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KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ Học kỳ I. Năm học 2020 - 2021
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ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Môn thi: Văn minh Anh (Đề A)
(Đề có 04 trang) Thời gian: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
(SV làm bài trên phiếu trả lời) (SV KHÔNG được sử dụng tài liệu/ các thiết bị điê ̣n tử)

PART 1. Choose A, B, or C to best complete the following sentences about the British civilization. Write
your answers in the answer box.

1. England, Scotland, Wales and __________ form the UK.

A. Republic of Ireland B. Northern Ireland C. Britain
2. Caledonia was the Roman name of __________.
A. Wales B. Ireland C. Scotland
3. The English Civil War (also called Great Rebellion) began in __________.
A. 1605 B. 1642 C. 1645
4. The dominant culture of people in Ireland, Wales and Highland Scotland was __________.
A. Irish B. Celtic C. Germanic
5. The full name of the UK in Vietnamese can be __________.
A. Cộng Hòa Vương Quốc Anh
B. Vương Quốc Liên Hiệp Anh
C. Vương Quốc Liên Hiệp Anh và Bắc Ai-len
6. Great Britain is located in the __________ coast of Europe.
A. North-west B. South-west C. South-east
7. Which of the following is chronologically correct?
A. The Celts, the Anglo-Saxons, the Romans, the Vikings, the Normans.
B. The Celts, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans.
C. The Celts, the Romans, the Germanic people, the Normans, the Vikings.
8. The system of politics that is used in all four nations today is of __________ origin.
A. English B. Irish C. Roman
9. The most popular sport in Britain is __________
A. cricket B. football C. tennis
10. The national flag of the UK is often known as the ‘__________’.
A. National Union B. Union of crosses C. Union Jack
11. The _________ is a skirt with tartan pattern worn by Scottish men on special occasions.
A. skill B. dress C. kilt
12. The most common __________ in England is ‘Smith’.
A. given name B. surname C. first name
13. Saint George’s Day in England is on __________
A. April 14 B. March 1 C. March 17

14. Henry VIII started the process of creating the Church of England after his _____ with the Pope in the 1530s.
A. solidarity B. split C. agreement
15. The British government decided to ask for membership of the newly-formed European Communities and
Britain joined it in _________
A.1970 B. 1973 C. 1976
16. Scotland’s educational system is __________ that in England and Wales.
A. similar to B. different C. exactly the same as
17. The reason why the British people seem to be interested in the weather is its __________.
A. stability B. reliability C. changeability
18. The Queen of the UK calls her people ‘__________’.
A. citizens B. servants C. cabinet
19. In the UK, popular newspapers tend to focus on __________.
A. sexual health B. serious news C. advertisement & entertainment
20. Traditionally, the Prime Minister lives and works at __________.
A. 10 Downing Street B. 10 Downtown Street C. Downing Hall
21. The first female Prime Minister of the UK was __________.
A. Elizabeth II B. Theresa May C. Margaret Thatcher
22. What can be said about British food?
A. It has little taste B. It is rich in nutrition C. It is fresh but cold
23. __________ is Head of Church of England.
A. The monarch B. The Prime Minister C. The Archbishop of Canterbury
24. One remarkable aspect of British pubs is that__________
A. Both adults and teenagers can go to the pub.
B. There is no waiter service.
C. Women are not allowed in.
25. The roles of the British Parliament are __________.
A. checking the cabinet B. debating with the MPs. C. making/changing the laws
26. In the UK, the money TV viewers have to pay is called __________.
A. License fee B. Fee for TV ownership. C. Fee for TV services
27. __________ education is seen as compulsory in the UK.
A. Full-time B. Nursery C. Secondary
28. One of the important matters in the British education is the __________.
A. exams B. curriculum C. shortage of teachers
29. __________ is seen as a typical personal quality of British people.
A. Conservatism B. A sense of humor C. Politeness
30. In practice Queen Elizabeth is __________.
A. the head to decide B. not powerful at all C. the Commander-in-chief
31. The __________ is the Houses of Parliament.
A. Palace of Westminster B. Courts of Westminster C. Chambers of Westminster

32. In Britain Easter Holiday which lasts about 2 weeks takes place after __________.
A. Autumn term B. Spring term C. Summer term
33. __________ schools are funded by the government.
A. Public B. State C. Boarding
34. The compulsory age for full-time education in the UK is from __________ to __________.
A. 5/16 B. 6/16 C. 6/18
35. Typical British habits are not as __________as before.
A. typical B. popular C. recognized
36. Oxford Street in London is famous for being Europe’s busiest ____________ street.
A. Red-light (prostitution) B. Banking C. Shopping
37. ‘Boroughs’ is an old English term that is referred to __________
A. countryside B. towns C. communities
38. The modern English is derived from a dialect brought to Britain by the _________
A. Vikings B. Anglo-Saxons C. Romans
39. The __________ known as Scots different from other forms of English.
A. consciousness B. nationalism C. dialect
40. The national anthem of the UK is “ ________”.
A. God bless the Queen B. God save the nation C. God save the Queen
41. The proportion of people __________ is higher than those living with family members.
A. living with siblings B. living alone C. living with relatives
42. The __________ image of ‘city gent’ wearing bowler hat has not been common.
A. original B. legal C stereotyped
43. The __________ of England are warmer-hearted than the Southerners.
A. Easterners B. Westerners C. Northerners
44. In Britain __________ are intended for middle class.
A. Boarding schools B. Grammar schools C. comprehensive schools
45. In Britain, family gatherings are rare and confined to the __________ period.
A. Christmas B. Easter C. New Year’s Eve
46. Recently _______ have complained that British schoolchildren do not have the necessary knowledge
and skills.
A. The authorities B. Certain recruiters C. The schools in Britain
47. ________ is a composite word of Oxford and Cambridge, two top universities in the Britain.
A. Oxfam B. Oxbridge C. Oxcam
48. In Britain, Grammar schools provide the British schoolchildren with knowledge of __________
A. Academic bias B. technical bias C. practical bias
49. In the Houses of Parliament, __________ act as intermediaries between the backbenchers and
frontbenchers of a party.
A. the Cabinet B. the Whips C. the members of Parliament
50. Normally, there are five stages for a(n) __________ to become a law in the U.K.

A. bill B. draft C. act
51. The Queen is regarded as __________ of the country in appearance.
A. an icon B. an image C. an embodiment
52. The role of __________ includes keeping an eye on the Government and representing the people.
A. The House of Commons B. The House of Lords C. Both A and B
53. Talking about BBC Radio, which are devoted to music?
A. Radio 1, 2, 3 B. Radio 2, 3, 4 C. Radio 3, 4, 5
54. Which stadium is the largest in Britain?
A. Old Trafford B. Wembley C. Olympic Stadium
55. Independent television (ITV) get its money from __________.
A. the BBC B. advertisements C. the government
56. In the opening of the Parliament, the Queen’s job is to ___________
A. control the diccussion B. deliver a speech C. challenge the PM.
57. By law, people cannot be served any kind of alcohol in pubs until the age of __________.
A. seventeen B. eighteen C. twenty
58. The BBC's reputation is __________.
A. its impartiality B. its independence C. Both A and B
59. In Britain charitable organizations are staffed mostly by __________.
A. unpaid volunteers B. social workers C. general practitioners
60. Traditionally, one activity on Christmas is the singing of ________ in churches, streets or public places.
A. choirs B. carols C. opera
PART 2. Give a brief answer to the following questions.
1. Give an explanation for the political characteristics of the national press in Britain.
2. What are the values of the monarch?
3. What are the roles of the House of Commons?
4. Explain the “dominance” of England over the UK.
5. Compare the way Christmas is celebrated in Britain and in Vietnam.
6. Why does the BBC World Service obtain more international fame?
7. List five common characteristics of the British.
8. Tell the difference between state schools in Britain and public schools in Vietnam.

--- THE END ---

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