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However, as the person I am, I've been anticipating the hopefully fun discussions during our meetings.

It's not a bland minor to put a bit of effort in, rather it's an opportunity to regain my past hobbies. I have
loved reading and learning random things since way back then. I also love writing and seeing how my
thoughts flow on paper. As an introvert, when I release my thoughts on paper, everything becomes so
much more concrete as opposed to tiring conversations with others. As such, I expect this subject to fit
like a glove to my writing-loving self except for the fact that this will include intellectual discourse.

Well, to stop my narcissistic ramble here, other expectations include an interesting array of readings
with the opinions derived from them. Although I do not enjoy conversations, I do enjoy listening to them
and I believe that this subject will tackle either increasingly polarizing topics or the opposite.

The most important point I can fathom with this kind of subject matter is the universality of literature
and human emotions derived from the individual experiences. The reason, I suppose, to the wide
selection of literature from varying time periods is the continued persistence of past ideologies/issues in
the present. Although modernization brings with it new ideas and solutions, it also adds new problems
to the existing issues. As such past literature is just as relevant as the present pieces. Therefore, it would
be an intriguing discussion to relate the classical and olden writings to our own society. I likewise await
the readings from all over the world and their accompanying cultures and see how it can be applied to
the status quo of the Philippines.

As a whole, this course subject will cover topics we do not usually tackle in our engineering course.
Arguably, some of the topics can be observed as “common sense”; however, as Descartes have done,
you must first doubt everything to find the truth. The truths I know, as well others, may have been
taught from childhood and further developed throughout adolescence until adulthood. However, some
truths may be misconceptions and misconceptions are more detrimental than uncertainties. Although
the occasional subjects such as Ethics and the like are ventured, the educational system favors more for
mindless regurgitation of information from textbooks. As such, I haven't examined myself and my
ideology by way of comparison with others. Of course, the net has provided me dozens of personalities
to compare myself to; however, I do sometimes wonder how different is the view of my direct peers in
comparison to mine. All in all, I expect just what any others expect, a lively discussion with livelier topics
making me question myself.

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