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/p/ Stop  /stɒp/ stops  /stɒps/ He stops smoking.

Hope  /hoʊp/ hopes /hoʊps/ She hopes to visit us.

Cope /koʊp/ copes /koʊps/ She copes with three young children and a job.

Shop /ʃɒp/ shops /ʃɒps/ I need to go the shops.

Jump  /dʒʌmp/ jumps  /dʒʌmps/ She jumps into the water.
Cup  /kʌp/ cups  /kʌps/

Sleep /sliːp/ sleeps /sliːps/

She sleeps 7 hours a day.

/k/ Look /lʊk/ Look /lʊks/ She looks beautiful.

Cook /kʊk/ Cooks /kʊks/ He cooks well.

Like /laɪk/ Likes /laɪks/ He likes playing computer games

Book  /bʊk/ Books  /bʊks/ He books a trip every month.

Think  /θɪŋk/ Thinks  /θɪŋks/ He always thinks about Trang.
Fork  /fɔːrk/ Forks /fɔːr ks/

Work  /wɝːk/ Works  /wɝːks/

My father works as a teacher.

/t/ Cat /kæt/ Cats /kæts/ I have two cats.

Visit /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ Visits /ˈvɪz.ɪts/ I visits my parent every two week.

Heart  /hɑːrt/ Hearts /  /hɑːrts/ Our hearts were broken.

Wait /weɪt/ Waits /weɪts/ He waits for her after class everyday.

Minute  /ˈmɪn.ɪt/ Minutes  /ˈmɪn.ɪts/ I have 30 minutes to speak english everyday.

/f/ Laugh /læf/ Laughs /læfs/ He laughs during class everyday.

Cliff  /klɪf/ Cliffs  /klɪfs/ There are many cliffs there.

Surf  /sɝːf/ Surfs  /sɝːfs/ He surts the internet eveyday.

Graph /ɡræf/ Graphs /ɡræfs/ There are 2 graphs to investigate

Giraffe  /dʒɪˈræf/ Giraffes  /dʒɪˈræfs/ There are 2 Giraffes in this jungle

/θ/ Breath /breθ/ Breaths /breθs/ The average was 15 breaths per minute.

Month  /mʌnθ/ Months  /mʌnθs/ I have two months to practice english.

Birth  /bɝːθ/ Births  /bɝːθs/ The percentage of live births

continues to increase.
Es -> ɪz

/s/ Miss  /mɪs/ Misses  /mɪ - siz/ He misses Her so much.

Kiss  /kɪs/ Kisses  /kɪ-siz/ She kisses me.

Place /pleɪs/ Places /pleɪsiz/ He laid six places at the table

Nurse  /nɝːs/ Nurses  /nɝːsiz/  a woman nurses a baby

Bus  /bʌs/ Buses  /bʌsiz/ My school has 2 buses

Lotus /ˈloʊ.t̬ əs/ Lotuses /ˈloʊ.t̬ əsiz/

Discuss  /dɪˈskʌs/ Discusses  /dɪˈskʌsiz/ He discusses how to invest money wisely.

Relax  /rɪˈlæks/ Relaxes  /rɪˈlæksiz/ Cooking relaxs me after hard working day.
Tax  /tæks/ Taxes  /tæksiz/

Chance /tʃæns/ Chances /tʃænsiz/

/z/ Exercise /ˈek.sɚ.saɪz/ Exercises /ˈek.sɚ.saɪziz/ I do stomach exercises most days.

Prize  /praɪz/ Prizes  /praɪziz/ She have two prizes on this test

Buzz  /bʌz/ Buzzes  /bʌziz/

Quiz  /kwɪz/ Quizzes  /kwɪziz/

/ʧ/ Church  /tʃɝːtʃ/ Churches  /tʃɝːtʃiz/ The town has four churches.

Catch  /kætʃ/ Catches  /kæ - tʃiz/ He always catches the school
Watch  /wɑːtʃ/ Watches  /wɑːtʃiz/ bus.

He watchs tv 2 hours a day.

/ʤ/ Language /ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ/ Languages /ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒiz/ He can speaks 3 foreign languages

Change  /tʃeɪndʒ/ Changes  /tʃeɪndʒiz/ Nothing changes after the storm

Bridge  /brɪdʒ/ Bridge  /brɪdʒiz/ came.

Two bridges will be built next


/ʃ/  Wish /wɪʃ/ Wishes /wɪʃiz/ He always wishes to have more money.
Finish /ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/ Finishes /ˈfɪn.ɪʃiz/ He finishes his job after 5pm

/ʒ/ Garage /ɡəˈrɑːʒ/ Garages /ɡəˈrɑːʒiz/

Massage  /ˈmæs.ɑːʒ/  /mə Massages  /ˈmæs.ɑːʒiz/

ˈsɑːʒ/ /məˈsɑːʒiz/

Mirages /mɪˈrɑːʒiz/
Occasionally, mirages could be seen
Mirage /mɪˈrɑːʒ/ above the water.


/b/  describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ Describes /dɪ He describes the job to me everyday.

club /klʌb/ Two clubs will be opened next week.
Clubs /klʌbz/
job  /dʒɒb/ I have two jobs now.
Jobs  /dʒɒbz/
web  /web/ I
Webs  /webz/

/g/ Beg  /beɡ/ Begs  /beɡz/ He begs for mercy

Dog /dɒɡ/ Dogs /dɒɡz/ I have 2 cute dogs.

Hug /hʌɡ/ Hugs /hʌɡz/ She hugs me when she meets me.fds
/d/ Word  /wɝːd/ Words  /wɝːdz/

Decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ Decides /dɪˈsaɪdz/ He decides to work with me and our company

Island  /ˈaɪ.lənd/ Islands  /ˈaɪ.ləndz/ These islands belong to united States

End /end/ Ends /endz/

/ð/  Bathe  /beɪð/ Bathe  /beɪðz/

Breathe  /briːð/ Breathes  /briːðz/

Clothes  /kləʊðz/

/v/ Love /lʌv/ Loves /lʌvz/ She loves me

Live  /lɪv/ Live  /lɪvz/ He lives in the dorm.

/l/ Call  /kɔːl/ Calls  /kɔːlz/ She calles me everyday.

Travel /ˈtræv.əl/ Travels /ˈtræv.əlz/ He travels foreign countries every year.

School  /skuːl/ Schools  /skuːlz/ It smells so good.

Smell /smel/ Smells /smelz/ I had almost 50 unread mails in my inbox.

Mail  /meɪl/ Mails /meɪlz/

/r/ Cure  /kjʊr/ Cures  /kjʊrz/

Car /kɑːr/ Cars /kɑːrz/ His family has 2 cars

/m/ Dream /driːm/ Dreams /driːmz/ He always dreams to be come real engineer

Climb  /klaɪm/ Climbs  /klaɪmz/

Boom  /buːm/ Booms  /buːmz/ He swims with his girlfriend every morning

Swim /swɪm/ Swims /swɪmz/

Comb /koʊm/ Combs /koʊmz/

/n/ Rain  /reɪn/ Rains  /reɪnz/ It rains in the morning everyday.

Queen /kwiːn/ Queens /kwiːnz/

Town  /taʊn/ Towns  /taʊnz/

/ŋ/ Belong /bɪˈlɒŋ/ Belongs /bɪˈlɒŋz/ This bag belongs to me

sing  /sɪŋ/ sings  /sɪŋz/

lung /lʌŋ/ lungs /lʌŋz/

thing  /θɪŋ/ things  /θɪŋz/

vowels Play /pleɪ/ Plays /pleɪz/ He plays video games everyday

Mirror  /ˈmɪr.ɚ/ Mirrors  /ˈmɪr.ɚz/

Boy  /bɔɪ/ Boys  /bɔɪz/ Her family has two boys

Party /ˈpɑːr.t̬ i/ Parties /ˈpɑːr.t̬ iz/

Country  /ˈkʌn.tri/ Countries  /ˈkʌn.triz/ He has to visit 3 countries this week.

Menu /ˈmen.juː/ Menus /ˈmen.juːz/

Try  /traɪ/ child Tries  /traɪz/ He tries to get high score.


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