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Install 1909 1SG

(1)In transaction /n/smb/bbi, from menu choose Solution->Import->Solution (XML)->From Reference

Content, you should find a lot of solutions with name "1909" and import the correct solution.
(2)Select this solution and in the toolbox, choose Copy to a new solution with any your specific name.
(3)Select the copied solution and in the toolbox choose "Edit", de-select all and then only select
XX_1SG_OP. This is quite important to activate group reporting only configuration.
(4)Select the copied solution and in the toolbox choose "Make favorite"
(5)Select this solution and from menu choose Solution->Import->Installation Data->From Reference
Content, choose the correct one.
(6)From toolbox choose "Implementation Assistant". and then from "toolbox" choose "Activate"
then the configuration will be written in your system.

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