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Hamza Ayub


BBA 7th Morning (c)

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Dr. Qamar Ali




Behavitours and Personality traits of entrepreneur
This article title is behaviour and personality traits of entrepreneur by Sarah Green Carmichael.

It's so exxagrated that the TV series Silicon valley in this scene when a founder preps for a
stage presentation but don't let the cult of the founder intimidate you .The guests on the show today
say that you are learn a lot from the people who've built great companies.

But they say the path to greatness is much more,domocratic then the cult of the founder would make
you think.we start with a set of ways of making decisions,of leading people,of managing people,of
seeing ourselves as an entrepreneur, whether weire building an independent startup or we are trying to
create a new business out of an established corporation.Thats one for sure but it's not by any means the
only one not is it necessary the best one so the more can you understand yourself that one resource
that is within your control,the better off you're going to be able to make decisional that reflects your

But equally importantly,be able to anticipate the weaknesses where you need to basically find other
people or develop other skills set's yourself so that you are in a better position to improve your odds of
success and win in the market place.This has benefit for the people who you work with and for them to
better understand you .it is all about how individual,builders and founder s of businesses
collect,assemble ,lead inspire, convert the resources that they need in order to be able to fulfill their
potential as a builder of the business of enduring value.

And one of the things that drivers are being able to build solutions that were effective in
marketplace,they were also willing to follow their invention but the proverbial window, you can begin to
pose internet in the problem you've already solved because you're looking for the next on before your
company,perhaps,has had an opportunity to really commercialized and fully scale the benefit of the first
solution you came with number one

But the very passion that crusaders have around vision and mission can sometimes lead them to error
on the side of hiring ,attracting and keeping people who are similarly motivated and inspired by the
mission at the expenses of looking carefully and perhaps a bit more objectively at the actual competency
of the people that are surrounding them.

The number of women's in this category is high .That's not to say that all women are crusaders and
that's not to say that they are not represented in the other types.

It doesn't mean that captains don't have a clear sense of where they thing the organization need to go
or where they need to steer it

But they would much rather have other peoples finger prints on the strategies and decisions that guide
that particular business growth than have to impose it by will in the way
Chris mentioned, is your complement who doesn't bring to the challenge the exact same mix of
strengths and weaknesses,is probably going to give you a better shot at making better decisions with a
more fulsome set of perspectives and ideas around which to make choices, whether its marketing
choices or personal.investors whose own style can complement yours,who can give you the kind of
support financially that maps against your own preferences as an investor so that they are capable of
reinforcing the things and so our hope is that our books predicts that is effect tells you what the
problem is three hills beyond the one you're climbing so you can begin to prepare for and buffer what
will inevitably be a challenge for you based on you're wired.

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