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Materi & Lat. 8

I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. I am taller …

a. as c. than

b. more than d.less than

2. A plane is …… than a bus.

a.faster c.more fast

b.more faster d.fastest

3.This one is more….. than that one. c.cheaper

b.expensive d.expensively

4.This lake is much ….. than the one near my house.

a.deep c.deeper

b.deeply d.deepness

5.This black wallet is much ….attractive than the brown one.

a.too c.more

6.The mummy is the ….. object in the museum.

a.interesting c.boring

b.more interesting d.most interesting

7.Her granddaughter is as tall ….. a high school student. c.than

b.for d.of

8.Michelle swims ….. than Mia, but Mia can swim farther. c.faster

b.fastest d.too fast

9.George is a lot ….. than Dave.

a. taller c.the taller

b. tall d.more taller

10. Sally is ….. more quickly than steve.

a. much c.runs

b.the d.running

II. Write at least three paragraphs about your future job.

Every children has a dream, that are has a dream as a teacher, doctor, police or another
dream that has a one purpose useful for another person and also citizen. It just like me, since i was
child i have a dream to be bussinesswomen. The picture of my dream since i was grade in 5th
elementary school.I think that to be bussinesswomen is so interesting and never making us boring.
In the other side to be businesswomen can add new experience because to be bussinesswomen has
a double job, to be employee, as a manager of financial, and other job.

I told my parent about my dream, they give huge support and encourage me o reach my
future dream. I want to become succesful businesswomen and make something great and valuabel
for my future life, something that would made my family feel much more happy than now. My
parents will do everything to support my deram, they give me all the necessary education for y
future success. Education is fundamental, significant thing that we need to achieve in case to have
a better future.

Except to reach my dream since i was children, the another reason to be bussinesswomen
is i want to open new job for a youth person, we know that the job in indonesia not enough for
young people. It is because the young people after graduation from university want to find a job
and not create a new job. And that reason making un job young person is increase every year.And
after i will be successful bussinesswomen, i will built the school that has free tuition to poor
student. So, to make my dream come true i should study hard and also try to make all of my dream
come true in the future.

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