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Adama Science and Technology University

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Course Title:- Research Methodology and Ethics

A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON: Improving the Network Life Time of Wireless Sensor Network using
EEEMR Protocol with Clustering Algorithm.




Table of Contents
Chapter One............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2.Statement of problems......................................................................................................................................................6
1.3. Scope and limitations.......................................................................................................................................................6
1.4. Objective of proposed system..........................................................................................................................................7
1.4.1. General objective..........................................................................................................................................................7
1.4.2. Specific objective..........................................................................................................................................................7
1.5. Research Hypothesis........................................................................................................................................................7
1.6. Significance of the Study.................................................................................................................................................7
Chapter Two...........................................................................................................................................................................8
2. Literature review................................................................................................................................................................8
2.1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................8
Chapter Three....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Research Methodology....................................................................................................................................................10
3.1 Methodology................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.1 Problem identification phase.......................................................................................................................................10
3. 1.2 Design phase..............................................................................................................................................................10
3.1.3 Performance evaluation phase......................................................................................................................................10
3.2 Proposed System Design...............................................................................................................................................10
Cluster creation phase:..........................................................................................................................................................13
Leader selection phase:.........................................................................................................................................................13
3.3. Simulation setup and Performance Evaluation...............................................................................................................13
Simulation Parameters..........................................................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................................................ 18
4. Budget and Time Schedule...............................................................................................................................................18
4.1 Budget for the Study.......................................................................................................................................................18
4.2 Work plan....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Conclusions.......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
One of the most important issues in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is severe energy restrictions. As the
performance of Sensor Networks is strongly dependence to the network lifetime, researchers seek a way to use node
energy supply effectively and increasing network lifetime. As a consequence, it is crucial to use routing algorithms
result in decrease energy consumption and better bandwidth utilization. The purpose of this research proposal is to
increase Wireless Sensor Networks lifetime using LEACH-algorithm. So before clustering Network environment, it is
divided into two virtual layers (using distance between sensor nodes and base station) and then regarding to sensors
position in each of two layers, residual energy of sensor and distance from base station is used in clustering. In this
proposal, we compare proposed algorithm with well known LEACH and ELEACH algorithms in homogenous
environment (with equal energy for all sensors) and heterogeneous one (energy of half of sensors get doubled), also for
static and dynamic situation of base station. Results show that our proposed algorithm delivers improved performance.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Routing protocols, clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks
Chapter One

1. Introduction


Over years, many researches have been carried out for wireless sensor network to solve the issue of energy dissipation
in network. WSN consists of hundreds or thousands of sensor nodes. These sensor nodes have sensing, processing,
communication capabilities [9]. Sensor nodes have characteristics like limited battery life, mobility, heterogeneity, etc.
Out of this battery life of sensor nodes is important one because together the battery life of every sensor nodes decides
the lifetime of whole sensor network for which a network remain live and works normally.

Most of the techniques or work in area of wireless sensor network to increase the lifetime assumes that the whole
network has homogeneous nature. Means all the sensor nodes have the same energy level during the working of
network. But in real world during the working of network it has heterogeneous nature in terms of energy level.
Homogeneous network hardly exist in nature. It is possible that energy of all sensor nodes is equal at time of
deployment of whole sensor network. Sensor nodes are equipped with irreplaceable batteries with limited power
capacities. They can be deployed manually or be randomly dropped. They are containing one or more sensors, self-
configuring, with wireless communications and data processing components. The use of wireless sensor networks is
increasing everyday but the problem is limited battery life. The main application domain of WSNs is in:

Home control [7]

Medical monitoring [8]

Military environment [1]

Biological and radiological events [1] etc.

Figure 1: Wireless sensor network with clustering

The main hardest thing in designing network is to make whole network energy efficient [13]. So that it works as long
time as possible. It is proven that doing clustering of sensor nodes in the network is more energy efficient technique
instead of having normal sensor network without clustering. Clustering is just grouping of sensor nodes and gathering
data from sensor nodes and passes it to base station. However it is also important to use the better clustering techniques
in proper way. It is not good to rely on some probability type functions. Also good clustering provides less
communication overhead to BS, minimize energy consumption, less number of active node at a time. Also after
applying clustering the selection of cluster heads and the path of information flow is critical one that helps in
prolonging life of whole network.

The remaining of the research paper contains the following things: In section 2 the related work. In section 3, we
introduce our proposed algorithm described. In section 4 simulation setup and experimental results showed and
provides the conclusion of our work.

1.2.Statement of problems
LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) protocol is very first clustering technique proposed for
clustering in wireless sensor network is [1], but it has still a lot of problems in case of lengthening the WSN life time.
The following are problems discovered in LEACH protocol needed to be solved:

 Does not guarantee the optimization for the number and position of cluster heads
 It does not consider the distance between cluster head and BS.
 It randomly selects cluster-heads at each round. Therefore, the probability of cluster heads unevenly distributed
would be very high.
 It unsure the number of cluster nodes to be distributed equally in each cluster.
 To determine existing system WSN cluster head selection randomly selected based on the residual energy and
node join for communication minimize.
 To resolve existing system quality of service (QoS) like throughput, delay overhead and packet delivery ratio
compare to DSDV (Destination sequenced distance vector), DSR (dynamic source routing protocol) and AODV
(ad-hoc on demand distance vector).
 To committed existing system WSN consists of hundreds or thousands low powered
 sensor node ability to communication either directly to the station or among each other.

This study is carried out to answer the following research questions:

1) How does setting the leader cluster node will length the life time of WSN?
2) How can we achieve improved power efficient heterogeneous WSN using enhanced cluster based algorithm?

1.3. Scope and limitations

The scope of this study is delimited to wireless sensor networks to efficiently use scarce resources of wireless sensor
node through developing cluster based algorithm considers selecting leader node in a network. This study exploits the
weakness of LEACH algorithm schemes and design proper algorithm to overcome this weakness.

1.4. Objective of proposed system

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of this proposed system is designing new algorithm to prolong the life time of heterogeneous
WSN using clustering.
1.4.2. Specific objective

The specific objectives of the proposed system are listed as follows:

 Study the background of the area

 Reviewing related works
 Formulating new hypothesis
 Analyzing and experimenting the result by using simulator
 Validate the output by comparing with existing system

1.5. Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis formulation for the proposed system will assure that understand existing study, problem formulation,
provide reasonable research questions, methodology carried out to solve the research gap and outcome from experiment

1.6. Significance of the Study

After completion of this study the following are the main contributions:-
The progression of wireless sensor networks is initially motivated by military applications. Wireless sensor networks
are used in numerous civilian application areas like detecting, monitoring the movement of enemies, chemical,
biological, radiological, tracking, automation, nuclear and health care applications. The clustering is used in WSNs; it
provides network scalability and energy saving attributes. Clustering schemes offer reduced
communication overheads, decreases the overall energy consumption and reducing the interferences among sensor
Chapter Two

2. Literature review

2.1. Introduction

The very first clustering technique proposed for clustering in wireless sensor network is LEACH (Low Energy
Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) protocol [1]. It is a single level cluster based routing protocol. In this protocol
clustering task is performed in every round of data transmission. And cluster head is select that transfer the final data
fusion of its own cluster to the base station directly. The whole network is divided into number of clusters. The protocol
works with two phases. One is set up phase. In this phase cluster and associated cluster heads are elected. Each node
chooses a number between 0 to 1 and one probability function is used to decide the cluster heads nodes.

Probability function is as follows:

Where, p is the cluster head probability, r is the number of current round and G is the set of nodes that have not
been cluster-heads in last 1/p rounds.

After becoming cluster heads, they make TDMA schedule for cluster members and transmit it to all the nodes in its
cluster. Clusters are created based on signal strength of advertisement received by all none cluster head nodes. Second
phase is a steady state phase in which cluster head nodes stay turn on during whole round and assumes that it had data
to receive from normal sensor nodes of its own cluster. Normal sensor nodes collect the data and send it to the cluster
head during its own time frame and after that it goes down [11]. The problem with LEACH protocol is that it assumes
homogeneous nature of wireless sensor network. It also uses probability function in deciding CH so that there may be
chance of not having CH nodes in some particular round [12].

From the analysis of wireless sensor networks it is concluded that there are mainly two types of sensor nodes. One is
said to be powerful nodes and other is said to be normal nodes [10]. The powerful nodes are also known to be as cluster
head nodes which have more energy level compare to other nodes. The normal nodes have lesser energy level compare
to powerful nodes.
There are also some other cluster based routing protocols like EEMC [2], BCDCP [3], LEACH-C [4], HEED [5], etc.
that all assumes homogeneous wireless sensor networks. Also PEGASIS [15], Wireless sensor nodes sense data and
send it directly to the base station or they perform a clustering procedure as in LEACH. LEACH is known for cluster
formation which contains cluster members sensing the data and the cluster head which gathers the data collected in a
fused manner (all the data is sent as a single packet) to the base station. This procedure has gained in conserving a lot of
energy that would otherwise be wasted. PEGASIS is an extension to LEACH; it has better ways of conserving energy
which last even more than using cluster mechanism in LEACH [14]. TEEN [14], etc. are some clustering algorithms.
We proposed one different algorithm with different clustering technique and with leader node concept. It increases the
lifetime of sensor network than that of by LEACH.

Wireless sensor nodes sense data and send it directly to the base station or they perform a clustering procedure as in
LEACH. LEACH is known for cluster formation which contains cluster members sensing the data and the cluster head
which gathers the data collected in a fused manner (all the data is sent as a single packet) to the base station. This
procedure has gained in conserving a lot of energy that would otherwise be wasted. PEGASIS is an extension to
LEACH; it has better ways of conserving energy which last even more than using cluster mechanism in LEACH [14].
But still all these algorithms did on homogenous WSN.

Now our new scheme will outperform them all, even by considering variety of energy level for sensor nodes.
Chapter Three

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Methodology

In order to achieve the objectives of this study, different methodologies will be employed. The following subsections
discuss the methodologies that will be followed in this study.

3.1.1 Problem identification phase

The first phase of research process requires reviewing extensive literature and identifying practical relevance of
problem that needs to be solved.

3. 1.2 Design phase

In this phase the detailed description of proposed work and its algorithm is presented. Design phase consider the
problem being identified and provide blueprint for each part of the algorithm that will be implemented in coding part.

3.1.3 Performance evaluation phase

The performance evaluation is the final phase in which the developed algorithm is evaluated against existing algorithm.
Performance is evaluated using simulation tools.

3.2 Proposed System Design

In this study an attempt is made to enhance cluster based algorithm for heterogeneous wireless sensor network. We add
the strategy of selecting leader nodes that perform final delivery of aggregated data of all sensor networks to base
station. In this investigation an attempt is made to enhance cluster based algorithm for improving the Network Life
Time wireless sensor network. These involve cluster heads selection, cluster formation and transmission of data to the
base station. Here each node in the cluster send their sensed data to the cluster head in one hop transmission and the
cluster head send data to the base station by multi-hop transmission.
The algorithm takes into following assumptions:
1. The base station is far away from the sensor nodes.
2. The cluster head selection, cluster formation and transmission of data to the base station via cluster heads.
3 .The selection of cluster head depends on the residual energy and certain threshold value, calculated by cluster head
instead of calculating it by base station to reduce overhead and energy consumption at base station.
4. The cluster member nodes transmit their sensed data to their cluster head in one-hop transmission and cluster head to
base station in multi-hop transmission.
5. The sensor nodes in the network infrastructure are forbid from being involved in the cluster head selection process to
increase the stability in the network.
The major steps of the protocol are follows:
1. The algorithm is basically divided into the number of rounds.
2. For the first round the nodes with the highest energy node are selected as cluster head randomly for that particular
cluster and data transmission is performed.
3. At the start of the second round the cluster head aggregates the residual energy of the particular members and
calculates the threshold at that cluster head.
4. All the cluster heads do the same with their cluster members and effective clustering is performed to reach the base
station by selecting optimal cluster head.
5. Every node has calculated the threshold value. If the threshold value of a node is >= threshold value, the node will be
candidate for the cluster head of that cluster for the next round.
6. If the cluster head threshold value is below the threshold value of network the cluster head is removed and again the
cluster head selection process is performed in that cluster.
7. If the cluster head is below the threshold value in that time the cluster members are send their sensed data to the
nearest cluster head. This process is continuous until the new cluster head is selected in that cluster.
8. The optimal cluster head at each round will transmit the information to the base station and do not involve base
station to select cluster head at each round and to reduce energy consumption at each round.
Performance Metrics:
The EEEMR Protocol by using clustering algorithm should address the following performance metrics such as:-
Increase the Packet Delivery Ratio and also Throughput
Minimization of Delay and also overhead,
Decrease the energy consumption of the wireless sensor network.

It is the rate of successfully delivered data packets per second in the network between sources to destination.
End to End Delay:
It is the time taken by the data packets for the transmission between sources to destination across a wireless sensor
network. This duration is caused by buffering, queuing and also the transmission delay at MAC (Medium Access
Packet Delivery Ratio:
It is the ratio between the received packets by the destination to the generated packets by the sources.
It is calculated by the ratio of the total number of control packets sent by the sources to the number of data packets
delivered to destination successfully.
It is calculated by the Final Energy = initial energy – consumed energy.
To prove our thought we perform simulation by varying number of nodes and sensor nodes with different energy level.

The proposed system comprises three phases.

1) Cluster creation phase

2) Leader selection phase
3) Data transmission phase

In cluster creation phase, clusters are made by using k-mean clustering technique. After applying k-mean to whole
network sensor node having highest energy than all other nodes in cluster is selected as cluster head node.

In leader selection phase, Euclidean Distance formula is used in deciding the leader node out of the existing cluster
head nodes. The role of leader node is to perform final delivery of aggregated data of all sensor networks to base
station. The leader node has the closest distance to the base station. Once leader node gets down it means all other
nodes including cluster head nodes already dead and whole sensor network become dead.

In data transmission phase, the route of data flow is describes.

The steps of proposed system are as follows:

Cluster creation phase:

a) Initially BS requests node position and energy level from each node.
b) BS will arbitrarily choose k nodes as initial cluster centers having maximum energy and closer to the node.
c) Repeat.
d) Reassign each node to the cluster with the nearest cluster center.
e) Calculate the mean value of the Cluster.
f) Until no change.
g) After making clusters BS will assigns cluster head role having maximum energy level in each clusters

Leader selection phase:

a) Find the distance of all cluster head nodes from BS using Euclidean distance formula.
b) Now, find the mean value (centroid) for all distance values of all cluster head nodes, which is obtain in
step a).
c) Select the cluster head node as leader node which is closer to the centroid obtained in step b).
1) Data transmission phase:
a) In this phase data is pass from normal node to its cluster head node in each clusters.
b) Than each cluster head node passes the data to leader nodes which will finally forwards the data of whole
sensor network to BS.

3.3. Simulation setup and Performance Evaluation

In this part the implementation result of proposed system, energy model used for implementation and parameters taken
as input during simulation is introduced.

Energy Consumption Model

Here first order radio energy model for simulating proposed system have been taken. The equation for transmitting and
receiving l bit data messages from a given distance d is as follows:
The following described parameters are used:

E elec: Energy dissipations per bit by the transmitter or receiver electronics

E amp: Energy dissipations per bit by the transmitter amplifier

E TX: Energy consumption for transmitting data

E RX: Energy dissipation by receiving data

E fs: Free space fading energy

EDA: Data aggregation energy

a : Pass loss exponent

Figure 2: Energy consumption model [6]

Simulation Parameters

The following Table I show the different parameters with values that we have used in implementation of proposed

TABLE 1: Simulation parameters

Simulation Results
Figure 3: Heterogeneous wireless sensor network

The above Figure 3 shows the heterogeneous wireless sensor network after deployment of sensor nodes.

Figure 4: Dead sensor nodes in heterogeneous WSN

Figure 4 above shows heterogeneous wireless sensor network having all sensor nodes become dead.

We have simulated the proposed system by taking different message size. And from that we determined the lifetime of
network. The following TABLE II shows the results obtained for proposed system and compare it with LEACH
protocol. Figure 5 shows comparison chart between proposed system and LEACH protocol.

TABLE II: Network lifetime

Figure 5: Network lifetime with varying message size

4. Budget and Time Schedule

4.1 Budget for the Study

I expect the entire budget source will be covered by Adama Science and Technology University.
No Description Unit Unit price Total
1 Printing 100 3 300
2 Binding _____ ____ 212
3 Data collector Per diem for 26 day 5356
4 Data organizer Per diem for 26 day 5356
5 Lab technician Per diem for 30 day 6180

Table 4.1 Cost break down

4.2 Work plang
The entire research activity will be conducted from May. 2019 to July 2020 including the presentation.
Action plan for 2020 project activity

No. Activities Assigned To Start End Dur %

Improving Wireless sensor network 26/5/20 25/6/20 23

1 Literature review Fiseha 26/5/20 20/6/20 19

2 selection of thematic area Fiseha 26/5/20 1/6/20 5

3 Topic Selection &Abstraction submit Fiseha 1/6/20 5/6/20 5

4 Finalizing proposal Fiseha 6/6/20 14/6/20 5

5 Data collection Fiseha 15/6/20 16/6/20 2

6 Data Analysis Fiseha 16/6/20 16/6/20 1

7 Finalizing report Document Fiseha 16/6/20 19/6/20 4

8 Report submission Fiseha 19/6/20 19/6/20 1

9 Defense Fiseha 25/6/20 25/6/20 1

In this paper, the EEEMR Protocol is implemented by using Clustering algorithm. By using this method we improve
the quality of service parameters like Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio, Delay, Overhead and Energy of wireless
sensor networks, when compared to the existing system. The network life time of wireless sensor network is increases
based up on Quality of Service parameters.

Here in this research paper, we have proposed system that uses k-mean clustering algorithm and also uses Euclidean
distance formula for prolonging lifetime of heterogeneous wireless sensor network. Because we do not use any
probability function proposed system gives better results compare to LEACH protocol. We also implement proposed
system under various message sizes. The result of simulation shows that proposed system prolongs the lifetime of
network more than LEACH protocol.


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