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Newsletter #1 nOVEMBER 2021


OCTOWARS entered its digitization phase in October. Below we will

briefly list what happened in each of the departments within the

DD schema desig
Implementation and setting up Django admin
Models designed to reassemble original ideas and excel docs
Daily meeting with the Game Dev team to consult about
Working on fixtures for a core set of card
Loaded fixtures (base 50 for now
A script for automation of preparation process is writte
Added method on model to automatically create DNA while
saving mode
Implementation for stacking deck
DNA implementatio
Study the documentation prepared by the Game Dev team

Free Set and Core Set with
First and Second Expansion
Alternative game modes and singleplayer can start to come up
from the gameplay sid
UX Research and Joint Meeting
Catchup of set
Thematic desig
Analysis of the First Expansion and the Second Expansio
MTG, Heartstone and Lor UX wireframe sketc
MTG and Hearthstone UX analysi
Meeting with the develope
UX Research meetin
Standardization of UX analysis standar
Checklist definition, analysis, discussion and workfram
RnD on the topic of crucial factors that are killing online card
Setting the card game error table according to the difficulty and
stage of resolution at Octowar
Setting a checklist of all subprojects required for the
implementation of Octowar
Establishing need links between subprojects checklist
definition, analysis, and discussio
Brainstorming about how to generate packet
Playtesting (No-Myth In / cirrina V Vanilla Beatdown)

Organizing the project, scheduling, and defiining topics to be
covered this wee
Setting goals and deadline
Communication within the design tea
Communication with other department
Meetings with all department
Market researc
Brief definitio
UX competition analysis and discussio
SWOT analysis
Defining and organizing files
Planning and developing the project idea and leading tea
Monitoring project progress and setting deadline
Solving issues that aris
Managing the money and wadge
Daily report
Evaluating project performanc
Creating inputs and outputs for each tea
Assessment and validation of all adopted solution
Daily and weekly TO DO LIS
Checklist definition, analysis, discussion and workframe


Creating a low fidelity wireframe for the “Coming soon” websit
Making in desktop, mobile and tablet variation
Preparation and production of illustration
Wireframe and placeholder for the cards


2021 Octowars

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