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College of Criminology

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each
item by shading the space corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

1. Is the person who devised an instrument that can record changes of blood pressure, pulse beat and respiration
simultaneously which he called the “Bread board Lie Detector”.
a. Cesare Lombroso b. john A. Larson
c. Sir James Mackenzie d. Leonarde Keeler
2. A person who made a great improvement on the polygraph machine in the year 1926.
a. John A. Larson b. Richard O. Arthur
c. John E. Reid d. Leonarde Keeler
3. Is a heart specialist who described in two British journal the polygraph machine as “Ink Polygraph”.
a. Leonarde Keeler b. Dr. Hans Gross
c. Sir James Makenzie d. William Moulton Marston
4. The person who made the first suggestion for using the Psycho Galvanic reaction for detecting deception
and stated that galvanic skin phenomenon is under the influence of exciting mental impressions and the will
has no effect upon it.
a. Veraguth b. Harold Burtt
c. Sticker d. Vittorio Bennussi
5. He devised a quantitative analysis on a polygraph chart and the test called Backster Zone Comparison
a. Cleve Backster b. Richard O. Arthur
c. C.D. Lee d. Galilleo
6. The first man noted for the used of the word “Polygraph”
a. Thomas Jefferson b. F. Galton
c. G. Gallilleo d. Sir James Mackenzie
7 The Raid polygraph differs from the keeler’s in the following respect except:
a.An adjustable and portable chair is employed wherein metal bellows are inserted in the
chair arm rests.
b. The chair seat is directly attached to recording bellows in the machine to form closed pneumatic
c. Three additional recordings are made by this method
d. There is no need of using corrugated rubber tubing.
8. The galvanograph component detects what?
a. Breathing b. Skin resistance
c. Blood pressure of the subject d. None of the above
9. Which of the following is one among the major components of the polygraph?
a. sphygmomanometer b. blood pressure cuff
c. kymograph d. cardiospygmograph
10. Is that part of the pneumograph component which is attached to the body of the subject with the length
of 10 inches.
a a. beaded chain b. finger electrode
b c. rubber convulated tube d. blood pressure
11. Is that section of the polygraph machine designed to run the paper at a regular speed of 6 inches per
a. keymograph b. pnuemograph
c. pen and inking system d. galvanogaph
12. An attachment of the cardiosphygmograph which is placed above the brachial artery.
a. Arm cuff b. infant cuff
c. Wrist cuff d. hand cuff
13. This is a galvanograph attachment section EXCEPT:
a. sets of electrodes b. stretched band
c. electrodes jelly d. rubber tube
14. The size of the galvanograph recording pen is ______?
a. 5 inches b. 6 inches
c. 7 inches d. 10 inches
15. Is a short horizontal line in a cardio tracing located at the middle of the diastolic stem?
a. Dicrotic b. Diastolic
c. Diastotic d. Systolic
16. Is the normal rate of pulse beat of an adult subject in a polygraph test?
a. 60 –80 b. 70 – 75
c. 6- 12 d. 13- 15
17. What should be the mark placed on a chart paper at the start of the test?
a. X/60/1.5 A b. X/50/2.5 A
c. XX/60/1.5 A d. XXX/60/2.5 A
18. The investigator should avoid asking witnesses long complicated questions because this will:
a. Give the witness a chance to formulate desired answer.
b. Enable him to ascertain the purpose of the interviewer.
c. Render difficulty in obtaining the facts for conviction
d. Embrace him and cause him to answer he does not know
19. The best way to conduct a thorough interview is for the investigator to:
a. allow himself sufficient time for adjustment
b. permit the interviewee to give narrative statement
c. be guided by a pre-arranged checklist
d. Devote adequate time for an interviewee’s evaluation.
20. What usually set the tone or condition and creates the atmosphere during the interrogation?
a. interrogator’s behavior
b. the type of crime involved
c. questioning style of the interrogator
d. the subject’s personal history
21. Who determines the guilt of the subject in a polygraph test?
a. Examiner b. Prosecutor
c. Judge d. Investigator
22. Is the stage in the conduct of the polygraph test, which is designed to prepare or condition the subject for
the actual test?
a. Initial Interview b. Pre-test Interview
c. Instrumentation d. Post test Interview/Interrogation
23. It is conducted for the purpose of obtaining confession or an admission from the subject once deception
is observed.
a. initial interview b. Instrumentation
c. Pre-test interview d. post-test interview or interrogation
24. “Did you shoot Rose last night” is an example of what question?
a. irrelevant question b. relevant question
c. control question d. none of the above
25. Refers to any outside force coming from the environment, which could excite a receptor or any of his
a. Stimulus b. Response
c. Reaction d. Emotion
26. Is the type of question designed to establish normal response from the subject?
a. relevant b. control
c. irrelevant d. knowledge
27. Is that type of questions asked to determine information known or the subject possess regarding the
crime or the criminal or his whereabouts?
a. evidence connecting question b. knowledge question
c. sacrifice questions d. control questions
28. Is a type of test designed to overly responsive subject, consisting of questions that are purely fictitious
incident of a similar nature to the one that is under investigation?
a. general question test b. guilt complex test
c. peak of tension test d. silent answer test
29. Is a force questioning of a person who is reluctant to give an information.
a. Interview b. Interrogation
c. Confession d. Admission
30..The Questioning of a person in a formal and systematic way and is most often used to question criminal
suspects to determine their probable guilt or innocence.
a. inquiry b. interview
c. polygraph examination d. interrogation

31.The questioning of a person by law enforcement officers after that person has been taken into custody.
a. preliminary investigation b. custodial investigation
c. interrogation d. cross examination
32. An extension, or continuation of the preliminary investigation.
a. initial interview b. custodial investigation
c. secondary investigation d. follow up investigation
33. To obtain admission and confession of guilt is the preliminary purpose of.
a. interview b. surveillance
c. investigation d. interrogation
34. A search warrant shall be valid for -------- days from its date. Thereafter, it shall be void.
a. 10 b. 15
c. 30 d. 45
35. A statement of the suspect directly acknowledging his guilt.
a. admission b. confession
c. deposition d. accusation
36. It may be a direct acknowledgement of the truth of the guilty fact as charge or of some essential part of the
commission of the criminal act itself.
a. admission b. confession
c. deposition d. accusation
37. It may be a self-incriminatory statement by the subject falling short of an acknowledgement of guilt.
a. admission b. confession
c. deposition d. accusation
38. The simplest type of interview which concerns with the gathering of information regarding the personal
circumstances of a person who is the subject of investigation
a. Background interview b. personal interview
c. intimate interview d. pre-game interview
39.The 3 tools in criminal investigation, whereby their application varies in proportion on their necessity to
establish the guilt of the accused in a criminal case
a. information, interrogation, instrumentation b. detection, apprehension, conviction
c. inquiry, observation, conclusion d. magnifying glass, pencil , tape measure
40.The simple questioning of a person who is cooperating in the investigation.
a. interview b. inquiry
c. interrogation d. instrumentation
41. A person who gives necessary information to the investigator. He may give the information openly and even
offer to be a witness or he may inform the investigator surreptitiously and request to remain anonymous.
a. witness b. expert witness
c. hostile witness d. informant
42. An objective of criminal investigation.
a. determine the motive b. rumor mongering
c. rehabilitate criminal d. prevent crimes
43. What is called of that self – incriminatory statement by the subject falling short of an acknowledgement of
a. admission b. informant
c. confession d. deposition
44. A component of the polygraph instrument which records the breathing of the subject.
a. cardiosphygmograph b. pneumograhp
c.galvanograhp d. kymograph
45. A component of the polygraph instrument which records the blood pressure and the pulse rate of the subject.
a. cardiosphygmograph b. pneumograhp
c.galvanograhp d. kymograph
46. A component of the polygraph instrument which is a motor that drives pulls the chart paper under the
recording pen simultaneously at the rate of 6 to 12 inches per minute
a. cardiosphygmograph b. pneumograhp
c.galvanograhp d. kymograph
47. The following are specific rules to be followed in the formulation of the questions in polygraph test except
a. Questions must be clear and phrased in a language the subject can easily understand
b. Questions must be answerable by yes or no.
c. Questions must be as short as possible
d. Questions must all be in the form of accusations

48. In “ polygraph examination “ the term “ examination “ means a detection of

a. forgery b. emotion
c. the mind d. deception
49. It refers to an emotional response to a specific danger, which appears to go beyond a person’s defensive
a. fear b. stimuli
c. response d. reaction
50. The primary purpose of pre-test interview.
a. prepare subject for polygraph b. obtain confession
c. make the subject calm d. explain the polygraph test procedure
51. The deviation from normal tracing of the subject in the relevant question
a. positive response b.specific response
c. normal response d. reaction
52. An area surrounding the place where the crime occurred
a crime b. police line
c. area of operation d. area of responsibility
53.instrument used in the measurement of temperature.
a. endometer b. barometer
c. thermometer d. ananometer
54. The scientific detection of deception.
a. polygraphy b. dactyloscopy
c. toxicology d. chemistry
55. What kind of bail bond would you secure if your client is poor or financially not capable?
a. property bond b. corporate security bond
c. recognizance d. cash bond.
56.Which of the following statement is NOT true of a lie detector?
a. it can help locate stolen goods b. it enables the comparison of conflicting statements
c. it obtains leads to the facts of the case d. it determines the guilt or innocent of subject
57. Which among the following is NOT among the 3 major sections of the polygraph instrument
a. cardiosphygmograph b. pneumograph
c. pump bulb assembly d. galvanograph
58. What is the usual behavior symptom of an innocent subject in lie detection?
a. often times the requesting party b. nervous
c. receptive to the test d. all of these
59. What is the questioning initiated by law enforcement officers after a person has been taken into custody?
a. detention b. custodial investigation
c. criminal interrogation d. interview
60. Criminals maybe identified by;
a. Confession b. eyewitness
c. all of these d. circumstantial evidence
61. These are articles which assist the investigator in locating/ identifying the criminal
a. associate evidence b. tracing evidence
c. circumstantial d. relevant
62. The following are the methods of identifying criminals EXCEPT;
a. tracing evidence b. leading question
c. circumstantial d. both A & B.
63. Who among the following is a target/subject of police interrogation
a. all of these b. complaint
c. ready witness d. hostile witness
64. What is called of that self – incriminatory statement by the subject falling short of an acknowledgement of
a. admission b. deposition
c. confession d. affidavit
65. What is that art which deals with the identity and location of the offender and provides evidence of his guilt
through the criminal proceeding?
a. police interview b. criminal interrogation
c. instrumentation d. criminal investigation
66. In order to have a successful interrogation, one of the most important factors to consider is ;
a. subject’s emotion b. cooperation
c. knowledge of all facts d. privacy
67.After finding sufficient and strong evidence against the suspect, what will be the police prober do if the
suspect denies allegation against him?
a. get additional evidence b. use 3rd degree
c. inquest d. released the suspect
68.One – way of extending the power of police observation is to get information from persons within the
vicinity. In police work, this is called .
a. data gathering the power b. field inquiry
c. interrogation d. interview
69. which of the following is the most common reason why an informer gives information to the police
a. wants to be known to the police b. monetary reward
c. as a good citizen d. revenge
70. The vertical lines, which are spaced either at one inch interval, represents five or ten seconds interval on the
chart. This provides the polygraphist with a means of determining pulse rate and question spacing.
a. pneumograph b. galvanograph
c. cardiosphygmograph d. kymograph
71. A method of collecting information wherein the investigator merely uses his different senses
a. observation b. casing
c. research d. interrogation
72. The scientific detection of deception through the use or aid polygraph
a. polygraphy b. polygraph
c. interrogation d. interview
73. Is a device or an instrument capable of recording changes in blood pressure/pulse beat, respiration and
galvanic-skin reflex as indicative of emotional excitement, especially of lying when questioned.
a. polygraphy b. polygraph
c. interrogation d. interview
74. is an act of deceiving misleading which is accomplished by lying
a. deception b. polygraph
c. interrogation d. interview
75. Creating a false or misleading impression with the intention of wrongfully affecting the acts, opinion or
affection of another.
a. Lying b. polygraph
c. interrogation d. interview
76. Act of discovering the existence or presence of something hidden or obscured.
a. detection b. polygraph
c. interrogation d. interview
77. Is a complex state of feeling involving conscious experience, internal and external physical responses, and
power to motivate the organism to action.
a. emotion b. polygraph
c. interrogation d. interview
78. Is the force or motion reaching the organism from the environment and excite the preceptors.
a. stimulus b. polygraph
c. interrogation d. interview
79. Is any activity aroused in an organism by a stimulus, which is mental processes.
a. reaction b. polygraph
c. interrogation d. interview
80. Is any reaction, usually of muscular or grandular processes that depend upon stimulation.
a. reaction b. response
c. interrogation d. interview
81. Is one that is exhibited by the subject to a particular question, which is deviation from the norm.
a. reaction b. specifics response
c. interrogation d. interview
82. Refers to any person undergoing polygraph examination. He may be a suspect, the complainant, the witness,
the victims or relative of the victims or suspect.
a. subject b. specifics response
c. interrogation d. interview
83. Is the one conducting polygraph test of examination?
a. polygraph examiner b. subject
c. interrogation d. interview
84. Is the whole process of the questioning or the taking of one chart from a series of questions or all of the
charts and questions sheets used in the test.
a. Polygraph test b. subject
c. interrogation d. interview
85. Is the whole process of the questioning or the taking of one chart from a series of question or all of the
charts and questions sheets used in the test.
a. Polygraph examination b. subject
c. interrogation d. interview
86. Refers to the recorded tracing of all the emotional patterns permanently on the charts or graphs from series
of question.
a. polygraph chart b. subject
c. interrogation d. interview
87 & 88. Cardinal rule of the polygraph examiner “ always ---------------- over ----------------.
a. objectivity b. subject
c. subjectivity d. interview
89 & 90. Objective of polygraph examination is to obtain the subject’s -------- or ------- of the offense
a. admission b. confession
c. interrogation d. interview
91. A rubberized corrugated tube about 7 inches in length fastened around the subject’s chest and abdomen.
a. pneumograph b. galvanograph
c. cardiosphygmograph d. kymograph
92. The instrument which records the thoracic and abdominal breathings patterns of respiration. Records the
inhalation/exhalation of the subject is called?
a. pneumograph b. galvanograph
c. cardiosphygmograph d. kymograph
93. The blood pressure cuff containing a rubber bladder that is wrapped around one of the subject arms in such
a way as to ensures that the rubber portion of the cuff is place over the brachial artery of the right arm for more
satisfactory recording.
a. pneumograph b. galvanograph
c. cardiosphygmograph d. kymograph
94. A set of electrodes attached to the index finger and the ring finger of the left hand or the palmer or dorsal
surfaces of subject’s hands.
a. pneumograph b. galvanograph
c. cardiosphygmograph d. kymograph
95. Is the longest and the third pen of the instrument?
a. pneumograph b. galvanograph
c. cardiosphygmograph d. kymograph
96.The electrodes used for obtaining the recording of the GSR or electro dermal responses, recording also of the
variation in the flow of the electrical current.
a. pneumograph b. galvanograph
c. cardiosphygmograph d. kymograph
97. This is the chart – recording unit of the instrument. It has a synchronized motor that drives the charts at the
rate of six inches per minute.
a. pneumograph b. galvanograph
c. cardiosphygmograph d. kymograph
98. What kind of bail bond would you secure if your client is poor or financially not capable?
a. property bond b. corporate security bond
c. recognizance d. cash bond.
99.Which of the following statement is NOT true of a lie detector?
a. it can help locate stolen goods b. it enables the comparison of conflicting statements
c. it obtains leads to the facts of the case d. it determines the guilt or innocent of subject
100. Which among the following is NOT among the 3 major sections of the polygraph
a. cardiosphygmograph b. pneumograph
c. pump bulb assembly d. galvanograph

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