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Basic statistics in English (5 cr)

Passing the course

To get credit points you must take a written examination on predefined examination dates. You are
not required to attend course meetings, attendance or doing anything else is not mandatory. To pass
the course only the examination is mandatory. You must register for examinations in
Dates for examinations can be found in WebOodi or (requires sign
Exam is open book remote exam.

Study methods
The course a is multi-modal teaching course. There is self-study part, exercise problems to be
solved and self-evaluated. Then there are weekly course meetings (these are not mandatory).
Meetings are not lectures, we will discuss on the latest solutions of exercise problems and possibly
something on upcoming exercise problems. You can and should make questions on any topic of the
course that might be unclear. Based on your questions unclear themes can be clarified. In the
following these meetings are called tutorials.
Shortly program for each week is as follows:
1. Study theory by watching videos, going through the course handout/slides and making notes
2. Solve exercise problems and return solutions in single .pdf file by the deadline
3. Attend tutorial and make questions/discussion
4. Self-evaluate your solutions
5. Continue to next week
In tutorials we can discuss basically on anything, theory part, exercise problems and their solutions
and even on exercise problems for next week if you already are familiar with them (not on solution
of upcoming exercises). But remember tutorials are based on your activity and questions, tutorials
are not lectures.
There is possibility to get points from exercise problems to raise you grade (cf. the evaluation
below). These points only increase your grade. To get credits you must first pass the
examination. To pass the course you need at least 50% of maximum points from examination.
Points from exercises are valid only in the first two examinations after the course.
To get points for the exercises you must solve them, return solutions in Moodle before the deadline
and self-evaluate your solutions before the deadline. Moodle will turn off possibility to return
solutions and self-evaluation automatically when deadline is reached. You can't, for any reason,
return or make evaluation after deadline and you can't return solutions (or evaluation) for example
by email. At the end of the course points from weekly exercise problems are scaled so that each
week gives equal number of points to evaluation regardless of number of questions.
Exercise solutions are returned in the Moodle by the deadline. Solutions are to be returned in pdf-
format (other formats will not be accepted). The name of the file is firstname_lastname_X.pdf,
where X = number of exercises (= week of exercise). For example, Donald Duck would return
exercise solution for week 2 as donald_duck_2.pdf. Only one single file of solutions is accepted in
Hint: You can write exercise solutions on paper, take photo and insert the photo in pdf-file. Photo
and handwriting must be such that it is easily readable (not upside down or sideways), otherwise it
is not accepted as solution.
Each problem is evaluated in range 0 – 100 (these are percentages, not points). For incorrect
behaviour in self-evaluation will be considered as the same as cheating in examination. Your self-
evaluations can be reviewed by teacher after examination (→ there is review process).
In the Moodle self-evaluation there might be more slots that there are exercise problems. If
you do self-evaluation you can leave extra slots empty. For example, if for current week there
are 5 exercise problems and 8 slots for evaluation, slots 6, 7 and 8 are left empty.

The grading is as follows:

Points (%) = grade: 50 = 1, 60 = 2, 70 = 3, 80 = 4, 90 = 5
The points are calculated as follows:

𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠𝐸 Points
Final points = ( + max (0,  0.2 ∗ ( MAX P − 0.4) /(1 − 0.4))) ∗ 100,

where 𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠𝐸 are points from examination, 𝑀𝐴𝑋𝐸 are maximum points from examination,
Point𝑠𝑃 are point from exercise problems and 𝑀𝐴𝑋𝑃 are maximum points from exercise problems.

Some exercise problems must/can be solved by software. While using a software the solution code
must be included in solution only the final result of calculation is not enough
1. Moore, McCabe: Introduction to practice of statistics
2. Ross: Introductory statistics

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