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Special Listening Questions

Mcq Single Answer:

01. B) He is famous for his work with the government.

02. A) Films are more popular, as it is cultural reception versus the the elite.

03. C) It has often been misinterpreted.

04. C) Busyness and growth.

05. C) As a long consequence of sleep deprivation

06. A) Sociology

07. D) Critique a book while it still can be changed

08. D) Rapid expansion of theory and knowledge....

09. B) Bureaucratic inertia

10. D) Stretch the major muscle

11. B) To compare between staff and owner-manager.

12. C) Many people have moved WITHIN a country.

13. C) It should not be read.

14. E) It’s an investigation into the work of the author Carter Brown.

15. A) To differentiate between compromised functions and daytime sleepiness.

16. C) It has often been misinterpreted.

17. C) Low in production runs

18. B) Evidence of national exams passed

19. A) Most People have individual differences

20. B) Most people understand what

21. A) Lack of identified

22. C) Fearful

23. E) By applying electric currents directly on patients

24. C) Stretch the muscle

25. A) Most students were suited to the course they are on

26. C) To discuss / explain about sleep deprivation

27. A) Partly so

28. C) Get less longer diseases

29. B) Discuss women's contribution

30. D) Too much emphasis on academic subjects

31. B) More people have been moving b/w countries than ever before.

32. A) Applications of biological law....

33. B) Universities would choose students more suited ........

34. A) Its medical benefits are profound

37. C) Suffer from less long term illnesses

38. D) To tell the differences

39. D) It is the place where classmates work together

40. D) To find out the differences

41. A) She is older than the furthest

42. A) Women were not included in the major studies related to heart

43. Many aspects of business involve international partners

44. C) Author function

45. B) Overview

46. D) they enrich intellectual life with.

47. D) measures to guard the rights of workers .

48. E) Economic debates are about values

49. B) they will have more accurate students for the course

50. D) the value of an existing business

51. B) Government can provide support to..... both house buyers, renters..

52. A) what has made our culture different from others.

53. C) human music is distinct from bird music

Mcq multiple Answer:

C) She was greek
D) She was the wife of Ptolemy.

A) In mosquitoes, only the female of the species bite.
E) Different people have different reactions to the same bite.

D) Psychologists publish a small portion of their research.
E) They are more disinclined to publish negative results

B) Saturated fats make people put on
D) Saturated fats are sometimes found in

B) Although about American democracy, it was not written by an America.
D) Although written by a Frenchman

C) Ridicule
E) Metaphor

B) It analyses a lot of data at speed.
D) It interprets to know the meaning of the data.

A) Astronomers in the past knew little about planets
E) Astronomy has changed dramatically with recent discoveries.

B) The climate follows an identical pattern
E) They are similar geologically
A) Most people appreciate classical music, though listened to pop music
E) Highly educated people.....

C) Research was done in different seasons.
E) Research was done in third trimester for foetal development.

B) Coal and Sth else present underground
C) Ancient animals were unable to eat all plant matters

A) Computer Lab
C) Public Cafes

C) The speaker was an architect
E) Entrance makes people happier
F) Plants will be allowed to grow over the buildings

A) The Law and Administration are two different buildings.
F) Plans on allowing vegetation to grow

D) Employers understand they have to do homework.
E) They can do their study work/ homework at work

C) His distributions of factors were more than any other philosopher.
E) He believed them to be the factors of the basic nature.

C) People from science background working in non science environment.
F) They never intended to work in their field.

B) Students should read the course
D) There are no exams

B) Take some of the books
D) Place the book on reserve

B) The city of Rome is Different
C) Roman cities were built

A) His present work is what he wanted to do always
D) Getting a well-paid job is not his aim

C) Take only some of the selected books
E) Reserve the books

B) They make our life comfortable
E) Without them, we have to be careful while making decisions

A) Observers average multiple measurements
F) To measure the same time and same location.

C) Interpret in 5 mins
A) Translate all French data

B) Development was derived for the need for smaller engines
D) Based on the functioning of steam engines

B) Mississippi
D) Connecticut

C) Australian University has an international reputation
E) Australian Veterinary graduates can work at any part of the world

A) Must provide the evidence of resources she used
B) Disclose the original resources

B) Efforts they are putting to preserve these dying languages
D) The causes of the dying languages were understood.

A) To directly compare the company with fine arts
C) Extended metaphor

A) Receipt of gift by financial journalist
E) Potency of human interactions

B) Each aspect of theory has practical application
E) Theory differs from hypotheses

A) His present work is what he always wanted to do
B) He realised he doesn’t like like what he does.
D) Having a well paid job is not his aim

B) A summary of the main complaints.
D) An outline of the aims of organisation

A) _______a subject from seeing (forgot the first word)
C) Recognising something after seeing it

B) A summary of the main
E) A comparison of its roles
A) Provision of information about..
D) An outline of aims..

B) She had a better relationship with her tutors
E) She was more motivated

B) Storing memory is a by-product
E) You might not remember it

A) By giving her past exam papers
D) By explaining what exam will cover
B) By explaining how it will be marked.

C) Vervet Monkeys have a unique....
D) Vervet monkeys hide in the bushes…

C) University gain partnership with zoo
D) Students gain experience

A) By giving past papers
B) By explaining exam grades
D) By explaining what exam covers

A) Measurement is accurate
D) Measurement is precise

A) It is difficult to study there
B) The building is not wired for accessible internet
B) A tour of old English Manuscripts in British library.
D) A guide to accompany a visit to Sir John Ritblat Gallery in British Library.

A) Students can afford
E) For nursing/medical students

D) To extract the specific information from data.
F) Extract explicit information from data

D. The aesthetics of proletariat art
E. A wish to

A the academic writing
D critically presenting the information

A lessons end too late
C Week starts with a long lecture

A Averaging depths from different locations.
C Melting point of snow was determined indoors.

A The word calculator has changed meaning
E People were impressed by the speed and accuracy of calculating machines

A) The law school and Administration are two different buildings
C) The speaker is an architect
Select missing words:

01. C) Guidelines

02. D) Was not in a dictionary

03. C) Wasn’t true.

04. C) River channels.

05. A) In great danger of declining

06. A) Memories

07. A) Learn something new

08. C) It is universally accepted

09. B) The more it stores

10. C) Quickly

11. D) New advancements

12. D) Are losing out

13. C) Reinforced

14. A) Almost in a few years.

15. A) The same place.

16. D) Song.

17. C) What’s Widely believed

18. D) End in sight

19. B) Expectations
20. C) Are paying more

21. A) Together

22. B) Find out why

23. C) Expectations

24. D) It can be used to drive the electric motor.

25. A) Sleep

26. A) Disease

27. C) Business

28. D) Marginalised

29. B) Fact to accept

30. A) Together

31. C) Particular product

32. A) What was highly expected

33. A) Public

34. B) Decided to find out

35. A) In the long run

36. B) Multiple sources

37. B) Pens

38. B) Known with precision

39. C) Heavily outnumbered by losers

40. C) Multiple sources

41. C) It is a new problem/ issue

42. C) Never going to happen

43. C) Have lesser illnesses.

44. B) Becomes very confusing.

45. D) Are losing out

46. B) Over budget

47. D) Drives an electric motor

48. B) Workshop title

49. B) Spread everywhere

50. A) Subdued or minimal connection

51. C) Groups clearly

52. A) Experience

53. C) On the other part of the body

54. A) made it possible

55. C) to make projections

56. E) Facing the same challenges

57. B) An automatic reaction

58. A) Puzzling or surprising

59. C) a backlash

60. C) at all costs

61. D) in those days

Highlight correct summary:

01. C) Television has an enormous potential

02. D) The re suggest that there should be some protocols put in place.

03. D) This is recommending undergraduate..Undergraduate programs that include.

04. D) Astonishing Theory (all options started with the same group of words..The psychologists

05. D) Nuclear energy like any other energy source has its pros and cons

06. D) Unlike what’s described in the books, plays (beauty is subjective)

07. C) How the minerals are formed is not clear, even with the modern technology

08. B) Scientists have been working on

09. C) The meaning and pronunciation of

10. D) This psychology class.... Crick’s ‘Astonishing hypothesis’. (Other options mention ‘Frank

11. D) The past and the present are intricately related…

12. C) Dinosaurs have a rather negative image....

13. C) The grand tour was a journey

14. B) Inventors need to adopt

15. A) Researchers studied a species of female bird

16. B) The huge rise in new global middle class

17. A) American Indians ...opportunities ( this option discusses how the scholarship can
provide Native Americans who don’t have resources to fund education with numerous
opportunities to work in tribal areas.)

18. C) For the body to work properly

19. B) Homeostatic sleep needs to be differentiated from other main type of sleep - slow wave
05. C) Most predators get advantages attacking in a group

20. A) Most students were not familiar with biology

21. C) Universities are facing...

22. B) Although sth via crystallography

23. D) Student will find it strange.. emotions are bases on the functioning of nerve cells

24. C) We started to study architecture....for comparison......

25. B) Inventors need to adopt....

26. C) USA uses the progressive education system that includes the interest of students,
rigorous teaching method and disciplined educators

27. D) Experiment has shown that young children rely on their mother's clues......

28. C) At first, the internet was somewhat scary.......

29. C) The instructor told the students..

30. C) The seasteading movement isn’t...

31. C) Prof-reading is the last part of editing

32. C) Economic theories linking income and expenditure

33. C) The instructor told the students..

34. B) The speaker thinks that, passive relationship,.. students setting goals

35. A) The size of the other structures

36. D) The speaker highlighted the establishment of.....

37. B) When children are confronted with.....

38. B) The ecosystem in the Red Sea.

39. A) It took 18 years to solve problem

40. D) University of york, an important archaeological site......

41. C) The Grand Tour was made to Europe by young Englishmen of high class

42. C) The hippocampus, an important part of brain... about half a teaspoon

43. D) The speaker compares cognitive Human development to computer processes......

44. D) Researchers are investigating a 10th century settlement ....

45. D) Initially the internet was scary

46. C) While many of us believe that we should drink eight cups ..,

47. C) confusion in the conversation begins when ....

48. A) Macroeconomics addresses the wants in an individual level.

49. C) Women were considered significant in an Organization only after 1990.

50. A) The most effective one-on-one communication is body language. However, animals can
communicate more effectively as they don’t have any language.

51. B) Initially, preferred as...

52. C) Most pollution that affects people comes from their inside.

53. D) The economist Melton Friedman.. savings reduced

54. B) It was in the 1990’s.. woman leadership

55. C) the conversation began with a confusion.

56. C) The lecturer is giving(not using) a word association task

57. D) Scientists have been working on making a coating

58. B) The scientists view dreams as meaningless and random....

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