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Essay on the influence of the Sovereign Order

of St. John of Jerusalem on Freemasonry.

Luís Cruz, KM
Mozambique, November 2019

Copyright © 2019 CRUZ, Luís. Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta Federation of Autonomous Priories. All rights reserved.
Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

Knightly greetings to all Knights and Dames of the Sovereign Order of St. John of
Dear brothers and sisters,

Chapter I

Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem

The Order of St. John of Jerusalem is one of the most highly regarded European
orders and has existed for centuries, influencing the destinies of dozens of nations.
It played a leading role in Europe and North Africa alongside with the Poor
Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, aka the Templars, which
was created through the papal bull, Omne datum optimum, issued March 29,
1139 by Pope Innocent II and was extinguished at the beginning of 14th century,
however the investitures increase significantly in our days.
The Sovereignty of KMFAP was legally and fairly attributed to the Order of St
John of Jerusalem, by Pope Clement V, Bull Vox in excelso of March 23, 1312,
Council of Vienna. The fact that it was proclaimed as a state, knowing no superior
in the external order nor equal in the internal order, with absolute power as a
state nation and which remains to this day and sets us apart from the other
Orders of St. John, even those later created by the Vatican and by other nations,
may God bless them all.
The Order of St. John of Jerusalem has evolved, but it has always been an Order
that differed from the others, perhaps by its Light and Nobility despite other St
John orders stating that they are the true ones, in fact or de jure we are the legal
one, but more important by our noble Character we continue to work discreetly,
honoring traditions, code of chivalry and the Declaration of Human Rights.
Promoting a multi-purpose general culture, respecting and learning from the
particularities of each culture of different countries and, within those countries,
the cultures of their religions and, within the religions, the individual cultures of
each man, which we respect and share in Christ’s Peace.

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem is one of the noblest orders in our
days. Its 900 years evolution is a phenomenon of vitality and its objectives
conform to the highest values of the human being that obviously influenced and
still influence various cultures and organizations.
Hospitality and provision of the welfare for others in need is not a sign of
weakness or inferiority, but a divining fulfillment of the teachings of the world’s
greater masters, such as Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius and others, who
incarnate the true human values of Love and Justice. It is up to KMFAP
members of modern times, with knights and ladies of all nations, of different
languages and cultures, to take the opportunity to sow a new world.
Following St. John's example, we seek charity, justice and the well-being of
humanity in a pure and free form. In times of St John's affliction, the Almsgiver
always sought to provide the evolution of those in need. Nowadays we know of
several great men were born all over the world and who stood out by their
attitudes and actions, such as Lao Tse, Jesus, Ghandi, Muhammad, Martin
Luther King, etc., that God decided where they were born and where they were
destined. As a Christian I say Good and Beautiful is Hinduism, Islam, Taoism,
Judaism, Shinto, Candomblé, Spiritism, Animism, Druidism and all the other
ways to praise God and Humanity, so rich is the knowledge of these peoples that
enlight us, allow us to see other realities and other ways of living. So beautiful is
the culture of the native South American Indians who are being wiped out while
we do nothing to stop it, so profound is the knowledge of the customs of animist
cultures of Africa, so wise was Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor and his traditional
Chinese medicine treaties that stand until today. Beautiful is God's creation,
Nature in its diversity and in all its manifestations. The Knight is today a citizen
of the world and knows the history of the nations peoples, elevating his
humanitarian principles to a global scale.
Our Femeraid is synonymous with who we are and what we do by
supporting and healing all in need, regardless of the patient's religion,
social background, skin color, language, gender, sexual preference,
sports club or nose size, our doctors are an example to follow. To
paraphrase our beloved Prince There is no political or other
discrimination, we fulfill the universal declaration of human rights…

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

We are not all doctors ... but not all of us can be, because every one of us has his
or her role and place in nature. The excellent Order of St. John of Jerusalem, the
Almsgiver, the Merciful, reflects the work of Jesus and all those who made of his
incarnations an example of humanity. We are the seeds in a soil that is not
favorable, but our plantation is fertile.
In the speeches of our Grand Master, His Excellency Prince José, we realize that
our Order has evolved and is preparing to be what it always has been. No more
than men of good character and conduct, who work in a world full of different
cultures, traditions and customs that we respect and learn from them all. They
all share communion with the Creator and the unchanging universal human
values that holy men humbly exemplified above any prejudice of religious or
cultural divisions. A religion that any man can embrace, a unique recollection for
everyone. Liberating the chain of prejudice with which we were all handcuffed
from birth, purveyors of theories and false concepts of division between men and

Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in Armenia, by Henri Delaborde.

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

In his speech the Grand Master emphasizes the Nobility of Character, Love,
Truth and Justice, ideals that we must continue defend day by day. Certainly, it
will not be easy these days for men to wake up from modern shackles, with our
connection to the smartphone and the television…, but the truth sets us free and
justice elevates us in the Law of the Father.
As such, after personal introspection, we try to perfect ourselves through the
decisions we make in our daily lives and to integrate ourselves spiritually into the
work of perfecting society. In this sense we work, not for the nourishment that
disappears, but for the food that endures and gives eternal life (St. John: 6,27).
This sustenance differentiates us from other orders, which by their military
character used and / or use the swords improperly. The knight of Malta uses his
heart to do the divine work on earth, on helping others in their needs without
any judgment or prejudice. Our goals are of the highest humanitarian value.
Therefore, the only requirement for the postulant to enter the Brotherhood of St.
is to be a noble man in character and actions. Perhaps most difficult in our days.
We are a state and an order independent of other states, an independent way of
life that is raised by humanity, to humanity without any value judgments,
without false morals, for the truth that only God knows it fully.

Saint John, Almoner

“… Then man, who had full power over the world of animals and mortals, threw
himself through the armor of the spheres and breaking his wrap showed to the
Nature from below the beautiful form of God. When Nature saw him,… smiled
with love, for she had seen the traces of this wonderfully beautiful form of human
being reflected in the water and its shadow over the earth.
Having realized this own form similar to himself in nature, reflected in the water,
men loved it and wanted to live there. As soon as man wanted it, it was done and
came to inhabit the world of forms.
Then Nature, having received her beloved in her, and wound herself completely
around him, and they were intermingled, for they were lovers. …. Poimandres:

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

"What I will tell you is the mystery kept hidden until this day. Nature indeed,
having united for the Love to men, caused a surprising prodigy."
Poimandres speach, Corpus Hermeticum.

Love is one of the most misunderstood concepts, not exclusive to men, it already existed
in Nature and will exist afterwards. Love is the only universal language with which all
beings must communicate. The Father forgives, but Nature is just in its wisdom and in
its dualistic opposition, as Francis Bacon said, "In order to give orders to nature, must
know how to obey Her."
The Knights of Malta knows that the Free Will, given by the Father, is to be well used.
He who is not fair in words, deeds and thoughts, will never be a good man, no matter
what titles and insignias he might have, he is worthless.
This path we have chosen is painful, was this not the way of righteous men? We have
many examples in history of holy, righteous brothers who suffered the path of the
sufferer, mainly because of the obstacles that men himself placed on them. Only because
they are comfortable at the top of their chairs, like traitors and intriguers to prevail
their selfish interests. But the wheel of the world rotates every day and it is inevitable.
By his perseverance, firmness of character, and sense of justice He who comes to tell
the temple sellers not to profane the house of the Father ends up at the cross of men.
As St. John the Evangelist says: “Follow the Master's example, repel pride, do not hate,
do not envy, think good, be tolerant and charitable. Watch and pray. Never forget the words
of Jesus: love one another as I have loved you. If you have them always present; to pride you
will oppose humility; to intolerance you will oppose reason based on reasoning and
observation; to the purposes of violence you will oppose words of moderation; to the poor whom
you see cold you will not hesitate to stifle your breath; To whom you see hungry, you will not
deny part of your bread. Only then will you obtain salvation and the glory of life. ”
The humble Order of St. John of Jerusalem, both almoner and merciful, reflects the
divine work of compassion without moral judgment.
According to the story of the apparition of Charity to St. John who said to him, "I am
the eldest daughter of the Lord King. If you are my friend I will bring you to Him," and he
systematically followed the policy of "Almsgiver" (the one who gives alms) until his
death. No one was insignificant not get his attention. He forbade all those who worked
for him to receive gifts, which he considered a form of bribery and ended corruption in

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

his diocese. Canonized by the Orthodox and Catholic

Church, a rare case as our esteemed Prince Joseph
points out, he is a man to this day revered for many
creeds and rites, for his actions, not for his gift of
oratory, which many use to dissemble, nor by
holiness, nor by the mythology already created, but
by the nobility of its examples.
St. John Almoner as mentioned by his Eminence
Prince Joseph in his speech “He is a saint who was
canonized by the Catholic and Orthodox Church, a rare
case recognized by both religious institutions”, but by
his example also influenced other organizations and
Has St. John Almoner or St. Giovanni Elimosinario
and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem influenced the
Order of Universal Freemasonry?
This essay serves to bring to light some conclusions
St John the Almsgiver (The Merciful)
about this and I hope to bring more doubts than Born around 552Amathus, Cyprus Died 616–620
certainties, for the wise are the doubts and for the Cyprus
ignorant are the certainties.

Chapter II

Order of St. John of Jerusalem and Freemasonry

It is not possible to define Freemasonry as a whole, given its extent and

complexity, like the wealth of knowledge in the Catholic Church or Taoism, for
example. Their studies are profound in the most varied areas and their rituals
subject to various interpretations, even believing that true wisdom is only
understood and followed by the very few, despite the number of members in their
ranks. Exoteric Freemasonry defines, in terms of social and political philosophy,

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

Freedom, Equality and Fraternity, while from the esoteric point of view it is
based on moral and, we may said, religious postulates.
It originates from the philosophical and religious systems of the chivalry
doctrines, from which it descends, but also from the eastern doctrines, having
deep influences of Egyptian, Jewish and Christian ritualistic forms, magical
contents, universal values and rules of conduct, rationalizing a complex
institution with well-defined humanitarian goals.
Freemasonry is not revised in a doctrinal system, in the pursuit of divine truth
there is no reason for a doctrinal or liturgical division. However, cultivating a
universal humanism, it has a political and administrative character, by its
responsibility to elevate the welfare of humanity and bound never use its efforts
for selfish goals and interests, this applies in whatever order or religion it may be.
Freemasonry is thus ecumenical, theistic (deistic to some), and traversal to
religion, philosophical and scientific, for Freedom is found only in Truth. What
is certain and well known, however, is that Freemasonry seeks the divine and
works for the betterment and evolution of men, making man more altruistic and
better mannered. Everything starts from this principle of perfection contained
and revealed to those who seek the Light. Everything begins with this principle
and those who cannot fulfill it will never be a Mason no matter how many medals
he brings to his chest, and no matter how elaborately his apron is. The same
applies to all other orders and religions.
The highest and most internal aim is to reconnect man to the Great Architect of
the Universe, by observing rules based on a code of conduct that allows the
Freemason to evolve by his good deeds and, symbolically, rise from degree to
degree. In Freemasonry, supposedly, true worship is in the practice of virtue, "Do
good only for good's sake," on the principles of tolerance and mutual respect,
without imposing dogmas or requiring spiritual subservience, just demanding
from its members an open and tolerant spirit. In this sense we already find several
similarities with our beloved Order.
The Freemason must devote part of his time to attending Masonic meetings in
the lodge and to the practice of moral, equality and human solidarity and justice,
in all its fullness. All Freemasons must teach and practice the virtues revealed
and taught to them when they unravel the wage increase, and should balance

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

and exalt human relations and especially understand that Work is the means by
which they dignify themselves.
In a historical context the origin of Freemasonry is lost in the Middle Ages, if we
consider its Operative origins, ie the associations of mason builders, whose craft
was the art of building castles, walls, churches etc, known as Operative
Freemasonry which shine in the Middle Ages under the spiritual influence of the
Primitive Freemasonry, or "Pre-Freemasonry", despite being a speculative
period and often not accepted in history, is the period that encompasses all
knowledge inherited from humanity's earliest past until the advent of Operative
Freemasonry. Some seek in ancient civilizations and initiatic orders the origin of
the philosophical and doctrinal system of Freemasonry. There are those who
teach that it began in Mesopotamia, others confuse the religious movements of
Egypt and the Chaldean as being Masonic works, the whole legend is being
unveiled to the neophyte in the elevation of degrees and teachings about Master
Hiram, builder of Solomon's Temple.
Egyptian, Greek, pantheistic, astrological, etc. Many are the cultures observable
to one who is attentive and desires to penetrate the knowledge behind the
symbols, degrees and rites.
Officially Modern or Speculative Freemasonry is descended from ancient builders
of churches and cathedrals and the first documents of major importance to
Freemasonry - not coincidentally - came about when the Masonic Order was
directly linked to the art of construction and had its heyday or zenit in the
seventeenth century, with the physical reconstruction of the city of London,
1666, birthplace of regular Freemasonry.
The York Constitution, the Régius Manuscript, the Cooke Manuscript, the Statutes and
Regulations of the Strasbourg Stone Cleaver Brotherhood, the 1663 Regulation or
Laws of Saint Alban, the Harley, Schaw and Kilwinning Manuscripts are all
documents. which would come to compose Modern Freemasonry and which became
known as the "Old Charges", or Old Obligations or Old Duties are written that refer to
the Lodges and the General Regulations. Such manuscripts illustrate the duties, secrets,
uses and customs of Operative Masons, such as the Landmarks of Anderson and
Mackays, that came later in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and constitute the
basis of jurisprudence for Modern Freemasonry.

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

Modern speculative Freemasonry uses the patterns of organization of operative

Freemasons along with key ingredients such as Enlightenment Period thinking, the
break with the Roman Church, secularization of governments, and a profound political
influence on the New World and old Europe.
For reasons we do not judge, Freemasonry received a package leaflet excommunicating
every Freemason, by Pope Clement XII, on April 28, 1738, which prohibited Catholics
from becoming members of Masonic lodges, through the Bull In eminenti apostolatus
specula, appearing 20 further unfavorable references later, causing dozens of priests of
the Holy See to abandon Freemasonry.
I would also say that there is a gap between Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry and Latin
Freemasonry, due to some particularities and differences. Emulation and Royal Arch
Rites are more prevalent in the British and North American Grand Lodges and the Old
and Accepted Scottish Rites and French Rite in more Latin Freemasonry, but other
Rites such as the Rectified Scottish Rite, Memphis Rite and Misraim, Brasilian,
Portuguese, etc. has its Lodges in the European and South American Grand lodges.
About the Royal Arch we will not deepen in this study, not to extend this essay too
We find influence from the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ in Freemasonry, and
from the Teutonic Order in various rites, the high grades of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite (AASR) and the Rectified Scottish Rite (RSR), less well-known in the
Anglo-Saxon but growing in Latin European and South American countries. This
Rectified Scottish Regime or Willermoz Rite is a Christian Templar chivalrous rite,
structured by the Venerable Master of Lyon Jean Baptiste de Willermoz (Lyon, 1730-
1824), which comes exclusively from strict Templar observance with clear ritual
differences from other rites, where only those who profess Christianity can know their
ranks, even though Freemasonry has a universal character.
In the Catholic-Christian tradition there are many saints named John. However, only
two of them are more openly consecrated by the Freemasons ... St. John, "The Baptist"
and St. John, "The Evangelist", perhaps because it did not exist further research on St.
John the "Almsgiver" and verified how much He and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem
influenced Masonic Obedience. Precisely this question that we will bring to light in a
pertinent attempt of clarification.
The Order of St. John of Jerusalem manifests itself across rites, degrees and obedience’s.
Now let's see:

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

The actions of solidarity or beneficence in aid to those who - mason or profane - need,
at the lodge level, are coordinated by the function of Hospitable and at the level of the
Grand Lodge, coordinated by the Grand Hospitable.
Scottish lodges that meet under regular or irregular obedience in so-called operative
Freemasonry have an officer who takes on various denominations; Almsgiver or
almoner, hospitable or Elemosinario, depending on the rite or degree of lodge opening.
In the high Masonic ranks, speculative or philosophical Freemasonry emerge official
positions such as Grand Almsgiver or Grand Hospitable among other hospitable
synonymous names.
The Freemason who performs the position of Hospitable officer is defined as the tenth
in his respective hierarchy in operative Freemasonry, between the Treasurer and the
Tyler, responsible for distributing alms and allowances to needy freemasons or profane
brothers, visit the sick or unfortunate brothers of lodge and, in general, all charitable
acts that may be required. This position exists, practically of the same denomination,
in lodges of all grades and in grand lodges in various countries as well, as we will see
The Hospitable Brother, or Almsgiver, in Freemasonry has one of the most important
functions in lodge and his selection is made annually by the Venerable Master in Lodge
or the Grand Master in Grand Lodge, in the case of the Grand Almsgiver or Grand
Hospitable, whose functions are practically identical.
The Freemason selected to perform the duties of hospitable must have specific personal
characteristics, namely; availability of time and an unblemished morality, tact and
courtesy in his care, vigilant and patient, good observer and discreet and, for the
firmness of his character, not easy target for blind piety. It must not, however, be harsh
or inaccessible, nor be humble. Its charitable and human function must be recognized
by all, but it must be exercised with justice and seriousness, so that everyone can count
on their healthy support when they need it.
The central role of the function of Hospitable (Almsgiver or Elimosinario), as officer, is
to be the “eyes and ears”, making a commitment to help people, needing time and
energy to dedicate themselves to the benefit of Lodge members and their dependents.
Poverty is not an easy thing to admit and health concerns are often kept hidden. It is
often painful to admit to others what appears to be a shortfall, confidentiality and
discretion are a mandatory approach that may be the key to alleviating these concerns.
When the problems presented are difficult to solve, the Hospitable should take them to
the Venerable Master, so that together they may study a way of solving, keeping the

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

description and not disclosing them in Lodge, unless the Venerable Master decides
The Almsgiver or Hospitable assumes well-defined functions:
- Keep in touch and be informed about the needs of the brothers;
- Maintain regular contact and make visits to sick or distressed Lodge members,
widows, relatives of newly departed siblings, and in general be aware of the needs and
problems of Lodge members who may need support and their dependents;
- Be aware of the goals and activities of Masonic charities and how to access the
support they offer.
- Welcome new members, neophytes, together with the Proponent and second
vigilant or Junior Warden (depending on the country), responsible for the apprentices
- Keeping records and reports, as well as an up-to-date nomination with the
registration of names, contact details of siblings, widows and dependents, including
details of resigned or excluded siblings and dependents.
- Report the above to members at each meeting of the Lodge, preserving due
- To be a member of the Solidarity and Charity Commission, if there is such a
commission in the Lodge and Grand Lodge, together with former Venerable, 2nd
Vigilant and two other members, giving their opinion on requests for moral and
monetary assistance, to study how to develop and maintain the lodge's solidarity vault,
In addition to the above, a good Almsgiver will organize happier events such as
birthdays, births and special wedding anniversaries and bring it to everyone's attention
so that the Lodge can send appropriate greetings.
If you are curious and for more information I highlight the Grand Almser's notebook
of the Masonic Provincial District of West Kent, England;
In a brief and non-exhaustive way, I give some examples of the hospitable
operability and the names assigned to this function within Masonic degrees and

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

This officer also has duties within the lodge of collecting obolos or alms. At the end of
the Lodge session, the Venerable Master instructs the Hospitable to, with guard,
circulate with the Solidarity or Almsgiver Bag for all siblings. After collecting the
offerings to the Almsgiver bag, he stands between columns and announces to the 2nd
Vigilant or Warden that he has completed the collection and go deliver his work to the
Treasurer who confers and announces the amount collected to the Venerable Master.
This amount may be claimed, in part or in full, by the hospitable or another Brother to
remedy the needs of the truly needy.
Another example, in the apprentice initiation ritual we have as the first action of the
newly initiated Freemason and soon after being given the secret touch and the secret
word of the degree, given by the Venerable Master, the commitment to beneficence. For
example, the Venerable Master of RSR in 1st degree tells the Apprentice; ”Brother
Apprentice, you have just pledged to exercise Beneficence towards all men and especially
those in need. Go, therefore, to introduce yourself to Brother Elimosinario (Almsgiver) to
perform, as a Freemason, the first act of this Virtue, placing in the Charity bag what you
find convenient. ” We conclude that of all virtues the first is compassion and help to

Altar piece of San Giovanni Elemosinario St. John the Almsgiver in Bragora
church, St. John the Almsgiver (1545-1550) church, Venza, Italy.
by Titian;

We also find the Hospitable function in the first 3 operative degrees of contemporary
Freemasonry, but the function of hospitable continues in the philosophical or high

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

We found the hospitable officer functions with the following purposes:

Almoner - Same as Hospitable, Almsgiver or Elimosinario in Rectified Scotish Rite.
The name of this position of officer varies depending on the grade and rite of the lodge.
HOSPITABLE - same as Almsgiver, Almoner or Elimosinario.
We found in the 18th grade of AASC (Ancient and Acceptable Scottish Rite), whose
title of the degree is SOBERANO PRINCE ROSE CROSS the position of Hospitable!
The designation of this grade alludes to its main symbol, a rose inscribed in the center
of a cross. From the Christian point of view, the entire ritual of this degree represents
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (the rose) expiring on the cross to save humanity. Hence
the ritual words, “INRI”, formula inscribed on the cross of Calvary (“Iesus Nazarenus
Rex Iudaeorum”) and Emmanuel (“God with us”), the three theological virtues (Faith,
Hope and Charity), the realization of the mystical supper, etc. From a non-Christian
and nationalistic point of view, the 18th degree can be interpreted differently: men's
regeneration through knowledge and creative imagination, men's sacrifice for his fellow
men, the discovery of reason in the lost word, the equivalence between the three
theological virtues and the trilogy Freedom, Equality, Fraternity, etc. In this
interpretation, both I.N.R.I. and Emmanuel also acquire distinct meanings.
Also in the 19th degree of the AASR, Title of GREAT POINTING, arises the
Hospitable - The title alludes to the priesthood leading to Heavenly Jerusalem by the
destruction of the evil serpent of the three heads, symbolized in the Lie, Ignominy and
Intolerance. The Great Pontiff represents the triumph of Truth, Honor and Charity,
knowing the Alpha and Omega of all things and working to elevate and ennoble
humanity. The search for heavenly Jerusalem may also be a symbol of the universal
religion of which the Great Pontiff is the priest.
As a note, I mean that the search for Heavenly Jerusalem, Shambala, Aruanda,
Avalon, Valhalla, Shangrila, etc. reigns in mythology as the paradise we must look
within ourselves for our actions, as any Knight of Malta should know. The military
conquest of Jerusalem at the expense of the blood of the innocent, in search of gold or
salvation, is not in line with our principles of becoming better humans.
GRAND ALMS - Cf. Grand Hospitable.
GRAND HOSPITABLE - Name given to the Hospitable in the lodges of the 29th grade
(Great Scottish), the Areopagos (the 30th grade) and the Consistory (the 32nd grade)
of AASC.

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.


members hold the title of Respectful Masters of Light. The designation is linked to the
legendary establishment on the British Isles after their expulsion by the Muslims from
the knights crusaders.
In the 32nd degree of AASC, SUBLIME PRINCE OF REAL SECRET, the designation
refers to the apex of the Masonic knowledge that the holder of that degree has attained.
In its ritual there is a camp, with nine tents and five banners, where the Masons of all
degrees gather in the army. Symbolically, this degree can be interpreted as the union of
all Freemasons in the struggle for a new Humanity, after injustice, lies and superstition
are destroyed.
the Hospitable of the 30th degree of AASR, whose title GRANDE ELECTED
KNIGHT KADOSH. As a matter of curiosity, the designation of this degree refers to
three concepts whose union takes place in this degree: that of the Grand Elect (holder
of perfect knowledge), that of knight (agent in the world profane for love) and that of
Kadosh (sacred or holy). In fact, as the last degree of asceticism - grades 31, 32 and 33
are mainly administrative - its owner has reached the summit of Masonic “science”
(knowledge + love), which allows him to move into society through triumph of the two
mottos that he defends: God meumque jus and Ordo ab chao. The degree also recalls
the extinction of the order of the Temple with the execution of his last Grand Master,
Jacques de Molay, curses the memory of the “three abominables” - Pope Clement V,
King of France Philip IV the Beautiful, and the companion Squin of Florian.
MALTA CROSS - Also known as St. John's Cross, it has eight ends, as mystical symbol
means the centripetal forces of the spirit. It appears on the 27th, 30th, 31st, 32nd and
33rd degree insignia of the AASR.
HOSPITABLE TREASURER (Josafat) - Officer of the 9th grade (Master Elect of
Nine) and 10th (Distinguished Elect of Fifteen) of AASC. Accumulates the functions of
Treasurer and Hospitable.
the name of Josafat associated with the Hospitable. The assignment alludes to the
fifteen masters who have returned from the mission sent by King Solomon to seek and
punish the murderers of Hiram and who are committed to continuing the construction
of the temple. One of these fifteen is elected by his peers as recipient and representative
of the will to forget the punitive mission once it is accomplished. As a curiosity also

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Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

arises the representation of Jehoshaphat in this position of officer,

which I understand not to refer to the biblical character of the
court of King Solomon, nor to the holy martyr Josafat, re-founder
of the basilica religious life in Slavic lands, founder of the Order of
Saint Basil the Great. As a curiosity, this holy man dared to dream
of a united Orthodox and Catholic Church, a man like St. John
united instead of dividing, paying the price with his blood and his
life, being murderer in 1623 in a brutal manner. Another study
would give more knowledge of this Saint. Returning to the
subject, I understand the reference to Jehoshaphat as a judgment
that belongs to God and not to men. Just as the Hospitable heals
the sick, he cares for the needy without judging whether it was Saint Josafat
atonement or punishment from God, martyred or punishment for any
imbalance he has provided in another past life.
EVERGETA (gr. ‘Euergétés = benefactor, the doer, charitable) or Hospitable; AASC
12th grade official - GRAND MASTER ARCHITECT - Symbolically, the degree
indicates that only by knowledge can true light be attained.
ELIMOSINARIO - Another coincidence or evidence. The Rectified Scottish Rite, calls
to the position of hospitable the name of Elimosinario, whose functions are exactly the
same as already presented above. However if we verify linguistically the term
Elimosinario we will see that it derives from the Italian
Almsgiver. S. Giovanni Elimosinario, which is S. John
We note that the freemason officer who performs the
functions of Almsgiver, performs the functions of the
highest human values of compassion and support to those
in need, you found similarities in the above with our august
order? Has this officer, designations, procedures in lodge,
etc. come from the observance of the Respectable Order of
St. John of Jerusalem? Obviously, yes. Obviously this
masonic officer exists under the inspiration of St. John of
Jerusalem. As we have observed other functions and Church of San Giovanni Elemosinario,
Venice, Italy. Dedicated to St. John
procedures on the influence of other initiatic and knightly
Esmoler, built in the 17th century,
orders on Freemasonry, but the Masonic Hospitable when the main Masonic manifestos
(Almsgiver or Almoner) is undoubtedly inspired from the appeared
Hospitable Order of St. John of Jerusalem.

KMAFP, Federation of Autonomous Priories.

Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

Almsgiver's Officer Jewel

Continuing to draw symmetries and facts in this brief study; the jewel is the very
symbol of each officer function, degree or lodge, which is used - usually in the form of a
metal object - pending insignia on a special ribbon. It symbolizes the search for
knowledge of this particular symbol. In the case of the Almsgiver or Hospitable, the
jewel is a small bag that symbolically represents the Farnel of the Pilgrim, the Traveler,
the Beggar, and which, masonically, carries the Charity or Solidarity Bag.
The Hospitable symbol is a bag, or a hand holding bag, like the images below.
This bag is where the Hospitable should keep the means of help and which he must
figuratively always carry with him, as he never knows when he will need to provide
material or moral help. This bag serves to collect, at each lodge session, the donations,
or gifts, which each Freemason gives to the Bag, as mentioned above. But the function
that Hospitable officer assures, goes far beyond material aid, yet it is his responsibility
to dignify the proper and useful use of his values.

Necklace where the Hospitable's jewel is placed or hung

KMAFP, Federation of Autonomous Priories.

Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

However, we also see references in the irregular Lusitanian Freemasonry of Portugal,

in the 14th degree (Great Scottish of the Sacred Vault of James VI) of AASC, that the
jewel of the Great Hospitable is a winged BACCULUS. This symbol has caused much
confusion since there are similarities between the caduceus or emblem of Hermes
(Mercury) and the Rod of Asclepius, which is associated with medicine and the Island
of Malta, as noted by Walter J. Friedlander in The Golden Wand of Medicine: The
History of the Caduceus Symbol in Medicine.

Caduceus is associated with the moral balance, the path of initiation and the path of
ascension, of kundalini energy. The serpent on the right is called Od, which represents
the freely directed life; that of the left Ob, fatal life and the golden globe on top Aur,
which represents the balanced light. These two opposing serpents appear to be opposing
forces that can be associated but not confused. The two intertwined serpents of the
caduceus also represent the number eight and are the symbol of the balance between
opposing forces in eternal cosmic motion, the basis of regeneration and infinity.
But the rod of Aesculapius or Asclepius is an ancient symbol, related to astrology and
the healing of the sick through medicine. Aesculapius (Latin: Aesculapius) was the
Roman god of medicine and healing. It was inherited directly from Greek mythology,
where it had the same properties but a subtly different name: Asclepius (in Greek:
Ἀσκληπιός, transl. Asklēpiós).
According to Greek mythology, Aesculapius would have learned the art of healing from
Chiron. He is customarily represented as a surgeon on the Argo vessel, built with the
help of the goddess Athena. Asclepius was so skilled in the medical arts that he earned

KMAFP, Federation of Autonomous Priories.

Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

a reputation for bringing patients back from the dead. Because of this, he was punished
and then placed in the heavens with the constellation Ophiuchus (meaning "the serpent
bearer", or "The Serpentine"). Such constellation lies between Sagittarius and Scorpio.
To shuffle some more, the earliest record of his name is found in Homer's Iliad, and in
this quote he was apparently still considered a mortal, described as the ruler of Tricca
and also as a physician who had learned the art of the centaur Chiron and taught it to
his two sons, Podalirius and Macao.

Chapter III
The Nobility is in the acts!
HMEH Prince Joseph

The Roman Apostolic Church deserves all our respect and consideration, and all other
orders that do a remarkable job in education, health, and helping those in need around
the world. When we talk about the needy, we are not only talking about the poor and
the sick, because many are rich and have high positions, but they never ceased to be
poor, others are short of money and, in God's eyes, what riches will they possess?
Great men were born from of the Church, such as St. John Almoner, St. Anthony, St.
Rita, St. Francis of Assisi, among many others who sowed Goodness and elevated the
human Faith in God, just as from Freemasonry came men who positively influenced
the world. Also, hidden on the cover of several institutions and corporations are born
individuals with actions seriously harm the humanity.
At the end, nothing exists outside the Creator's Will and it is important to point out
that Unity in diversity translates to Freedom of Thought, as in an invisible symmetrical
movement inspired by Grace, where all knight brothers should be united and oriented
in a sense of values and evolution. It is not for us to evangelize, it is not for us to baptize,
it is not for us to prophesy, it is not for us to create rites, but only to sow the Good.
The Order of St. John will be the sum of all our actions. There are far more similarities
between institutions and men than differences, and the Order of St. John has evolved!
Our way of being assumes universal, ecumenical goals. A new objectivity based on the
construction of our outer and inner Temple. Yet without Love there is no way to go,
without love there is no self-respect or respect for others, only illusions of superiority
and fear. Fear created by ignorance. Fear of the unknown, fear of the constant variable

KMAFP, Federation of Autonomous Priories.

Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

of uncertainty (we are in Divine Providence), fear of the most powerful, fear of losing
materiality, fears that Love has never unleashed. This is the Rectification that every
knight who walks the steps of his inner Nature must have in the alchemical sublimation
of his lower nature. It is not easy to understand, less is being able to give freedom to
others and act without harming anything or anyone. And these are mere words.
Faith and Hope have their place in every man and should not be manipulated by
institutions. We observe the proliferation of sects in every country, where I highlight
Mozambique, where the level of literacy is lower and these churches proliferate for
business and commerce in the name of faith. Faith is not meant to create mental fetters
neither dogma nor prejudice against anything or anyone! Faith serves to have Light
and evolve on the ladder of Jaco, no one evolves without having the Light of a pure
and selfless heart. No one has Light without being able to master their mind to the
selfish vices and illusions it creates. Crossroads are set for all of us, many fall, regardless
of whether they are Cardinals, Presidents, Beggars or Masons.
And because all the prophets spoke of the same creator and the same truth, but
boundaries, barriers, prejudices were being built by the institutional interests of men.
In genesis all are right, for our Father created the whole universe and all things
contained therein. His Spirit touched Krishna, Moses, David, Confucius, Solomon,
Avicenna, and so many others. The religion of the future will be cosmic and transcend
a personal God, avoiding dogma and theology, as Albert Einstein would say.
The Illuminated Order of St. John of Jerusalem has a burning hope for the future, by
the noble acts of daily life, we are the seeds in man with a blessed glow in the faith of
building a new world, a New Man, free from injustice - a world in which Compassion
unfolds its protective cloak over all Life.

Special thanks to His Eminence Prince Joseph and His Excellency Prime Minister
George Popper
A Kind and Respectful regards to all the knight brothers and ladies sisters in St. John,
especially to ambassador Julio Quaresma.
May God always enlighten our paths and, please, forgive me for some mistake made in
these essay.
Yours in St John
Sir Luís Cruz, KM, Mozambique.

KMAFP, Federation of Autonomous Priories.

Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

Post Scriptum -

Ordo ab Chao

Order is manifested in the immanence and transcendence of creation. In its various

plans, the Law brings balance to the harmony of becoming.
We must manifest horror of profound chaos and injustice, and act in the sense of recta
ratio to push away all that is inharmonious and attract the Light into a constructive
system that becomes visible in the plane of human solidarity, charity and help. Mutual
Ordo ab Chao, represents the order arisen from chaos, in which the Whole created
everything from nothing. Light arose and brought the cosmic and natural order of the
various corresponding planes. We have a responsibility to adjust the order to the
profane, because the darkness did not understand it. The same light that makes a plant
grow hardens the clay, the light it feeds also burns who wants to own it. The light is the
same, but the consequences are completely different. According to John (3: 19-21),
"This is the judgment: light has come into the world, and men preferred darkness over
light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who practices evil hates the light and
keeps it." if you are far from it, because you are afraid that your works will be exposed.
But whoever practices the truth approaches the light so that it is clear that everything
he does is done in God. They have gone before and been misunderstood. The great
teachers who speak the truth do not please those who manipulate others but fulfill their
spiritual enlightenment process of humanity.
It is a fundamental aspect, respect for each other's opinions and beliefs, without
privileges, but working together towards common goals. Brother Knight must get
involved in political and religious issues, but never evade injustice. Their strength is to
love kindness and to help those in need. The battlefield of KM is not to indulge in
feelings of anger and hatred and to avoid those who have no heart and seek conflict. On
the battlefield he must always obey reason, honor and morals, reflecting and working.
Fight ignorance, superstition, fanaticism, pride, intemperance, vice, discord,
domination and privilege. The Knight does not judge others by what they have, but by
what they are. Our real battle is for the Light and those who sow it, without looking at
any other device. KM is aware that it is not occupation or rant that honors or degrades
man, but the way he performs and acts, his actions and decisions speak for himself, with

KMAFP, Federation of Autonomous Priories.

Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta.

the awareness that only God can probe. The hearts of men. Acting in compliance with
God's Law, he is aware that the consequences of his decisions are heavy and
reciprocated along the way, acting for the good not because it is the way to evolve but
for the sake of building humanity.

Reference and Netgraphy

CHEVALIER J, GHEERBRANT, A. Symbol Dictionary, 2.ed. (trad.). Rio de

Janeiro, Jose Olympio Ed., 1989
CRUZ, L., Encyclopedia of Portuguese Freemasonry, unpublished.
KERÉNYI C. Asklepios. Archetypal image of the physician's existence. London,
Thames and Hudson, 1960
A. de S. (Lavoisier 33), Masonic Guide, 2nd corrected and augmented edition, 1913.
OLIVEIRA MARQUES, A.H. History of Freemasonry in Portugal. Editorial
Presenca, April, 1990.ão_Almsgiver

KMAFP, Federation of Autonomous Priories.

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