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Blended learning combines the benefits of face-to-face learning with online technology
tools. Before and during the COVID 19 pandemic, Steelcase researchers used multiple methods
to understand the value to educational outcomes and how space can help improve the experience.
Prior to COVID19, researchers visited both K12 and the university, interviewed teachers and
students, observed mixed learning models, and prototyped them. Since the beginning of the
pandemic, they have used a remote diary platform to assess how teachers and students are
learning online.

Technology is no longer a luxury in any learning environment. That is an important part

of effective learning. Let's go back decades Teachers couldn't teach, but resources are limited
their class. How was this situation? It was an exhausted process a teacher who brings the
necessary resources to the class. This is possible by limiting the use of technology to
presentations. Confusion about its feasibility to improve learning. Teacher and technology
should be seen as a tool that enables them and their students. Reach resources easily and
effectively. You can maintain access to the library Meetings, watching educational films,
conducting virtual experiments, Communicate with experts, record lessons, plan work, perform
virtual execution Excursions and many other activities. Some of these activities needed weeks of
planning and lots of effort within the traditional learning setting (Daggett , 2010).

These activities are part of our blended learning strategy Easy to plan and implement. For
example, a visit to the general public the library can last a day as part of a traditional learning
strategy. However, students have virtually access to public library records, achieve the books and
resources they need while they are inside them Classroom or its bedroom. (Bath and Bourke,

This technology offers a variety of educational opportunities, Helps with solutions and
effective learning, many are still skeptical of him Practicality in an educational environment.
They think it is formed It's distracting and requires a lot of skill to master. To do this, add. Added
Inconvenience that can occur at any time and confuse the classroom procedure. These may all be
true, Benefits for learners and teachers.
Blended learning allows learners to visualize, hear, feel, Interact with learning materials.
It makes them from theory training. You can get a deeper understanding of all the abstractions of
they go through. What can you learn more personalized training opportunities? Good performers
can be expanded learning what is not in their learning and school curriculum. However, slow-
performing people can review and correct notes and receive feedback. From their teachers to
deal with the problems and challenges they face (Bailey and Martin, 2013).

Blended learning cannot be introduced as a perfect strategy It can solve all the problems
of educational practice. But that's Much better than traditional strategies. The downside is much
less from that positive. Educators need to take a serious step towards this Apply technology
directly to your class or learning environment Form a link between the student's inner and outer
worlds. Technology gives learners the opportunity to experience the real world gradually smooth
(Jackson, 2014).

The actual work is no longer available to learners who do not acquire information
technology skills as part of learning. They are Skills to learn indirectly while learning by
blending other skills learning attitude. Even students who will be taught later Strategy gains
more knowledge as it is exposed to a more realistic life financial resources. It is no longer
acceptable for us to reject or undermine that role of technology in education. Control the world
with quickstep by using such tools; we pursue more creativity and novelty. The debate about the
adequacy of using such tools is still lagging (Van, 2010).

Blended learning has the courage and determination Adopt such a strategy to improve the
quality of education in our world. Teachers need to educate themselves and start learning
information Make technical skills part of the process, not against them for free reason. School
administration needs to take serious steps to deal with The role of teachers in improving
information technology skills. You need to consider implementing a blended learning strategy
and do it quickly its effective. Otherwise, you need to find a suitable alternative in the distance.
Better because traditional learning methods and styles are not enough the coming era.

Today, many countries are trying to develop educational systems Through the use of
these techniques and modern learning methods (like blended learning) to achieve technological
development and satisfactory results ever since education is seen as a real investment for all
countries and their people. This allows you to use technology to prepare your students. Teachers,
curriculum development, various teaching methods, to develop and improve the educational
process learning and education.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to:

1. Detecting the effect of using blended learning on the achievement of students in public
senior high schools in the Philippines

2. Examining their attitudes towards using blended learning in teaching.

Statement of the problem

This study tried to answer the following two questions:

1. What is the effect of using blended learning on the achievement of students in public
senior high schools in the Philippines?
2. What is the effect of using blended learning on the attitudes of public senior high schools
in learning?

Hypotheses of the Study

To answer the two questions the researcher tested null hypotheses:

1. There were no statistically significant differences on the achievement of the students

attributed to the teaching method (blended learning, traditional method).
2. There were no statistically significant differences on the attitudes of students toward
blended learning, attributed to the teaching method (blended learning, traditional

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