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Nursing is a profession, not just a mixture of professional skills.

The nursing profession is

a perfect blend of today's medical industry and the traditional touch of the past. It is an upright
profession and the greatest service to all mankind. The focus is on caring for individual patients
so that they can maintain and regain their health and quality of life.

A nurse is a doctor-patient connection and follows the doctor's instructions for each
individual patient. She checks their pulse, observes their temperature, and gives them medicines
and injections as directed by a doctor. Nurses always check the doctor's instructions in case they
ignore the patient's health. She takes care of the food given to each individual patient according
to the doctor's instructions or the patient's health. She is very punctual and active and may have
to stay up all night to deliver medicine to the patient and take care of the patient at a given time.

Nurses constantly seek information from patients prior to treatment to ensure that they
are treating the correct patient and constantly monitor the patient for signs that may prove an
abnormality in the patient's condition. And report to your doctor immediately. Nurses always
ensure patient safety in all situations. This builds patient confidence because nurses believe they
are responsible for ensuring their health care and quality of life. Nurses are also frequently used
in war to provide first aid to injured soldiers. Not all nurses are always loyal to their work, as
there used to be a woman who exchanged babies for her selfish joy shortly after her birth. She
did this through her nursing experience until her retirement, and her nurse is still practicing her
because she was honest and sincere in her work and later exposed her to the world. I shared her
crimes with one of them. Nurses have a strong commitment to caregivers. Nursing education and
duties play an important role in making an organization a comfortable place for patients. Nursing
has improved significantly over the past year, but nurses are still less recognized than doctors
and work at the minimum wage.

What can be the difference of nursing career from other health care disciplines? First,
Nursing is a profession that is generally considered to be one of the most ethical and honest
professions. People who choose care as a profession have unique opportunities to make a
difference in their daily lives. From bedside to conference rooms, nurses have the opportunity to
impact the health and well-being of patients and their families. No matter which career path a
nurse chooses, it can make a difference. Nurses have the opportunity to harness their knowledge
and transform it into delicate, quality care. In the meeting room, nurses can use their knowledge
to influence the allocation of resources to improve the quality and delivery of care. Regardless of
location, nurses can improve the lives and well-being of patients, families and communities. On
both small and large scale, nurses demonstrate knowledge, compassion, ethics, and honesty in
nursing and at work.

Secondly, there are many ways nurses can make a significant contribution to the health
of their patients. The nurse can educate the patient about the process of illness that is affecting
the patient at this point. Nurses provide patients with resources to improve their lives and the
outcome of their illness. Nurses give patients medication and teach them steps to help them meet
their health care needs. Nurses can improve a patient's health by teaching emotional coping skills
to cope with stressful situations. The possibilities that nurses can play for the health of their
patients are endless.

Lastly, nurses are uniquely trained and qualified to improve patient health in all
situations where they interact with clients / patients. Nurses bring their medical knowledge, their
psychomotor skills, and their personal characteristics and experience to therapeutic relationships.
We interact with our customers so that they can easily set mutually approved goals. Adopt
appropriate strategies and techniques to help clients achieve these goals and strengthen new
skills and behaviors to maintain those goals. The nurse is then also modified by the client. Your
interaction will be part of his / her experience that applies to the next nurse - client interaction.

Nursing is a profession that combines the rich traditions of the past with the ever-
changing reality of today's medical industry. Nursing is not just a collection of specific skills,
caregivers are not just those who have mastered those specific tasks.

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