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Neneng Ifat Fatimatuzzahro

Department of Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Educational, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia

Muhbib Abdul Wahab

Department of Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Educational, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia

Textbooks have a very important role in the world of learning, textbooks can determine learning
activities to be quality and meaningful, so textbooks are an important component in determining
the effectiveness and efficiency of learning. Quality textbooks will affect the achievement of the
curriculum targets that have been formulated by the government on the abilities of students to be
achieved. This study aims to determine the quality of an Arabic language and literature textbook
published by Yrama Widya which is being used in high school and its relationship with student
motivation in Arabic lessons. In completing this research, researchers used a combination
method with the exploratory sequential technique, the first step was to analyze and evaluate
textbooks using textbook assessments from the National Education Standards Agency (BNSP)
and assessment of good textbook content according to Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah. After the
results of the two were obtained, the researchers linked it with students' motivation in Arabic
lessons. As a result, the Arabic language and literature book received a good predicate from the
National Education Standards Agency with a score of 77, and received a good predicate from
Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah's Theory with a score of 83. Meanwhile, the results of the relationship
between textbooks and student motivation were 0.942, it means more than 0.000, shows that
there is no significant relationship between textbooks and student motivation.

Keywords: Textbooks, Motivation, Arabic, BNSP


Textbooks have a very important role in the world of learning, textbooks can determine
learning activities to be quality and meaningful, so textbooks are an important component in
determining the effectiveness and efficiency of learning (Mislia: 2018). Textbooks facilitate
students in learning, both in terms of substance and method. Through textbooks, students can
think and be constructive. Therefore, textbooks are a window to the world, a source of various
knowledge and a source of learning that brings together teachers and students towards the
achievement of learning objectives. In addition, textbooks also assist teachers in determining the
material to be delivered to students, therefore textbooks must be equipped with various aspects
of presenting material that will be used as sources of information for teachers and students
(Zahra: 2020).

Quality textbooks will affect the achievement of the curriculum targets that have been
formulated by the government on the abilities of students to be achieved. The content of the
textbook is a more detailed description of the educational curriculum. The components in the
curriculum such as Basic Competencies (KD), indicators of competency achievement (GPA) and
subject matter must be clearly visible in learning textbooks (Moch Fahmi: 2014). The Word
Bank study proves that there is a positive correlation between students' textbook ownership and
the students' achievements (Muslich: 2010), in the sense that students who have textbooks are
categorized as good in learning achievement while students who have limitations in learning
achievement. the availability of books categorized as sufficient or lacking in learning
achievement (Sitepu: 2014) although not fully students experience this, but this happens because
of several factors including the ability of teachers to deliver material is still very limited in terms
of methods and strategies or presentation of material in textbooks that do not meet the needs of

Today, there are many types of textbooks circulating in schools that seem perfunctory
and there are still many errors in presentation, especially in the field of teaching Arabic to non-
Arabs. So it is necessary to conduct an evaluation and feasibility test, so the textbooks that have
been circulated can be revised and used with better quality. Do not let the books in circulation
are dominated by foreign cultures that are not based on the objectivity of their composition (Al-
Ghali: 2012).

Researchers observed Arabic language and literature textbooks for XII grade high school
students using a scientific approach, but the books that have been used by high school are not yet
fully scientific in the presentation of learning materials. This can be seen in the textbook writers
in pouring their teaching materials. For example, in the first chapter by the theme “arjuu hiwayati
an takuuna amalii” there is material on qawa'id tsulasy maziid biharfaini, it means students
immediately observe the fiil tsulasi maziid that has 2 additional letters, although it would be
better if the qawaid in the first chapter started with the title tulasy maziid biharfin wahid, it will
be easier for students to observe and process information as well as in communicating it orally
on kalam skills and in writing on writing skills.

In addition, the researchers also found a lack of sub-chapter material so the Basic
Competence of Arabic specialization was incomplete. This is supported by six sub-chapters in
the Arabic Language and Literature book, while the Basic Competencies set by the Ministry of
Education and Culture must contain seven chapters. Although at the end of several chapters
there is material that supports the seventh Basic Competence, not all material is included in each

With these problems, the researchers paid full attention to the urgency of writing good
textbooks, especially from the aspect of content or material, presentation, language and graphics
which certainly affect the learning process in schools. Therefore, the researcher considers it
important to evaluate Arabic Language and Literature textbooks for class XII SMA. This is
supported by Jitendra's opinion that critical evaluation needs to be done to determine the quality
of a book. In addition, this evaluation was strengthened by the Decree of the Minister of
National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2005 concerning the
Implementation of PP. 22 and No. 23 of 2005 concerning Content Standards and Process
Standards provides space for improving the quality of teaching in schools.


The method used by researcher in this study is a mixed method. Mixed research is a
procedure for collecting, analyzing and “mixing” quantitative and qualitative methods in a study
or series of studies to understand the research problem (Cresswell: 2015). This approach is
carried out together with the aim of providing a better understanding of the research problems
and questions than if done separately or separately. As Sugiono said, Mixed Research Method is
a research method that combines quantitative and qualitative methods to be used together in
research, so that the data obtained is more comprehensive, valid, reliable, and objective
(Sugiyono: 2014).
Based on this approach, the researcher analyzes and evaluates textbooks using an
assessment from the National Education Standards Agency (BNSP) and the theory of Rusydi
Ahmad Thuaimah, then relates it to student learning motivation using validity tests, reliability
tests and correlation tests, the conclusions are drawn.


3.1 Analysis of Textbook Evaluation according to the assessment of the National
Education Standards Agency (BNSP)
BSNP has developed a textbook assessment instrument to be categorized as a standard
book. According to BSNP, quality textbooks must meet four elements of eligibility, namely
the feasibility of the material/content, the feasibility of presentation, the feasibility of
language and the feasibility of graphics (Ramah: 2018).
On the feasibility of the material/content there are seven sub-components that are
assessed, namely;

No Sub-Component Value
1 The suitability of the material 7,3
description with Core Competencies
(KI) and Basic Competencies (KD)
2 Material Accuracy 7,6
3 Material Update 7,2
4 Cultural Conformity 7,5
5 Exercises and Evaluation 8
6 Enrichment 7,6
Average amount 7,5
In the feasibility of presentation, there are four sub-components, namely;

No Sub-Component Value
1 Presentation Technique 7,8
2 Presentation Support 7,7
3 Strategies for Presentation of Learning 7,5
4 Coherence of Mindset 7,5
Average amount 7,6
In Language Eligibility, there are four sub-components, namely;

No Sub-Component Value
1 Accuracy 8
2 Communicative 8
3 Language Rule Suitability 8
4 Student Development Suitability 8
Average amount 8

In the Feasibility of Graphics, there are 3 sub-components, namely;

No Sub-Component Value
1 Book Size 8
2 Book Cover Design 7,6
3 Book Content Design 8
Average amount 7,8

After combining the four components, the average score of this book is 77, it means this
book is good to use, although there are still many things that need to be improved, such as
sentence writing, material coherence, relevant vocabulary, more colorful illustrations and higher
quality materials.

3.2 Analysis of the Content Evaluation of Textbooks according to Rusydi Ahmad


In the book of "Dalil 'Amal fi I'dadi Al-mawad At-Ta'limiyyah libaramiji ta'lim

Al'arabiyah" by Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah, he made the evaluation tool into four parts, namely
the section on general data, book preparation, book contents and language skills. In this
discussion, the researcher uses an evaluation tool from the contents of the book which is divided
into 7 components, namely;

No Sub-Component Value
1 Book Contents 100
2 Vocabulary 80
3 Nahwu Material 63
4 Cultural Load 85
5 Language Skills 87
6 Exercises and Evaluation 80
7 Support Material 90
Average amount 83

After obtaining a score of 83 from the division of the sub-components above, it can be
concluded that this textbook is good for use in learning Arabic although there needs to be some
improvements, such as nahwu material which must be sequentially from easy to difficult levels,
more diverse exercises and evaluations and improvements writing in sentences contained in the
material of book.

3.3 The relationship between textbooks and student motivation in Arabic lessons

After knowing the results of the analysis and assessment of textbooks using an
assessment from BNSP and an evaluation tool from Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah, the researchers
linked it with students' learning motivation in learning Arabic.

In its presentation, the researcher gave 20 questionnaires which were distributed to

respondents, but after being tested for validity and reliability using SPSS Windows 20, there
were 16 valid and reliable questions and were used as measuring tools to test the relationship
between textbooks and student motivation, then the following results emerged. ;

Buku_Ajar Motivasi_Belajar
Buku_Ajar Pearson Correlation 1 .010
Sig. (2-tailed) .942
N 59 59
Motivasi_Belajar Pearson Correlation .010 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .942
N 59 59

In the interval the value of the correlation coefficient and the strength of the relationship
is explained if the value is more than 0.00 indicating that there is no relationship between these
variables. In this study obtained a value of 0.942, which means it is greater than 0.00. So it can
be concluded that there is no strong relationship between textbooks and a decrease in students'
motivation to learn Arabic. Many other factors are the cause of the decline in student learning
motivation such as the environment, teacher teaching methods and so on.
The researchers looked at evaluating the analysis of the textbook Arabic language lesson
for the twelfth grade according to the National Authority for Educational Standardization and
content analysis the good textbook of Professor Rushdi Ahmed Tuaima, and after calculating
the achievement of the questionnaire to show the relationship of this textbook to the students’
motives, she reached this conclusion:
The summary of the study of Arabic language book, which was analyzed and evaluated
according to the National Authority for Educational Standardization, shows that it obtains a
score of 77 and its mean is good. It was evaluated from every aspect, although there are
many ratings, such as the applied competence not being completed in the book, typing errors
and the illustrations being so unattractive that it needs improvement.
We looked at analysis and evaluation according to Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah, the result of
this textbook is 83 which means good. This result was obtained due to many items being
evaluated well, although there are many errors in writing, some vocabulary not related to the
material and showing grammar that is not made in sequence and needs improvement.
From the table written in Chapter Four on students’ motives, we know that the
relationship between the textbook and students’ motivation to learn Arabic at Al-Hanif
Islamic Secondary School is 0.00, with a significance score of 0,942. This result indicates
that there is no strong relationship with the book. School and students' motivation in learning
Arabic. This answer is reinforced by the results of the textbook analysis and evaluation
showing a good evaluation. The other reason can be attributed to the students’ motives for
learning Arabic in the twelfth grade, such as the teaching method, the teacher’s method of
teaching or the linguistic environment and so on.


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