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Read the following statements and decide whether they are TRUE or FALSE.
(0.1 X 20 = 2.0 pts)
True False
1. Any constituent, of any category, can consist of a co-ordination x
of constituents of the different category.
2. Subject and predicate are the two immediate constituents to form a x
3. An intensive verb requires an adjective phrase which functions as a direct x
4. A phrasal verb is a combination of a lexical verb and a particle or, x
sometimes, two particles.
5. Indirect objects in sentences with ditransitive verbs are usually recipients x
or beneficiaries of the action.
6. An object predicative can be noun phrase, adjective phrase, or x
prepositional phrase.
7. Relative clauses are always subordinate and function as modifiers. x
8. Within a PP, the relation between a preposition and the following Noun x
Phrase is a head~modifier relation
9. Lexical verbs can take one or more than one optional adverbials. x
10. Only ditransitive verbs that take direct and indirect objects can figure in x
passive sentences
11. Gradable adjectives do not accept the -er/-est inflection, or modification x
by degree adverb
12. A conjunct adverbial is an adverb or adverbial phrase that indicates x
a relation in meaning between two sequential independent clauses
13. A disjunct adverbial is a type of sentence adverb that comments on x
the content or manner of what is being said or written.
14. Noun complement clauses can only complement abstract nouns. x
15. That-clause can function as the complement of a preposition within PP x
16. Auxiliary-fronting is possible in main clauses and in subordinate clauses. x
17. Clausal subjects can be extraposed to the end of the sentence, leaving x
behind expletive it.
18. Noun-complement clauses are sisters to the head N within NOM x
19. Under any circumstances, the wh-phrase in a relative clause can be x
20. The subject of the subordinate clause in “Peter likes watching Korean x
movies.” is controlled by the main clause subject.


Read the following questions and choose the best answer (A, B or C).
(0.1 x 60 = 6.0 pts)

21. Identify the category and function of the constituent “MARY” in the following A
- I looked for MARY at the bus station.
A. NP / Direct Object
B. Pronoun / Prepositional Complement
C. Name / Modifier
22. Identify the category and function of the constituent “LIKE NIGHT” in the B
following sentence: - The day without light is like LIKE NIGHT.
A. AdvP / Adjuct adverbial
B. PP / Subject predicative
C. NP / Direct object
23. Identify the category and function of the constituent “A QUESTION” in the A
following sentence: - Soraya was asked A QUESTION by Damien.
A. NP / Direct object
B. NP / Indirect object
C. NP / Object predicative
24. Identify the category and function of the constituent “FROM MY B
STANDPOINT” in the following sentence: - FROM MY STANDPOINT, the
corruption extends to the highest levels of government.
A. NP / Adjunct adverbial
B. PP / Disjunct adverbial
C. AdvP / Conjunct adverbial
25. Identify the category and function of the constituent “FOUND” in the following C
sentence: - Jack FOUND his brother's behavior deplorable.
A. V[trans] / finite verb
B. V[ditrans] / lexical verb
C. V[complex] / head verb
26. Identify the category and function of the constituent “OUR BEST FRIEND” in the C
following sentence: - We considered Sam OUR BEST FRIEND.
A. NP / Direct Object
B. NP / Indirect object
C. NP / Object predicative
27. Identify the category and function of the constituent “WHO WE ARE” in the B
following sentence: - Childhood experiences make us WHO WE ARE.
A. NP / Predicative
B. Wh-Clause / Complement
C. Relative clause / Modifier

28. Identify the category and function of the constituent “IN THE OVEN” in the B
following sentence: - Put the turkey IN THE OVEN.
A. PP / Adjunct adverbial
B. PP / Object predicative
C. PP / Subject predicative
29. Identify the category and function of the constituent “DOWNTOWN” in the C
following sentence: - We walked DOWNTOWN after work yesterday.
A. NP / Direct object
B. PP / Subject predicative
C. AdvP / Adjunct adverbial
30. Identify the category and function of the constituent “THE INVASION” in the C
following sentence: - The students protested about The INVASION.
A. NP / Direct object
B. NP / Object predicative
C. NP / Prepositional complement
31. Identify the category and function of the constituent “ABSOLUTELY B
EXHAUSTED” in the following sentence: - After 32 hours of travelling, they
A. VP / Predicate
B. AP / Subject predicative
C. AdvP / Adjunct adverbial
32. Identify the category and function of the constituent “QUITE” in the following C
sentence: - She was QUITE angry when she found out.
A. AP / modifying A (angry)
B. NP / modifying A (angry)
C. AdvP / modifying A (angry)
33. Identify the category and function of the constituent “TOMORROW” in the A
following sentence: - I will be going to my cousin’s place TOMORROW.
A. NP / modifying VP (will be going to my cousin’s place)
B. PP / modifying VP (be going to my cousin’s place)
C. AdvP / modifying VP (going to my cousin’s place)
34. Identify the category and function of the constituent “ELECTED” in the following C
sentence: - When the Congress unanimously ELECTED George Washington
president, he accepted reluctantly.
A. V[trans] / Head of VP
B. V[ditrans] / Head of VP
C. V[complex] / Head of VP

35. Identify the category and function of the constituent “LOOKED UP” in the C
following sentence: - She LOOKED UP the stairs to the abandoned house.
A. V[trans phrasal] / head verb
B. V[intrans] / head verb
C. V[prep] / head verb
36. Identify the category and function of the constituent “BOTH” in the following C
sentence: - BOTH the horses were out, tacked up and ready to ride.
A. Q / modifying NP (the horses)
B. DET / modifying NP (the horses)
C. PRE-DET / modifying NP (the horses)
37. Identify the category and function of the constituent “PRETTY” in the following A
sentence: - The meeting went PRETTY smoothly, all things considered.
A. AdvP / modifying Adv (smoothly)
B. AP / modifying Adv (smoothly)
C. NP / modifying Adv (smoothly)
38. Identify the category and function of the constituent “FIGHTING” in the following A
sentence: - They are FIGHTING mad at their neighbors who keep making
A. Verb / quantifier
B. Verb / predicate
C. Verb / complement
39. Identify the category of the constituent “BEEN” in the following sentence: - Half A
the money has BEEN stolen by the treasurer.
A. PASS (passive participle)
B. PROG (progressive participle)
C. V[intens]
40. Identify the category of the constituent “BEEN” in the following sentence: - Mia B
has BEEN competing in flute competitions recently.
A. PASS (passive participle)
B. PROG (progressive participle)
C. V[intens]
41. Identify the category and function of the constituent “FATAL” in the following C
sentence: - A hospital spokesman said she had suffered a FATAL heart attack.
A. Gradable adjective / modifier of compound noun (heart attack)
B. Degree adjective / modifier of compound noun (heart attack)
C. Non-gradable adjective / modifier of compound nound (heart attack)
42. Identify the category and function of the constituent “INCREASINGLY” in the B
following sentence: - The political situation has grown INCREASINGLY
A. Gradable adverb / modifer of head adjective (oppressive)

B. Degree adverb / complement of head adjective (oppressive)

C. Non-gradable adverb / modifier of of head adjective (oppressive)

43. In which sentence is the verb “DRIVE” a complex transitive verb? C

A. We will be driving down the highway this time tomorrow.
B. I don't want you to drive while you're so tired.
C. I think Alex makes a concentrated effort to drive his father crazy.
44. In which sentence is the verb “MADE” an intensive verb? A
A. Our new boss would have made an excellent manager.
B. This made him very proud of his skill.
C. Even so, she was the one who had made the rule.
45. In which sentence is the verb “GO THROUGH” a prepositional verb? A
A. The tropical storm will not go through the country.
B. The country is going through a period of economic instability.
C. the proposals for the new shopping center were unlikely to go through.
46. In which sentence is the verb “TURNED” an intensive verb? C
A. He turned the pages of a file in front of him.
B. He turned abruptly and walked away.
C. The engine turned a propeller.
47. In which sentence is the verb “NOMINATE” a ditransitive verb? C
A. You can nominate your favorite theme song by leaving us a comment.
B. You can nominate a colleague who you feel to be a worthy recipient.
C. You can also nominate a service or staff member for a Council Star Award.
48. In which sentence is the verb “FIND” a transitive verb? B
A. Her parents are very anxious indeed to find a teacher for her.
B. There you will find the adjutant on duty, said the official.
C. I find foreign languages very interesting.
49. Identify the function of the constituent “HOWEVER” in the following sentence: - I C
enjoyed the salmon sashimi. HOWEVER, California maki is still my
A. Adjuct Adverbial
B. Disjuct adverbial
C. Conjunction adverbial
50. Identify the function of the constituent “UNDER CURFEW” in the following C
sentence: - The village was placed UNDER CURFEW.
A. Direct object (dO)
B. Subject predicative (sP)
C. Object predicative (oP)
51. Identify the function of the constituent “AN INTOLERABLE BURDEN” in the A
following sentence: - His illness placed AN INTOLERABLE BURDEN on his
A. Direct object (dO)

B. Subject predicative (sP)

C. Object predicative (oP)
52. Which constituent has the function of indirect object (iO) in the following C
- I had to promise fidelity to the Queen.
A. I
B. Fidelity
C. The Queen
53. Which constituent has the function of subject predicative (sP) in the following B
- She doesn't seem unduly concerned about her exams.
A. She
B. About her exams
C. Unduly concerned about her exams.
54. Which constituent has the function of direct object (dO) in the following sentence? C
- He gave another impatient glance at his watch.
A. He
B. Another impatient glance
C. At his watch
55. Which constituent has the function of subject predicative (sP) in the following A
- You look rather shabby in those clothes.
A. Rather shabby
B. In those clothes
C. Rather shabbly in those clothes
56. Which constituent has the function of object predicative (oP) in the following C
- Love can turrn the cottage into a golden palace. 
A. Love
B. The Cottage
C. A golden palace
57. Identify the function of the clause “THAT NO ONE OBJECTS TO YOUR C
PROPOSAL” in the following sentence: - It seems that no one objects to your
A. Direct object (dO)
B. Subject predicative (sP)
C. Extraposed subject
58. Identify the function of the clause “THAT SHE SHOULD FORGET ME SO A
QUICKLY” in the following sentence: - That she should forget me so quickly was
rather a shock.

A. Subject
B. Subject predicative (sP)
C. Extraposed subject
59. Identify the function of the clause “THAT TIDAL WAVES ARE A
UNPREDICTABLE” in the following sentence: - We support the idea that tidal
waves are unpredictable.
A. Complement of noun (idea)
B. Modifier of noun (idea)
C. Extraposed subject
60. Identify the function of the clause “THAT SHE WOULDN’T ACCEPT THE B
PROPOSAL” in the following sentence: - She made it clear that she wouldn’t
accept the proposal.
A. Subject predicative (sP)
B. Complement of adjective (clear)
C. Object predicative (oP)
61. Identify the function of the clause “WHETHER OR NOT SHE HAS THE TIME” B
in the following sentence: - It all depends on whether or not she has the time.
A. Direct object (dO)
B. Prepositional Complement
C. Adverbial clause
62. Identify the function of the clause “WHETHER THE MANAGER IS A SKILLED A
NEGOTIATOR” in the following sentence: - The question is whether the manager
is a skilled negotiator.
A. Subject predicative (sP)
B. Direct object (dO)
C. Extraposed subject
63. Identify the function of the clause “AFTER SHE HAD GRADUATED FROM B
UNIVERSITY” in the following sentence: - After she had graduated from
university, she got a job.
A. Adjunct adverbial
B. Disjuct adverbial
C. Conjunct adverbial
64. Identify the function of the clause “THAT DISCOVERED RADIUM” in the B
following sentence: - Marie Curie is the woman that discovered radium.
A. Complement of noun (woman)
B. Modifier of noun (woman)
C. Extraposed subject
65. Identify the function of the clause “WHAT TIME THE MUSEUM OPENED” in A
the following sentence: - I asked him what time the museum opened, but he didn't

A. Direct object (dO)

B. Indirect object (iO)
C. Object predicative (oP)

66. Identify the function of the clause “TO BE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS” in the B
following sentence: - Sometimes all is not as it appears to be behind closed doors.
A. Direct object (dO)
B. Subject predicative (sP)
C. Object predicative (oP)
67. Identify the function of the clause “WHAT WAS GOING ON IN THE WORLD” C
in the following sentence: - I was basically concerned about what was going on in
the world.
A. Extraposed subject
B. Adverbial clause
C. Prepositional Complement
68. Identify the function of the clause “ATTACHED TO THE LETTER” in the A
following sentence: - Don’t forget to fill in the form attached to the letter.
A. Modifier of noun (form)
B. Complement of noun (form)
C. Extraposed subject
69. Identify the category of the constituent “SINCE I’M QUITE FORGETFUL” in the B
following sentence: - I’m forever losing things since I’m quite forgetful.
A. Prepositional phrase
B. Adverbial clause
C. Relative clause
70. Identify the category of the constituent “HOW HE OUGHT TO BEHAVE” in the B
following sentence: - He didn’t know how he ought to behave.
A. Adverbial clause
B. WH-interrogative clause
C. Relative clause
71. Identify the category of the constituent “SITTING ON THE SOFA OVER C
THERE” in the following sentence: - The man sitting on the sofa over there is
Simon’s brother.
A. Whether-clause
B. Adverbial clause
C. Relative clause
72. Identify the category of the constituent “ACCEPTED BY PARLIAMENT” in B
the following sentence: - The proposal, if accepted by Parliament, will mean
fundamental changes to the education system.
A. Adverbial clause
B. Non-finite clause
C. Relative clause

73. Identify the category of the constituent “WHICH MUSICAL GENRE HE’S B
INTERESTED IN” in the following sentence: - We wonder which musical genre
he’s interested in.
A. Adverbial clause
B. WH-interrogative clause
C. Relative clause
74. Identify the category of the constituent “WHICH HE WAS TOTALLY C
UNPREPARED FOR” in the following sentence: - It was a crisis which he was
totally unprepared for.
A. Adverbial clause
B. WH-interrogative clause
C. Relative clause
75. Which of the following sentence has an OPTIONAL non-finite clause? A
A. The person to find the lost car would receive a big reward.
B. He wanted to make sure it was the correct answer.
C. He proposed to show us his holiday snaps.
76. Which of the following sentence has an OPTIONAL that-clause? C
A. Earlier astronomers put forth the idea that earth was the center of universe.
B. She said that Rashid had the perfect disguise.
C. These are the flights that have been cancelled.
77. Which of the following sentence has an OPTIONAL whether clause? B
A. We can’t say whether tourism is harmful or beneficial.
B. He always said what he thought, whether it was polite or not.
C. I want to find out whether the rooms have a shower or not.
78. Which of the following sentence has an OBLIGATORY non-finite clause? B
A. The Santer Commission was forced to resign following suspicions of fraud.
B. These actions have become an efficient instrument to fight cross border fraud.
C. We stop reacting and multiplying our misery.
79. Which of the following sentence has an OBLIGATORY that-clause? A
A. That she delivered a marvelous performance pleased her parents.
B. Homelessness is one of the problems that need to be addressed.
C. I didn't know the uncle that I inherited the money from.
80. Which of the following sentence has an OBLIGATORY whether clause? A
A. Whether you do it alone or with others, just get the project done by the deadline.
B. We can't decide on whether to order pizza or Chinese food.
C. You are going to school whether you like it or not.
The following phrase markers can be right or wrong. Choose the correct answer.
(0.4 X 5 = 2.0 pts)

81. too slowly and overly carefully

82. They did not participate in the science quiz competition.

83. He has not been practicing enough for the championship.  


84. Which is the best choice in this situation?

85. Half of the pages in the report were blacked out for security reasons.

---THE END ---

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