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Project Report

Submitted By

In the partial fulfillment for the

award of


Monsoon Semester 2021 - 2022

This is to certify that the project report entitled IOT based Waste Monitoring System is a
bona-fide record of project submitted by Mr. SHIMPI MAYUR JITENDRA, (Roll No.
M210221EE), during the Monsoon Semester 2021-2022 in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of Degree of Master of Technology in Electrical Engineering
(Industrial Power and Automation) from National Institute of Technology Calicut.

Dr. V. Karthikeyan Dr. Rijil Ramchand

Assistant Professor Professor and Head
Faculty In charge of project Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Dept. of Electrical Engineering

Place: Calicut
Date: 30/12/2021


I take this opportunity to express my deepest and special appreciation to my guide

Dr. V. Karthikeyan assistant professor, Department of Electrical Engineering for his
insightful advice, motivating suggestions, invaluable guidance, help and support in
successful completion of this Project report and also for his constant encouragement
and advice.
The in-time facilities provided by the department throughout the completion of report
are also equally acknowledgeable.
Finally, yet more importantly, I would like to express my deep appreciation to my
Parents and classmates for their perpetual support and encouragement throughout the
completion of report.



Rapid increase in volume and types of solid and hazardous waste as a result of
continuous economic growth, urbanization and industrialization, is becoming a
burgeoning problem for national and local governments to ensure effective and
sustainable management of waste.
It is estimated that in 2006 the total amount of municipal solid waste generated
globally reached 2.02 billion tones, representing a 7% annual increase since 2003
(Global Waste Management Market Report 2007). The segregation, handling,
transport and disposal of waste are to be properly managed so as to minimize the risks
to the health and safety of patients, the public, and the environment.
The economic value of waste is best realized when it is segregated. Currently there is
no such system of segregation of dry, wet and metallic wastes at a household level.
This paper proposes an Automated Waste Segregator (AWS) which is a cheap, easy to
use solution for a segregation system at households, so that it can be sent directly for
It is designed to sort the refuse into metallic waste, wet waste and dry waste. The
AWS employs parallel resonant impedance sensing mechanism to identify metallic
items, and capacitive sensors to distinguish between wet and dry waste. Experimental
results show that the segregation of waste into metallic, wet and dry waste has been
successfully implemented using the IOT based Waste Monitoring System.

Chapter no. Name of topic Page no.

01 Introduction 01
02 Review of Literature 02
03 Project Discription 03
3.1 Arduino Uno 06
3.2 Moisture sensor 08
3.3 Servo motor 09
3.4 Connection of project 11
3.5 Wifi module 12
3.6 Working of project 12
04 Future scope 13
05 Conclusion 15
5.1 Conclusion 15
5.2 Advantages 15
5.3 Application 16
06 Reference 17

List of Figure
Fig no. Figure name page no.

3.1 Arduino Uno 04

3.2 Moisture sensor 08
3.3 Interfacing of Arduino with sensor 08
3.4 Interfacing of Arduino with motor 10
3.5 Interfacing of Arduino with wifi module 12
4.1 3R principle 13

List of Table
Table no. Name of table Page no.
3.1 Specification of Moisture sensor 07
3.2 Wire configuration 10

IOT based waste monitoring system

As the title of the project states that IOT based system for Dry and Wet garbage separation, it
consist the process of instrumentation and control by Arduino. It will take place to succeed the
process of separation of the dry and wet garbage.

The basic function of the project is that to sense the type of waste and with the help of controlling
system of Arduino, waste present at the shaft of selected Motor, will be separated by applied
Arduino program based command and indication given on the “blynk Console cloud”.

As taking consideration of main part of the project is “Arduino”. Arduino is an open source
electronic platform based on easy to use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read
inputs e.g. light on sensor, a finger on a button, motion sensor etc. and turn it into an output e.g.
activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online.

You can tell your Arduino, what to do by sending a set of instruction to the Microcontroller on the
board, for that Arduino programming language (based on writing) and the Arduino software (IDE),
base on processing is used.

In this project we are going to use “UNO Arduino” which is one of the several types of Arduino. As
it is state in introduction of Arduino, fixed programming language will be installed in the Arduino
for operation of whole project i.e. Arduino will be the processing unit of the project.

In the construction and working of the project, there is power source, Arduino circuit, Motor control
circuit, servomotor, humidity sensor, shaft plate and wifi module.

First power supply will be activate the project, then the garbage will fade at the shaft plate of motor.
After this main process will start. Humidity sensor will sense the nature of garbage, if the garbage is
wet then humidity will be sensed by the sensor and that type of sensing information, sensor will
send to Arduino.

It is dry then Arduino will get respected information. After some delay, Arduino will send
information to motor that in which direction of shaft will be partially rotate respectively depending
upon the type of waste.e.g. if it is dry then shaft will be rotate clockwise and if it is wet then it will
rotate anticlockwise and garbage will fall down from shaft platform by mechanical operation.

Humidity is displaced on laptop screen, in which green color for humidity less than 500 and red
color for humidity greater than 500. In our project we consider dry wet for humidity less than 500
and wet waste for humidity greater than 500.

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IOT based waste monitoring system

In India about 60 millions of waste is being generated every year, Ten million tunes of garbage is
generated in metropolitan cities like Delhi and Mumbai, the landfills of most of these cities are
overflowing with no space for fresh garbage waste.

According to sanitary survey called “Swachh Survekshan-2016” conducted by the ministry of

urban development under the Swachh Bharat mission, it was found that about 50% people in India
face the problems of improper waste collection and management.

Thus we have proposed to cost effective “Arduino based waste segregator and IOT based
monitoring system” for proper management of waste. Automatic waste segregator categorizes the
waste as wet waste and dry waste. The monitoring system helps to monitor the waste collection
process. The common method of waste disposal is by unplanned and uncontrolled dumping at
landfills areas. This method is hazardous to human health, plant and animal life. When the waste is
segregated into basic streams such as DRY and WET waste, the waste has higher potential of
recovery and then recycled and reused. Even at large scale industries waste segregator is present, it
always feasible to separate DRY and WET waste at source itself. The benefit of doing so is that the
occupational hazard of waste workers is reduced. Also separate waste also sent to recycling and
processing plant instead of sending it to the segregation plant then to recycling plant.

The proposed system makes the use of sensors to identify incoming objects. inductive sensors are
used to detect metallic objects. Capacitive sensors are used to detects plastics and glass and
disposable objects. They are adjusted to sense only disposable objects. Ultrasonic sensors are used
to detect presence of non- transparent objects within the system. Arduino MEGA microcontroller is
used to process the outputs from the sensors. Based on sensor output, the microcontroller provides
control signal in the form of steps to stepper motor depending on the number of steps the motor
rotates by 90 degree and align itself below sensing plate. after that object dropped into
corresponding bin. Hence dry and wet will be separated from disposable objects.

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IOT based waste monitoring system

In our project “Arduino based garbage filter” we have used various components for filtering the
garbage according to nature of garbage, if garbage is dry then it will be thrown down in the basket
by using special mechanism, in this case we are using servo motor mechanism for separation of
waste. And if garbage is wet then it will thrown into another basket. For this garbage filtering
process, we have used one programmable kit, in which Arduino is a main unit. Along with Arduino
we have used the following components for garbage filtering system.

• Arduino Uno
• Wifi Module
• Soil moisture meter testing (Humidity sensor)
• Driver IC for sensor
• Micro servo motor
• Cables and etc.

3.1 Arduino Uno:

The Arduino UNO is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip ATmega328P
The board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced
to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits.[1] The board has 14 Digital pins, 6 Analog
pins, and programmable with (Integrated Development Environment) via a type B USB cable. It can
be powered by a USB cable or by an external 9 volt battery, though it accepts voltages between 7
and 20 volts.

It contains every thing needed to support the microcontroller, simply connect it to a computer with a
USB cable or power it with a AC to DC adapter or a battery to get started. Digital I/O pins 14 (of
which 6 provide PMW output). Analog input pin 6. Dc current per I/O pin 40mA. Dc current for 3.3
v pin 50mA flash memory 32 kb (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by boot loader .SRAM 2 KB
(ATmega328).EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328).Clock Speed 16 MHz .

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IOT based waste monitoring system

Fig no 3.1

There are several I/O digital and analog pins placed on the board which operates at 5V. These pins
come with standard operating ratings ranging between 20mA to 40mA. Internal pull-up resistors are
used in the board that limits the current exceeding from the given operating conditions. However,
too much increase in current makes these resisters useless and damages the device.
Arduino Uno comes with built-in LED which is connected through pin 13. Providing HIGH value
to the pin will turn it ON and LOW will turn it OFF.
It is the input voltage provided to the Arduino Board. It is different than 5 V supplied through a
USB port. This pin is used to supply voltage. If a voltage is provided through power jack, it can be
accessed through this pin.

This board comes with the ability to provide voltage regulation. 5V pin is used to provide output
regulated voltage. The board is powered up using three ways i.e. USB, Vin pin of the board or DC
power jack.

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IOT based waste monitoring system
USB supports voltage around 5V while Vin and Power Jack support a voltage ranges between 7V to
20V. It is recommended to operate the board on 5V. It is important to note that, if a voltage is
supplied through 5V or 3.3V pins, they result in bypassing the voltage regulation that can damage
the board if voltage surpasses from its limit.


These are ground pins. More than one ground pins are provided on the board which can be used as
per requirement.


This pin is incorporated on the board which resets the program running on the board. Instead of
physical reset on the board, IDE comes with a feature of resetting the board through programming.


This pin is very useful for providing voltage reference to the board. A shield is used to read the
voltage across this pin which then select the proper power source.

PWM is provided by 3,5,6,9,10, 11pins. These pins are configured to provided 8-bit output PWM.
It is known as Serial Peripheral Interface. Four pins 10(SS), 11(MOSI), 12(MISO), 13(SCK)
provide SPI communication with the help of SPI library.
It is called Analog Reference. This pin is used for providing a reference voltage to the analog
It is called Two-wire Interface. TWI communication is accessed through Wire Library. A4 and A5
pins are used for this purpose.
Serial Communication:
Serial communication is carried out through two pins called Pin 0 (Rx) and Pin 1 (Tx).Rx pin is

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IOT based waste monitoring system
used to receive data while Tx pin is used to transmit data.
External Interrupts:
Pin 2 and 3 are used for providing external interrupts. An interrupt is called by providing LOW or
changing value.


Arduino Uno comes with an ability of interfacing with other other Arduino boards, microcontrollers
and computer. The Atmega328 placed on the board provides serial communication using pins like
Rx and Tx. The Atmega16U2 incorporated on the board provides a pathway for serial
communication using USB com drivers. Serial monitor is provided on the IDE software which is
used to send or receive text data from the board. If LEDs placed on the Rx and Tx pins will flash,
they indicate the transmission of data.

Arduino Uno is programmed using Arduino Software which is a cross-platform application called
IDE written in Java. The AVR microcontroller Atmega328 laid out on the base comes with built-in
bootloader that sets you free from using a separate burner to upload the program on the board.

3.2 Moisture Sensor:

In this article, we are going to interface a Soil moisture sensor FC-28 with Arduino. This sensor
measures the volumetric content of water inside the soil and gives us the moisture level as output.
The sensor is equipped with both analog and digital output, so it can be used in both analog and
digital mode. In this article, we are going to interface the sensor in both modes. So let’s begin our
tutorial on interfacing Arduino and Soil moisture sensor.

3.2.1 Working of Sensor :

The soil moisture sensor consists of two probes which are used to measure the volumetric content of
water. The two probes allow the current to pass through the soil and then it gets the resistance value
to measure the moisture value.

When there is more water, the soil will conduct more electricity which means that there will be less
resistance. Therefore, the moisture level will be higher. Dry soil conducts electricity poorly, so
when there will be less water, then the soil will conduct less electricity which means that there will
be more resistance. Therefore, the moisture level will be lower.

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IOT based waste monitoring system

This sensor can be connected in two modes; Analog mode and digital mode. First, we will connect
it in Analog mode and then we will use it in Digital mode.

3.2.2 Specifications :

Input Voltage 3.3 – 5V

Output Voltage 0 – 4.2V

Input Current 35mA

Output Signal Both Analog and Digital

Table no :3.1

3.2.3 Pin Out Soil Moisture Sensor :

The soil Moisture sensor FC-28 has four pins

• VCC: For power

• A0: Analog output
• D0: Digital output
• GND: Ground

The Module also contains a potentiometer which will set the threshold value and then this threshold
value will be compared by the LM393 comparator. The output LED will light up and down
according to this threshold value.

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Fig no :3.2
3.2.4 Circuit Diagram:

The connections for connecting the soil moisture sensor FC-28 to the Arduino are as follows.

• VCC of FC-28 to 5V of Arduino.

• GND of FC-28 to GND of Arduino.
• A0 of FC-28 to A0 of Arduino.


Fig. no: 3.3

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IOT based waste monitoring system

3.3 Servo motor :

In our project we use the servo motor for the purpose of throwing down the garbage in the basket,
other the Arduino receives the command from humidity sensor i.e. the garbage is a dry or wet. It is
tiny and lightweight with high output power. This servo can rotate approximately 180 degrees (90
in each direction), and works just like the standard kinds but smaller. You can use any servo code,
hardware or library to control these servos. It comes with a 3 horns (arms) and hardware.


The servo motor has some control circuits and a potentiometer (a variable resistor, aka pot)
connected to the output shaft. In the picture above, the pot can be seen on the right side of the
circuit board. This pot allows the control circuitry to monitor the current angle of the servo motor.

If the shaft is at the correct angle, then the motor shuts off. If the circuit finds that the angle is not
correct, it will turn the motor until it is at a desired angle. The output shaft of the servo is capable of
traveling somewhere around 180 degrees. Usually, it is somewhere in the 210-degree range,
however, it varies depending on the manufacturer. A normal servo is used to control an angular
motion of 0 to 180 degrees. It is mechanically not capable of turning any farther due to a
mechanical stop built on to the main output gear.

The power applied to the motor is proportional to the distance it needs to travel. So, if the shaft
needs to turn a large distance, the motor will run at full speed. If it needs to turn only a small
amount, the motor will run at a slower speed. This is called proportional control.


• Operating voltage: 4.8 V (~5V)

• Operating speed: 0.1 s/60 degree
• Stall torque: 1.8 kgf· cm
• Dead band width: 10 µs
• Temperature range: 0 ºC – 55 ºC

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3.3.4 Wire Configuration:

Wire Number Wire Colour Description

1 Brown Ground wire connected to the

ground of system

2 Red Powers the motor typically +5V is


3 Orange PWM signal is given in through this wire

to drive the motor

Table No :3.2

3.3.5 Interfacing with Arduino Uno:

Fig no : 3.4

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3.4 Connection of components:

There are three main components are used in our kit i.e. 1) Arduino 2) Humidity sensor 3) Servo
motor 4) wifi module.

The humidity sensor and servo motor both are connected to the Arduino for receiving and sending
the signals from each other. The Arduino has 40 pins, out of these we use three pins for connection
of humidity sensor and three pins for connection of servo motor.

The humidity sensor is connected through its driver IC to the Arduino. The driver IC has 6 pins,
out of these two pins which are ground and signal are connected to the humidity sensor for
receiving the signal of nature of garbage.

Wifi module pins are connected to Rx, Tx and GND of Arduino.

The remaining pins are:

• AO- Analog in

• DO- Digital in

• Ground

• VCC +5 volt

The analog input, ground and VCC +5 volt are connected to the Arduino for sending the signals of
nature of garbage to the Arduino. The digital input pin are not used in our project.

The servo motor have also three pins which are connected to Arduino, one is connected at +5 volt,
second is at ground and third pin is connected at port 9.

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3.4 Wifi module interfacing with Arduino:

Fig no. 3.5

3.6 Working of Project:

The programme is installed in Arduino Uno as per our purpose. Here we understood the
physical or actual working of project.

Firstly when the garbage is put between the two probes of humidity sensor, the humidity sensor
gets short circuited if and only garbage is wet. Otherwise if waste is dry then its not going to
get short circuited.

When the probes gets short circuited, the humidity sensor sends the wet signal to the Arduino
through the driver IC. Then as per the programming the Arduino sends command to the servo
motor to rotate 90 degree anticlockwise. And if the garbage is dry then Arduino commands to
the motor to rotate 90 degree clockwise in this rotation process there is some interval of delay
is provided i.e. initial delay is of 5 seconds when the motor rotates 90 degree either clockwise
or anticlockwise direction there also 5 second delay for getting back to the initial position.

Such that according to incoming humidity sensors signal the process will take place
continuously after the 5 seconds of delay i.e. process will repeate as usual.

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In future there is need of waste management in every sectors like industrial
areas, rural areas and urban areas with great manner. While considering these
thinks the basic point garbage separation.

The analysis of waste coming out from society will be done by this garbage
separation method. As taking view on garbage separation, it will lead to
separate the garbage on basis of useful garbage, organic garbage and metal
garbage etc.

These garbage separation will take measure role in the recycling system, for
e.g. plastic is reusable thing, as it goes from the several processes and then get
in usable form, so separated plastic waste can be reuse to make new plastic

Reduce, reuse and recycle processes is going to apply on considered waste

after the waste separation.

Fig. no : 4.1

In our project, the dry and wet waste separation is take place as waste
management in future. There is need of such garbage separation methods and
techniques. Basically as consideration of future uses, we are separating the
dry and wet waste on based on there use and application, so as taking view of

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IOT based waste monitoring system

dry waste, it contains some things that either will be usable, recyclable or just
waste. e.g. dry/waste like paper, plastic can be reuse by 3R principle.

As considering the wet waste, it contains some Chemicals, Organic waste

etc. Now taking view on Organic waste instead of the Chemical waste, it
will be helpful to make ‘Organic manure’ in future to make soil more fertile.

There are some reasons for which waste should be separated or waste
management should be done like, it keeps environment clean. By separation
of waste, these waste disposal units also makes disease resistance managing
and system.

It also helps to reduce environmental pollution. If waste management is done

in proper manner, not only eliminates the surrounding waste but also will
reduce the intensity of green house gases like carbon monoxide.

There is one reason also is that waste management will help you to earn
money. Right from old and used bottles to tin canes and e- waste to all kind
of waste are collected and paid. This waste are then segregated according to
extent of pollution they cause of environment and these waste are recycled
accordingly for various purposes.

As shown references there is a future scope in waste management and

separation on basic level and this project is the basic step of it.

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5.1 Conclusion:
Automated Waste Segregator has been successfully implemented for the segregation
of waste into metallic, dry and wet waste at a domestic level. However, it cannot
segregate ceramic into dry waste because of its higher relative dielectric constant
when compared to other dry wastes. Noise can be eliminated in the sensing module to
increase accuracy and overall efficiency. The system can segregate only one type of
waste at a time with an assigned priority for metal, wet and dry waste. Thus,
improvements can be made to segregate mixed type of waste by the use of buffer
spaces. Since, the time for sensing metal objects is low the entire sensing module can
be placed along a single platform where the object is stable to ensure better result.

• Some of the materials in the garbage can not be easily degraded, which makes the land seriously
eroded. Removing the materials that are non-recyclable or difficult to degrade, the garbage sorting can
reduce the amount of garbage up to 80%.

• The waste batteries contain metal mercury, cadmium and other toxic substances, and will cause
serious harm to humans; waste plastics in the soil will lead to the reduction of crop production; if the
abandoned waste plastic is eaten by animals, it will lead to death. So garbage recycling plant can
reduce the harm and pollution.

• Municipal solid waste is considered to be the “urban mineral” that has the most development
potential and never exhausted, which can be said “misplaced local resources”. Through resource
processing. The garbage will create great resources and profits.

• It saves time and money by using smart waste collection bins and systems equipped with fill
level sensors. As smart transport vehicles go only to the filled containers or bins. It reduces
infrastructure, operating and maintenance costs by upto 30%.

• It decreases traffic flow and consecutively noise due to less air pollution as result of less
waste collection vehicles on the roads. This has become possible due to two way communication
between smart dustbins and service operators.

• It keeps our surroundings clean and green and free from bad odour of wastes, emphasizes on

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IOT based waste monitoring system

healthy environment and keep cities more beautiful.

• It further reduces manpower requirements to handle the garbage collection process.
Applying smart waste management process to the city optimizes management, resources and
costs which makes it a "smart city".
• It helps administration to generate extra revenue by advertisements on smart devices.

• It will stop overflowing of waste bins along roadsides and localities as smart-bins are
managed at real- time.
• The filling and cleaning time of smart bin will also be reduced thus making empty and clean
dustbins available to common people.
• By using the route algorithm it will smartly find the shortest route thus it will reduce the
number of vehicles used for garbage collection.

• It can be installed in the places where there is irregularity of waste pickers.

• It can be installed where the cleanliness and odourlessness is most important.

• From the wet output of the kitchen compost can be made which can be further sold on

commercial basis. 4.In order to make the surrounding clean and healthy and totally

automatic it can be used.

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• Nishigandha Kothari ,”Waste to Wealth”, NSWAI, New Delhi, Jul. 2013
• Claudine Capel, “INNOVATIONS IN WASTE”, Waste-management-world, Volume
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• J.S. Bajaj, “Urban Solid Waste management in India“, Planning Commission
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• LDC1000 Inductance to Digital Converter, Texas instruments, Dallas, TX, Sept 2013
• MSP430x2xx Family User's Guide, Texas instruments, Dallas, Tx, Dec 2004–Revised
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• “Relative Dielectric constant ℇr(dk value) of liquids and solid materials”, Endress
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• M.S. Venkatesh et al., “An Overview of Microwave Processing and Dielectric
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