet like that).

Explaining reasons
r One reason for (that) is (people don't have confidence in the product)
r (This reaction) happens because (the two liquids react to each other).
I That's (the reason) why (the political problems began).
r That's because (not enough research has been done yet).
r One explanation (of his popularity) is (the power of the media).

Finishing what you were saying

r Just to finish what I was saying before, (I think the writer makes an interesting point about food distribution )

r That's true, but what I wanted to say was (you've got to consider what else was happening at the time
to really understand why the war started).
r Can I just finish what I was saying before?

Justifying a request
r I was wondering, (how this kind of thing affects a country,s exports)?
r I'm just curious if (the temples also had an economic function).
r Just out of interest, (how much was Verdi influenced by Meyerbeer)?

Linking to an earlier contribution
r Earlier you said (we need to
think about two things).
r You mentioned before that (the
article isn't the mosr up to date).
' Ix:ttn*::*il:#* previous point, (is it right
to think,h", uobb", and Locke

Asking for more information

about what you have understood
r could you expand on what you mean
when you say (the afticle contradicts
r Can you just explain why (he
said that)?
t felt that people are self interested).
}XrffiktlSmith How does this (rerate to the idea
of peopre being
r \7hen you say (,most of the time,),
what exactly do you
r Could you just repeat the point
about (the strikes in the 1970s)?

r So do you mean that (the results
are totally
r So does the writer mean that (rhe profirs conclusive)?
. So you're saying that (there were other were hidden)?
r so what the writer is. saying is that (the reasons, too)?
r So in other words, (the policy failed). separation of state and religion was inevitable)?
r So the point is that (you can't really
prove there's a rerationship
between the two things).
Agreeing and adding your thoughts
: I agree with that ber
r r think that's true;T:,[::','.:: f[:f.,*:],.,"rk.d
r Yeah, and also because (the
state had more control in
about in the rast seminar).
those days).
Disagreeing indirecily
r (Not alr of the M,lennium
Development Goals are easy
I ro achieve,) though.
That's true, but (I also think
the other treatment options are
r important).
Don't you think (thar governments
should invest more during periods
r (Companies like this don,t have much chance
rike this)?
of success,) do they?
lntroducing the topic
- I want to talk about today is (problems
countries in the developing world
fffi:" have with exporting
t I'm going to focus on (problems
counrries in the deveroping world
#;:il:*ing have with exporting
t going to outline and discuss (problems
counrries in the developing
, 3i1,]'- worrd have with exporting

Getting the audience interested
r One thing you might not know about (exports from the developing world) is (that developing countries
obtain 32 times as much revenue from exports as they do from aid).
r Did you know that (developing countries obtain 32 times as much revenue from exports as they do
from aid)?
r Have you ever thought about why (countries in the developing world are unable to export easily to the
US and the EU)?

Giving the structure of your presentation

r I'm first going to (talk about the kind of goods exported). / Then I'm going to (look at the restrictions
they face). / Finallr I'm going to (look at the positive effects that a small increase on exports could have).
r I'm going to start by looking at (the kinds of goods exported by developing countries). / Then I'll move
on to (restrictions they face from the US and the EU). /To finish, I'll talk to you about (the positive
effects that a small increase on exports could have).
: My presentation is divided into three parts. First, (I'm going to talk about the kinds of goods exported
by developing countrie_s). / Second, (I'm going to look at restrictions they face from the'iJS and the EU). /
Third, (I'm going to talk about the positive effects that a small increase in exports could have).

Referring to sources
r According to (Massarelli, there were three main reasons).
r (Karlson) says that (all these things are untestable).
I (Shorey) argues that (previous studies got it wrong).
r (Dewaele)'s theory is that (the policies worked).
r Here you can see Durkheim's definition of ( facts,).

Repeating the main points

r In conclusion, we looked at (the kinds of goods exported, the restrictions they face and the positive
effects of a small increase on exports).
r I'd like to conclude by reviewing (the main points of the presentation).

Saying what the main argument or conclusion was

r And I argued that (developing countries are really being held back by trade restrictions).
r I hoped to show that (we can't expect improvements unless the policy is changed).

Thanking the audience

r Thank you for listening.
r Thanks for your artenrion.

Leaving the audience with an interesting thought or idea

I The important thing for us to think about now is (how we can improve the situation).
r So, what would you do if (you were a policy-maker in the EU)?
r I'd like to finish by (reading you a quotarion from Keynes).
Asking for questions
r Are there any questions?
r Does anybody have a question?

Moving from part to part in a group

r Now Sara is going to talk about (the results
of the survey).
r Next, Mehmet will move on to (possible
r Xu Li is now going to look at (the most imporranr

Referring to visual aids

r As you can see in this table, (there are
four key periods).
r This graph shows (the results of the
r If you look at this slide' what you can see
is (an increase in the number of bankruptcies
r Have a look at this graph. in the period).
r If we move on to the nexr slide (we can
see why this happens).
r I'd like you to look at this table, which
shows (all the different figures from
the two countries).
Talking about visuat aids you have
shown or wiil show
r We'li come ro that in the next table.
: We'll see some graphs about that later.
r I'll explain why in rhe next few graphs.
: I'm going to show you some slides about (the
development of the residential area).
r Remember that quote right at the beginning (about
possible causes).
r We'll come back to this table later in the presentation.

Focusing on a visual aid

r If you just look at (the left part of the chart, you
can see that the number of young people staying
beyond 16 has increased in that ,."_y."1 on
r But take a closer look at (the centre part).
r Now focus on (the part on the right).

Explaining the message in a visual aid

' yrl?ilT:H:,::':Jthat while there are fewer people leaving school

at 1.5, there are also fewer people
r The message here is that (in Europe
the brand is much less popurar than it
r used to be).
Looking at this, we can say that (the policy
didn,t really *orf.j.
r This is important' because (it was only
after this meeting that things really started
r V7hat this highlights is that (not all
verbs behave in the same way).
to happen).
Giving yourself time when
your mind goes blank

r (to think about that)'

Just give me a second
r Just a moment, where
was I?

Saying something you forgot to say
is (that some of the respondents
didn't answer all the questions)'
r one thing I should have said before to be a relationship)'
looked at the two together' there seemed
r I forgot to say earlier that (when we

you did not say clearly

Rephrasing something that
(that the results showed that the advertising
: clear. The important thing is
Sorry, perhaps that wasn't very
see here is (the situation before and after the
, ffjj,o;::tt]r,r," that again. what you can

Gorrecting a factual error

you need to remember)'
(the first nu 6er, not the second number that
I Actually, I got that wrong. It's

Asking for repetition and clarification

r Sorry, could You rePeat that?

Giving Yourself time to think

r Let me iust think about that'
I Hmm, that's an interesting question'

Speculating when You do not know

groups tested)'
than three different nationality
r It might be because (there were more
Managing questions in a group
I Juan, do You want
to answer that one?
r I think I can answer that one'

lntroducing Your Poster

you can encourage children to
on the importance of fitness'
r The idea is that (by providing education
imProve fitness on their own)' on the fitness of children)'
programmes can have a positive effect
r My poster shows (how educational the programme)'
(that children exercised more after attending
r The results we found from this were
r This has implications for (educational policy makers)'
local area)'
I \fle looked at (one school here in the
Appendix 2 - Tarking about numbers and figures
This appendix contains useful phrases you
can use to talk about numbers and figures
presentation. It also gives an overview during your
of some different ways of presenting
figures visuallv.
"r*i.l, ""a
Comparing figures
r The figures for group A and group
B were exactly the same.
r There were as many positive responses
as negative responses.
r There was no difference between
the figures in the rwo periods
r The number of ,yes, votes was similar
in both years.
r There were more occurrences in 20ll than in 2012.
r There was less interest than in previous
r Fewer accidents occurred in Europe
than in the USA.
r There were double / three times / four
times the number of 'yes, responses

Talking about change

r There was a rise in prices.
r Prices rose by 20 per cent.

r There was a fall in prices.
r Prices tellby 20 per cent.
r There was a drop in levels of satisfaction.
r Levels of satisfaction dropped.

Maximums and minimums:

I The pass rate reached a high in the following
r Prices peaked in201.0.
I Prices hit rock bottom in 2011.
r Sales bottomed out after the crisis hit.

Making changes stronger:

r There was a dramatic drop in prices
r The values dropped dramatically later
in the year.
r Look at the massive increase in this year.
r The number of people in higher education
increased massively during the 1960s
Making changes weaker:
r a result'
There were some gradual improvements in performances as
r The number of cars dropped gradually during the period'
r We can see a slight increase here'
r The values changed slightly, but it doesn't seem significant'

r The birth rate fluctuated between 1980 and 1985'
r Inflation went up and down during the period'
r House prices were unsteady over the five-year period'
: Market values showed a lot of variation throughout the day.

No change:
r Employment remained stable in the 1950s'
I Crime levelled off after those earlier increases'
r There were no changes in this part'
: The value here stays level despite changes elsewhere

Speaking aPProxi matelY:

r There were just over 200 responses'
r \(/e interviewed just under 150 people'
r The study took place over more or less three months'
r The final figure was about 250,000'

speaking' for example saying'about eight'

In presentations, speakers normally approximate figures when
if it it ttt* information that has been
instead ol'7 .94' .However, key figures i., th. p..r.ritation -
discovered from research - are normally spoken

Charts, graphs and tables

Presenting numbers
a visual aid' The type you choose will depend on
There are many different ways to present numbers in
common types'
what you are tiying to show. Here are four of the most

Pie chart

you could use a pie chart to show the

A pie chart shows percentages of a total amount. For example,
percentage of people that aiswered'yes','no' and'not
sure' to a question. Pie charts are generally attracti\'-
They are not the best choice when you have
and give a quick and clear visual representation of numbers.
percentages (as these may not be easy to see in the
many different categories, or categories with very small
it is can be difficult to compare two pie charts'
chart). pie charts also do not give exact numericaldataand
Bar graph

tl u u ur
A bar graph shows data in separate columns. For example, you could use a bar chart to show the
percentage of people in a country that owned a car in different time periods. Bar graphs are a good way of
comparing different sets of figures and are visually attractive and clear.

Line graph


./\ I \ ./\/






o t,,,. **nn rnj*, ir,":1",lr,J,*.. u", exampte, you could use a line graph to show the
unemployment rate in a country over a period of time. Line graphs are best for showing continuous
data, for example changes over time. Since a line graph can show more than one line, they are useful for
comparing two different sets of data.


UN Member States
Member Date joined
Bangladesh 1974
Bhutan 1971
lndia 1 945
lVlyanmar 1 948
Nepal 1 955

Pakistan 1947
Sri Lanka 1 955

A table is used to show numbers and other text in rows and columns. Tables are good for showing a
number of different figures together, and they display the exact data. The disadvantages are that they do
not display information visually, so in a presentation the presenter andlor audience may have to make their
own analysis. They are not always very visually attractive, especially if they are very large.
Appendix 4 - Presentation outline (completed)
This shows a completed outline template used to plan a presentation on high-speed rail. You can use the
blank template on the nexr page to help plan the ideas for your presentation. There are four sections but if
your presentation is divided up into more sections you can make more photocopies.

defiwLLLow of *sR i^ t s
Section t
*Lgh speed raLL Lw trewds - frsF- wore atlractLve
the Lr..s wow awdwhg?

federaL goverwwwwt 1ro\ects '

$ebw aLLocated

defvwLtLow of *seLw ewroTe

Section :

*Lqla speed raLL Lw ewroTe trewds - wassLve exTawsLow

L,.t< - polLtics aeht*o a(cis,ow

to exte^d HSR

east AsLa


*Lqh speed raLL eLsewhere

- overvLew

xo*h AfrLca share

Section +

cow+aYLsowta other
ewerqg effvcLewcg

TxbLLc NrcqtLow - Lwtrodwce


Presentation outline temPlate

Title of presentation

Section _

Section _

Section _

Useful phrases and vocabularY
My presentation witt take about 3o minutes'.
Welcoming the audience It witt take about zo minutes to cover these issues'
Good morning/afternoon, tadies and genttemen' This won't take more than ...
Hetto/Hi everyone.
First of atl, tei me thank you atl for coming here today' Handouts
It's a pleasure to wetcome you today. ooes everybody have a handout/brochure/copy ofthe
t m hippy/detlghted that so many ofyou coutd
make it report? Ptease take one and pass them.on'
today. Don'i worry about taking notes. I've put att the
It's good to see You atl here. important statistics on a handout for you'
l'tt be handing out copies ofthe stides at the end of my
lntroducing Yourself tatk.
Let me introduce mysetf. l'm Ann Brown from "' I can email the PowerPoint presentation to anybody
For those of you who don't know me, my name is "' who wants it.
Let me iust start by introducing mysetf' My name is "'
Giving your position, function' department comPany T-here witt be time for questions after my presentation'
As sohe of you know, l'm the purchasing manager'.. . We witt have about r.o minutes for questions in the
I'm the key account manager here and am responsible question and answer Period.
for ... lfyou have any questions, feel free to interrupt me at
l'm here in my function as the head of "' any time.
I'm the proiect manager in charge of ... Feet fiee to ask questions at any time during my tatk'

lntroducing Your toPic

What I'd tike to present to you today is ..'
I'm here today to Present '..
Rhetoricat questions
Today's topic is ...
ls market research important for brand development?
The subiect/topic of my presentation is ..'
Do we reatly need quality assurance?
ln my presentation I would like to report on "'
ln my tatk l'tt tett You about ...
lnteresting facts
Today l'm going to tatk about '..
Accordingto an article I read recentty, ...
l'lt be tatking about."
Did you know that ... ?
I'd ti-ke to share an amazing fact/flgure with you'
Saying why your topic is relevant for your audience
foaavi tofili is of particutar interest to those of you/ Stories and anecdotes
us who ...
I remember when I attended a meeting in Paris, "'
My tatk is particutarty retevant to those of us who "'
At a conference in Madrid, I was once asked the
My topic ii/wiU Ue very important for you because "'
fottowin g question: -..
Ay the end of this tatk you witt be famitiar with "'
Let me tett you what happened to me ...
Stating Your PurPose
Probtem to think about
rne pirposei obiective/aim ofthis presentation is to "'
Suppose you wanted to ... . How woutd you go
Our goat is to determine how/the best way to "'
about it?
What I want to show You is ...
lmagine you had to ... . What would be your first step?
My objective is to ..'
Today'l'd tike to give you an overview of "'
Today I'tt be showing you/reporting on "'
l'd ti(e to update you on/inform you about "'
During the next few hours we'tt be .'.

t've dividei my presentation into three (main) parts
ln my presentation I'tt focus on three maior issues'

Point one dl=eats with ..., point two ..., and point three "'
First, I'tt be tooking at..., second '.', and third "'
l'tt begin/start off by .... Then l'tt move on to "'
Then / Next/After that'.'
l'tl end with ...
So, where do we go from here?
Why do I say that? Because ...
Saying what is coming Do we really want to miss this opportunity to...?
ln this part of my presentation, l'd like to talk about ...
So, let me first give you a brief overview.

lndicating the end of a section

This brings me to the end of my first point. lntroducing a visual
So much for point two. Let's now look at the next stide which shows ...
So, that's the background on ... To itlustrate this, let's have a closer look at...
That's alI I wanted to say about ... The chart on the foltowing slide shows ...
I have a slide here that shows ...
Summarizing a point The probtem is illustrated in the next bar chart...
Before I move on, l'd tike to recap the main points. According to this graph, our net profit has doubled.
Let me briefly summarize the main issues. You can see the test results in this table.
I'd tike to summarize what I've said so far... As you can see here, ...

Moving to the next point Exptaining a visual

This teads directly to my next point. First, let me quickly explain the graph.
This brings us to the next question. You can see that different cotours have been used to
Let's now move on/turn to ... indicate ...
After examining this point, [et's turn to ... The new models are listed across the bottom.
Let's now take a look at ... The biggest segment indicates ...
The key in the bottom teft-hand corner...
Going back
As I said/mentioned earlier, ... Highlighting information
Let me come back to what I said before ... l'd tike to stress/hightight/emphasize the following
Let's go back to what we were discussing earlier, point(s).
As l've already exptained, ... I'd tike to start by drawing your attention to ...
As I pointed out in the first section, ... Let me point out that .,.
I think you'lt be surprised to see that...
Referring to other points l'd tike you to focus your attention on ...
I have a question in connection with/concerning What's really important here is ...
payment. What l'd like to point out here is ...
There are a few probtems regarding the quatity. Let's look more ctosely at ...
With respect/regard to planning, we need more
background information. Describing trends
According to the survey, our customer service needs Sales increased stightly in summer.
reviewing. Consumer spending fett/dectined sharpty.
lnterest rates have risen steadily.
Adding ideas Food prices went up significantly.
ln addition to this, I'd [ike to say that our lT business is There was a sudden increase in prices.
going very wetl. ln August, we saw a moderate fall.
Moreover/ Furthermore, there are other interestin g This was followed by a gradual decline.
facts we should take a look at. There was a sharp stump in sates.
Apart from being too expensive, this model is too big. Ticket sates have started picking up.

Talking about (difficul$ issues Exptaining purpose

I think we first need to identiflT the probtem. We introduced this method to increase flexibility.
Of course we'l[ have to ctarifu a few points before we The purpose of this step is to expand to foreign
start. markets.
We witl have to deal with the problem of increasing Our aim was to ...
How shat[ we cope with unfair business practices? Exptaining cause and effect
The question is: why don't we tackle the distribution What's the reason for this drastic decrease?
probtems? The unexpected drop was caused by...
lf we don't solve this probtem noq we'l[ get/run into This was because of ...
serious trouble soon. As a consequence/Consequently, sates went up
We wil[ have to take care of this probtem now. significantly.
We are currently having difficulties with ... As a result ...
The venture resulted in a sharp fatl in share prices
Rhetorical questions Our new strategy has led to an increase of to"/".
What conclusion can we draw from this?
So, what does this mean?
So, just how good are the results?
So, how are we going to deal with this increase?
lndicating the end of Your talk Clariffing questions
I'm now approaching/nearing the end of my I'm afraid I didn't (quite) catch that.
presentation. l'm sorry could you repeat your question, ptease?
Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation. So, if I understood you correctty, you woutd like to
That covers just about everything I wanted to say know whether...
about ... So, in other words you woutd tike to know whether
OK, I think that's everything I wanted to say about ... lf I could just rephrase your question. You'd tike to
As a final point, l'd tike to ... know ...

Finatty, l'd tike to hightight one key issue. Does that answer Your question?

Summarizing points Avoiding giving an answer

Before I stop, let me go over the key issues again. lf you don't mind, coutd we discuss that on another
Just to summarize the main points of my talk ". occasion?
l'd tike to run through my main points again ... l'm afraid that's not reatly what we're discussing today.
To conctude/ln conclusion, l'd tike to ... Well, actuatty l'd prefer not to discuss that today.
To sum up (then), we ...
Admifting you dont know
Making recommendations Sorry I don't know that offthe top of my head.
We'd suggest ... l'm afraid I'm not in a position to answer that question
We therefore (strongty) recommend that ... at the moment.
ln my opinion, we should ... I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question,
Based on the figures we have, l'm quite certain that ... but l'lt try to find out for You.
Sorry, that's not my fietd. But l'm sure Peter Bott from
lnviting questions Sales could answer Your question.
Are there any questions?
We just have time for a few questions. Postponing questions
And now I'tt be happy to answer any questions you lf yoir dont mind, I'tt deat with/come back to this point
may have. later in my presentation.
Can we get back to this point a bit tater?
I'd prefer to answer your question in the course of my
Quoting a well-known Person Woutd you mind waiting untit the question and answer
As ... once said, ... session at the end?
To quote a well'known businessman, '.. Perhaps we coutd go over this after the presentation.
To put it in the words of ...
Summarizing after interruPtions
Referring back to the beginning Before we go on, tet me briefly summarize the points
Remember what I said at the beginning of my talk we've discussed.
today? So, now l'd like to return to what we were discussing
Let me just go back to the story I totd you eartier. earlier.
Remember, ...

to ctariflT Before we go on, let me clarify one point.

to focus on We need to focus otl customer service.
to hightight Let me highiiglrt the following points.
to iItustrate This chart ilh,rstrates our success story.
to indicate The figures on the left indicate sates in France.
to lead to This teads to my next Point.
to mention As I ffientioncd eartier, our staff is welt-qualified'
to move on to Let's now ril*ve fin t* the next question.
to note Ptease note that prices rose slightty.
to notice You't[ r:otic* a sharp drop in August.
to pass on Here are the handouts. Please take one and pass them on
to rise House prices r*se by 5olo last year.
to solve How can we l*it;e this probtem?
to summarize Before I go on, tet me Eurnr':;arjzt the key issues.
to update l'd tike to L.ipdaie you on the proiect status.
2.Language Focus

Useful Words & Expressions

Listed below are useful phrases
Below are expressions and phrases that will help you construct
for starting a presentation.Tryto effective presentations. Let's review these useful expressions
us€ as many of them as possible
before we dive into the main part of the class.
&rring your presentation

Lhvonolor-1 ,c I Exyves9vns
P a k Ordering
Welcoming the audience , * Currently
t First of all a Last month/year
-, Iadies and gentlemen.
. rod afternoon, esteemed guests.
l} Second of all <) ln the past .t) NoWNowadays

Good evening, members of the board /

fellow colleagues.
t Finally O Back in 1997 a At present

It's my pleasure to welcome you today.

i For my first point O Historically I At the moment

!ntroducing yourself a ln conclusion O ln the last decade a At the present time

. Let me introduce myself.
. ld like to start by introducing myself. My O For my last part t ln the 20th century
name is....
' I am X from Y. I am the manager of...
. My name is .... I would like to talk to you
todayabout... FHFF?SFffi Write a sentence using one of the expressions from
EI&js'}*X* each category.
lntroducing your subject 1) Ordering Category
. Today l'm going to talk about... e.g.) For my first point, I want to talk about the company's overview.

' The subject of my presentation is ... r 5entenco:

. The theme of my talk is ...

. l'm here today to present...

' l'll be talking about...
2) Past Category
e.g.) ln the past, my company only had 20 employees.
To get the audience's attention
> Sentence:
' Have you ever heard of ...?
. Every dayyou encounter..,
. Todayt topic is of particular interest to
those of you / us who. . . 2) PresentCategory
. My topic is / will be very important for e.g.) My department is hiring new workers at the moment.
you because...
> Sentence:
. You may have wondered ...
2, Language Focus

Useful Words & Expressions

Listed below are useful expressions . Below are expressions and phrases that will help you construct
fiorgaining the audienceb attention effective presentations.
throu ghout the presentation. Try to . Review the expressions and try to use them in the presentation
use them during your presentation practice section.

Emph a sizin g lnt e riection s

D Bqnk . in detail . what do you think
Now let me explain this theory in What do you think is the reason
detail. behind the recent declines?
.cur let's take an example. An example . notably . if you guessed
:'this can be found...
Most notably, Samsung has been lfyou guessed "'no"'then you are
I illustrate this...
winning the patent war against indeed correct.
-et's see this through an exatnple. Apple.
=or example / for instance... . what we need to focus om
: good example of this is... . keep in m1rd What we need to focus on is the
Please keep in mind the previous current global trends in lT.
figure as we continue.
. tei ernphasize
ier me rephrase that... . to summarize I would like to emphasize this
in other words.. .
To summarize this graph, the graph here.
Another way of saf ng the sarnething is. . .
sales points in the latter half are
nat rs to say... . to stres{
I strongly correlated.
ln order to stress this factor,
. draw your attention to I made a visual aid.
. Today l'm going to talk about... I would like to draw your attention
. to highlight
. The subject of my presentation is... to the latest figure.
I would like to highlight this
' The theme of my talk is... . what you can see here important fact.
. l'm here today to present...
What you can see here on this
. l'll be talking about...
graph is a linear trend.

To emphasize
. ld like to emphasize the fact that/to
stress / to highlight / to underline. ". I filtin the blanks using the most appropriate emphasizing
. What Itried to bring out is... interjections.
. What we rreed to focus on is...
. The important thing to remember is... notably
. We did see a noticeable difference.
. What ld like to show today is the what lo you think in letail
difference between the two products.
a) The advancement of computer technology has been exponential since
To refer to common knowledge thepastdecade.. ..... , Bill Gates and Steve
. you all may well know...
As Jobs have played a significant role in this progress.
. lt generally accepted that..
. As you are probably aware... b) Please make sure to that what you see isn't
all there is.
To refer to what an expert says
. I quote the words of... c) Could you please explain this concept to me ?
. ln the words of...
' According to... d) will happen when the demand
increases while supply decreases?
2 a Language Focus

Useful Words & Expressions

Lified below are useful
Presentations can be done formally as well as casually. Here
cryressions for guiding the
are some of more formal and less formal expressions used in an
rudience throughout the
presentation. Try to use them
during your presentation
More formal expressions
used in an introduction

:\ a k . Good afternoon, ladies and
. Hi, everyone.

fte main purpose

-:t lwould like to do today is to explain
-istrate / give a general overview of / . ln my talk, l'll tell you about
: utline / to have a look at. . .
. Today I would like to
^at I want my listeners to get from my
:ech is...
.'ike to update you onlinform you
rJUt... . Let me start by introducing
. Today, l'm going to talk about
myself. My name is...

':ave broken / divided my speech

:wn / up into X parts. . ltt a pleasure to welcome you
- the first part I give a few basic . lt! good to see you guys here.
::finitions. ln the next section I will today.
. <plain.
: part X, I am going to show. .. ln the
.st place I would like / want to give a . The topic of today's presentation
:ractical example. . What I want to do today is
\1y presentation will take about 30
.t'll take around 15 minutes to cover the
nain issues.
ffi Choose either more formal (M) or less formal (L).
ilris won't take more than. . .

Handouts a) Many of you are aware of the decline in

Does everyone have a handout / copy the US economy.
ofthe presentation slides? Please take
one and pass them on.
I can email the report to anybody who
b) So, ifyou guys have any questions lU be
\.vants it.
Don't worry about taking notes. happy to answer them later.

l'd ask you to save your questions for the c) Thanks for coming to this presentation. lt
end. won't take long.
There will be plenty of time at the end of
my speech for questions and discussion.
You may interrupt me at any moment to
ask questions or make comments. d] Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. lt's
my pleasure to be here today.
I 2.Language Focus

UsefuI YYords & Expressions

Listed below are useful
. Below are expressions and phrases that will help you construct
expressions for linking ideas and
effective presentations.
sentences during your
. Review the expressions and try to use them in the presentation
presentation. practice section.

I a Linki nA Wo rds
. Let's start with
.tiy... Secondly... Let's start with our first point.
st of all... /Then".. / Next... /After
,rt..,,i To start with... / Later... / . That brings us to
: nnish up... That brings us to the second point.

. First, Second, Lastly

pnking ideas, and sections/ Secondly, it is essential to know these differences.
laking transitions
).re are three things lve have tc
. Therefore, However, As a result
..rsider: one, two, and three. A, B, As a result, it is important to address these issues.
. Simitarly
. .v iet us look at the first aspect Similarly to our neighboring firm, we have to do the same.
'clr is...
' ,st of all... I ln the first place,. ..
. ln partitular, Especially
ln particular, Apple lnc. has been on the rise in the market.
,.:t s ail I
would like to say about.
. ,;bject of part A) Now let us - For example, For instance
.rline nrore closely... For instance, a little decrease might be a good sign when investing.

Outlin options
. Generally, As a rule
Generally, it is good to keep an eye on the market.
ihere seem to be two possibilities of
lealing with this... . To conclude
,+ nurnber of options present To conclude this presentation......
ilremselves at this point...
iirhat exactly are the benefits?
OrT the plus side we can add...
I fill in the blacks using the most appropriate linkers.
This is not the only weakness of the
plan. We cannot ignore the problems
rhat such an action would create... tr ln Tarticular Generallv

-'/Slmitaaty Y However
Finishing on subiect
r.Ve've looked at...
a) This year we have lost market share.
rriorv we'll move on to...
we are still number 1 in the market.
Let nre turn now to...
Norv ld like to discr-rss...
b) Our competitors are becoming stronger
\ow let's look at... joint venture with
Falcon, has a a renowned French firm
Let s consider this more in detail.
vYl-rat dces this mean for. ..? c) Falcon has reduced its costs by relocating.
we must also consider cutting the cost of our premises as well.
2.Language Focus
Useful VYords & Expressions
. Below are useful information about presentation visuals. Try to
There are many ways to guide incorporate the information in your presentation.
the audience through an image
graph, and slides.The following
are some useful phrases you
could implement when using
visual aids. o degreeofchange
Considera bly/slightly
The trend has considerably risen in the past two years.

r describing direction of change
Fallen /flattened / remained / rose,To go up /to go down,To decrease
/ increase, A downturn / a rise, To hit bottom / To reach a peak
The stock market has remained constant for Blackberry.
Referring to what you will say
,) speed of change
Slowly / rapidly
M&B lnc. has been rapidly increasing their product value in the past

.:.r i': ,, , ,,.:,= ,.:.?'I*{t

. t/Vha.l's the reason for this drastic increase?
' The rnexpected drop was caused loy...
' This was because of...
Explaining visual materials . As a corsequencelresult
As you can see here, ...

The chart / slide /table / graph on the

following slide shows...
To illustrate this, let's have a closer look solid line
broken line

This graph shows you. . .

' Please take a look at this...
Gm r$r*l?qil Gil
' This chart illustrates the figures...
. The vertical / horizontal axis represents... rows

Highlighting the information e?rfiry mEm @

I wtatctr the descriptive terms to the correct trends.

Speed of chanEe Degree of change Describing change

a a

a) Fallen b) Rapidly c) slightly

2.Language Focus

Useful Words & Expressions

Listed below are useful
. Below are expressions and words that will help you construct
expressions for guiding the
effective presentations.
audience throughout the
. Review the expressions and try to use them in the presentation
presentation. Try to use them
practice section.
during your presentation
Using Colorful Language
t) Use Vivid Verbs:
@ H" planned to change the procedure.
tr-lr -+ He planned to alter the procedure.
The harder you worked, the more you disliked your job.

-+ The harder you toiled, the more you detested your job.
Referring to what you have said
craft/build/create 'make
alter / upgrade / transform / adapt .change
employ / labor /toil / slave .work

* P.void Weak / \lague Verbs and l.|se Stronger Linking Verbs:

Sf,| fhe sunset was magnificent. -+ The sunset looked magnificent.
Asking rhetorical questions I went to the store. -+ I drove to the store.

Seem / appear / feel / grow / Be/have/do/go

look /sound There is / there are

,) Use words that can make your story memorable:

lGEl the house was on fire. -+ Flames erupted from the windows.
The breeze blew the leaves on the trees.
-+ The breeze lifted the leaves on the trees.

My coworker saw the traffic accident that occurred on l-85.

-+ My co-worker witnessed the traffic accident that occurred on l-85

Coping with problems

ffi Revise the words in red and rewrite the examples using
colorful language.
ffiThere is no harm in using cellular phones inside the hospital.
(Avoid "there is / are")

ffifnis has the tendency to make log browsing a tedious and ineffective
process. (Avoid using weak verbs.)

ffi Vty boss wallced sNowly towards the door after the conversation
(Use words that can make your story memorable.)
Language Focus

Useful VYords & Expressions

Listed below are useful
The following is a list of a the words and phrases that will help you
expressions for good ways of
summarize your presentations:
ending a speech. Try to use
them during your presentation . An overview of...
practices. That's an overview of the main points. Now, just to summarize, let's
briefly look at the main points again.
r Direct attention again to...
That concludes my presentation. Let me direct your attention again

Phrose Bonk r
to the main points.

Go over
Signposting the end ofyour I d like to quickly go over the main points of today's topic.
* ln any event
. At this stage I would like to run
ln any event, your presentation will ideally form a bridge.
through I over the main points...
s ln a nutshell
. This brings me to the end of my Well, that brings us to the end of the final section. ln a nutshell, new
presentation. policies will help us improve work efficiency.

. So, as we have seen today... a &n the whole

On the i,vhole, it would be your responsibility to follow through on
' As a result we suggest that... the matter,
. ln the light of what we have seen -" n^-^-
nrlaFrl /-^-^-.
I rPedt

today I suggest that... Before we end, let me briefly recap what we have discussed here today,

. ln conclusion I would like to x The bottom line

say that...
We've discussed many points today, but in short, the bottom line is
. I would like to finish by reminding that we have to get the right things done because nobody else can
everyone that... do it for us.
r llVrap up / sum up
Let me wrap up the main points again before I conclude my presentation

E ICreate a short ending again using one of the above words.

ffi Give the speech you prepared and ask classmates for suggestions.

Was it a powerful ending? ii,, 'l 2 3 4 5

Was it tied to the topic? ,:.: 1 2 3 4 5

Overallquality of the speech ,i, 1 2 3 4 5

2. K*mrxg&x&ge ffimee,xs
Useful'lVords & Expressions
. Below are expressions and phrases that will help you construct
Listed below are useful effective presentations.
expressions for handling . Review the expressions and try to use them in the presentation
practice section.
questions after a presentation.
Try to use them during your
presentation practices.
J L$ the questionis on*toVici
That's a good question, and we'll come back to it at the end.
Good question, but l'm not sure. Does anyone in the audience know?
l'm not sure offthe top of my head, but I bet you can find the answer
in/on _
That's a great question, and l'd love to know the answer myself. l'll look
into it and get back to you.
That's a great question, but I'm not sure. l\4y gut says ...
Clarifying questions

v Tf the question is otf*toPici

That an interesting question, but that's not my area of expertise. Does
anyone else happen to know?
That's a little off-topic for right now, but I bet it will make for an
lnteresting discussion once we wrap up. lf anyone has any insight into
this person's question, be sure to see him or her afterward.

Dealing with difficult questions

J Dealing r^rith diffic ult question:
. Playing for time
Thatt an interesting/diffi cult point/question/comment/point of view/
l'm glad you raised that point.
. Avoiding giving answers
Perhaps we could deal with this later. Can we talk about this on another
occasion? l'm afraid that's not my field. I don't have the figures with me.
l'm sure Mr/lVls.... could answer this question. l'll get back to you if time

I m" ttre most appropriate answer to the sample situations below.

An audience member An audience member The presenter thinks

asks a question asks you a nitpicky an audience member
in the middle of a detailed question. could briefly answer
presentation. the question.

& & &

That's a good
\-/ That's an interesting l'm not sure offthe
top of my head, but question, and we'll
question, but that's not I

my area of expertise. bet you can find the come back to it at the
Does anyone else answer in / on end.
happen to know?
Language Focus

Useful Words & Expressions

- The tist helor,v are ris*tui
Below are expressions and phrases that will help you construct
expresslons ror glulrl9 effective presentations.
i mfornlatlve presentatic i'l s" Review the expressions and try to use them in the presentation
practice section.
Try to use them during your
presentation practices. t An informative presentation is a presentation with a main
point or purpose that gives information. lnformative speeches
describe, define, analyze, tell how to use, and synthesize:
. I will describe what it's like to be...
. I will define...
. I will analyze the reasons why...
Inviting questions . I will tell how to use...
. I will synthesize the views of...
. I d be happy to answer any questions.

. lf there are any questions, please feel

lo maintain credibility, it is also crucial to say why your topic/
free to ask. ralk is relevant for your audience:

lf there are any suggestions or

. Today's topic is ofparticular interestto those of
you / us who...
comments, feel free to speak up.
. My talk is particularly relevant to those of you / us who'..
Now l'll try to answer any questions . My topic is / wiil be very important for you because...
you may have. . By the end of this talk, you will be familiar with...

.r) Be sure to provide your audience with detailed purposes

Thanking the audience * Don't be vague.
. The purpose / objective / aim of this presentation is to
. Many thanks for your attention. . Our goal is to determine how / the best way to...
. Thank you allfor being such an
. What I want to show you is...
attentive audience. . Today I'd like to give you an overview of.'.
. Today I'll be showingyou /reporting on...
. Thank you all for listening.
. I'd like to update you on / inform you about...
. During the next few hours, we'll be..'

1 Prepare a complete sentence using the following phrases.

a) I will analyze the reasons why

By the end of this talk, you will be familiar with

c) During the next few hours, we'll be

2.Language Focus

Useful Tlords & Expressions

Listed below are useful idioms Common Persuasive Words and Phrases:
and expressions that you Strengthen Your Presentations
can use in your persuasive . Review the expressions and try to use them in the presentation
presentations. practice section.

@Agreement ----------
. I agree...
. I am convinced that ...
Phrose Bonk (ED t'rn convinced that it would be to your advantage to join.

Ahove board @strong Agreement

lf anything is described as dbove . I strongly believe you should know that...
boord,it is open, honest, and legal.
. I have no doubt...
. It will be clearly seen...
. I agree wholeheartedly...
Hold all the aces @ I agree wholeheartedly with him on the new scenario.
. A person or company who holds all @ I have no doubt that the new program will bring major
success by offering consumers something special.
the aces is in a very strong position
because they have more advantages @Disagreement ------
than anyone else. . [t would be a disservice...
. I fail to agree...
@f Diplomats failed to agree on details for the peace talks.
Signed, sealed, and delivered
, When an agreement, contract, or treaty @Strong Disagreement
. I strongly oppose...
signed, sealed, ond delivere4 all the
. I find it offensive...
legal documents are in order.
@l I strongly oppose the new tax legislation.
@ General Acceptance
Sell ice to Eskimos o go€s without saying...
. This expression is used to describe a
. stands to reason...
person who has the ability to persuade
. speaks for itself/themselves...
. It is obvious to say...
someone to accept something totally
unnecessary or useless. @ lt goes without saying that you are to wear formal clothing to
the White House dinner.
@ lt stands to reason that a child who is constantly criticized
will grow up to have no self-confidence.
Leave the door open
. lf you leave the doar open, you behave @f) Your results speak for themselves. You need to work harder.

in such a way that allows the possibility

of further action. Work in Pairs
Pick a debatable social issue to discuss with your partner. Use
the expressions from above to persuade your partner.

Was your partner convincing? Give feedback to each other.

2.Language Focus

Useful Words & Expressions

Listed below is a review of : Idioms in Presentations
expressions from unit I -12. Remind t\!!,-
yourself again and try to use them
in your presentation practices. ldioms are expressions that have a meaning different from the
dictionary definitions. Because English contains many idioms,
non-native English speakers have difficulties making logical
sense of idioms and idiomatic expressions. The more you are
exposed to English, however, the more idioms you will come
lntroduction to understand. Until then, memorizing the more common
l'd like to start by introducing myself. idioms may be of some help.
lVly name is...
l'm here today to present...
Nly presentation willtake about 30
l'll ask you to save your questions until
the end. agood thing you do Losing my job was a
ng in disguise
not recognize at first blessing in disguise.
The Main Part
. There are three things we have to Our team is strong, but
consider: one, two, and three. it won't be a piece of
caKe easy to do
(or A, B. and C.) cake to make it to the
. On the plus side, we can add... fi nals.
. Let's consider this more in detail.
. Now we'll move on to... A: l'm sorry l'm late for
it is better to do the meeting.
better late than never something late than
Describing Visuals B: Better late than
not at all
. As you can see here... never, right?
. The chart / slide / table / graph on the
following slide shows... recover from
Get up, get over it, and
. To illustrate this, let's have a closer look get over it something (like a
move on!
at... perceived insult)
. This graph clearly shows...
A:Wlll classroom
. From this, we can understand how / why. . .
volunteers solve
' ld like us to focus our attention on... it will definitely not America's reading
not a cnance
happen problems?
B: Not a chance.
. At this stage I would like to run
through/over the main points...
l've been on pins and
' Let's summarize what we've looked very nervous about
at... needles all day, waiting
on pins and needles something that is
for you to call with the
' Finally, let me remind you of some of happening
the issues we've covered.. .
. lf I can just sum up the main points...
You can do anything
. Before I stop, let me go over the key the possibilities are
the sky is the limit you set your mind to,
issues again. endless
Billy. The sky's the limit.
. To recap what we've seen so far...

l'm glad you asked that question.
lf I could rephrase your question...
Could you repeat your question, please?
fl Test your partner to see if he or she memorized all the idioms.

Does this answer your question?

B Choose 3 idioms from above and create sentences using the

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