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School Name : SMPN 1 Pare

Subjects : Matenatika

Class : XIII( eight )

Semester : 1 ( one )

The Competency Standars : 1. Understand algebraic forms, relations, functions and straight
line equations.

The Basic Competencies : 1.2 breaks down the algebraic form into its factors.

Indicator : identifies the factor of the algebraic term of the difference of two squares
( x 2− y 2) identifies the factor of the algebraic term of the form x 2+ 2 xy + y 2 and
x 2−2 xy+ y 2

Time Allocation : 2 ×40 minutes

A. Learning Objectives Students can decompose the form of the differrence between two squares (
2 2
x − y ) into multiplication of factors Students can decompose the form of the algebraic additions ( x 2+ 2 xy + y 2)
into multiplication of factors Students can decompose the form of the algebraic additions ( x 2−2 xy+ y 2)
into multiplication of factors
 Expected student character
 Honest
 Confidence
B. Teaching Materials
1. Breaks down the algebraic form x 2− y 2 into its factors
2. Breaks down the algebraic form x 2+ 2 xy + y 2 into its factors
3. Breaks down the algebraic form x 2−2 xy+ y 2 into its factors
C. Learning Methods
1. Questions and Answer
2. Lecture
3. Game
D. Activity Steps
1. Opening
 Greeting
 Pray together to strart the lesson
 Asked the student health
 Covey learning objectives
2. Delivery of material
 The teacher reminds students about the multiplication of algebraic forms
 The techer delivers new material and proves the factoring of algebraic forms
x 2− y 2 , x 2 +2 xy+ y 2 , dan x 2−2 xy + y2
 The teacher gives an example and the students work together in the game
 Students take online test on
3. Closing
 Pray together to close the lesson
 Say “ have a nice day “
 Greeting for closing
E. Tool and Resources
Zoom, Microsoft Power Points,,
Nurharina, Dwi, dkk. Matematika konsep dan aplikasinya. Jakarta:Pusat Pembukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
F. Assessment of learning outcomes
Aspects of the assessment
1. Method of assessment : Online test via
2. Achievement indicators : identifies the factor of the algebraic term of the
difference of two squares x − y 2 , identifiesthe factor of the algebraic term of the

form x 2+ 2 xy + y 2 and x 2−2 xy+ y 2

3. Instrument form :

Assessment guidelines
Each type of question will get a value of 1 if true and get a value of 0 if it is false

performance value
Final Score= × 100
maximum value

G. Attitude Assessment
1. Can do and present the questions given by the teacher well( score is 3 )
2. Take the hard work and presentation, even if it’s not perfect( score is 2 )
3. Did not make a presentation, even though it was appointed by the teacher
performance value
Final Score= × 100
maximum value

Kediri, 30 December 2020

College Students

Imam Syafi’i
NIM : 180111005

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