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English lecuture wise all MCQs for mids

Lectures 1 to 18 (Which are included in Mid term exams)

Lecture # 1:

1. What is the students asked to do in exercise (i)?

a) Find alternative spellings for theater and catalogue in the dictionary

b) Look up the past tense spelling of certain verbs

c) Define the words theatre and catalogue

d) Both a and b

Answer: d

2. In exercise (iv-a), what are the students asked to write?

a) The meanings of 'fast' and 'set'

b) The part of speech for 'fast' and 'set'

c) The number of different meanings for 'fast' and 'set'

d) Examples of sentences using 'fast' and 'set'

Answer: c

3. In exercise (iv-b), what word are students asked to look up meanings for?

a) Dictionary

b) Success

c) Play

d) Court
Answer: c

4. What kind of words are students asked to identify in exercise (vi-a)?

a) Adjectives

b) Verbs

c) Multi-word terms

d) Adverbs

Answer: c

5. What are students asked to identify about some words/phrases in exercise (vi-b)?

a) Their level of formality

b) Their country of origin

c) Their part of speech

d) Their pronunciation

Answer: a

6. What foreign words or phrases are students asked to look up in exercise (viii)?

a) Et cetera, e.g., et al.

b) Per se, avant garde

c) Et cetera, e.g., et al., a prior, coup d'état

d) Avant garde, faux pas

Answer: c

7. Who is the lecture handout from?

a) Professor Dr. Suriya Shafi Mir

b) Professor Dr. Widdowson

c) Amna

d) The textbook author

Answer: a

8. What subject does the lecture handout likely cover?

a) Mathematics

b) English language

c) History

d) Science

Answer: b

Lecture # 2:

1. What are phonemic symbols used for in dictionaries?

a) Indicating parts of speech

b) Showing word origins

c) Indicating pronunciation

d) None of the above

2. How many vowel phonemes are there in English?

a) 7

b) 12

c) 20

d) 24
3. What does a tiny mark above a word in a dictionary indicate?

a) Part of speech

b) Word origin

c) Stress

d) Definition

4. What happens when there is stress on different syllables of words with the same spelling?

a) The words have different meanings

b) The words are pronounced differently

c) The words belong to different parts of speech

d) The words become verbs

5. What technology do modern cash registers use to scan prices?

a) Graphics

b) Laser and bar code

c) Ledgers

d) Inventory

6. Where would you likely encounter a bar code?

a) Hospital

b) School

c) Item with price tag

d) Library

7. What is a bar code used for?

a) Scanning prices

b) Graphics in movies

c) Identifying inventory items

d) Adding numbers

8. What happened to the way monetary transactions are recorded at banks?

a) They moved online

b) They are manually written

c) They use graphics

d) They use thick lines

9. Computers are now a common household item. True or False?

10. What does the word "integral" mean in the passage?

a) Interesting

b) Unnecessary

c) Essential

d) External

11. What travel service often uses computers?

a) Banks

b) Schools

c) Travel agents

d) Hospitals

12. What does the word "encountered" most closely mean in the passage?

a) Avoided

b) Used

c) Damaged

d) Found

1. c

2. c

3. c

4. c

5. b

6. c

7. c

8. a

9. True

10. c

11. c

12. d

Lecture # 3:

1. What is the role of taxonomists according to Text 1?

a) To study plant physiology

b) To classify new plant species

c) To work in various fields of plant science

d) To know the relationships between plants

2. why is it important to classify new plant species?

a) For practical and scientific reasons

b) To help agriculturists and florists

c) To study native and cultivated plants

d) To know their proper scientific names

3. Text 2 states that a group refers to:

a) Persons in close physical proximity

b) Any number of persons in communication

c) Face-to-face or indirect communication

d) Communication using telegraphs

4. According to Text 3, what does plant physiology study?

a) How plants absorb minerals

b) The activities and functions of plants

c) How plants react to the environment

d) The process of plant reproduction

5. Text 4 suggests that reading for meaning is better than:

a) Reading aloud

b) Tracing words with fingers

c) Moving lips while reading

d) Carrying fingers along print

6. Text 5 states that grammar represents:

a) The sounds of a language

b) The basic units of meaning

c) The rules to form sentences

d) Our linguistic competence

7. According to Text 6, Chinese writing uses:

a) Thousands of characters

b) A spelling system

c) The Roman alphabet

d) Special rhyme books

8. In Text 7, what should a good listener do when attending a speech?

a) Prepare in advance

b) Choose a good seat

c) Review what was said

d) All of the above

9. Text 8 suggests that an effective listener takes steps to:

a) Understand the topic in advance

b) Acquire accurate information

c) Evaluate ideas expressed

d) React to the speech

10. According to Text 9, a good listener should:

a) Prepare, choose a good seat and review

b) Study the topic and speaker in advance

c) Take specific steps to understand accurately

d) Evaluate ideas when the speech ends

11. Text 10 states that effective listening is:

a) A deliberate process

b) Reviewing after the speech

c) An active process

d) Finding out about the speaker

12. Text 11 says that in mathematics:

a) We cannot add electric quantities

b) We should not attempt to add quantities in different units

c) We can add inches and gallons

d) Algebra quantities must be in the same units

13. Text 12 states that sedimentary rocks:

a) Accumulate mineral precipitates

b) Are cemented ocean deposits

c) Consist of limestone compounds

d) Result from weathering processes

14. According to Text 13, analog computers:

a) Operate by counting

b) Use changes in current

c) Are the same as digital computers

d) Represent physical processes

15. Text 14 compares mathematics to:

a) A language of numbers

b) A set of useful concepts

c) An area of study

d) A growing vocabulary

16. Text 15 states that newspapers:

a) Cover limited local areas

b) Allow quick advertising

c) Have extensive circulation

d) Are the largest advertising medium

17. Text 16 states that before 3 months, most infants:

a) Can produce 12 speech sounds

b) Make some recognizable syllables

c) Produce more vowels than consonants

d) Increase consonant sounds in the second year

18. Text 17 suggests famine exists due to:

a) Population growth

b) Lack of agricultural technology

c) Increased life expectancy

d) Density of city populations

19. According to Text 18, anxiety may cause:

a) Real or threatened danger

b) Increased heart rate

c) Loss of physical sensations

d) Lack of environmental control

20. Text 18 states that fear, unlike anxiety, is caused by:

a) Physical symptoms

b) Powerlessness

c) Extreme responses

d) Real or threatened danger


1. b

2. a

3. b

4. b

5. a

6. d

7. a
8. d

9. b

10. c

11. c

12. b

13. b

14. d

15. a

16. b

17. b

18. a

19. b

20. d

Lecture # 4:

1. What are the two possible states of the electronic switches inside a computer?

a) On and off

b) Open and closed

c) 1 and 0

d) High and low

2. What are three basic capabilities of most computers?

a) Arithmetic operations, decision making, and communication

b) Playing games, writing documents, and solving math problems

c) Input, output, and storage

d) Addition, subtraction, and multiplication

3. What allows a computer to read in data and information?

a) The output device

b) The processor

c) The input device

d) Memory

4. What allows a computer to print or display results?

a) The input device

b) Memory

c) The processor

d) The output device

5. What type of decisions can a computer's circuits make?

a) Subjective decisions about situations

b) Decisions based on its own judgment

c) Comparisons between numbers

d) Choices requiring original thought

6. Why can a computer carry out tasks much faster than a person?

a) It has more energy

b) It does not need to rest

c) It can think more logically

d) Electric pulses move rapidly

7. What is required for a computer to do anything useful?

a) To be turned on

b) To have programs installed

c) To be given instructions and information

d) To be connected to the Internet

8. Which best expresses the main idea of the passage?

a) Computers have changed the way many jobs are done

b) Instructions and data must be given to the computer to act on.

c) Computers are machines capable of processing and outputting

d) Without computers, many tasks would take much longer


1. a

2. a

3. c

4. d

5. c

6. d

7. c

8. b

Lecture # 5:

1. What does the text say was developed during the same period as early computers?

a) Logarithm tables and calculus

b) The abacus

c) Vacuum tubes

d) Integrated circuits

2. According to the text, who could be called the father of computers?

a) Henry Briggs

b) An American

c) Charles Babbage

d) A contemporary

3. What replaced vacuum tubes inside computers?

a) Slide rules

b) Transistors

c) Chips

d) Calculus

4. What does the text say was the first use of microminiaturization?

a) Abacus

b) Logarithm tables

c) Second-generation computers

d) Slide rule

5. What made computers smaller and faster?

a) Vacuum tubes

b) Microminiaturization

c) Logarithm tables

d) Slide rules

6. What is analog computer an instrument used for?

a) Counting

b) Multiplication and division

c) Mathematics

d) Aiming guns
7. What was used in the first digital computers?

a) Integrated circuits

b) Vacuum tubes

c) Logarithm tables

d) Microminiaturization

8. What is chip shorthand for?

a) Abacus

b) Calculus

c) Integrated circuit

d) Analog computer

9. What did Charles Babbage design?

a) The analytical engine

b) Vacuum tubes

c) Logarithm tables

d) Digital computer

10. What is integration of circuitry onto a chip called?

a) Microminiaturization

b) Slide rule

c) Abacus

d) Transistor

Correct answers:

1. a

2. c

3. b

4. c
5. b

6. b

7. b

8. c

9. a

10. a

Lecture # 6:

Here are 10 multiple choice questions generated from the passage along with answers:

1. What was one of the earliest calculating devices used by humans?

a) The slide rule

b) Fingers

c) The abacus

d) Logarithm tables

2. Who is considered the father of computers?

a) Henry Briggs

b) Charles Babbage

c) The Americans

d) The English

3. What replaced vacuum tubes inside computers?

a) Fingers

b) Transistors

c) Chips

d) Logarithm tables
4. What helped make computers smaller and faster?

a) Microminiaturization

b) Calculus

c) Fingers

d) Abacus

5. What was the first digital computer called?

a) Microminiaturization

b) The analytical engine


d) Transistor

6. What did logarithm tables help develop?

a) Fingers

b) Calculus

c) Mathematics

d) The abacus

7. What was invented in the 17th and 18th centuries?

a) Fingers

b) The slide rule

c) Logarithm tables

d) The analytical engine

8. What is integrated circuitry?

a) Putting circuits on chips

b) Using fingers to count

c) Inventing the abacus

d) Designing the analytical engine

9. What helped aim guns during wars?

a) The slide rule

b) Logarithm tables

c) Analog computers

d) Calculus

10. What may future computers look like?

a) Very similar to today's computers

b) Much different than today's computers

c) Use more vacuum tubes

d) Use slide rules


1. b

2. b

3. b

4. a

5. c

6. c

7. c

8. a

9. c

10. b

Lecture # 7:

1. What does the suffix '-able' usually indicate when added to a word?
a) Capable of being

b) Full of

c) Without

d) In the manner of

2. What does the prefix 're-' mean in words like 'react' and 'reactivate'?

a) Back

b) Before

c) Again

d) New

3. What part of speech does the suffix '-ion' usually create?

a) Adverb

b) Noun

c) Adjective

d) Verb

4. What does the suffix '-ize' mean when added to a word?

a) To make or do something

b) Capable of being

c) Full of

d) Having

5. Binary arithmetic is based on:

a) 8 digits

b) 10 digits

c) 2 digits

d) 16 digits
6. What is multiplexing?

a) Combining electrical signals on one link

b) Separating electrical signals

c) Speeding up electrical signals

d) Blocking electrical signals

7. What is a main job of a systems analyst?

a) Design programs

b) Operate computers

c) Provide details to programmers

d) Process information

8. What is a calculator that performs calculations manually called?

a) Analog calculator

b) Digital calculator

c) Manual calculator

d) Electromagnetic calculator

9. What has partly replaced the use of punched cards?

a) Printers

b) Flowcharts

c) Terminals and screens

d) Binary arithmetic

10. What is fiber optics a new development in?

a) Multiplexing

b) Communication

c) Calculation

d) Mechanization

1) a

2) c

3) b

4) a

5) c

6) a

7) c

8) c

9) c

10) b

Lecture # 8:

1. What does the prefix "il-" mean?

a) Possible

b) Impossible

c) Irregular

d) Illegal

2. What does the prefix "un-" mean?

a) Not

b) Under

c) Too little

d) Half

3. What does the prefix "post-" mean?

a) Before

b) After

c) Across

d) Below

4. What is one characteristic of synonyms?

a) They have exactly the same meaning in all contexts

b) They often have shades of meaning in addition to shared meanings

c) They can always be used interchangeably

d) They never have any differences in meaning

5. If a synonym can be used to mean "likely" but another synonym cannot, this demonstrates what

a) Synonyms have similar spellings

b) Synonyms have similar pronunciations

c) Synonyms do not always share all meanings

d) Synonyms are never exactly alike

6. How are "blame" and "denounce" different in meaning?

a) To blame is more severe than to denounce

b) To denounce refers to an error while to blame refers to stealing

c) To blame fixes responsibility while to denounce expresses public disapproval

d) There is no difference in meaning between them

7. What methods of vocabulary building are discussed in the lecture?

a) Context clues and dictionary use

b) Affixes, suffixes, synonyms and antonyms

c) Spelling rules and pronunciation guides

d) Grammar rules and sentence structure

8. What does the word "illimitability" mean?

a) Possible to limit

b) Already limited

c) Without limits

d) Limited size


1. b

2. a

3. b

4. b

5. c

6. c

7. b

8. c

Lecture # 9:

1. What are the three basic concepts that occur in data processing?

a) Input, storage, output

b) Input, processing, output

c) Processing, output, input

d) Storage, output, processing

2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT an example of input, processing and output?

a) Manufacturing garments

b) Performing calculations
c) Storing data on magnetic disks

d) Sorting pieces of information

3. The passage states that computers have changed work by:

a) Increasing creativity

b) Removing boring tasks

c) Decreasing workload

d) Both B and C

4. The central part of a computer system is called:

a) Secondary storage

b) The CPU

c) An output device

d) An input device

5. According to the passage, computers were previously:

a) Portable and compact

b) Expensive and large

c) Simple and small

d) Modern and advanced

6. The passage suggests that computers are:

a) Very limited in what they can do

b) Versatile depending on programming

c) Fixed single-purpose machines

d) Mainly used for addition

7. Data and programs are stored long-term on:

a) CPUs
b) High-speed internal memory

c) Magnetic storage devices

d) Input devices

8. The meaning of "enormous" (paragraph 1) is most similar to:

a) Tiny

b) Slow

c) Immense

d) Unimportant


1. b

2. a

3. d

4. b

5. b

6. b

7. c

8. c

Lecture # 10:

1. What are the two main types of mainframe computers?

a) Digital and analog

b) Desktop and laptop

c) Hybrid and analog

d) Analog and supercomputer

2. What percentage of large computers in use today are digital computers?

a) 50%

b) 80%

c) 90%

d) 95%

3. What does a digital computer get its name from?

a) Its size

b) Its speed

c) The digits used in its code

d) The number of calculations it can do

4. An analog computer works similar to what in how it continuously calculates?

a) A clock

b) A calculator

c) A car speedometer

d) A heart rate monitor

5. What type of computer combines digital and analog computers?

a) Desktop computer

b) Quantum computer

c) Hybrid computer

d) Supercomputer

6. What takes up more space in a powerful computer installation - the electronic components or the
peripheral devices?

a) The electronic components

b) The peripheral devices

c) They take up equal space

d) It depends on the specific installation

7. Mainframes have been weak in terms of:

a) Processing speed

b) Efficiency

c) Their mechanical devices

d) Programming languages

8. What refers to the way a digital computer does calculations step-by-step very quickly?

a) Processor

b) Cash register

c) Hard drive

d) Motherboard


1. a

2. c

3. c

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. c

8. b

Lecture # 11:

1. What does "vocalization" refer to?

a) Reading aloud.

b) Forming sounds of words silently.

c) Forming sounds of words even if not said aloud.

d) None of the above.

Answer: c

2. Why is vocalization considered a sign of a poor reader?

a) It is a common problem.

b) It shows dependency on lips rather than eyes and mind.

c) It leads to slow reading speed.

d) All of the above.

Answer: d

3. Understanding principles of writing like rhetoric helps improve reading because it:

a) Teaches you to read faster.

b) Helps you understand why and how a text is written.

c) Lets you answer the 3 questions - Why, What and How about a text.

d) Both b and c.

Answer: d

4. Making inferences in reading refers to:

a) Reading between the lines.

b) Understanding implied ideas.

c) Drawing logical conclusions about unstated ideas based on stated ideas.

d) All of the above.

Answer: d

5. When making inferences as a reader you should:

a) Avoid jumping to unsupported conclusions.

b) Use all available clues, your experience and logic.

c) Both a and b.

d) None of the above.

Answer: c

6. What can we logically conclude about why Sohail sits in the last row?

a) He dislikes his college courses.

b) He feels uncomfortable in the front row.

c) He is unprepared for class.

d) He has vision problems.

Answer: b

7. What additional information would help us better understand why Sohail sits in the back?

a) Whether he enjoys his college courses.

b) How he performs in his courses.

c) His preferences for seating arrangements.

d) His vision test results.

Answer: c

8. When making inferences it is best to:

a) Use common sense based on experience.

b) Avoid assumptions not directly supported.

c) Apply logic and reasoning.

d) All of the above.

Answer: d

Lecture # 12:
1. What does the lecturer want the students to do in the first activity?

a) Describe what they might infer from two hypothetical scenarios

b) Choose the correct inference from two pictures

c) Put a tick next to sentences that support given inferences

d) Read a passage and check statements supported by it

2. What does picture 1 depict?

a) An old woman asking for something

b) An old woman reacting to smoking

c) An old woman having vision problems

d) An old woman pointing at a sign

3. What is suggested about Sohail from the sample sentence activity?

a) Sohail dislikes his college courses.

b) Sohail is unprepared for his class.

c) Sohail feels uncomfortable sitting in the front row.

d) Sohail is farsighted.

4. What does the passage about super-automation suggest?

a) Computers will soon replace engineers and architects.

b) There will be more jobs for people who run electronic devices.

c) Super-automation has no disadvantages.

d) Laser technology is common in business.

5. What does excerpt 1a suggest?

a) The Earth borrows light from the Sun

b) The Earth's interior should be examined

c) The Sun generates its own energy

d) Planets shine brightly

6. What does excerpt 1b suggest?

a) The morning was bright

b) The weather promises improvement

c) Early mornings lead to rain

d) Catherine made accurate predictions

7. What sentiment is expressed in excerpt 1c?

a) Happiness about the past

b) Sadness about changes

c) Optimism about the future

d) Confusion about relationships

8. What do the poem “Sixty Eight Birthday” and accompanying definitions indicate?

a) Friends become gravestones

b) Milestones mark progress

c) Friends die as life goes on

d) Gravestones recall milestones

9. What is suggested about fog in the poem?

a) It is destructive

b) It moves quietly

c) It completely covers the land

d) It lasts a long time

10. Which statement expresses an opinion masked as a fact?

a) The economy is in poor shape

b) Neither candidate is qualified

c) Frozen meat tastes as good as fresh

d) Baudelaire made Poe famous

11. When separating facts from opinions, which statement is true?

a) Opinions cannot be proven false

b) Facts are sometimes incorrect

c) Opinions are often hidden as facts

d) Value words represent objective data

12. Which statement about Poe is an opinion?

a) He is the greatest horror writer

b) He couldn't pay his college debts

c) He should not have drunk alcohol

d) He was compared to Lovecraft

13. What is a time relater in the sample paragraph?

a) computers

b) since then

c) first working

d) digital

14. What is suggested about computer history?

a) Computers are very new inventions

b) Counting led to early computers

c) Several devices preceded computers as calculators

d) Analog computers came before digital ones

15. When was the first chip built into computers?

a) 1940s

b) 1950s
c) 1960s

d) 1970s


1. a

2. b

3. c

4. b

5. c

6. b

7. b

8. c

9. b

10. b

11. c

12. a

13. b

14. c

15. d

Lecture # 13:

1. What does the first part of the lecture focus on?

a) Distinguishing facts from opinions

b) Assessing scientific texts

c) Understanding value words

d) Evaluating evidence
Answer: a

2. Which of the following is an example given of a fact in the lecture?

a) The Alhmara Arts Council building is beautiful

b) The neem tree in our garden is 25 feet tall

c) Pakistan cricket team is the best

d) Frozen meat tastes good

Answer: b

3. Value words like "best" and "wonderful" often represent:

a) Objective facts

b) Subjective opinions

c) Neutral statements

d) Factual claims

Answer: b

4. When can a statement of fact be considered untrue?

a) When it matches reality

b) When evidence disproves it

c) When it becomes an opinion

d) When witnesses testify to it

Answer: b

5. What technique is used in the sample paragraph to show time sequencing?

a) Verb tenses
b) Adjectives

c) Lists

d) Adverbials

Answer: a

6. When did the first working digital computer get completed?

a) 1940s

b) 1950s

c) 1960s

d) 1970s

Answer: a

7. What was used in first-generation computers in the early 1960s?

a) Transistors

b) Vacuum tubes

c) Integrated circuits

d) Microchips

Answer: b

8. Computers with circuits on a single chip were produced in which generation?

a) First

b) Second

c) Third

d) Fourth

Answer: d
9. What expectation is stated about fifth-generation computers?

a) They will be worse than previous ones

b) They have already been produced

c) They will be better than previous ones

d) They will use new vacuum tubes

Answer: c

10. What disagreement is mentioned regarding the history of computers?

a) When counting started

b) Who invented calculus

c) Whether they have a long or short history

d) The usefulness of logarithms

Answer: c

11. Approximately when was the abacus invented?

a) 16th century

b) 17th century

c) 5000 years ago

d) 1800s

Answer: c

12. Who designed an early machine that became the basis for modern computers?

a) Vannevar Bush

b) Charles Babbage

c) A professor at IBM
d) An analog computer builder

Answer: b

13. When was the first analog computer built?

a) 1944

b) Early 1800s

c) 100 years before the first digital computer

d) 5000 years ago

Answer: c

14. What change happened in computer technology in the 1970s?

a) Vacuum tubes were introduced

b) Fifth generation computers emerged

c) Circuits were put on a single chip

d) Counting with fingers started

Answer: c

15. What does the last sentence predict about computer technology?

a) It will stabilize

b) It will have no more changes

c) It will become worse

d) It will undergo more changes

Answer: d

Lecture # 14:
1. The passage by Charles Dickens about Mrs Gargery cutting bread suggests that she cuts the bread in a
manner that is:

a) Relaxed and leisurely

b) Prudish and fussy

c) Angry and aggressive

d) Meticulous and precise

2. The excerpt from P.G. Wodehouse illustrates Jeeves's speech patterns as:

a) Long-winded and vague

b) Witty and humorous

c) Concise and evasive

d) Pompous and assertive

3. The description of Thomas Grandgrind in Hard Times portrays him as:

a) A carefree dreamer

b) A factual realist

c) A nervous worrier

d) An abstract philosopher

4. The first character description "He was a tiny fellow..." suggests the man appears:

a) Greedy and demanding

b) Frail and small

c) Sneaky and suspicious

d) Friendly and jovial

5. The descriptive phrase "a neat little woman" tells us Mrs Goss is:

a) Meticulous and tiny

b) Nosy and bothersome

c) Chatty and amiable

d) Strict and tidy

6. The portrayal "always peppered with a white-and-black bristle" indicates the farmer is:

a) Cheerful and outgoing

b) Crude and unrefined

c) Moody and depressed

d) Careless and casual

7. The description "very gentle...tut over his machine" shows the man is:

a) Clumsy and awkward

b) Absentminded and detached

c) Patient and soft-spoken

d) Rush and intolerant

8. The observation of the boy having "a kind of naked pertness" suggests he is:

a) Shameless and impudent

b) Nervous and timid

c) Friendly and innocent

d) Adventurous and bold


1. d

2. c

3. b

4. b

5. a

6. c

7. c

8. a

Lecture # 15:

1. What percentage of the total United States population does the table refer to?

a) The full population

b) Only certain segments of the population

c) The table does not specify

Explanation: The first true/false statement says "This table refers to the percentage of the total United
States population." So the table includes data on the full US population.

2. What was the annual death rate from heart disease in 1977?

a) 21.4%

b) We cannot tell from the information provided

c) It increased from 1900

d) It decreased from 1900

Explanation: The third true/false statement says heart disease has consistently been the major cause of
death. So we know it was the leading cause in 1977 as well, but there is no statistic provided for the
1977 rate specifically.

3. Which childhood disease was most serious in the early 20th century?

a) Cancer

b) Typhoid fever

c) Tuberculosis

d) Pneumonia

Explanation: The ninth true/false statement refers to typhoid fever being the most serious childhood
disease, which students have marked as true.

4. What does the abbreviation "n.a." stand for?

a) Not Available

b) Not Applicable

c) North America

d) Number Adjusted

Explanation: The tenth true/false statement explains that "n.a." means "Not Applicable."

5. How many languages have more than 300 million speakers according to the bar graph?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Explanation: The fifth true/false statement indicates there are two languages spoken by more than 300
million people.
6. What is the name of the sea west of Japan?

a) Sea of Japan

b) East China Sea

c) Pacific Ocean

d) Sea of Okhotsk

Explanation: The question asks us to name the sea west of Japan, which is the East China Sea based on
the information provided.

7. How far is the northern tip of Hokkaido from the southern tip of Kyushu?

a) About 1100 km

b) About 1500 km

c) About 2500 km

d) About 3500 km

Explanation: The last question states the distance between the northern tip of Hokkaido and southern
tip of Kyushu is approximately 2500 km.

8. Which statement comparing Asia's production of softwood and hardwood timber is TRUE?

a) More softwood timber is produced

b) More hardwood timber is produced

c) The production is about equal

d) The charts do not specify

Explanation: Statement A says softwood production is more important in Asia, which seems to match
the relative heights of the hardwood and softwood bars on the chart.

9. How many cubic meters of timber does Europe produce according to the chart?

a) 100 million

b) 150 million
c) 200 million

d) 300 million

Explanation: Statement E explains the numbers on the vertical axis are in millions, so Europe's bar
reaches about 200, indicating 200 million cubic meters.

10. Which best describes the language used to show non-equivalence?

a) More...than

b) Not equal to

c) Not the same as

d) All of the above

Explanation: The section on non-equivalence lists multiple ways to express the concept, including
more...than, not equal to, and not the same as.

Correct Answers:

1. a

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. c

6. b

7. c

8. b

9. d

10. d
Lecture # 16:

1. What is the tone of the statement "This place is in need of some costly renovation, and I expect the
landlord to get around to them any day now."?

a) Optimistic

b) Sentimental

c) Humorous

d) Bitter

Answer: a) Optimistic

2. What tone reflects the author's caring or sympathetic attitude?

a) Objective

b) Pessimistic

c) Caring

d) Angry

Answer: c) Caring

3. The passage provides descriptions of tone for:

a) A novel

b) An email
c) Statements about a house

d) A news article

Answer: c) Statements about a house

4. What is the stated purpose of labeling the statements with tones?

a) To analyze an author's writing style

b) To reveal the author's attitude

c) To critique passages from literature

d) To categorize types of writing

Answer: b) To reveal the author's attitude

5. Based on the passage, an optimistic tone would reflect which of the following attitudes?

a) Unhappy expectations for the future

b) Annoyance and irritation

c) Hopeful and positive outlook

d) Indifference and objectivity

Answer: c) Hopeful and positive outlook

Lecture # 17:

1. The examination system mainly trains students to:

a) Think for themselves

b) Memorize only what is prescribed

c) Read widely

d) Seek further knowledge

2. Examinations limit a student's reading because they:

a) Focus the reading

b) Do not encourage wide reading

c) Raise standards

d) Give teachers more freedom

3. Teachers are judged by:

a) The principal

b) Examination results

c) Their students

d) Their own exams

4. Successful students are:

a) The best educated

b) Good at working under stress

c) Creative thinkers

d) Expert exam writers

5. Global warming initially:

a) Helped end ice ages

b) Threatened humanity

c) Caused ozone depletion

d) Created the greenhouse effect

6. The greenhouse effect traps heat because:

a) Gases prevent energy reflection

b) The atmosphere is too thick

c) Earth loses too much heat

d) Sunlight is blocked

7. The greenhouse layer is made of:

a) Ozone

b) Glass

c) Gases

d) Clouds

8. I spend as much time as I can with the:

a) Parents

b) Siblings

c) Children

d) Relatives

9. Susan lent me her:

a) SUV

b) Compact car

c) Minivan

d) Sports car

10. We took the children to:

a) The mall

b) The museum

c) The zoo and circus

d) The park
11. An announcement was made for the owner of a:

a) Blue car

b) Red Mini

c) Green truck

d) White van

12. The circus will pay for:

a) The lost items

b) The damage

c) New tickets

d) A rental car

13. The policeman wanted to know if we were in:

a) An accident

b) A robbery

c) A high-speed chase

d) A fight

14. When I leave I am planning to go:

a) Home

b) On vacation

c) To visit family

d) On a cruise

15. Please don't forget to water my:

a) Houseplants

b) Garden

c) Lawn

d) Farm

1. b

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. a

6. a

7. c

8. c

9. d

10. c

11. b

12. b

13. a

14. c

15. a

Lecture # 18:

1. What term is used to refer to the internal storage locations of a computer?

a) Secondary memory

b) Primary memory

c) Memory

d) Real storage
Explanation: Paragraph 1 states "The term ‘memory’ is usually used to refer to the internal storage
locations of a computer. It is also called real storage or primary memory...". So memory, real storage,
and primary memory refer to the internal storage locations of a computer.

2. How is primary memory capacity often advertised?

a) In bytes

b) In bits

c) In kilobytes

d) In megabytes

Explanation: Paragraph 1 states computers are advertised based on memory capacity "For example,
computers are advertised as having memories of 16K or 152k, depending on their storage capacity.".
The K stands for kilobytes.

3. Why does primary memory need random access and speed?

a) To facilitate processing

b) To store programs and data temporarily

c) To work closely with the CPU

d) All of the above

Explanation: Paragraph 2 states "Primary memory is closely associated with the CPU because it stores
programs and data temporarily, thus making them immediately available for processing by the CPU. To
facilitate processing, two things are needed: random access and speed."

4. What allows the control unit to access addresses in primary memory very quickly?

a) The addresses are fixed

b) The contents of memory

c) The system of virtual storage

d) Secondary memory
Explanation: Paragraph 2 states "These addresses are like the addresses of houses, in that they do not
change. Because they are always fixed, the control unit knows where to find them at a very high speed."

5. What does the term "transiently" mean in paragraph 3?

a) Occasionally

b) Permanently

c) Temporarily

d) Randomly

Explanation: Paragraph 3 states information is kept in primary memory "transiently, which means that a
program, or parts of it, is kept in internal storage while the program is being executed." So transiently
means temporarily.

6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of random-access devices over sequential

a) Lower cost

b) Faster access time

c) Ability to bypass irrelevant data

d) More direct access to data

Explanation: Paragraph 4 states advantages of random access devices are direct access to data,
bypassing irrelevant data to reduce access time, and being faster than sequential devices. Cost is not

7. What does the term "virtual storage" refer to?

a) Primary memory

b) Secondary memory that is used to extend primary memory capacity

c) The contents of memory

d) The fixed addresses in memory

Explanation: Paragraph 4 defines virtual storage: "When disks are hooked up to the computer and used
as an extension of internal storage in order to increase the capacity of primary memory, this is called
virtual storage."

8. The main idea of the text is:

a) There are two types of memory: primary and secondary

b) Primary memory is more important than secondary memory

c) Secondary memory devices are unimportant in a computer system

d) Memory capacity depends on kilobytes and megabytes

Explanation: The passage focuses on introducing and describing the key properties of primary and
secondary memory. Choice A best captures this main idea.

9. According to the passage, microcomputers and minicomputers:

a) Have a dedicated function

b) Are too small to have secondary memory

c) Do not have parts of programs stored transiently in primary memory

d) None of the above

Explanation: Paragraph 3 states for mini and micro applications, "the computer performs the same
function, referred to as a dedicated function, all the time." It does not state the other options about
secondary memory or transient storage.

10. The term "wipes out" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:

a) Stores

b) Changes

c) Deletes

d) Locates
Explanation: Paragraph 2 states when the control unit finds memory locations, "it puts into the
compartments whatever must go there and wipes out whatever was stored there." So "wipes out"
means deletes or replaces previous contents.


1. c

2. c

3. d

4. a

5. c

6. a

7. b

8. a

9. a

10. c

All these MCQs are truly based on English handouts from Lec 1 to 18.

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