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Chapter 3 Assignment

1. To be considered a stimulant, a drug must increase mental activity and

physical activity.

2. During REM sleep, EEG shows a flurry of beta wave activity just like an alert
mind. The eyes dart back and forth rapidly beneath closed eyelids.

3. The need to consume more to achieve the same effect of a substance one
has been using is known as tolerance

4. A person's subjective experience of the external world and level of mental

activity is called conscious

5. According to the global workspace model, consciousness is a function of

activity in specific regions.

6. To treat his severe epilepsy, doctors sever Liam's corpus callosum. As a

result, he will have a split brain.

7. The regulation of biological cycles into regular, daily patterns is known as

circadian rhythms

8. After playing a difficult soccer match that wore his body out, Jon slept for an
extra four hours. This extra sleep is explained by the restorative theory

9. Occasionally Jessie will fall asleep at inappropriate times when in the middle

of an activity or conversation. Jessie is most likely experiencing narcolepsy

10.Sometimes we do not notice when something about a person has

changed. This phenomenon has to do with our level of attention and what
we are paying attention to in the situation or regarding the person. Not
noticing the change is called change blindness.

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