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Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 7 (2002) 451–455

Colloidal basis of emulsion color

David Julian McClements*
Biopolymers and Colloids Laboratory, Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA


The perceived quality of many commercial products that are based on emulsions is determined by their color. Recent theoretical
and experimental research has focussed on determining the relationship between emulsion color and the colloidal characteristics
of the system, e.g. particle size, concentration, refractive index and aggregation. Appreciable progress has been made in
understanding the factors that determine emulsion color and in describing the optical properties of emulsions theoretically.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Emulsions; Optical properties; Color; Light scattering

1. Introduction wave by the emulsion. Light scattering and absorption

depend on the size, concentration, refractive index and
The perceived quality of emulsion-based food prod- spatial distribution of the droplets, as well as the
ucts, such as milk, cream, salad dressings, sauces and presence of any chromophoric materials (e.g. dyes).
beverages, is strongly influenced by their stability, rhe- Hence, the overall appearance of an emulsion is influ-
ology and appearance w1x. A great deal of theoretical enced by its colloidal characteristics. Scattering is large-
and experimental work has been carried out to establish ly responsible for the ‘turbidity’, ‘opacity’, or ‘lightness’
the colloidal basis of food emulsion stability and rheol- of an emulsion, whereas absorption is largely responsible
ogy. On the other hand, until recently, few systematic for ‘chromaticness’ (blueness, greenness, redness, etc.).
studies had been carried out to establish the colloidal It should be stressed that the overall appearance of an
basis of food emulsion appearance. This is surprising emulsion also depends on the nature of the light source
since the appearance of a food is the first sensory and detector used, but these effects will not be explicitly
impression that a person normally experiences of its covered here w3,4●,5x.
quality w2x. A better understanding of the colloidal basis
of emulsion appearance would aid in the design of 2. Theoretical prediction of emulsion color
emulsion-based food products with improved quality.
This article focuses on recent advances in our under- Human beings have great difficulty objectively quan-
standing of the influence of colloidal characteristics on tifying the color of objects, so color is normally quan-
the appearance of food emulsions. An understanding of tified instrumentally in terms of ‘tristimulus
the colloidal basis of emulsion color depends on an coordinates’, such as the L*a*b* system specified by
understanding of the physical processes that occur when the Commission International de l’Eclairage (CIE) w5x.
a light beam interacts with an emulsion and is subse- The advantage of using a tristimulus coordinate system
quently detected by an eye or instrumental detector. is that the color of an object can be described in terms
When a light beam is incident upon the surface of an of just three mathematical variables. It is then possible
emulsion some of the light is transmitted and some of to determine whether an object meets some predefined
the light is reflected. The relative proportions of light quality criteria in a quantitative manner. For example,
transmitted and reflected at different wavelengths in the L*a*b* color space, L* is lightness, and a* and
depend on the scattering and adsorption of the light b* are color coordinates: where L*s0 is black, L*s
*Tel.: q1-413-545-1019; fax: q1-413-545-1262. 100 is white, qa* is the red direction, ya* is the green
E-mail address: direction, qb* is the yellow direction and yb* is the (D.J. McClements). blue direction w5x.

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452 D.J. McClements / Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 7 (2002) 451–455

the emulsion is calculated from the wavelength-depend-

ence of S and K, e.g. using Kubelka–Munk theory
w8●,9●,10●x. Finally, the tristimulus coordinates (L*a*b*)
of the emulsion are calculated from R(l) or T(l) using
color theory and tabulated information about the appro-
priate light source and observer w5x. The details of these
calculations have recently been given by w6x. It should
be noted that mathematical theories of varying degrees
of sophistication could be used in the general approach
described above to model the propagation of light waves
through an emulsion. For example, more sophisticated
theories have recently been developed to describe the
diffuse propagation of light waves through concentrated
particulate media of finite thickness w8●,9●,11●,12●,13x,
which could be utilized for describing the optical prop-
erties of food emulsions.

3. Numerical calculation of emulsion color

The influence of droplet size, concentration and

refractive index on the color of model oil-in-water food
emulsions predicted by light scattering theory is shown
in Figs. 1–3. In these examples, emulsion color is
represented by lightness (L*) and chroma wCs(a*2q
b*2)1y2x, where L* is a measure of lightnessydarkness
and C is a measure of color intensity. Emulsion lightness
Fig. 1. Theoretical prediction of the influence of droplet concentration
on the lightness (L) and chroma (C) of oil-in-water emulsions (n1s
1.33, n2s1.43) containing different droplet radii in micrometers (see
annotation box) but the same dye concentration (cdyes0.002 wt.%
red dye).

One of the major advances in recent years has been

the development of a theoretical approach to relate the
tristimulus color coordinates of emulsions to their com-
position (dye and droplet concentration) and microstruc-
ture (particle size distribution) w6●● x. In this approach,
it is assumed that the color of dilute emulsions is mainly
determined by the wavelength-dependence of light trans-
mitted through them, whereas the color of concentrated
emulsions is mainly determined by the wavelength-
dependence of light reflected from their surface. The
various steps involved in this approach are outlined here.
First, the scattering characteristics (Qs and g) of indi-
vidual droplets are calculated from knowledge of their
radius (r), their refractive index (n2) and the refractive
index (n1) of the surrounding medium, e.g. using Mie
theory w7●x. Second, the wavelength-dependence of the
scattering (S) and absorption (K) coefficients of an
emulsion are calculated in the visible region of the
electromagnetic spectrum (ls370–770 nm) from
knowledge of the droplet concentration (f) and scatter-
ing characteristics (Qs and g) using an appropriate
Fig. 2. Theoretical prediction of the influence of droplet radius on the
theory, e.g. radiative transport theory w8●,9●x. Third, the lightness (L) and chroma (C) of oil-in-water emulsions (n1s1.33,
reflectance spectrum R(l) (for concentrated systems) n2s1.43) containing the same droplet volume fraction (see annotation
or transmission spectrum T(l) (for dilute systems) of box) and dye concentration (cdyes0.002 wt.% red dye).
D.J. McClements / Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 7 (2002) 451–455 453

sions predicted by light scattering theory to the color of

emulsions measured by an analytical instrument is the
influence of the optical measurement system. The light
scattering theories that have been developed so far to
predict emulsion color assume that light waves are
reflected from a planar boundary between a continuous
phase and an emulsion, whereas in reality the reflection
occurs at an air-front plate-emulsion-back plate arrange-
ment. It is therefore necessary to develop methods of
correcting the light scattering theory so that it takes into
account the influence of the optical measurement system
w14●x. Three methods of carrying out this correction
procedure have been proposed w6x:
● Theoretical approach. This approach uses mathemat-
ical equations based on the fundamental physical
processes occurring to calculate the fraction of light
that is reflected or transmitted at the various bound-
aries within the optical measurement system
● Empirical calibration approach. This approach
involves establishing an empirical relationship
between the theoretically predicted reflectance or
transmittance and the experimentally measured value
using a series of emulsions of known composition
and microstructure w16●x.
● Optical system approach. This approach involves
Fig. 3. Theoretical prediction of the influence of refractive index ratio redesigning the optical measurement system so that
(n2yn1) on the lightness (L) and chroma (C) of oil-in-water emulsions it more closely corresponds to the assumptions made
(n2s1.43) containing the same dye concentration (cdyes0.002 wt.% in the light scattering theory w15x.
red dye), droplet concentration (fs0.1) and droplet radius (rs1
5. Experimental studies of emulsion color
increases steeply with droplet concentration up to a few
percent, after which it increases less steeply (Fig. 1). A number of systematic experimental studies have
Emulsion lightness (L*) increases with droplet radius recently been carried out to determine the influence of
up to a maximum value for droplets of approximately composition and microstructure on the color of oil-in-
100 nm, after which it decreases (Fig. 2). Emulsion water emulsions w14●,16●,17●,18,19●,20,21x. These
lightness decreases to a minimum value and then measurements are in excellent qualitative agreement
increases as the droplet refractive index moves from with predictions made using the light scattering theory
below to above the continuous phase refractive index mentioned above. However, the quantitative agreement
(Fig. 3). The chroma of emulsions decreases with is still fairly poor, mainly because of problems associ-
increasing droplet concentration (Fig. 1), as droplet ated with accounting for the optical measurement
radius moves away from 100 nm (Fig. 2) and as the system.
relative refractive index tends towards unity (Fig. 3), Systematic measurements of the influence of droplet
which is to be expected because C is inversely related concentration and size on the color of oil-in-water
to L* w6x. These numerical calculations demonstrate the emulsions have been carried out w16●,17●,18x. These
usefulness of light scattering theory as a means of studies have shown that emulsion lightness increased
predicting the color of oil-in-water emulsions. Changes and emulsion chroma decreased steeply as the droplet
in emulsion color resulting from alterations in compo- concentration was increased from 0 to 5 wt.%, after
sition or microstructure can be rapidly determined using which they change less dramatically, as predicted by the
a personal computer, rather than having to carry out theory (Fig. 1). Experiments with polydisperse n-hex-
time-consuming, costly and laborious experiments. adecane oil-in-water emulsions have shown that emul-
sion lightness has a maximum value and emulsion
4. Relating experimental measurements of emulsion
chroma has a minimum value for droplets with radii of
color to theoretical predictions
approximately 0.1 mm, and that L* increased and C
One of the main problems that has been encountered decreased as the droplet radius was increased from 0.1
when trying to quantitatively relate the color of emul- to 15 mm w17●x, which is in qualitative agreement with
454 D.J. McClements / Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 7 (2002) 451–455

theory (Fig. 2). The increase in emulsion lightness and 6. Conclusions

decrease in emulsion chroma with increasing droplet
concentration (from 0 to 20 wt.%) and decreasing There have been significant advances in our quanti-
droplet radius (from 15 to 0.1 mm) was confirmed by tative understanding of the factors that determine the
sensory analysis for emulsions containing blue dye color of food emulsions in recent years. A theoretical
w17●x. The size of the particles in oil-in-water emulsions protocol has been described to relate the color of an
may change appreciably over time due to coalescence, emulsion to its colloidal characteristics, i.e. droplet size,
Ostwald ripening, or flocculation w1x. A recent study concentration and refractive index. This theory could be
has shown that the color of an oil-in-water emulsion used to optimize product color without having to carry
may change appreciably over time due to droplet growth out time-consuming and laborious experiments. Never-
caused by Ostwald ripening w22x. On the other hand, theless, considerable improvement of the existing theory
there was little change in droplet color when the droplets is required to make it more accurately describe the color
(rs0.18 mm) in soybean oil-in-water emulsions were of emulsions determined experimentally. In particular,
flocculated by a depletion or an electrostatic screening theoretical developments are required to account for the
mechanism w19●x. This suggests that emulsion color is influence of the optical measurement system and to
more sensitive to changes in particle size caused by the account for light propagation through highly concentrat-
growth of individual droplets, rather than by the for- ed and flocculated emulsions. From a practical stand-
mation of clumps of droplets. The addition of dyes to point, it would be useful to apply the theory describing
emulsions has been shown to decrease their lightness the colloidal basis of food color to real food emulsions.
because less light is reflected back to the detector, and
increase their chroma because more light is selectively References
adsorbed w16●,17●,18x.
Recent studies have examined the influence of refrac- ● of special interest
tive index ratio (sn2 yn1) on the color of oil-in-water ●● of outstanding interest
emulsions by varying the refractive index of the aqueous
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w2x Hutchings JB. Food Color and Appearance. 2nd edition.
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penetrated through the emulsions when n2fn1, and were Gives theoretical back ground of the adsorption and scattering of
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